DEMO-0570-2023 Office Use Only DEMOLITION APPLICATION Permit#: DrD -zfa f Permit Fee: $ \��J Town of(Lccnsbu y Invoice#: (GFJ2S:\ 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 P:518-761-8256 www.queensbury.net Flood Zone? Y N Reviewed By: Demolition Location: 43 Canterbury Drive- Glen Lake Tax Map ID #: 289-17-1 -26 **AN ASBESTOS REPORT IS REQUIRED WITH ALL DEMOLITION APPLICATION SUBMISSIONS** DEMOLITION INFORMATION: 1. Where will demolition material be disposed? Disposal Facility __._ • 2. Type of structure • •e demolished: ()) _Y _--.-.-�.., _- a. Residen d. Storage Building b. Garage NI e. Other: SEP 1 1 2023 c. Business II _ - 3. What type cr—lilities are connected to the structure: L3Oi1_ °f`:t7 'OC`'a '' a. Gas I I f. Well-Water Py�m __�_ b. Fuel Oil_ g. Public Sewer I c. Propanq--- h. Othe d. Electric I'' i. None e. Public Water 4. Have ALL utilities (water, electric, etc.) been disconnected? Yes ✓ No ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1. Two inspections are required: an inspection to determine that utilities are disconnected, and a final inspection after the structure is removed and the site is cleaned up and graded. 2. Twenty-four (24) hour notification is required for inspections. 3. Workers' Comp insurance information is required to be submitted with this application. Declaration: I acknowledge that no structure(s)will be removed from the parcel until the demolition application has been reviewed and approved by the Town of Queensbury Building& Code Enforcement and Zoning Departments and a permit has been issued. I have read and agree to the above: CONTACT INFORMATION: PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE, PLEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL • Applicant: Name(s): Northern Builders - Nicholas Denno (General Contractor) Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 33 Atwell Road Porter Corners NY 12859 Cell Phone: 518-796-6694 Land Line: 518-796-3774 Email: ndenno@northernbld.com • • Primary Owner(s): Name(s): John & Mary Jo Sabia Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 11 Naples Drive, Poughkeepsie NY 12603 Cell Phone: 845-380-8448 Land Line: N/A Email: docsabia@yahoo.com ❑ Check if all work will be performed by property owner only • Contractor: (List all additional contractors on the back of this form) Contact Name(s): Northern Builders Contractor Trade: General Contractor- Builder Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 33 Atwell Road Porter Corners NY 12859 Cell Phone: 518-796-6694 Land Line: 518-796-3774 Email: ndenno@northernbld.com **Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application** Contact Person for any questions regarding this project: Nicholas Denno Cell Phone: 518-796-6694 Land Line: 518-796-3774 Email: ndenno@northernbld.com ., • , PP' „' r 18 Blackberry Lane HEAL ''# Fr Queensbury, NY 12804 S. I ' '� ryan@clearvuinspections.com INSPECTIONS 518.832.9213 Pre-Demolition Asbestos Survey ,_..... ---,-----c Et( v Ei.--iz'2 rE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT \--- sEp 1 1 2023 Based on our limited examination,compliance with our comments shall not be construed as �ti -�`� full the plans and specifictions s , firt` TGWP� �� QUEENSBURY nce with the BuildingCod BUILDING ^• ?DES Ne -, :te.L-Ati/i•P X k , 71 i' 't 1; fit; ,,r . { c •f -r 4r+ -° . ry r ��,��,,;'K+z. �,..t.�y'g�-�y.�:`.�`!.,�`'`"Wyt�� .,�J��y"�cilr S(S��{�yj jyji'�d .1., .. '1' �tgu.riz 9'`$4�e.ti�,.•t�'�J'"_'�y�q�l'riy�4 t* J .''-'' _,A "` ' ..� its'1144: ' i �V rY'bd{i. .�.. “... e Y ' -c"A. I .,t TF '�L� °� ( � 1 1 1, "..Y,+iI .. . +" kK�c-..r+�.t, .�r«W-^ FINC `i-"dt ?F r✓ rya" w'^,.`-..- .� . _., ,..,..r.:,,_.,.,.7, ,,,.„.„..,....,„,.,... ..,,,,,,.__ ._,,,,..„:0 2 .._„....,...„_... --.,....4,..---.4.4 - . - 3 r"fr-7.'' '� -i!� V3 + ___,_ ,.... _ 'y • F. •5 �`+'l ,X F 1 ', ,,f KY �+ Y i-- .`. 'W _4,, �r�Y 1. �ht�, �.ir- .r '' . r• aj' '}K +1f 6 �'} is Y.T�`P C-4 +t.yl, ' 1K;t - 3 M '$r,A .j,RI "} -s'ft4 vY ,1 � �'',y_. ,+t� v t'i�.t` .t, ,�'Y r�3 r «aid }{ e ,s5 y r Y, 5:! e�''w S dwf t',�,ta*,,4- ,. 3 }G4,{ iV,Viei 5�ts V 4!