10-16-2023 MTG#33 Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 272 REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING MTG#33 OCTOBER 16, 2023 RES. #352-371 7:01 PM BOH #65-72 TOWN BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT SUPERVISOR JOHN STROUGH COUNCILMAN ANTHONY METIVIER COUNCILMAN HARRISON FREER COUNCILMAN GEORGE FERONE COUNCILMAN TIMOTHY MCNULTY TOWN COUNSEL MARK SCHACHNER, ESQ. PRESS Look TV SUPERVISOR STROUGH called meeting to order.... PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY COUNCILPERSON TIMOTHY MCNULTY 1.0 BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTION ENTERING QUEENSBURY BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTION NO.: 352, 2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. George Ferone WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Harrison Freer RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns from Regular Session and enters into the Queensbury Board of Health. Duly adopted this 16th day of October, 2023, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Freer, Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty NOES: None ABSENT: None 1.1 PUBLIC HEARING- SEWAGE DISPOSAL VARIANACE APPLICATION OF ART NORTON Publication Date: September 30, 2023 SUPERVISOR STROUGH reviewed the application and requested two variances. TOM JARRETT-Thank you for the introduction. My name is Tom Jarrett with RU Homes Engineers. The Norton Family has property on Highview Lane just west of Dunham's Bay. They have a five-bedroom residence and currently the existing system is old, very tired and too close to the Lake. We looked at a number of locations on the property and I think you were all there today for a site visit. You can see the property is constrained by not only size but groundwater and bedrock. We found one corner of the property that is far from the Lake as Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 273 possible near Holly Lane where we can squeeze in a system. So, the variances are needed to accommodate the small footprint available. One variance is to the property line to the east and I talked with that neighbor informally and they were fine with that. The other variance is for using the recommended application rate for Eljen Replacement Systems in lieu of the Department of Health application rate which allows a slightly smaller system we feel that is needed to be able to fit the system in. Those are the variances that we need. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Thank you, any questions for the applicant's agent before I open up the public hearing? COUNCILMAN FREER-So this Eljen System is it same as the 30% reduction that was outlawed by the Lake George... MR. JARRETT-No, it is not. It's actually, Eljen has an application rate and the designed size that they review with the Department of Health and it is their design manual and it meets their guidelines that New York State approved several years ago. But, it is not technically the 33%. It is not a 33%reduction on top of that though. COUNCILMAN FREER-Thank you. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Okay, any other questions from the Town Board for the applicant's agent? All right, I will open the public hearing. Is there anyone present tonight that wishes to speak to Art Norton's 10 Highview Road application for two variances as I have described them? All right, I will close the public hearing. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING RESOLUTION APPROVING ART NORTON'SAPPLICATION FOR SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL VARIANCES RESOLUTION NO.: BOH 065,2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. George Ferone WHEREAS Art Norton(Applicant) filed an application for variances from provisions of the Town of Queensbury On-Site Sewage Disposal Ordinance, Chapter 136 to install a replacement wastewater treatment system with certain of its components as follows: 1. Disposal system toe of slope/toe of fill to be located 5'5"from the property line in lieu of the required 10' setback; and 2. Design of Eljen Enhanced Treatment Unit (ETU) disposal system to use Eljen replacement system soil application rate/soil permeability in lieu of the NYSDOH application rates; on property located at 10 Highview Road, Queensbury, and WHEREAS, the Town Clerk's Office published the Notice of Public Hearing in the Town's official newspaper and the Local Board of Health duly conducted a public hearing concerning the variance requests on October 16'', 2023, and Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 274 WHEREAS, the Town Clerk's Office has advised that it duly notified all property owners within 500 feet of the subject property, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,that 1. due to the nature of the variances, the Local Board of Health determines that the variances would not be materially detrimental to the purposes and objectives of this Ordinance or other adjoining properties nor otherwise conflict with the purpose and objectives of any Town plan or policy; and 2. the Local Board of Health finds that the granting of the variances is necessary for the reasonable use of the land and are the minimum variances which would alleviate the specific unnecessary hardship found by the Local Board of Health to affect the Applicant; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Local Board of Health hereby approves the application of Art Norton for variances from the Sewage Disposal Ordinance to install a replacement wastewater treatment system with certain of its components as follows: 1. Disposal system toe of slope/toe of fill to be located 5'5"from the property line in lieu of the required 10' setback; and 2. Design of Eljen Enhanced Treatment Unit (ETU) disposal system to use Eljen replacement system soil application rate/soil permeability in lieu of the NYSDOH application rates; on property located at 10 Highview Road, Queensbury and bearing Tax Map No: 239.15-1-17, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the ETU shall be maintained by the property owner in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations for the life of the system, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to forward by certified mail a certified copy of this Resolution to the Adirondack Park Agency for its review, and BE IT FURTHER, Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 275 RESOLVED, that this approval Resolution shall not be effective until 30 days after such notice to the Adirondack Park Agency and shall be subject to review by the Adirondack Park Agency during such period. Duly adopted this 16t'day of October, 2023, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Metivier, Mr. Freer, Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough NOES None ABSENT: None 1.2 PUBLIC HEARING- SEWAGE DISPOSAL VARIANCE APPLICATION OF JEANNE AUSTIN AND KARA HARADEN Publication Date: September 30, 2023 SUPERVISOR STROUGH reviewed the application requesting holding tanks for 103 Assembly Point Road. LUCAS DOBIE-Thank you Mr. Supervisor. Good evening, Board for the record Lucas Dobie with Hutchins Engineering representing Mrs. Jeanne Austin and Kara Haraden the owners of the property, the log home at 103 Assembly Point Road which is the narrow part of Assembly Point Road when you are coming down the hill before it widens out. So, we have the Lake on both sides. The property is quite low just over three feet above the Lake level so there is very limited solutions for the property. We feel that the holding tanks are the best solution as opposed to asking for a slew of variances and in which extraordinarily expensive systems that may be a bridge too far to pursue a treatment unit in a built-up field. So, our clients are comfortable with the holding tanks; two 2,000 gallon traffic rated tanks is what we propose that are a one piece body with them at the top to help prevent the... with no seam in the middle so we are concerned about the high ground water. So, we are traffic rated so they hold down very well in which usually floatation and they can be driven on. So, it is pretty straight forward. It is a yard area between the house and Assembly Point Road. Now there is an old septic tank and some sort of seepage area which we suspect is the laid out blocks. So we know that this would likely not pass the Park Commission Inspection at the time, so our client is trying to get out ahead of this. And it is their goal to do the work this fall, is my understanding. So, we are here to ask for your approval and be happy to answer any questions the Board may have. Thank you for your time. COUNCILMAN FERONE-Do they use that area that those tanks are going to go in, for parking? It looked like a lawn area but it did not look like they had any parking available. MR. DOBIE-Right, they do not have a designated park surface, parking area so that I presume on a busy Fourth of July weekend is pretty much park in the yard area. COUNCILMAN MCNULTY-When we looked at it, it appeared that the tanks will be in the middle of that parking area. Where would you put the pump out station where the place the truck can hookup to? Is it right in the middle of the lawn? MR. DOBIE-How they work with the pump outs they will have manholes risers and iron covers to grade so it will pop the four lids and I suspect they will just pull off to the side of Assembly Point Road. COUNCILMAN MCNULTY-I thought it was above ground to inside, underground with a manhole. MR. DOBIE-Correct,just pop the lid and put the hose in. COUNCILMAN MCNULTY-Thank you. MR. DOBIE-Thank you. Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 276 SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Okay, any additional questions for the applicant's agent? Then I will open up the public hearing. Is there anyone hear that would like to speak to the proposal before us from asking for variances to put in holding tanks of a total of 4,000 gallon capacity at 103 Assembly Point Road? All right, seeing no one I will close the public hearing. CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING RESOLUTION APPROVING JEANNE AUSTIN AND KARA HARADEN'S APPLICATION FOR SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL VARIANCES RESOLUTION NO.: BOH 066,2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Timothy McNulty WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr.Anthony Metivier WHEREAS, Jeanne Austin and Kara Haraden (Applicant) filed an application for variances from provisions of the Town of Queensbury On-Site Sewage Disposal Ordinance,Chapter 136,§136- 11 which requires applicants to obtain a variance for a holding tank and a variance from§136-1 IA as the Applicants wish to install two (2) 2,000 gallon capacity concrete septic holding tanks as a replacement septic system, for a total capacity of 4,000 gallons, in lieu of the required 3,500 gallon capacity on property located at 103 Assembly Point Road in the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, the Town Clerk's Office published the Notice of Public Hearing in the Town's official newspaper and the Local Board of Health duly conducted a public hearing concerning the variance requests on Monday, October 16'', 2023, and WHEREAS, the Town Clerk's Office has advised that it duly notified all property owners within 500 feet of the subject property, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,that 1. due to the nature of the