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//2,ri,ti Office Use Only ,/ / . _ ) DEMOLITION;APPRLICATION— D Permit#: l�C-N�cJ -O(04 i 2©z'L :c�. ! �, 11 L Permit Fee: $ Ito Town of Queensbury OCT 1 2022 Invoice#: -131 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 I - _-y- Flood Zone? Y eviewed P:518-761-8256 www.queensbury. t neTOl�N OFOtJEEi'�!�;Ci ll:"v BUILDINGL Demolition Location: /70 5urti•aar5W ken agge Tax Map ID#: oZ90. S— / — .52' , ) **AN ASBESTOS REPORT IS REQUIRED WITH ALL DEMOLITION APPLICATION SUBMISSIONS** DEMOLITION INFORMATION: 1. Where will demolition material be disposed? !t2 Arn sf 40; 2. Type of structure to be demolished: a. Residence d. Storage Building b. Garage e. Other: c. Business X 5A/4// rieerlay172,7 at S ®-yr �/erliP/4ij 3. What type of utilities are connected to the structure: A Laals-1 e I'a,, ae,cc 1 ej a. Gas f. Well-Water Pump b. Fuel Oil g. Public Sewer c. Propane h. Other d. Electric i. None e. Public Water 4. Have ALL utilities (water, electric, etc.) been disconnected? Yes No ^ /d/ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1. Two inspections are required: an inspection to determine that_u.tilities a e disconnected, and a final inspection after the structure.is removed and t e site is cleaned up and graded. _ - \ 11�! � n 2. Twenty-four (24) hour notification is required for rnspect'rton , �� 2 • 3. Workers' Comp insurance information is requireed\t�o be submitted,witlirthis application. f- Lr3 Declaration: I acknowledge that no structure(s)will be removed from the parcel until the_demolition application has been reviewed and approved by the Town of Queensbury Building&Cod.esEnforcement and Zoning Departments and a permit has been issued. I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: aril&e /� SIGNATURE: DATE: /: oleZ Demolition Application Revised June 2022 CONTACT INFORMATION: PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE, PLEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL • Applicant: Name(s): fi Gtr 027 &.4-C Mailing Address, C/S/Z: /G VS" J2db dcoadd ! �>: 'Ks,�cc ,�/i Cell Phone: S/13 - 53 g — ''g41 Land Line: Email: 4/\tit 4../ e . ,•i-.ov r' td2 aaavet5 , C0,0 • Primary Ow er(s): Name(s): l c iGS f Mailing Address, C/S/Z: /6/5 i#42,*fie PA �1O�r Cell Phone: S8 - 5.3v P 7 7� / Land Line: Email: Check if all work will be performed by property owner only Al/4- • Contractor: (List all additional contractors on the back of this form) Contact Name(s): Contractor Trade: Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: Land Line: Email: **Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application** Contact Person for any questions regarding this project: at S-eg Cell Phone: £' - S38"- 77FSY Land Line: Email: Demolition Application Revised June 2022 McGIVER DESIGN SERVICES, PLLC 518-764-3132 Architecture/Engineering/Construction Management BOX 817 CLOVE ROAD,COBLESKILL,N.Y. 12043 Civileng@nycap.rrcom • October 20,2022 m • Tic ;Whom it May Concern U Re Asbestos Materials Survey at Sunnyside Par 3 OCT 21 2022 r, Address: 170 Sunnyside Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 TOWN OF QUEF: pi I"' BEUILDINi:. .. .:,� From: Brian Tollisen,PE(NYS 074822) The Sunnyside Par 3 Golf Course is in the process of securing all permits necessary to construct an addition to the clubhouse. This project first involves a of a portion of the existing structure in the northwest corner. This