$ q -`4. `,ut" , brF'i-r•-C, ' ra. 'Jy 4�v�" < it�9, fY 74ttit*tlet l'^ al.Wt'fi, l'' �F` C .-t .•ri e 31."j "r. n. P t1'•• 2�,3�APt°P,„ Farit7 'G.+�'N X j Cy ftV, `"Yh�'' s+Y.kW t al ;-. 1i, � '� V yi 1 i i r fi '� 't��, it k 1 a �t���YA" �y ^t lw„�l:, to B ,4.A`�4t c A �ry, ry .gA t I .3I 11: u C" S*f>9 ' 4.. .�.L'�i4 41',4 x1j'" 4 rogue ,,y � `11;,.� b } "' i'y e $4 as r>, a ,P yr 41 t,4 G4'y lr qx s ,:'r1'�>.,,,r' t'W+,e," „'.F "�' �pa�.r ,k" "y ' �^+.'!'Q �'' ,, glg- ..,.._, ,.,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,....„.#„,..„....„,r2r.,,,,,„,,,,,,, TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING & CO ES DEPT. PROJECT NUMBER PREPARED FOR Reviewed By: ' 10157 John Sabia Date: 11 Naples Drive SITE LOCATION Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 Single Family Deweling 43 Canterbury Drive PREPARED BY Queensbury, New York 12804 Ryan Wild 18 Blackberry Lane 289.17-1-26 DEMO-0570-2023 Queensbury, New York 12804 • Sabia, Mary Jo &John 43 Canterbury Dr Demolition of Residence ,John Sabia,43 Canterbury Drive,Queensbury,New York,12804 • Executive Summary Asbestos-Containing Material Field Survey • Single Family Deweling• 43 Canterbury Drive Queensbury, New York, 12804 I. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS • On September 22, 2022, an asbestos-containing material (ACM)field survey was conducted at 43 Canterbury Drive located in Queensbury, New York(Site).The site was inspected to determine the presence of ACM in preparation for renovation.The'ACM survey was performed at the request of John Sabia. A summary of asbestos-containing materials is provided in the following table. However, this report should be read in its entirety, including detailed information that is contained in other sections and appendices. A total of 34 samples were collected from 13 suspect homogenous materials. Summary Table of Asbestos-Containing Materials • Sam Ie;ID - _ : S ace.:Name." Numerica Resul Material'Cate o Friabilit No Asbestos Detected ***Electrical was on during the.survey and electrical insulation was not sampled*** Following the introduction, a table of ACM grouped by homogeneous areas is included in Appendix A of this report.A table presenting those materials sampled which did not contain asbestos can be found in Appendix B of this report.A complete listing of all suspect materials sampled is provided in Appendix C of this report. A photographic log is provided in Appendix D of this report.The original chain of custody&laboratory analytical reports are located in Appendix E of this report. • • Page 2 of 10 'John Sabia,43 Canterbury Drive,Queensbury,New York,12804 INTRODUCTION GENERAL INFORMATION ClearVU Inspections was retained by John Sabia to conduct a pre-demolition survey.All methods and procedures employed in this survey were done in accordance with NYSDOL(New York State Department of Labor), OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), and USEPA(United States Environmental Protection Agency) regulations and protocol. The information contained in this report has been collected in accordance with existing regulations. If this document is to be utilized for bidding quotations, it cannot be held binding and must be field verified by those contractors submitting bids. PURPOSE The purpose of this survey was to identify,document, and measure specified asbestos-containing materials in this building,which may be disturbed during renovation/demolition/rehabilitation activities. Samples were collected of suspect accessible asbestos-containing building materials.Should any materials be encountered that are not identified in this report,they should be assumed asbestos containing until a representative number of samples are collected to document these materials as non-asbestos containing. LIMITATIONS&SCOPE OF SERVICES Provide a visual inspection of all accessible building components to determine the presence of suspect materials.The inspector physically assessed, quantified and conducted bulk sampling as required of suspect ACM (Asbestos Containing Materials)which were accessible or exposed.This report represents the locations