variances,the Local Board of Health determines that the variances would not be materially detrimental to the purposes and objectives of this Ordinance or other adjoining properties nor otherwise conflict with the purpose and objectives of any Town plan or policy; and 2. the Local Board of Health finds that the granting of the variances is necessary for the reasonable use of the land and are the minimum variances which would alleviate the specific unnecessary hardship found by the Local Board of Health to affect the Applicants; and BE IT FURTHER, Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 277 RESOLVED,that the Local Board of Health hereby approves the application of Jeanne Austin and Kara Haraden for variances from the Sewage Disposal Ordinance to allow installation of two (2) 2,000 gallon capacity concrete septic holding tanks as a replacement septic system,for a total capacity of 4,000 gallons, in lieu of the required 3,500 gallon capacity on property located at 103 Assembly Point Road in the Town of Queensbury and bearing Tax Map No: 239.12-2-33, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to forward by certified mail a certified copy of this Resolution to the Adirondack Park Agency for its review, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that this approval Resolution shall not be effective until 30 days after such notice to the Adirondack Park Agency and shall be subject to review by the Adirondack Park Agency during such period. Duly adopted this 16t'day of October, 2023, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Freer, Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier NOES None ABSENT: None 1.3 PUBLIC HEARING- SEWAGE DISPOSAL VARIANCE APPLICATION OF SEAN CHANT Publication Date: September 30, 2023 SUPERVISOR STROUGH reviewed the application for 22 North Lane to get this a functioning septic system. GARY ROBINSON-I am Gary Robinson, consulting Engineer and this is Sean Chant, right here with me. I think you pretty much said what I was going to say. We are coming back with the onsite holding tanks 2,000 and a 1,500. We submitted this to the Town, John O'Brien looked at it and he said he blessed it but we had to come here of course, first. We are looking to get this done in the fall so we can get everything straightened out. It is designed for three bedrooms. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-We did get some correspondence about 15 minutes ago from a John Caffry. He thinks the size is inadequate for a three bedroom, however, you are listed on the assessment panel and by testimony by the owner that it is two bedrooms and regardless I want the public to know that the system that is going to be installed and it is high groundwater there and I see that you are going to be using tie downs and it has bells and alarms. So, regardless of whether you are using it personally or renting it. If the level of the tank gets to a certain point, there will be bells and whistles that shut the water down and the pump, the tanks will have to be pumped out. Usually what I notice is you get into a routine you know how many people have been there you know how active it has been and you get it pumped out anyways just so you do not have that happen to somebody. All right, so not quite accurate there, high groundwater you do have tie downs I see that in the plans. Access for pumping vehicle I, where it is located in my opinion the pumping vehicle will have no problem getting to it. Low flow fixtures required, do you have low flow fixtures in the residence already? I mean they are pretty standard these days. Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 278 MR. ROBINSON-Yes, and you can't buy any that are not low flowing now. They have all been replaced. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Okay, well I will allow the Town Board Members to ask any additional questions. Hearing none, seeing none. I will open up the public hearing. Is there any member of the public that wishes to speak on Sean Chant's, 22 North Lane? Yes, sir so if you guys could please sit down for a minute. If you will, (audio issue) and I do not know what is causing that? Please identify yourself for the sake of the record. JOHN CAFFRY-John Caffry. (audio issue) COUNCILMAN MCNULTY-Sorry, about that John. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Okay, all right. MR. CAFFRY-Try again? SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Yes, try again. MR. CAFFRY-Okay, John Caffry from Caffry and Flower in Glens Falls and we represent John Kelly who is the adjoining owner on the north side of the property. As, Mr. Strough noted, I filed a letter this afternoon which you guys just received but this system has been out of compliance since 2011. We are pleased that last year the Board asked the applicant to use a holding tank system because we think it is a definite improvement on this particular site. I, but we did have some concerns on the sizing of the system. It has been sized for three bedrooms. If it was only a three-bedroom house that would be adequate but the VRBO listing that Mr. Chant has on the internet says it is a four bedroom cottage. If you look at the listing it specifies the four bedrooms so that requires a 4,000 gallon holding tank not a 3,500 so if it continues to be my belief is that the system is undersized and ought to be expanded to 4,000. On the high ground water determination again it is probably got high ground water there, there is nothing in this particular plan that shows what is being done to determine whether or not if there is high ground water or whether or not it is being installed to deal with that situation. My other two other concerns appeared to have been addressed but I would also like to point out that last year this Board twice told the owner not to continue to rent this property until the system was replaced. But, he continued to rent it and that is shown by the VRBO's that I attached to your letter. So, we think it ought to be tabled until they redo the plans to address these two remaining issues. Any questions? SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Anything else? MR. CAFFRY-Not right now. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Okay, thank you. All right, will the applicant and the agent please return? So, I think we established but could you speak to it, how many bedrooms? SEAN CHANT-Folks, it is a two bedroom, VRBO says it is a two-bedroom cottage. It has always said two-bedrooms cottage on. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-So the size of your system is.. MR. CHANT-More than adequate. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-And it does say in the plans it talks about tie downs in high water situations so that something... MR. ROBINSON-They are heavy duty tanks to start and they do have tie downs and they have concrete blocks on each side of them so there is more than plenty we looked at having water created. Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 279 SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Okay, and you do agree not to rent it to until you get the new system in? MR. CHANT-That will be fine. We won't rent it until next summer. COUNCILMAN MCNULTY-What we are expecting is that you not to rent it until it is fixed. MR. CHANT-I mean it will be fixed this fall so next summer. COUNCILMAN MCNULTY-Thank you. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-So when we usually have something to that effect in our Resolution. So, I will read and I know we have one here, someplace. All right, so we, I am proposing that we put the Resolution before this Board with the condition that the structure on the property shall not be utilized for rental use until the Code Compliance onsite Wastewater System has been installed and approved by the Director of Buildings and Codes, okay? MR. ROBINSON-Yes. MR. CHANT-Yes. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Okay, Town Board? Tim? COUNCILMAN MCNULTY-I'm fine. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Okay, I forgot to ask if there is anybody else in the public here that would like to speak to this application? Seeing none, I will close the public hearing and entertain a motion to approve with the condition as stated, Town Attorney, Mark Schachner is there anything you would want to repeat? RESOLUTION APPROVING SEAN CHANT'S APPLICATION FOR SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL VARIANCE RESOLUTION NO.: BOH 067,2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Timothy McNulty WHEREAS, Sean Chant (Applicant) filed an application for a variance from Town of Queensbury On-Site Sewage Disposal Ordinance, Chapter 136, §136-11 which requires applicants to obtain a variance for a holding tank system as the Applicant wishes to replace a failed onsite septic system with a holding tank system consisting of two(2)holding tanks,one(1)with a 1,500 gallon capacity and one(1)with a 2,000 gallon capacity, for the total required capacity of 3,500 gallons on property located at 22 North Lane in the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, the Town Clerk's Office published the Notice of Public Hearing in the Town's official newspaper and the Local Board of Health duly conducted a public hearing concerning the variance request on Monday, October 16th,2023, and WHEREAS,the Town Clerk's Office has advised that it duly notified all property owners within 500 feet of the subject property, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 280 RESOLVED,that 1. due to the nature of the variance, the Local Board of Health determines that the variance would not be materially detrimental to the purposes and objectives of this Ordinance or other adjoining properties nor otherwise conflict with the purpose and objectives of any Town plan or policy; and 2. the Local Board of Health finds that the granting of the variance is necessary for the reasonable use of the land and is the minimum variance which would alleviate the specific unnecessary hardship found by the Local Board of Health to affect the Applicant; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Local Board of Health hereby approves the application of the Sean Chant for a variance from the Sewage Disposal Ordinance to allow installation of a holding tank system consisting of two (2)holding tanks, one (1) with a 1,500 gallon capacity and one (1) with a 2,000 gallon capacity, for the total required capacity of 3,500 gallons on property located at 22 North Lane in the Town of Queensbury and bearing Tax Map No: 226.19-1-60, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the premises shall not be rented until and unless the holding tank system has been approved and installed and determined to be in compliance as confirmed by the Director of Building and Codes Enforcement, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED,that the Town Board authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to forward by certified mail a certified copy of this Resolution to the Adirondack Park Agency for its review, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED,that this approval Resolution shall not be effective until 30 days after such notice to the Adirondack Park Agency and shall be subject to review by the Adirondack Park Agency during such period. Duly adopted this 16th day of October,2023,by the following vote: AYES Mr.Ferone,Mr.McNulty,Mr. Strough,Mr.Metivier,Mr.Freer NOES None ABSENT: None 1.4 PUBLIC HEARING -SEWAGE DISPOSAL VARIANCE APPLICATION OF PETER LEMPER Publication Date: September 30, 2023 SUPERVISOR STROUGH reviewed the application requesting two variances. Is the applicant or the applicant's agent here? Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 281 COUNCILMAN FERONE-The applicant's agent is online. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-All right, Mr. Murdock, can you hear us? ERIC MURDOCK-Hello there, can you hear me? SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Yes, loud and clear. MR. MURDOCK-Okay, yeah that description was accurate. We are looking at removing septic tank and installing a Claris Fusion and following it up with an ultra violet light for disinfection. And, due to the confined space we are going to be about five feet from the house and five feet from the property line. It is a very confined area where we are going to be working. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Okay, anything else? MR. MURDOCK-Yeah, the neighbor that we are encroaching on the property line has exactly the same situation and that maybe one of the next items that we're going to discuss this evening. They have exactly the same situation where there are going to be less than ten feet from the property line. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-All right, well I will give you the heads up the Town Board or at least some members of the Town Board have the same problem with both of these applications and that is you have an existing drywell. One drywell, for the entire residence and we are going to assume that is fairly aged. Why didn't you propose because they are rather lengthy lots that go some distance from the Lake why didn't you put in an absorption bed at a better location? MR. MURDOCK-Given the rough terrain and being a steep hill with a lot of exposed rock we felt that putting in treatment and disinfection would provide adequate levels of treatment and continue to use that drywell. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Well that might help as far as pathogens it doesn't help much mitigating phosphorus, nitrogen etc. and the existing drywell is you know something like 50 foot or less to the Lakeshore. I mean that... MR. MURDOCK-This drywell is over 50 feet from the Lake and the treatment system that we proposed does nitrogen removal. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Well you are not going any out of the secondary treatment. All right, question from Town Board for the applicant's agent? COUNCILMAN MCNULTY-What is the current capacity for the septic system in there now? MR. MURDOCK-Well it is certainly a three-bedroom house. I believe the tank, the septic tank that we are replacing is 500 gallons. COUNCILMAN MCNULTY-Within 50 feet of the Lake. MR. MURDOCK-No, no it is over 50 feet. It's the, existing drywell is about 70 feet from the Lake. COUNCILMAN MCNULTY-Thank you. COUNCILMAN FERONE-They are required to be 100 feet from the Lake is it not John? SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Yeah, well 200 feet in some cases. All right, there is a public hearing on this but I am not comfortable with the system that is being proposed here for one but I will open up the public hearing see if any member of the public wishes to speak to it then we will have the Town Board share their thoughts. Open public hearing on Pete Lempert, 30 Burnt Ridge Road, bringing in a new septic system in with a new Fusion tank. I do not have any problem with a Fusion tank but the existing drywell and one drywell. All right, any member of the public wish to speak to this application tonight? Please signify showing some interest seeing no interest I will close the public hearing. Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 282 PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Thoughts on behalf of the Town Board? COUNCILMAN FERONE-Again, John we were there today. I don't think I realize that the lots are very constrained in there but I know we would have some concerns where the effluent is going. How well the drywells are, how well they are going to absorb that, there are some concerns there. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-If I asked the applicant to come back with a better plan is that seem appropriate? COUNCILMAN METIVIER-I think so. COUNCILMAN FERONE-I would say so. COUNCILMAN MCNULTY-Yes, I would agree with that. John, do we know what is the age of that current tank that is in there now? And has it recently been inspected? Has it ever been inspected? COUNCILMAN FERONE-That is for Eric. COUNCILMAN MCNULTY-Yeah, Eric. MR. MURDOCK-It has not been inspected by Government related person. I mean I am assuming this thing is you know many, many years past it's useful life. You know, it needs to be updated. COUNCILMAN MCNULTY-But if I read your proposal you are not updating the septic tank you're, ... MR. MURDOCK-We are removing the septic tank and we are replacing it with a treatment tank that is going to provide our treatment and our nitrogen removal and we are going to provide disinfection and we are just going to use the drywell as a dispersal location. COUNCILMAN MCNULTY-Okay, so let me ask my question again what is the age of the drywell? And has that been inspected? MR. MURDOCK-The drywell, well we are assuming that the drywell dates back to whenever the cottage was built you know 60 years ago, 70 years ago. We don't expect the drywell is going to structurally deteriorate over time it's still a bunch of laid up blocks or rocks and it will continue to pass water. It is just now the water will be treated and disinfected. COUNCILMAN MCNULTY-Thank you. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-All right, so. COUNCILMAN FREER-But it is not going to have the same capability to remove phosphorus that a leach field would does it? SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Well the secondary treatment would eliminate additional phosphorus, nitrogen is different. COUNCILMAN FREER-Is is the other way around? SUPERVISOR STROUGH-The other way around. All right, so I do not know I am reading the Town Board, Mr. Murdock would like you to come back to us. I will leave this open. I will even leave the public hearing open and we will carry it on to a meeting when you come to us with something a little more satisfactory and I think we are going to run into the same problems with the next one but we will deal with that shortly. Okay? MR. MURDOCK-All right. Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 283 No action taken, public hearing left open. 1.5 PUBLIC HEARING- SEWAGE DISPOSAL VARIANCE APPLICATION OF JACK SEITZ Publication Date: September 30, 2023 SUPERVISOR STROUGH reviewed the application for two variances. ERIC MURDOCK-This drywell will handle the water, the volume of liquids from this house that's an absolute that's a guarantee. After we put treatment in front of it there won't be a bio mat there will be nothing slowing the water from entering the ground that I am very confident in that. If the issue is the close proximity of the drywell to the Lake due to phosphorus well that is a valid point if that is part of the design criteria there's some phosphorus reduction that. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-All right, so do I, Town Board your thoughts are to treat this the same way as the previous one? COUNCILMAN FERONE-Yes. COUNCILMAN MCNULTY-Yes. COUNCILMAN METIVIER-I think so, yes. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-All right, Mr. Murdock I am going to open up the public hearing and is there anyone here that wishes to speak to Jack Seitz's application for Disposal Variance for this system? Seeing nobody here, I will leave the public hearing open. We are proposing that we do not act on this one as well and that we allow Mr. Murdock to come back with a system that is more suitable in design and safer for the Lake than what is being proposed before us tonight. Okay, Mr. Murdock? MR. MURDOCK-Okay. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-All right, thank you. No action taken, public hearing left open. 1.6 PUBLIC HEARING- SEWAGE DISPOSAL VARIANCE APPLICATION OF CURTIS AND TAMARA CARSTENSEN Publication Date: September 30, 2023 SUPERVISOR STROUGH reviewed the application requesting eight variances. BOB HOLMES-Good evening, Bob Holmes with Holmes Engineers. Mr. Supervisor, I think you provided a pretty good summary for us. Just a little bit to expand on the variances required on the leaching device itself. It's side lot property lines that is being sought for the setback. There maybe I don't know but it is fully understood that variances three and four with regards to the force main is we have to cross Holly Lane the Town Road. So, it is the case as we cross a road we are crossing the property lines on both sides. Then we look at for the residents the Lakefront residents to the east of Holly Lane. We will have setback issues with regards to the property lines to the north and the residents immediately to the south and the reason we are placing these structures in these locations is this is where the current discharge points are from the home and if we were to move it further away it means we have to move it up the hill. The tanks would either have to go significantly deeper into the ground or we could potentially be looking at an additional ejector pump station. The last two I like to think are very self- explanatory. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-And to your credit, you moved the absorption fields far from the Lake you could possibly get. All right, questions for the applicant's agent from the Town Board? Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 284 COUNCILMAN MCNULTY-This explanation is what we did today during the walk through. I think you explained it very well sir, thank you. COUNCILMAN FERONE-Yes. MR. HOLMES-Okay. SUPERVISOR STROUGH-Okay, there is a public hearing on this application tonight. Is there any member of the public that wishes to speak to Curtis & Tamara Carstensen's proposed septic system and variances? Seeing none, I will close the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED RESOLUTION APPROVING CURTIS AND TAMARA CARSTENSEN'S APPLICATION FOR SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL VARIANCES RESOLUTION NO.: BOH 068,2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. George Ferone WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Harrison Freer WHEREAS Curtis and Tamara Carstensen (Applicants) filed an application for variances from provisions of the Town of Queensbury On-Site Sewage Disposal Ordinance, Chapter 136 to install a replacement on-site wastewater treatment system with certain components to be located or used as follows: 1. Disposal system toe of slope/toe of fill to be located 3.5'±from the north property line in lieu of the required 10' setback; 2. Disposal system toe of slope/toe of fill o be located 5'± from the south property line in lieu of the required 10' setback; 3. Force main to be located 0' from the property line east of Holly Lane in lieu of the required 10' setback; 4. Force main to be located 0' from the property line west of Holly Lane in lieu of the required 10' setback; 5. Septic tank to be located 4'± from the structure east of Holly Lane in lieu of the required 10' setback; 6. Septic tank to be located 3'± from the property line east of Holly Lane in lieu of the required 10' setback; 7. 