final electrical inspction E C E a V E D AUG 0 4 2021 TOWN OF O'3EENSBURY BUILDING&CODES t s CO,ti9MONlyl'LTH ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SEIIVI 'F,V C. Wilt 0irme 176 Doe Rutt Road-Maplwim,M 17545 MUNICIPAL CERTIFICATE - ELECTRICA .:APPROVAL A emtit No...........>.......... ............C:crt.N O 59013 013 C ur i .................................. t .'�? P ,7. -t1 4;rcrd No.. i % ,. owuer.....................r.i.^.(?t:.1..5........A.12..C,.................,....,............. „................ .,.,.,.,...............,...,..,...... !:y!; Location...... .......................................l..ei'l!L ,iJ.k.�... a .; Itistall:ttiuti E'c�n,5;kt;,tl�,�f'................. ............ ............... .............. ........................ .. . ......................... .. ... §= -prk.f....... S . �.?....:.. >> ' ..............................I...... ...............I...�.....................,......... ,........................................................... . a?i' Installed By... ...✓.4..... �??�.iZ.f--................................................... i�U................................................... The cortdit,t,et:,iuilotviu�!,ce,v,;rned ilse issuance of ails ccrtiCcoc,and arty certificate previulisly i45uc:d is j ci ctlncollcd:- A; 111is oert!fiealt, :,;;ly arm;m-!: the eleutrical cquip,nirnt and insuillutiun conditions a:+ of elate. Upon the introduction of adcli'Lo al cquiprount or alterations,application shall be,promptly trade. ('or inspection. ittspceturs c:' t!us l;uml+,t,; ,drfll have thu privilege of making inspections at any simc, and il' it,ruics are violatocl,flit- ornp;tny slutll have the right to ' oke this ccrtificaw% ?, Drtte....................... ..1............... 11vsI'rC1"OR. .. ......... ....,....... ....,.... 'wr. Member M.I;I'.A.,i.A.h:.l. j •Cc: b0 39Vd O awm NON t78ST86L 0Z:9Z lzoz/00/80