and quantities of ACM (Asbestos Containing Materials) present as well as all sampled materials that tested negative for the presence of asbestos and their locations. Bulk sample analysis was performed by a participating New York State Department of Health Environmental Approval Program (NYSDOH-ELAP) certified laboratory. Buildings where power is connected, electrical wire sheathing could not and was not sampled. SAMPLING METHODOLOGY During the visual inspection process, an inventory of suspect materials similar in appearance and composition was created and grouped into homogeneous sampling areas.A homogeneous area is defined as a surfacing,thermal or miscellaneous material that is uniform in texture, age, and appearance.A representative bulk sampling plan was created in accordance with current USEPA(United States Environmental Protection Agency) requirements and guidelines. Bulk samples were then collected of suspect ACM (Asbestos Containing Materials)to identify the presence • of asbestos. There are a number of materials,which rarely contain asbestos and are not specifically addressed in this report. Such materials include but are not limited to metal,glass, rubber, cinderblock and mortar. LABORATORY METHODOLOGY The friable bulk samples were analyzed by Polarized Light Microscopy(EPA Interim Method: Appendix A to Subpart F 40CFR Part 763)at magnifications ranging from 10x to 400x, and New York State Department of Health ELAP Item Number 198.1 (Polarized Light Microscopy Methods for Identifying and Quantitating Asbestos in Bulk Samples).The estimated phase abundances are provided in weight percent and are accurate to within 10 to 15 percent of the amount reported.These methods are sensitive to the detection of asbestos to less than one percent. Page 3 of 10 .John Sabia,43 Canterbury Drive,Queensbury,New York,12804 All non-friable organically bound (vinyl flooring, caulking, etc.) bulk samples were analyzed by New York State Department of Health ELAP Item Number 198.4(Transmission Electron Microscopy Method for Identifying and Quantitating Asbestos in Non-Friable.Organically Bound Bulk Samples). NOB samples were first reduced by the Gravimetric Matrix Reduction Method to determine if greater than one percent of material remained. If greater than one percent of the NOB material remained by weight,the sample was analyzed by Polarized Light Microscopy by New York State Department of Health ELAP Item Number 198.6 to determine if it contained greater than one percent asbestos. In accordance with New York State Department of Health regulations, Polarized Light Microscopy is not consistently reliable in detecting asbestos in non-friable organically bound materials, and in cases of a negative result TEM analysis is performed.This method is sensitive to the detection of asbestos to less than one percent by weight.A material is considered asbestos containing if it contains more than 1%asbestos. NYSDOL and USEPA regulations define asbestos containing material as containing greater than one percent (1%). Materials found to contain asbestos at concentrations of less than one percent(<1%) by weight are classified as containing trace amounts of asbestos. It should be noted, OSHA's definition of"asbestos containing" does not have a one percent(1%) cut-off,therefore, asbestos that is present in percentages less than one percent(<1%) continues to be covered by OSHA Construction Standard 29 CFR 1926.1101. Eurofins CEI-Lab ID#12048, completed the analysis. WARRANTY The field and laboratory results reported are considered sufficient in detail and scope to determine the presence of accessible and/or exposed asbestos-containing building materials.The findings contained within this report have been gathered in accordance with existing regulations and industry protocol. This survey and analytical methods have been used to provide information regarding the presence of suspect interior asbestos-containing building materials existing at the time of the inspection.This report is limited to the information available from the client at the time it was prepared. It is possible that conditions may exist which could not be identified within the scope of the survey or which were not apparent during the site visit. Page 4 of 10 John Sabia,43 Canterbury Drive,Queensbury,New York,12804 Appendix A: ACM Homogenous Area Table IVlater al ld.,. :;;`;Material` `.;:: 'Space Name: ,:';'Section,Narr e ' Friability` .