1'l" of existing/naturally occurring soil with a minimum of 2.5' of specified fill to meet the fill/built-up system to groundwater and bedrock requirement of 3' within 1,000' feet of Lake George; 8. Eljen (ETU) mound to be used as leaching facilities in fill system/material in lieu of an absorption field(Chapter 136-1 OB{61); on property located at 17 and 18 Holly Lane, Assembly Point in the Town of Queensbury, and Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 285 WHEREAS, the Town Clerk's Office published the Notice of Public Hearing in the Town's official newspaper and the Local Board of Health duly conducted a public hearing concerning the variance requests on October 16t', 2023, and WHEREAS, the Town Clerk's Office has advised that it duly notified all property owners within 500 feet of the subject property, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,that 3. due to the nature of the variances, the Local Board of Health determines that the variances would not be materially detrimental to the purposes and objectives of this Ordinance or other adjoining properties nor otherwise conflict with the purpose and objectives of any Town plan or policy; and 4. the Local Board of Health finds that the granting of the variances is necessary for the reasonable use of the land and are the minimum variances which would alleviate the specific unnecessary hardship found by the Local Board of Health to affect the Applicants; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Local Board of Health hereby approves the application of Curtis and Tamara Carstensen for variances from the Sewage Disposal Ordinance to install a replacement on- site wastewater treatment system with certain components to be located or used as follows: 1. Disposal system toe of slope/toe of fill to be located 3.5'±from the north property line in lieu of the required 10' setback; 2. Disposal system toe of slope/toe of fill o be located 5'± from the south property line in lieu of the required 10' setback; 3. Force main to be located 0' from the property line east of Holly Lane in lieu of the required 10' setback; 4. Force main to be located 0' from the property line west of Holly Lane in lieu of the required 10' setback; 5. Septic tank to be located 4'± from the structure east of Holly Lane in lieu of the required 10' setback; 6. Septic tank to be located 3'± from the property line east of Holly Lane in lieu of the required 10' setback; 7. 1'l" of existing/naturally occurring soil with a minimum of 2.5' of specified fill to meet the fill/built-up system to groundwater and bedrock requirement of 3' within 1,000' feet of Lake George; 8. Eljen (ETU) mound to be used as leaching facilities in fill system/material in lieu of an absorption field(Chapter 136-1 OB{61); on property located at 17 and 18 Holly Lane,Assembly Point in the Town of Queensbury and bearing Tax Map Nos: 239.12-2-54 and 239.12-2-60, and Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 286 BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the ETU shall be maintained by the property owner in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations for the life of the system, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to forward by certified mail a certified copy of this Resolution to the Adirondack Park Agency for its review, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that this approval Resolution shall not be effective until 30 days after such notice to the Adirondack Park Agency and shall be subject to review by the Adirondack Park Agency during such period. Duly adopted this 16t'day of October, 2023, by the following vote: AYES Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Freer, Mr. Ferone NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION GRANTING LYNNE COLLEEN MCNEIL RUTNIK ADDITIONAL EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMPLETE NEW CODE COMPLIANT SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 316/321 GLEN LAKE ROAD RESOLUTION NO.: BOH 069,2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Harrison Freer WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. George Ferone WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 380, 2018, the Queensbury Town Board adopted Local Law 2 of 2018 entitled "Septic Inspection Upon Property Transfer" which is set forth at Queensbury Town Code Chapter 137 (Chapter 137), and WHEREAS, Chapter 137 requires inspection of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS) prior to the transfer of ownership of certain real property and provides that a $2,000 escrow deposit will be forfeited to the Town in the event that completion of a wastewater treatment system meeting all standards is not completed within the time provided, and WHEREAS,Lynne Colleen McNeil Rutnik(Applicant)previously advised the Town Board, as the Town's Local Board of Health,that she acquired the majority interest in the property located at 316/321 Glen Lake Road identified as Tax Map Nos: 289.9-1-83 and 289.9-1-58 (Property) on or about October 31 st, 2022, and by letter dated 5 April 2023, advised that the existing structure Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 287 on such Property will be demolished and the onsite wastewater treatment system removed; however, due to litigation regarding full ownership of the Property,the demolition of the structure and the onsite wastewater treatment system removal process would not be completed within the required six (6) month time period, and WHEREAS, Applicant therefore requested that the Town Board grant additional time to complete such work and extend the date on which the $2,000 escrow deposit Applicant previously deposited with the Town be automatically forfeited until October 17th, 2023 and in the meantime, Applicant advised that the structure would not be inhabited, and WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: BOH 28, 2023, the Town Board approved Applicant's requested additional time until October 17th, 2023 to complete work, and WHEREAS,by letter dated 4 October 2023,Applicant has advised that due to the continuing litigation, the work has not been completed and therefore Applicant has requested a six month extension or until April 17th, 2024 to complete such work and the Director of Building and Codes Enforcement has recommended Town Board approval of this requested extension, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,that the Queensbury Town Board,as the Town's Local Board of Health,hereby authorizes and grants Lynne Colleen McNeil Rutnik additional time to obtain a certificate of compliance from the Town's Building and Codes Enforcement Office to complete demolition of the existing structure and installation of a new Code compliant onsite wastewater treatment system on Property located at 316/321 Glen Lake Road, Queensbury and to extend the date on which the $2,000 escrow deposit shall be automatically forfeited until April 17th, 2024 with the condition that the structure on the Property shall not be inhabited and the Property shall not be utilized for rental use until demolition is complete and a new Code compliant onsite wastewater treatment has been approved and installed as confirmed by the Director of Building and Codes Enforcement and authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor and/or Director of Building and Codes Enforcement to and take all actions necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 16th day of October, 2023, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Freer, Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty NOES None ABSENT : None RESOLUTION GRANTING HEIDI SCHILLE AND NICOLE FRANK AN EXTENSION OF TIME TO COMPLETE NEW CODE COMPLIANT SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 384 CLEVERDALE ROAD Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 288 RESOLUTION NO.: BOH 070,2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Timothy McNulty WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Harrison Freer WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 380, 2018, the Queensbury Town Board adopted Local Law 2 of 2018 entitled "Septic Inspection Upon Property Transfer" which is set forth at Queensbury Town Code Chapter 137 (Chapter 137), and WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 176, 2019,the Town Board adopted Local Law 5 of 2019 and by Resolution No. 47, 2020, adopted Local Law 1 of 2020 to make additional minor modifications to Chapter 137, and WHEREAS, Chapter 137 requires inspection of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS) prior to the transfer of ownership of certain real property and provides that a $2,000 escrow deposit will be forfeited to the Town in the event that completion of a wastewater treatment system meeting all standards is not completed within the time provided, and WHEREAS, a change of deed for Heidi Schille and Nicole Frank's (Applicants) property located at 384 Cleverdale Road, Queensbury identified as Tax Map No.: 226.12-1-57 occurred and when the required property transfer septic inspection took place on or about May 22, 2023, no existing sewage disposal system was found and therefore the property transfer septic inspection failed and a replacement septic system will not able to be completed within the required six (6) month time period, and WHEREAS,by letter dated October 1, 2023, Applicants advised that due to time constraints for design, possible variances, winter conditions and/or contractors' availability, Applicants have requested that the Town Board grant additional time to complete such work and extend the date on which the $2,000 escrow deposit Applicants previously deposited with the Town be automatically forfeited to June 1", 2024 and the Director of Building and Codes Enforcement has recommended Town Board approval of this requested extension, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,that the Queensbury Town Board,as the Town's Local Board of Health,hereby authorizes and grants Heidi Schille and Nicole Frank additional time or until June 1st, 2024 to obtain a certificate of compliance from the Town's Building and Codes Enforcement Office as set forth in Chapter 137 to complete installation of a new Code compliant sewage disposal system on property located at 384 Cleverdale Road, Queensbury and to extend the date on which the $2,000 escrow deposit be automatically forfeited to the Town until such date of June 1st, 2024 with the condition(s) that in the meantime, the property shall not be utilized for rental purposes until Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 289 the new Code compliant sewage disposal system has been approved and installed as confirmed by the Director of Building and Codes Enforcement, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED,that the Town Board, as the Town's Local Board of Health, further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor and/or Acting Director of Building and Codes Enforcement to and take any and all actions necessary to effectuate all terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 16th day of October, 2023, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Metivier, Mr. Freer, Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough NOES None ABSENT : None RESOLUTION SETTING PUBLIC HEARING ON SEWAGE DISPOSAL VARIANCE APPLICATION OF CHRISTOPHER MARTIN RESOLUTION NO.: BOH 