Zoning Board Debrief 11 15 2023ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS DEBRIEFING NOTES November 15, 2023 Members Present- McCabe, Urrico, Underwood, Henkel, Khul, Keenan, Cipperly Alternate Members Absent- McDevitt, Palacino Administrative Item: Review and approval of 2024 Meeting Dates – Approved 7-0. 7:02 New Business: AV 45-2023 LAUREN & CHRISTIAN FREYER, Pulver Road 7:03 Ward 1. Applicant proposes to construct a 2,028 sq. ft. footprint home with a floor area of 3,456 sq. ft. The project includes associated site work for stormwater management and shoreline planting plan. The septic system approved by local BOH is proposed for construction across Pulver Road and connection to adjoining property by the same owner. Site Plan for new floor area in a CEA, hard surfacing within 50 ft. of the shoreline, and work within 100 ft. of a wetland. Relief requested for setbacks and permeability. Status: Application tabled to January 2024 with information due by December 15th. Tabled 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to provide revised information by December 15th. SV 6-2023 NORTHSTAR DONUT GROUP, 713 Glen Street 7:04-7:15 Ward 2. Applicant proposes to alter the existing signage and modify the building canopies for the existing building and site. The existing building of 2,358.5 sq. ft. is to remain. There is an existing wall sign to be replaced with a 22.3 sq. ft. wall sign with the word “Dunkin’” on north elevation; the freestanding sign is to be refurbished to 32 sq. ft. sign with wording “Dunkin Drive Thru”; directional signage of 2.79 sq. ft. at each access point for entering and exiting (2 signs total); a 2.68 sq. ft. height check arm sign “Drive Thru”; and the menu board to be replaced with a 19.98 sq. ft. digital board as an additional freestanding sign. Project includes the placement of sloped canopies to flat canopies over the entrance and drive thru window and a new canopy over the digital menu board. The façade color scheme to be updated (grey with orange and pink). Site plan review for new color scheme and new canopies. Relief is requested for number of signs and digital sign. Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to appear before the Planning Board November 28th then provide final plans for Zoning Administrators signature. AV 44-2023 DAVID R. WHITE, 5 Wild Turkey Lane 7:16-7:26 Ward 1. Applicant proposes to construct a raised walkway of 124 sq. ft. and a paver access walk of 175 sq. ft. The walkway will be connected to the second-floor addition previously approved. The existing home of 1,575 sq. ft., 431 sq. ft. porch area, 4,096 sq. ft. hard surfacing, and 452 sq. ft. detached garage to remain with no changes. Site Plan for expansion of nonconforming structure. Relief requested for setbacks. Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to appear before the Planning Board November 28th then provide final plans for Zoning Administrators signature. AV 46-2023 CHARLES & ETHEL WEEKS, 70 Pickle Hill Road 7:27-7:34 Ward 1. Applicant proposes to construct a second garage of 840 sq. ft. The garage will have 3 bays and upstairs storage. The existing 4,120 sq. ft. main home and 1,371 sq. ft. extended porch area to remain with no changes. An existing 200 sq. ft. pole barn to be removed, no other site changes. Relief requested for second garage. Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to appear before the Planning Board November 28th then provide final plans for Zoning Administrators signature. Other Business 7:35-7:44 Election of Officers – Mike McCabe Chairman, Jim Underwood Vice-Chairman, Roy Urrico Secretary Adjourn: 7:45