letter is regarding the demolition and the presence of asbestos within the materials and assemblies planned.for demolition. Having been involved with the first renovation that was competed in 2019 and having visited the site to assesses existing conditions,there is no presence of asbestos materials within the framed wall and ceiling assemblies,floor assembly,roof assembly and roof coverings. It is my professional opinion that the demolition can begin without any remediation work. Please feel free to contact me should there be any questions. Brian Scot Tollisen,PE ,L � Copy ;. 4_ I 290.5-1-50.1 DEMO-0649-2022 Par 27 LLC/Sunnyside Par 3 170 Sunnyside Rd Demolition of portion of building 1 of 1 ohw ohvu / -----.--ohw olive ohw ohw ohw ohw- .____.,.�-onw orb catch _ basin ohw �'t' ohw ohv N � S84°24'00"E �7CJ�% S[UE on ohw N86°09'00'E 147. 15' -_. _ o w �L�®AJ} oil onw M o % 21 .22' o� o w _-ohw .} ° asphalt road on. Mft NNW ohw hw S84°24'00rE ohw gravel / d� LOT 1 20- ° 1 i ohw wood ' parking I o M P RL' FL' RL' NL 87 ,.. - - , �, ohw w\ N °00'00"E Post PY 1 j asphalt �' o Lands n/f shed ,sv .. ? r °hv parking S IPF �PF David M. irratt0' 1' .99 x 3 Lands n/f / norete _ for € L f 3 John R. Rathbun -ArL. 4091 P, 61 '� L. 1331 P. 170lu ' Lands n/f I r ,x r. >. rs 3.. r`' I ' ' �. t Tyrone P Bapp S84°24`00'E .,rr ,z o Q ?t v�od 'Zi & Tamara M. Bapp ° 57•28' manhole i '' ° l z cz w i L:j 3' L. 972 P 225 concrete I �^ ' ° ° 2 Q0 deck 6$o CJ QQ _.,, o � np Q W O 32.4' ® OVER ' f' / s 1 et / % / S8 24 59 0 °E 0 ° SEPTIC EASEMENT PER o ►► % ! o ®® �� Lands n ®® 1 ' x _ _ 98.00 j MAP REFERENCE 1 ' 2� EY. AIG� ' 176.8' halt /f N2i °09 00 W rs.6' ' ° �q s Ac r r L 190. ( ,PF ----,_ x --._, -� s , ..>., p Thomas J. Jameson ' OVER ® ` S84 ° " 99..85' ° septic tank parking L. 4440 P 132 i Lands n/f 70.66 ® 24'OO E 4 - manhole oh Troy M. Bapp` &`} 00000 ' ® S84°19 30"E 117.5 0 4°24 ,'. ®®®®�... ®_ S84 ° i 8 ' 00 „E Tamm2e Lee Wallace shed ` 7.I'% ®®.��w r -�< ®i 062�9 14.84' L. 834 P. 186 ® I 75.0 t _ septic .r � 't�� ��x� i' %r°r/r' IPF , 1 i approx. :\�.a �. i r, ' f/ /�1 ` 31.6 I i putting # location Sri 'i fence green ADDITIOANN Q° E 8.8' shed °( p ✓ \ \�' r < ° 5 3 OVER N68 3 9a ®®� s shed' PROPOSED 00 ° - so'^ f 40 FT LONG X 5 FT WIDE X 3 FT DEEP00 F-C j i STONE INFILTRATION TRENCH WITH '; N OVE► f'o / 5 - SC-310 STORMTECH INFILTRATOR P p ' - •' se tic tank Z a rox.locat,on y ° CONNECTED TO ROOF GUTTERS 7 J pp ' Lands n/f -o _,r .i- .i green l ...' septic MH Imperial Homes Corp. L. 5167 P. 86 ` , pat on ' mom NNW - �. ' ° f 1 ANGLE ! ' ® ~�`sr IRON IPF S84 '24'0011E IPF .w ® � 82.60' AREA = v` �y- AREA = � 10.56 f ACRES ` _ _ 2.44 f ACRES j� ` ` Y, � 459, 801 SQ. FT. O Mw 1106,286.4 SQ. FT. LOT 2 °k� �.I _ MAP REFERENCE 1 `' I o utting � � r Lands n/f ® 1:� :_, �' w `� ' 1 Lands n/f Dianne Monahan Kansas `� >Yc 498.5 N M ' Whitney Russell ' et. al. ' �_a, o L. 5034 P. 74 IPF N57° ' 30"E zF. " o.. fr.509, H 9► 1 0 1 r . putting putting �y2 � Q green 1 green w✓ IRF - • =81` , a ^`�`'^......� _..,.�a .... r.. 'tea 010 ®.� IPF® WMNN IPFIde 87,92, �.. ' puttin?� N84°48'00"�y ; ree Lu q IPFO N T- puttm<t N 0; IPF T-ft ® 3 Z Lands n Lands n/f /f Kevin Toomey��` Bern " iee C. Bastis & L. 5278 P. 1 1" p.. pond ®.... F Joseph Bastis, Jr. well _ IPF / SITE ,SETBACKS - 290. 