071,2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. George Ferone WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Harrison Freer WHEREAS,the Queensbury Town Board serves as the Town's Local Board of Health and is authorized by Town Code Chapter 136 to issue variances from the Town's On-Site Sewage Disposal Ordinance, and WHEREAS, Christopher Martin (Applicant) has applied to the Local Board of Health for a variance from Chapter 136, §136-11 which requires applicants to obtain a variance for a holding tank and a variance from§136-1 lA as the Applicantwishes to install two(2) 1,500 gallon capacity concrete septic holding tanks as a replacement septic system to service the existing four(4)bedroom residence, for a total capacity of 3,000 gallons, in lieu of the required 4,000 gallon capacity, and WHEREAS, the Applicant has also applied for additional variances from Chapter 136 to allow installation of the: 1. holding tanks 3' from the west property line in lieu of the required 10' setback; 2. holding tanks 5' from the south property line in lieu of the required 10' setback; 3. pump station 47' from the Lake George Shoreline in lieu of the required 50' setback; and 4. force main 7' from the south property line in lieu of the required 10' setback; Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 290 on property located at 370, 372 Cleverdale Road in the Town of Queensbury, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,that the Town of Queensbury Local Board of Health will hold a public hearing on Monday, November 6th, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Queensbury Activities Center, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, to consider Christopher Martin's sewage disposal variance application concerning property located at 370, 372 Cleverdale Road in the Town of Queensbury and bearing Tax Map No.: 226.12-1-61 and at that time all interested persons will be heard, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Local Board of Health authorizes and directs the Queensbury Town Clerk to publish the Notice of Public Hearing presented at this meeting and send a copy of the Notice to neighbors located within 500 feet of the property as required by law. Duly adopted this 16t'day of October, 2023, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Freer, Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION ADJOURNING QUEENSBURY BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTION NO.: BOH 72, 2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Harrison Freer WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. George Ferone RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Board of Health hereby adjourns and moves back into the Regular Session of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted this 16th day of October, 2023, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Freer, Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty NOES None ABSENT: None 2.0 PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR FOR RESOLUTIONS ONLY (LIMIT—3 MINUTES) DAN SILVEY & JASON MILLER-Spoke regarding Resolution 3.10, `Resolution Setting Public Hearing on West Glens Falls Emergency Squad, Inc.'s Proposal to Purchase a 2023 Demers Ambulance and Use Tax-Exempt Financing' and Resolution 3.11, `Resolution Setting Public Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 291 Hearing on West Glens Falls Emergency Squad, Inc.'s Proposal to Purchase a 2025 Demers Ambulance and Use Tax-Exempt Financing'. TRAVIS WHITEHEAD, Ward 4-Spoke regarding Resolution 3.8, `Resolution Authorizing Transfer of Funds from Undesignated General Fund Balance to Replenish Capital Reserve No. 64 and Equipment/Vehicle Replacement Capital Project Fund No. 195' and Resolution 3.12, `Resolution to Amend 2023 Town Budget'. DAVE JUDKINS, Butler Pond Road-Spoke regarding Resolution 3.8, `Resolution Authorizing Transfer of Funds from Undesignated General Fund Balance to Replenish Capital Reserve No. 64 and Equipment/Vehicle Replacement Capital Project Fund No. 195' and Resolution 3.12, `Resolution to Amend 2023 Town Budget'. 3.0 RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION ACKNOWLEDGING AND ACCEPTING THE INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANT'S REPORT ON APPLYING AGREED-UPON PROCEDURES OF QUEENSBURY TOWN COURT FOR YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2022 RESOLUTION NO.: 353, 2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Harrison Freer WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 295, 2019, the Queensbury Town Board engaged the services of BST & Co. CPAs, LLP to provide cash receipts and disbursement services to the Town of Queensbury for the years ending December 31, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023, and WHEREAS, the New York State Uniform Justice Court Act §2019-a and Town Law §123 set forth annual reporting, accounting and audit requirements for Town Courts, and WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed BST & Co. CPAs, LLP's Independent Accountant's Report on Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures pertaining to the Queensbury Town Court for the year ended December 31, 2022 and the Town Board wishes to acknowledge and accept the Report as having fulfilled the Town Board's responsibility to audit the Town Justices' records, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury hereby acknowledges and accepts the Independent Accountant's Report on Applying Agreed-Upon Procedures of the Queensbury Town Court for the year ended December 31, 2022 as required by New York State Uniform Justice Court Act§2019-a and Town Law §123 as delineated in the preambles of this Resolution, and BE IT FURTHER, Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 292 RESOLVED,that the Town Board authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to send a copy of such Report with a certified copy of this Resolution to the New York State Unified Court System via email to: Joan Casazza, Chief Internal Auditor at: jcasazzao,nycourts.gov or via lst class mail to: Daniel Johnson, Chief Internal Auditor NYS Unified Court System, 2500 Pond View, Suite LLO1 Castleton-on-Hudson,NY 12033 and the Town Supervisor, Town Clerk, Town Justices and/or Town Budget Officer to take such other and further action as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 16th day of October, 2023, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Freer NOES None ABSENT None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING HIGHWAY TRUCK REPAIRS BY HENDERSON PRODUCTS, INC. RESOLUTION NO.: 354, 2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Harrison Freer WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury's Highway Superintendent wishes to arrange for Henderson Products,Inc.to make required repairs to one of the Highway Department trucks(Truck), and WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent has advised that Henderson Products, Inc., is the original factory that built the Truck and such repairs will be provided by insurance recovery funds and therefore obtaining a second quote as required by the Town's Purchasing Policy for purchases over $2,500 is not feasible, and WHEREAS,the Town Board accordingly wishes to waive the Town Purchasing Policy's self- imposed requirement for two written(2)quotes in this instance and authorize the needed truck repairs, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that for the reasons outlined above and in this circumstance, the Queensbury Town Board hereby waives its requirement under the Town of Queensbury's Purchasing Policy for two (2)written quotes for purchases over$2,500, and Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 293 BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED,that the Town Board hereby approves and authorizes the repairs to the Town Highway Department's Truck by Henderson Products, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $17,221.55 to be paid from the appropriate account(s) as may be determined by the Town Budget Officer and the Town Budget Officer is authorized and directed to amend the Town Budget and/or take any and all actions needed to effectuate payment, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor, Town Highway Superintendent and/or Town Budget Officer to take such other and further actions as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 16t'day of October, 2023, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Freer NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION APPROVING RE-PURCHASE OF CEMETERY LOTS IN PINE VIEW CEMETERY FROM LLOYD JONES & SYLVIA KERCHNER RESOLUTION NO.: 355, 2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Harrison Freer WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury Cemetery Commission previously sold two (2) cemetery lots in the Pine View Cemetery to Lloyd Jones and Sylvia Kerchner in Seneca Plot, Lot(s) No: 4-F, and WHEREAS, Lloyd Jones and Sylvia Kerchner have requested that the Town's Cemetery Commission buy back such lots, and WHEREAS, the Cemetery Commission and Cemetery Superintendent have recommended re-purchase of such lots and approval by the Town Board, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 294 RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves of the Cemetery Commission's re-purchase of two(2)cemetery lots in the Pine View Cemetery from Lloyd Jones and Sylvia Kerchner in Seneca Plot, Lot(s)No: 4-F for the total amount of$800, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes and directs the Cemetery Superintendent to arrange for payment of such amount to Lloyd Jones and Sylvia Kerchner and properly account for the sales in the Town's books and records, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Cemetery Superintendent and/or Town Budget Officer to take any other actions necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 16t'day of October, 2023, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Freer NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AWARD OF BID FOR PURCHASE OF 2023 OR NEWER ALL ELECTRIC SUV AWD FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT RESOLUTION NO.: 356, 2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Harrison Freer WHEREAS, in accordance with Resolution No.: 293, 2023, the Town of Queensbury's Purchasing Agent advertised for bids and also provided specifications for a 2023 or newer Subaru Solterra or comparable all electric SUV AWD with less than 5,000 miles to the New York State Office of General Services Procurement Program for the Community Development Department, and WHEREAS, on September 26t', 2023 the Town Purchasing Agent opened all received bids, and along with the Town's Director of Planning, Zoning and Community Development, reviewed such bids and recommended that the Town Board authorize the bid award to the lowest, responsible bidder, Romeo Toyota, for a 2023 Toyota BZ4X for an amount not to exceed $43,491.50, Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 295 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby accepts and awards the bid for a 2023 Toyota BZ4X for the Community Development Department to the lowest, responsible bidder, Romeo Toyota, for an amount not to exceed $43,491.50 as set forth in Romeo Toyota's September 19th, 2023 Bid Proposal substantially in the form presented at this meeting, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that such purchase shall be paid for from Equipment Vehicle Replacement Capital Project Fund No. 195, Account No.: 195-1640-2020, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor, Director of Planning, Zoning and Community Development, Purchasing Agent and/or Town Budget Officer to take any and all action necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 16th day of October, 2023, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Freer NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT BETWEEN TOWN OF QUEENSBURY AND TRI-COUNTY LITERACY CENTER, INC. RESOLUTION NO.: 357, 2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr.Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Harrison Freer WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board believes it is appropriate and beneficial to the Town to provide remedial reading services to Town of Queensbury adult residents with reading difficulties and therefore wishes to enter into an agreement with Tri-County Literacy, Center,Inc.,for the provision of these services, and WHEREAS, a proposed Agreement has been presented at this meeting, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 296 RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves of the Agreement between the Town and Tri-County Literacy Center, Inc. for the year 2023 with funding for the Agreement not exceeding the sum of $7,500 and authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to execute the Agreement, with funding to be paid for from the appropriate Town account(s) as will be determined by the Town Supervisor and/or Town Budget Officer. Duly adopted this 16t'day of October, 2023, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Freer NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION SETTING PUBLIC HEARING ON TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 2024 PRELIMINARY BUDGET RESOLUTION NO.: 358, 2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Harrison Freer WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board has prepared a Preliminary Budget for the Town of Queensbury and its Districts for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2024, and WHEREAS,the Town Board wishes to approve the Preliminary Budget and conduct a public hearing, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves the Town of Queensbury Preliminary Budget for 2024, comprised of statements of appropriations and estimated revenues, a copy of which is attached and made a part of this Resolution, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that copies of the 2024 Preliminary Budget for the Town of Queensbury shall be filed in the Town of Queensbury Town Clerk's Office, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury where it shall be available for inspection by interested persons during regular business hours, and BE IT FURTHER, Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 297 RESOLVED,that the Town Board will conduct a public hearing on Monday,November 6t', 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Queensbury Activities Center, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury and all interested persons will be heard concerning the Town's Preliminary Budget, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED,that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Queensbury Town Clerk to publish and post a Notice of Public Hearing in the manner provided by Town Law §108, such Notice to be substantially in the following form: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY FOR THE YEAR 2024 NOTICE is hereby given that the Preliminary Budget of the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren, State of New York for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 2024, which includes the S495 Exemption Impact Report, has been filed in the Queensbury Town Clerk's Office where it is available for inspection by any interested person during normal business hours. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that the Queensbury Town Board will hold a public hearing on Monday, November 6th, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Queensbury Activities Center, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury and that at such hearing the Town Board shall hear all interested persons concerning the Preliminary Budget. AND FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with Town Law§108 that the proposed salaries of Town of Queensbury elected officials for Year 2024 are as follows: TOWN SUPERVISOR 67,276. TOWN COUNCILPERSON(4) 18,000. TOWN CLERK 90,300. TOWN HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT 90,300. TOWN JUSTICES (2) 61,517 For further information or to inspect a copy of the proposed Preliminary Budget, all interested persons may contact the Queensbury Town Clerk's Office, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury at(518) 761-8234 or visit the Town's website at: www.queensbury.net and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED,that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor, Town Clerk and/or Town Budget Officer to take all actions necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 16t'day of October, 2023, by the following vote: Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 298 AYES Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Freer NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM UNDESIGNATED GENERAL FUND BALANCE TO REPLENISH CAPITAL RESERVE NO. 64 AND EQUIPMENT/VEHICLE REPLACEMENT CAPITAL PROJECT FUND NO 195 RESOLUTION NO.: 359,2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr.Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Harrison Freer WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 400,2015, in order to comply with the requirements of Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 54, Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Definitions (GASB54), the Queensbury Town Board adopted a Fund Balance Policy, and WHEREAS, in accordance with such Fund Balance Policy, the Town Budget Officer has recommended that the Town Board authorize the transfer of: 1. $1,800,000 from the Town's Undesignated, Unassigned General Fund Balance to Capital Reserve No. 64; and 2. $200,000 from the Town's Undesignated, Unassigned General Fund Balance to Equipment/Vehicle Replacement Capital Project Fund No. 195; in order to fund future capital projects, and WHEREAS,the Town Board concurs with the Town Budget Officer's recommendation, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board authorizes and directs the Town Budget Officer to transfer: 1. $1,800,000 from the Town's Undesignated, Unassigned General Fund Balance to Capital Reserve No. 64; and 2. $200,000 from the Town's Undesignated, Unassigned General Fund Balance to Equipment/Vehicle Replacement Capital Project Fund No. 195; Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 299 and make any adjustments,budget amendments,transfers or prepare any documentation necessary to establish appropriations and estimated revenues and take all other actions necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 16t'day of October, 2023, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Freer NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AGREEMENTS BETWEEN TOWN OF QUEENSBURY AND CONSTELLATION ENERGY SERVICES OF NEW YORK, INC., FOR POWER SALE RESOLUTION NO.: 360,2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr.Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Harrison Freer WHEREAS, by Resolution No: 221, 2020,the Queensbury Town Board authorized Power Sale Agreements with Constellation Energy Services of New York,Inc., (Constellation)through the MEGA Program through November, 2023 in an effort to reduce energy costs, and WHEREAS, the Town wishes renew such Agreements with Constellation to continue its effort to reduce energy costs, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes Confirmation Agreements between the Town of Queensbury and Constellation Energy Services of New York, Inc., in substantially the form presented at this meeting and/or in form acceptable to the Town Supervisor, Town Budget Officer and/or Town Water Superintendent/Wastewater Director and authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to execute the Agreements, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED,that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor, Town Water Superintendent/Wastewater Director and/or Town Budget Officer to take such other and further action as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 16t'day of October, 2023, by the following vote: Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 300 AYES Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Freer NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION SETTING PUBLIC HEARING ON WEST GLENS FALLS EMERGENCY SQUAD, INC.'S PROPOSAL TO PURCHASE A 2023 DEMERS AMBULANCE AND USE TAX-EXEMPT FINANCING RESOLUTION NO.: 361, 2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Harrison Freer WHEREAS, in accordance with New York State Public Health Law Article 30,the Town of Queensbury and the West Glens Falls Emergency Squad, Inc. (Squad) have entered into an Agreement for general emergency ambulance services within the Town,which Agreement sets forth a number of terms and conditions, including a condition that the Squad will not purchase or enter into any binding contract to purchase any piece of apparatus, equipment, vehicles, real property, or make any improvements that would require the Squad to acquire a loan or mortgage without prior approval of the Queensbury Town Board, and WHEREAS, the Squad has advised the Town Board that it wishes to trade-in its 2017 Demers MXP150 F-450 4x4 Ambulance 712 and purchase a 2023 Demers MXP150 F-450 4x4 Diesel Ambulance with liquid springs at a purchase price not to exceed $264,250, and WHEREAS, the trade-in value of the ambulance being replaced will be $40,000, bringing the new ambulance's purchase price down to $224,250, and WHEREAS, the Ambulance will be owned and used by the Squad to provide general emergency ambulance services to the Town and maintained at the Squad's building located at 86 Luzerne Road in the Town of Queensbury, New York, and WHEREAS,the Squad plans on paying for the proposed, new Ambulance by using: 1. $ 59,000—cash down-payment from its current budget; and 2. $ 165,250 maximum amount of tax-exempt financing having a 60 month term with the Adirondack Trust Company; and WHEREAS,the Town Board wishes to set a public hearing concerning the Squad's proposed purchase, as Town Board approval of such proposed purchase is required by the Squad's Agreement Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 301 with the Town, and such proposed tax-exempt financing requires a public hearing under the Internal Revenue Code, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board shall conduct a public hearing concerning West Glens Falls Emergency Squad Inc.'s proposed Ambulance purchase delineated in the preambles of this Resolution and the financing of such proposed purchase using tax-exempt financing, on Monday,November 6t', 2023 at 7:00 p.m., and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED,that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Queensbury Town Clerk to publish a Notice of Public Hearing in the Post-Star Newspaper once at least fourteen (14) days prior to the Public Hearing. Duly adopted this 16t'day