`:, .Current Condition _ Result Quantity There are no homogenous materials for this project that are assumed or have tested positive containing asbestos Page 5 of 10 'John Sabia,43 Canterbury Drive,Queensbury,New York,12804 Appendix B: Tested Negative Homogenous Material Table Material: ' Material ` :Material: .` Space::Naiiie Section` Result :Category.; :Id.-;: .'':= _'. •:::.:-• :Name. Miscellaneous 001 001-Masonry Block(CMU) Exterior Dwelling Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) Miscellaneous 002 002-Masonry Block Mortar Exterior Dwelling Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) Miscellaneous 003 003-Caulk,Window Exterior Dwelling Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) Surfacing 004 004-Stone Foundation Mortar Exterior Dwelling Tested Negative by Lab Material (No Asbestos Detected) Miscellaneous 005 005-Roofing,Composite Shingle Roof Dwelling Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) Miscellaneous 006 006-Chimney Flashing Roof Dwelling Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) Miscellaneous 007 007-Roofing Paper/Felt Roof Dwelling Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) Surfacing 008 008-Textured Ceiling Material Upstairs Dwelling Tested Negative by Lab Material (Popcorn) Bedroom (No Asbestos Detected) Miscellaneous 009 009-Wallpaper Kitchen Dwelling Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) Miscellaneous 009 009-Wallpaper Upstairs Dwelling Tested Negative by Lab Bedroom (No Asbestos Detected) Surfacing 010 010-Ceiling Tile Kitchen Dwelling Tested Negative by Lab Material (No Asbestos Detected) Surfacing 011 011-Ceiling Tile Living Room Dwelling Tested Negative by Lab Material (No Asbestos Detected) `Miscellaneous 012 012-Gypsum Wallboard System Bathroom Dwelling Tested Negative by Lab • (Wallboard,Joint Tape,and Joint (No Asbestos Detected) Compound) Miscellaneous 012 012-Gypsum Wallboard System Downstairs Dwelling Tested Negative by Lab (Wallboard,Joint Tape,and Joint Bedroom (No Asbestos Detected) Compound) Miscellaneous 012 012-Gypsum Wallboard System Kitchen Dwelling Tested Negative by Lab (Wallboard,Joint Tape,and Joint (No Asbestos Detected) Compound) Miscellaneous 013 013-Vinyl Flooring Kitchen Dwelling Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) • Page 6 of 10 , -John Sabia,43 Canterbury Drive,Queensbury,New York,12804 Appendix C: All Suspect Materials Sampled Sample ID Space Name Section Material Analytical ' Regulatory Result _ Name . 'Result 001A Exterior Dwelling 001-Masonry Block(CMU) 0% Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) OO1B Exterior Dwelling 001-Masonry Block(CMU) 0% Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) 002A Exterior Dwelling 002-Masonry Block Mortar 0% Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) 002B Exterior Dwelling 002-Masonry Block Mortar 0% Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) 003A Exterior Dwelling 003-Caulk,Window 0% Tested Negative by Lab • (No Asbestos Detected) 003E Exterior Dwelling 003-Caulk,Window 0% Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) 004A Exterior Dwelling 004-Stone Foundation Mortar 0% Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) 004E Exterior Dwelling 004-Stone Foundation Mortar 0% Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) 005A Roof Dwelling 005-Roofing,Composite Shingle 0% Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) 005E Roof Dwelling 005- Roofing,Composite Shingle 0% Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) 006A Roof Dwelling 006-Chimney Flashing 0% Tested Negative by Lab • (No Asbestos Detected) 006E Roof Dwelling 006-Chimney Flashing 0% Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) 007A Roof Dwelling 007-Roofing Paper/Felt 0% Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) 