01-15-2013 Queensbury Planning Board Agenda
C3 First Regular Meeting: Tuesday January 15,2013/Time 7— 11 PM
Queensbury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road
1.1 Dates: November 15&November 27,2012
2.1 SP 42-2012 Daniel&Ellen Nichols: For Further Tabling Consideration
2.2 SP 77-2012 Marcia Parker: For Further Tabling Consideration
Applicant(s) LORI FLORIAN J_Application Type Site Plan 1-2013
Owner(s) —Same as applicant J_SEQR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) —Hutchins Engineering J_Lot size 17.44+/-acres
Location East side of Tee Hill Rd.,off Zoning Classification RR-3A Rural Residential 3-Acre
Moon Hill Rd.&off Yorkshire Dr. MDR-Moderate Density Residential
Tax ID No. 289.7-2-7, 10, 15, 16, 17,24 Ordinance Reference 179-3-040(A)(2)(b)
Cross Reference `AV 1-12,SP 51-10, SB 1-71 J_Warren Co. Referral January 2013
Public Hearing —Not required for recommendation i J
Project Description: Site Plan: Applicant proposes to revise boundary lines of six(6)existing contiguous parcels to create five(5) building lots in a
cluster layout which will be accessed by new private road. Existing house and accessory garage located at 92 Tee Hill Road will be retained as one
lot. Development and grading within 50 feet of slopes in excess of 15%requires Planning Board review and approval. Variances: Relief requested
from lot size, width, road frontage and setback relief from the RR-3A zoning district. Planning Board shall make a recommendation to the Zoning
Board of Appeals.
Applicant(s) HAYES&HAYES Application Type Subdivision 1-2013
Sketch&Preliminary Stage review
Owner(s) Same as applicant SEQR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) Nace Engineering —Lot size _8.47 acres
Location Dixon Road Zoning Classification NR-Neighborhood Residential
IHOD-Interstate Highway Overlay
Tax ID No. 302.14-1-79.2 Ordinance Reference Chapter A-183
Cross Reference L AV 2-12,SP 80-10 J APA,CEA,Other NYS DEC
Public Hearing J 1/15/2013
Project Description: Subdivision: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 8.47 acre parcel into three (3) residential lots consisting of a 7.44 acre lots I
with existing duplex apartments; two (2) new 0.51 acre single family lots. Subdivision of land in a NR zone requires Planning Board review and
approval. Variances: Relief requested from the 500 ft. setback of the IHOD (Interstate Highway Overlay District). Planning Board may conduct
SEQR review and may make a recommendation to the ZBA.
Applicant(s) LARIC DEVELOPMENT, LLC Application Type Subdivision 5-2012
Preliminary Stage
Owner(s) DKC Holdings J_SEQR Type Type
Agent(s) J. Lapper, B P S R J_Lot size 58.8 acres
Location Luzerne Road J_Zoning Classification MDR-Moderate Density Residential
Tax ID No. 308.12-1-3&7.1 Ordinance Reference Chapter A-183
Cross Reference _AV 52-12,SB 18-05, SP 10-04 J i
Public Hearing J 1/15/2013
Proiect Description: Subdivision: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 58.8 acre parcel into 36 lots ranging in size from 1.0 to 2.52. Proposal
includes interconnection between Sherman Avenue and Luzerne Road as well as boulevard entrance off of Luzerne Road. Subdivision of land
requires Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief requested from minimum lot size requirements of the MDR zone. Planning Board
may acknowledge Lead Agency status,may conduct SEQR review,and may make a recommendation to the ZBA.
Applicant(s) THOMAS&MARY BETH Application Type Site Plan 55-2012
Owner(s) Same as applicant SEQR Type II
Agent(s) Robert Napoli Lot size 0.17 acres
Location 15 Chestnut Road Zoning Classification WR
Tax ID No. L 289.13-1-12 J Ordinance Reference 179-9
Cross Reference AV 45-12,AV 73-90, SP 35-88A, Warren Co. Referral N/A
AV 1415; BP 91-379,88-832
Public Hearing 9/25/12, 12/18/12, APA,CEA,Other Glen Lake CEA, NWI Wetlands
Tabled to 1/15/2013
Proiect Description: Applicant proposes 168 sq. ft. addition to existing single family home. Expansion of a non-conforming structure in a CEA
requires Planning Board review and approval.
Applicant(s) CHERYL DANIELS J Application Type Site Plan 75-2012
Owner(s) Same as applicant _SEQR Type 111
Agent(s) Same as applicant _Lot size L L 0.34 acres
Location �- 5 Boss Road _Zoning Classification WR-Waterfront Residential
Tax ID No. �f 316.9-1-3 J`Ordinance Reference 179-9, 179-3-040, 179-6-060
Cross Reference L AV 64-12, BP 12-407,96-733 J_Warren Co. Referral November 2012
Public Hearing 1 1/15/2013 APA,CEA,Other _ NWI Wetlands
Proiect Description: Applicant proposes construction of a 1,584 sq.ft.single family dwelling. Construction within 50 feet of slopes greater than 15%
requires Planning Board review and approval.
Applicant(s) ROBERT L.PERKINS Application Type Special Use Permit 3-2012
Owner(s) NDC Realty,LLC SEQR Type II
Agent(s) Mark Rehm,Esq. Lot size 6.39&2.23 acres
Location 315 Corinth Road&26 Carey Zoning Classification CLI-Comm. Light Industrial
Tax ID No. 308.16-2-4.1,4.4 Ordinance Reference 179-9
Cross Reference SP 64-11,SP 57-11,SP 7-11, Warren Co.Planning 1/11/2012
SB 10-10
Public Hearing 1/15/2013
Project Description: Applicant proposes modification to an approved site plan to include additional paving along the warehouse approaches to rear
of site as well as new pavement associated with front overhead doors. Further, accommodation to include tree clearing and hard-surfacing for the
storage of up to 51 trailers located to the south and east on the parcel. Finally,the placement of an additional transformer and bollards proposed to
the east. Changes to an approved site plan require Planning Board review and approval. Applicant is requesting 6 month extension.
-Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board-