of October, 2023, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Freer NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION SETTING PUBLIC HEARING ON WEST GLENS FALLS EMERGENCY SQUAD, INC.'S PROPOSAL TO PURCHASE A 2025 DEMERS AMBULANCE AND USE TAX-EXEMPT FINANCING RESOLUTION NO.: 362, 2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Harrison Freer WHEREAS, in accordance with New York State Public Health Law Article 30,the Town of Queensbury and the West Glens Falls Emergency Squad, Inc. (Squad) have entered into an Agreement for general emergency ambulance services within the Town,which Agreement sets forth a number of terms and conditions, including a condition that the Squad will not purchase or enter into any binding contract to purchase any piece of apparatus, equipment, vehicles, real property, or make any improvements that would require the Squad to acquire a loan or mortgage without prior approval of the Queensbury Town Board, and WHEREAS, the Squad has advised the Town Board that it wishes to purchase a 2025 Demers MXP150 F-450 4x4 Diesel Ambulance with liquid springs at a purchase price not to exceed $284,250, and Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 302 WHEREAS, the Squad will not take possession of this Ambulance until a mid-2025 timeframe due to a long lead-time for production scheduling, thereby requiring a commitment by the Squad in 2023 to purchase the Ambulance, and WHEREAS, no upfront payment/deposit is required for such purchase commitment, and WHEREAS, the Ambulance will be owned and used by the Squad to provide general emergency ambulance services to the Town and maintained at the Squad's building located at 86 Luzerne Road in the Town of Queensbury, New York, and WHEREAS,the Squad plans on paying for the proposed, new Ambulance by using: 1. $ 74,250—cash down-payment from its budget; and 2. $ 210,000 maximum amount of tax-exempt financing having a 60 month term with the Adirondack Trust Company; and WHEREAS,the Town Board wishes to set a public hearing concerning the Squad's proposed purchase, as Town Board approval of such proposed purchase is required by the Squad's Agreement with the Town, and such proposed tax-exempt financing requires a public hearing under the Internal Revenue Code, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board shall conduct a public hearing concerning West Glens Falls Emergency Squad Inc.'s proposed Ambulance purchase delineated in the preambles of this Resolution and the financing of such proposed purchase using tax-exempt financing, on Monday,November 6t', 2023 at 7:00 p.m., and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED,that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Queensbury Town Clerk to publish a Notice of Public Hearing in the Post-Star Newspaper once at least fourteen (14) days prior to the Public Hearing. Duly adopted this 16t'day of October, 2023, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Freer NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION TO AMEND 2023 TOWN BUDGET Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 303 RESOLUTION NO.: 363,2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Harrison Freer WHEREAS,the Town of Queensbury Budget Officer has duly initiated,justified and deemed compliant the following Budget Amendment Requests with Town operating procedures and accounting practices, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town's Accounting Office to take all action necessary to amend the 2023 Town Budget as follows: To Code Appropriation Code Appropriation $ 001-1990-4400 Misc. Contractual 001-1680-2032 Software 10,000 001-1990-4400 Misc. Contractual 001-1430-4720 Consultant 5,000 001-1990-440 Misc. Contractual 001-1910-4200 P&L Insurance 5,100 001-1990-4400 Misc. Contractual 001-1920-4040 Prof. Dues 50 001-3989-4400 Misc. 001-1990-4400 Misc. Contractual Contractual 750 Increase Revenue 004-0000-52680 Insurance 16,222 Recovery Increase Appropriation 004-5130-4110 Vehicle Repair 16,222 Duly adopted this 16t'°day of October, 2023 by the following vote: AYES Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Freer NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF DUMP TRUCK FOR TOWN WATER DEPARTMENT FROM NATIONAL AUTO FLEET GROUP PER SOURCEWELL CONTRACT RESOLUTION NO.: 364, 2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Harrison Freer Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 304 WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury Water Superintendent has requested approval to purchase a 2024 Ford Super Duty F-450 4WD Dump Truck for the Water Department from National Auto Fleet Group (Fleet), a participating member of Sourcewell Contracting, for the amount of $78,559.10 as set forth in Fleet's 10/10/2023 Re-Configured Quote ID 4: 25878 R4 per Sourcewell Contract 4: 091521-NAF, and WHEREAS, the New York State Legislature adopted legislation allowing any political subdivision in New York State to "piggyback"off an existing County/State Bid and therefore in this instance, the Town of Queensbury is "piggybacking" with the cooperative, municipal purchasing program Fleet for the Truck, and WHEREAS, the Water Superintendent has requested authorization to purchase needed ancillary equipment to make the truck Water Department ready for a total amount not to exceed $1,500, and WHEREAS,the Town Board wishes to authorize such purchase, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Water Superintendent/Wastewater Director's purchase of a 2024 Ford Super Duty F-450 4WD Dump Truck for the Town Water Department from National Auto Fleet Group (Fleet) a participating member of Sourcewell Contracting, for the amount of $78,559.10 as set forth in Fleet's 10/10/2023 Re- Configured Quote ID 4: 25878 R4 per Sourcewell Contract 4: 091521-NAF, substantially in the form presented at this meeting, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED,that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Water Superintendent to purchase needed ancillary equipment to make the truck Water Department ready for an additional amount not to exceed $1,500, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs that funding for such purchase shall be by a transfer of$80,060 from the Water Department's undesignated, unassigned fund balance Account No.: 040-0000-0909 to Vehicles Account No.: 040-8340-2020 and the Town Budget Officer shall amend the Town Budget, make any adjustments, budget amendments, transfers and/or prepare any documentation necessary to effectuate payment, and BE IT FURTHER, Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 305 RESOLVED,that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor,Water Superintendent and/or Town Budget Officer to take such other and further actions as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 16th day of October, 2023, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Freer NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TOWN CLERK TO SUBMIT FOOTHILL BUILDERS LLC'S PETITION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE TO QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD RESOLUTION NO.: 365, 2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr.Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Harrison Freer WHEREAS, Foothills Builders, LLC (FB) submitted a Petition for Change of Zone application to the Queensbury Town Clerk's Office on or about October 5, 2023 to allow for a change of zoning district designation for a parcel identified as Tax Map No: 303.5-1-79 from Commercial Intensive (CI) to Moderate Density Residential (MDR), and WHEREAS, by the same application FB is also requesting an amendment to the Zoning Code to state that Multifamily Dwellings in the Moderate Density Residential (MDR) zoning district shall be entitled to a density of six (6) dwelling units per acre, in accordance with §A183-26, subject to the following: (1) the Lot shall have a minimum gross land area of ten (10) acres; (2) the Lot shall be served by municipal water and sewer; and (3) two points of ingress and egress to the Lot shall be required from local arterial roads or collector roads, and WHEREAS, FB has also submitted applications to the Planning Board for Site Plan Review and Wetlands Permit approvals to construct sixty-four(64)multifamily dwelling units and a community building on said parcel, and WHEREAS, the application has been reviewed by the Town's Senior Planner and deemed complete for purposes of review, and WHEREAS, applications for zoning changes are subject to Warren County Planning Department review in accordance with New York State General Municipal Law §239-m, and Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 306 WHEREAS, applications for zoning changes may be forwarded to the Town Planning Board for recommendations in accordance with §179-15-040 of the Town Zoning Ordinance, and WHEREAS, following such recommendations, the Town Board will review the application and take such other actions as it shall deem necessary and proper, and WHEREAS, prior to making a decision about whether to approve the zoning change, it is necessary to conduct a review under the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) for potential environmental effects, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby requests that the Planning Board seek Lead Agency status for SEQRA review of the proposed zoning changes and Site Plan Review requested by FB as delineated in the preambles of this Resolution, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to forward FB's application received by the Town Clerk's Office on or about October 5, 2023 to the Queensbury Planning Board for review, report and recommendation on the proposed zoning change, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to submit the application to the Warren County Planning Department for NYS GML §239-m review, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to execute any necessary documentation and the Town Supervisor, Town Clerk and/or Department of Community Development to take any other necessary actions to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 16t'day of October, 2023 by the following vote: AYES Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Freer NOES None ABSENT: None Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 307 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENGAGEMENT OF THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OF SIEWERT EQUIPMENT TO REPAIR VERTICAL TURBINE PUMP AT TOWN WATER TREATMENT PLANT RESOLUTION NO.: 366, 2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Harrison Freer WHEREAS, by Resolution Nos: 308 and 403 of 2022, the Queensbury Town Board authorized engagement of Siewert Equipment(Siewert)to refurbish a Vertical Turbine Pump(Pump) at the Town's Water Treatment Plant, and WHEREAS, the Water Superintendent has advised that an Inspection Report by Siewert dated October 9, 2023 has revealed that another Pump at the Plant requires repairs which repairs necessitate the disassembly of the Pump and its removal by a 30 ton crane for its trucking and transportation for such repairs, and WHEREAS, the necessary repair work cannot be determined or completed until after such disassembly and the inspection, analysis and specialized determination by Siewert of exactly what is required to make the repairs on such Pump, and WHEREAS,the Water Superintendent has recommended that the Town