IM Inspection Worksheet_04-12-2023_14-03-26INSPECTION WORKSHEET (FDTN-029193-2023) RC-0491-2023Case Number:Case Module:Permit Management 12/04/2023 Partial PassInspection Status:Inspection Date: Building FoundationInspection Type:Inspector:Charles Dyer Job Address:Parcel Number:4 Tuthill Rd Queensbury, NY 12804 307.-1-22.2 Company Name NameContact Type Applicant Denise Terrano Architect Rucinski Hall Architecture Contractor Quality Builders JP Gross Properties, LLC Granted Permission Steve Terrano Primary Owner Denise Terrano Steve Terrano Checklist Item CommentsPassed Building Inspector Notes True Footing Drain Stone - 12 inch width False PVC/Cast/Copper/Pex tubing False Pressure Test False Foundation / Wallpour True 5 psi or 10 ft. above highest conn. for 15 minutes False Air or head test False Footing Drain Stone - 6 inches above footing False Foundation Dampproofing False Plumbing Under Slab False Foundation Waterproofing False Footing Drain Daylight or Sump False Footings True frost blankets blown about, ground frozen at base of footings. 11/28/23, call for recheck Rechecked 11/29/23 OK to pour Footing Drain stone - 6 mil poly False Piers False Backfill Approval False Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft.False Foundation Insulation Interior / Exterior False Reinforcement in Place True with 2 rows #4 continuous Reinforcement in Place True 2 rows #4 horizontally / #4 dowels 3' oc Permit Card Visible From Road False Poly Under Slab False Footing Dowels or Keyway in place True wet sticking with #4 dowels December 04, 2023 Page 1 of 1