6-1-11 REQUIRED FOR EXISTING BUILDING RR-3A ZONE FRONT 100, 0' EAST SIDE 75' 0' WEST SIDE 75' 0' REAR 100, 0' rJf 653.25' ruins N8 ° ?g ' LEGEND f 0 IRF IRON ROD FOUND Land's n/f 0 IPF IRON PIPE FOUND Elizabeth Miller" O IRS IRON ROD SET L. 3662 P. 49 `D UTILITY POLE oc�oo STONE. WALL SITE PLAN x WIRE FENCE 0 CHAIN LINK FENCE SCALE: 1"--50' 0 WOOD FENCE o POINT GRAPHII. SG4LE LAW nREA F.P. FENCE POST I � -ohw OVERHEAD WIRES 25 0 12.525 50 100 nlf NOW OR FORMERLY k Y LIGHT POLE P FLAG ( IN FEET) F►LIiER FABRfC --:; -> $ CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY LOCATIONS AND DISTANCES. MfRAFl 140N OR EQUAL s✓� DECIDUOUS STONE RUM INFLWATION e r _ TREE / WASHM CWSHED STOW q f �..a NA7lvE s0!!s STORM TECH 310 HEAVY DUTY CHAMBER 5 FT NW BY 40 FT LOW STONE AREA , SITE LOCATION J -LOCATION OCA` IO A I MAP ZONING REOUIREMENTS CURRENT ZONE ZONE - MODERA7E-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (MDR) MINIMUM LOT WIDTH - 100' MINIMUM ROAD FRONTAGE - 100' FRONT SETBACK - 30, SIDE SETBACK - 25' REAR SETBACK - 30, SHORELINE SETBACK - 75' MINIMUM PERMEABILITY - 50% MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT - 40' ZONING REOUIREMENTS ZONE RURAL RESIDENTIAL 3-ACRE (RR-3A) MINIMUM LOT WIDTH - 400, MINIMUM ROAD FRONTAGE - 400' FRONT SETBACK - 100' SIDE SETBACK - 75' REAR SETBACK - 100' SHORELINE SETBACK - 75' MINIMUM PERMEABILITY - 75% MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT - 40' SITE SETBACKS - 290.5-1-50.1 (MAIN BLDG) REQUIRED FOR RR-3A ZONE EXISTING BUILDING PROPOSED ADDITION FRONT 100, 176.8' 176.8' EAST SIDE 75' 31.6' 31.6' WEST SIDE 75' 11Z5' 75. 0' REAR 100, 509' 498.5' SITE DEVELOPMENT DATA - 290r 5-1-50.1 SITE AREA. 10.56 AC (459,801 SF) EXISTING IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE CHANGE IN PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE COVERAGE MAIN BUILDING 2,300 SF +1,850 SF 4,150 SF GARAGE 917 SF ---- 917 SF DRIVEWAY 15,826 SF (415 SF) 15,411 SF SHEDS 450 SF ---- 450 SF PORCHES & DECKS 520 SF 322 SF 842 SF CONCRETE 888 SF (430) 458 SF TOTAL IMPERVIOUS 20,901 SF 1,327 SF 22,228 SF PERCENT IMPERVIOUS 4.5% 0.3% 4.8% PERMEABILITY 95.5% (0.3No) 95.2% 5 d i TAX MAP # 290.5-1-50.1 & 290. 6-1-11 Dig Safel p. y ewilYor ES Call Before You Dig E3 Wait Thp. Required Time 0 Confirm Utility Response ® Respect The Marks El Dig With Care ®®"�6�'�9�� 0 ISSUED FOR PROPOSED REZONING 4/26/2022 www.digsafielyitewyork.com No. Revisions D of! w , SITE PLAN U o prepared for. Par 27, LLC fu v ' 17n Sunn side Road CONIFEROUS QTY PER PLAN TREE ;: �� � � Town of Queensbury, County of Warren, State of New York _ MAP REFERENCE: a 071E..I9 BASE MAP INFORMA77ON FROM "MAP OF A SURVEY A�''( 1= Drown: JRS Checked: GTH Scale: NOTED Date: 11/22/2021 ROOF INFILTRATION TRENCH MADE FOR PAR 27, LLC," IN THE TOWN OF 169 Haviland Road QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK. DATED ALTERATION OF THIS DOCUMENT EXCEPT BY Queensbury, NY 12804 DECEMBER 18, 2018. PREPARED BY RUSSELL E. A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER IS A 291 9-01 SCALE: NTS (518) 745-0307 Phone HOWARD LICENSED LAND SURVEYING. VIOLATION OF NYS EDUCATION LAW. Hutchins Engineering PLLC (518) 745-0308 Fax SITE DEVELOPMENT DATA - 290a 6-1-11 SITE AREA: 2.44-AC (106,286.4 SF) EXISTING IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE CHANGE IN PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE COVERAGE BUILDINGS 0 SF 0 SF 0 SF DRIVEWAY 1350 SF 0 SF 1350 SF TOTAL IMPERVIOUS 1350 SF 0 SF 1350 SF PERCENT IMPERVIOUS 1.3 % 0 % 1.3 % PERMEABILITY 98.7% 0 % 98.7 %