Board again engage the professional services of Siewert for an amount of$39,924 for these important and specialized Pump repair services as set forth in Siewert's October 10, 2023 Service/Repair Proposal presented at this meeting, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Water Superintendent's engagement of the professional services of Siewert Equipment to make needed repairs to a Vertical Turbine Pump at the Town's Water Treatment Plant in accordance with Siewert's October 10, 2023 Service/Repair Proposal substantially in the form presented at this meeting for the amount of$39,924 to be paid from Account No.: 040-8320-4350, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Budget Officer to take all actions necessary to amend the Town Budget and effectuate the transfer of$39,924 from the Water Department's Undesignated, Unassigned Fund Balance Account No.: 040-0000-0909 to Account No.: 040-8320-4350, and Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 308 BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED,that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor and/or Town Water Superintendent to sign the Service/Repair Proposal and/or any other needed documentation and the Town Supervisor, Town Water Superintendent and/or Budget Officer to take such other and further actions as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 16t'day of October, 2023, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Freer NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION APPROVING RE-PURCHASE OF CEMETERY LOTS IN PINE VIEW CEMETERY FROM ESTATE OF ALFREDO CALDARONI RESOLUTION NO.: 367, 2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Harrison Freer WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury Cemetery Commission previously sold two (2) cemetery lots in the Pine View Cemetery to Alfredo Caldaroni in Seneca Plot, Lot Nos.: 3-E(2 lots), and WHEREAS, the Estate of Alfredo Caldaroni by Lora Karrat has requested that the Town's Cemetery Commission buy back such lots, and WHEREAS, the Cemetery Commission and Cemetery Superintendent have recommended re-purchase of such lots and approval by the Town Board, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves of the Cemetery Commission's re-purchase of two (2) cemetery lots in the Pine View Cemetery from the Estate of Alfredo Caldaroni by Lora Karrat in Seneca Plot,Lot Nos.: 3-E(2 lots)for the total amount of$1,000, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes and directs the Cemetery Superintendent to arrange for payment of such amount to Lora Karrat at 25 Siena Drive, Clifton Park, NY 12065 and properly account for the sales in the Town's books and records, and Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 309 BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Cemetery Superintendent and/or Town Budget Officer to take any other actions necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 16t'day of October, 2023, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Freer NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TOWN CLERK TO SUBMIT EDWARD OSTBERG'S PETITION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE TO QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD RESOLUTION NO.: 368, 2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr.Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Harrison Freer WHEREAS, Edward Ostberg (Ostberg) submitted a Petition for Change of Zone application to the Queensbury Town Clerk's Office on or about October 5, 2023 requesting an amendment to the Zoning Code to allow microbreweries as a use permitted by Site Plan Review in the Commercial Light Industrial (CLI) zoning district, and WHEREAS, Ostberg has also submitted applications to the Planning Board for Site Plan Review approval to renovate an existing building to house a microbrewery, and WHEREAS, the application has been reviewed by the Town's Senior Planner and deemed complete for purposes of review, and WHEREAS, applications for zoning changes are subject to Warren County Planning Department review in accordance with New York State General Municipal Law §239-m, and WHEREAS, applications for zoning changes may be forwarded to the Town Planning Board for recommendations in accordance with §179-15-040 of the Town Zoning Ordinance, and WHEREAS, following such recommendations, the Town Board will review the application and take such other actions as it shall deem necessary and proper, and Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 310 WHEREAS, prior to making a decision about whether to approve the zoning change, it is necessary to conduct a review under the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) for potential environmental effects, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby requests that the Planning Board seek Lead Agency status for SEQRA review of the proposed zoning change and Site Plan Review requested by Ostberg as delineated in the preambles of this Resolution, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to forward Ostberg's application received by the Town Clerk's Office on or about October 5, 2023 to the Queensbury Planning Board for review, report and recommendation on the proposed zoning change, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to submit the application to the Warren County Planning Department for NYS GML §239-m review, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to execute any necessary documentation and the Town Supervisor, Town Clerk and/or Department of Community Development to take any other necessary actions to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 16t'day of October, 2023 by the following vote: AYES Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Freer NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF SPLIT A/C SYSTEM, HEATING SYSTEM AND HEATER AT PINE VIEW CEMETERY BY LAPAN'S PRECISION RESOLUTION NO.: 369,2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 311 SECONDED BY: Mr. Harrison Freer WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury's Cemetery Superintendent has advised that it is necessary to purchase and install new split air-conditioning and heating systems for the Pine View Cemetery Office and a unit heater in the Pine View Cemetery's former garage/break area, and WHEREAS,the Cemetery Superintendent requested and received quotes for such work and the lowest quotes are from LaPan's Precision for a total not to exceed$16,200, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes the purchase and installation of new split air-conditioning and heating systems in the Pine View Cemetery Office and a unit heater in the former Pine View Cemetery garage/break area from LaPan's Precision in accordance with LaPan's Proposals dated 8/28/2023 and 8/29/2023 substantially in the form presented at this meeting and as follows: 1. Proposal No.: Q16055481 —Heating System Office Area - $ 5,200 2. Proposal No.: Q16055482—Heater for Garage Area - $ 4,800 3. Proposal No.: Q16055483 —Split A/C System Office Area - $ 6,200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL - $16,200 to be paid for from Capital Project Account No.: 247-8810-4400, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED,that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to sign any needed documentation, and the Town Supervisor, Cemetery Superintendent, Town Budget Officer and/or Town Purchasing Agent to take such other and further action as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 16t'day of October, 2023, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Freer NOES None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION APPROVING AUDIT OF BILLS -WARRANT: 10172023 RESOLUTION NO.: 370, 2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 312 SECONDED BY: Mr. Harrison Freer WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board wishes to approve an audit of bills presented as Warrant: 10172023 with a run date of 10/12/2023 and a payment date of 10/17/2023, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves the audit of bills presented as Warrant: 10172023 with a run date of 10/12/2023 and a payment date of 10/17/2023 totaling $1,212,806.53, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED,that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor and/or Town Budget Officer to take such other and further action as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 16t'day of October, 2023, by the following vote: AYES Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty, Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Freer NOES None ABSENT: None 4.0 CORRESPONDENCE DEPUTY TOWN CLERK RATHBUN-We received an email regarding the septic system for Jeanne Austin and Kara Haraden from Tom and Joan Moynihan. We received the Preliminary Town Budget in the Town Clerk's office and was given to the Town Board tonight. We received two Cannabis applications, one from Monty's Group Enterprise, LLC and the other one C&R Project, LLC. 5.0 PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR (LIMIT- 4 MINUTES) TRAVIS WHITEHEAD-Spoke regarding the Town tax rate. 6.0 TOWN BOARD DISCUSSIONS COUNCILMAN METIVIER (WARD I) 0 Nothing to report. COUNCILMAN FREER (WARD II) • Referred to the surveys for the Comprehensive Plan Use and noted that they are still open until November loth and available on our website. COUNCILMAN FERONE (WARD III) 0 Nothing to report. Regular Town Board Meeting, 10-16-2023, Mtg#33 313 COUNCILMAN MCNULTY (WARD IV) • Stated that he is a firm supporter of our EMS population and First Responders. • Reported that the property at 27 Indiana was sold at auction last week. • Spoke regarding a problem with ATV's across the Town and in the Hudson Pointe Preserve. I wanted to thank the Sheriff's Office for trying to find some of the folks who are using the motorized vehicles on the trails. SUPERVISOR STROUGH • Announced the public hearing for the Town Budget will be held on November 6th • Spoke regarding the Capital Projects that we have forthcoming. • Spoke regarding the Water Department's Capital Plan and the emergencies that have come up within the Town. The intersection between Aviation Road and Route 9 is going to be expensive. We have had culvert failures that can be up to a million dollars. • Received a letter from Cindy Allen, Ann McCullough, Lynne Michaels, Mary Hillard and Maura Fox thanking us for the staff support and facilities that the Town has given our Adirondack Pickleball Club since 2016. Thanked the Queensbury Recreation Department for their outstanding job providing the many services. • Reviewed the Annual Fall Pick Up Schedule. • Thanked Joel Barlow, Jesse Jackson, Look TV, Town Counsel Mark Schachner, Deputy Town Clerk Colleen Rathbun, Town Board and the public. RESOLUTION ADJOURNING REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING RESOLUTION NO.: 371, 2023 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. George Ferone WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Anthony Metivier RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its Regular Town Board Meeting. Duly adopted this 16th day of October 2023, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Freer, Mr. Ferone, Mr. McNulty NOES: None ABSENT: None RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CAROLINE H. BARBER,RMC TOWN CLERK TOWN OF QUEENSBURY MINUTES PREPARED BY COLLEEN RATHBUN, RMC, DEPUTY TOWN CLERK I