007B Roof Dwelling 007-Roofing Paper/Felt 0% Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) 008A Upstairs Dwelling 008-Textured Ceiling Material 0% Tested Negative by Lab Bedroom (Popcorn) (No Asbestos Detected) 008E Upstairs Dwelling 008-Textured Ceiling Material 0% Tested Negative by Lab Bedroom (Popcorn) (No Asbestos Detected) 008C Upstairs Dwelling 008-Textured Ceiling Material 0% Tested Negative by Lab Bedroom (Popcorn) (No Asbestos Detected) 009A Kitchen Dwelling 009-Wallpaper 0% Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) 009E Upstairs Dwelling 009-Wallpaper 0% Tested Negative by Lab Bedroom (No Asbestos Detected) 010A Kitchen Dwelling 010-Ceiling Tile 0% Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) 010E Kitchen Dwelling 010-Ceiling Tile 0% Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) 011A Living Room Dwelling 011-Ceiling Tile 0% Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) 011E Living Room Dwelling 011-Ceiling Tile 0% Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) • 012A Kitchen Dwelling Multi-layer Parent Material Page 7 of 10 r. John Sabia,43 Canterbury Drive,Queensbury,New York,12804 Sample ID Space Name. Section Material Analytical Regulatory Result •' - - ,:. ,, . :.Name,' , , ,. Result. 012A-Joint Kitchen Dwelling 012-Gypsum Wallboard System 0% Tested Negative by Lab Compound (Wallboard,Joint Tape,and Joint (No Asbestos Detected) Compound) 012A-Joint Kitchen Dwelling 012-Gypsum Wallboard System 0% Tested Negative by Lab Tape (Wallboard,Joint Tape,and Joint (No Asbestos Detected) Compound) 012A- Kitchen Dwelling 012-Gypsum Wallboard System 0% Tested Negative by Lab Wallboard (Wallboard,Joint Tape,and Joint (No Asbestos Detected) Compound) 012E Downstairs Dwelling Multi-layer Parent Material • Bedroom 012E-Joint Downstairs Dwelling 012-Gypsum Wallboard System 0% Tested Negative by Lab Compound Bedroom (Wallboard,Joint Tape,and Joint (No Asbestos Detected) Compound) 012B-Joint Downstairs Dwelling 012-Gypsum Wallboard System 0% Tested Negative by Lab Tape Bedroom (Wallboard,Joint Tape,and Joint (No Asbestos Detected) Compound) 012B- Downstairs Dwelling 012-Gypsum Wallboard System ,0% Tested Negative by Lab Wallboard Bedroom (Wallboard,Joint Tape,and Joint (No Asbestos Detected) Compound) 012C Bathroom Dwelling Multi-layer Parent Material 012C-Joint Bathroom Dwelling 012-Gypsum Wallboard System 0% Tested Negative by Lab Compound (Wallboard,Joint Tape,and Joint (No Asbestos Detected) Compound) 012C-Joint Bathroom Dwelling 012-Gypsum Wallboard System 0% Tested Negative by Lab Tape (Wallboard,Joint Tape,and Joint (No Asbestos Detected) Compound) 012C- Bathroom Dwelling 012-Gypsum Wallboard System 0% Tested Negative by Lab Wallboard (Wallboard,Joint Tape,and Joint (No Asbestos Detected) Compound) 013A Kitchen Dwelling 013-Vinyl Flooring 0% Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) 013B Kitchen Dwelling 013-Vinyl Flooring 0% Tested Negative by Lab (No Asbestos Detected) Page 8 of 10 'John Sabia,43 Canterbury Drive,Queensbury,New York,12804 Appendix D: Photo Log - All Location Photos _ u r _,--, t-ann^ Or Y, ,,3r -�.�,,;1, ..�yN{=� •da�r��r.& ,^.d7yC 1kr'^Y '"a"*+. .K ;i." �+ �.e. 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NICK DENNO, This letter is to confirm that,per your request,National Grid has confirmed electrical service and meters have been removed from 43 CANTERBURY DR QUEENSBURY, NY. The work was processed on work order#30851629 and meter#27534114 has been removed. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact me at 315-468-7513. Sincerely, Mary Landers Customer Fulfillment nationaigrid Ii: TiijiTf E ---'', '�• °' ...IC SEP 1 1 2QZ3 GENERAL NOTES • MpNATDN vDNN Mrs DRATANC IS r.xd IR W DRf°-f •wRHT oR•Taw ON BY vu<ws(x a MKS • p as •' (;���rr��� �_4‘ ''' \ [ �1 f"-•"'"-'�'.• g�+ y' -f:u<N floe Ea*-.14xi- J FGFND y STA , TOWN N OF QUEENS{BU , imlfimual-w}.uixm . `1m«T.u famenT of . BUILDING .0 i 4 N!~ �I, CODES ,f`)✓ C' PROPERTY Lod SETBACKS ®ID IO DYR[b t91110 • TE :eJ n-1-» 1 \�\� . 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