01-10-2013 Queensbury Planning Board Agenda C3 Special Meeting: Thursday,January 10,2013/Time: 7 P.M. Queensbury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road Applicant(s) LEGACY LAND HOLDINGS, Application Type Site Plan 59-2012 LLC _ Freshwater Wetlands 4-2012 Owner(s) Same as applicant _SEQR Type Unlisted Agent(s) H.Thomas Jarrett, P.C. _Lot size 28.1 acres Location _Gentry Lane Extension _Zoning Classification 0-Office Tax ID No. 296.15-1-2 _Ordinance Reference §179-9; Chapter94 Cross Reference _AV 43-12 _Warren Co. Referral Yes Previous Meeting Dates_PB-9/25/12(PBR) _APA,CEA,Other DEC Wetlands, NWI Wetlands Public Hearing 12/20/2012, 1/10/2013 I i Project Description: Site Plan: Applicant proposes construction of 148 apartment units in 29 buildings. Multi-family construction in an Office zone and hard surfacing within 50 feet of a shoreline requires Planning Board review and approval. Freshwater Wetlands: Disturbance within 100'feet of a regulated wetland requires Planning Board review and approval. -Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board-