IM Inspection Worksheet_15-12-2023_15-25-53INSPECTION WORKSHEET (028405-2023) CC-0472-2022Case Number:Case Module:Permit Management 12/15/2023 PassedInspection Status:Inspection Date: Zoning-PermitInspection Type:Inspector:Bruce Frank Job Address:Parcel Number:257 Dix Ave Queensbury, NY 12804 303.15-1-3 Company Name NameContact Type Applicant GARVEY SISTERS, LLC Architect Rucinski Hall Architecture Contractor Hilltop Construction Granted Permission GARVEY SISTERS, LLC Primary Owner GARVEY SISTERS, LLC Checklist Item CommentsPassed Code Compliance Notes True October 17, 2023: a final inspection for SP 10-2022 revealed the following: 1) The building additions appear to be in compliance with the approval, with the exception of the wall pack light fixtures. The arrangement and number of fixtures as-built are not in compliance with the approval. Also, a man door adjacent to the west side of the new service entrance garage door and sidewalk leading to it has been constructed not in compliance with the approval. 2) The layout of the drive aisle and parking spaces between the road entrance and the building service entrance as-built are not in compliance with the approval. 3) An unapproved crushed stone storage area has been installed adjacent to the west side of the new fenced-in concrete pad (dumpster/scrap metal storage). 4) An unapproved storage shed (approximately 12' x 24') was found moved to the west side of the new unapproved crushed stone storage area. The shed was proposed and approved to be removed. Addionally, it appears no building permit has been issued for the shed. 5) The approved swale on the north side of the new parking spaces and concrete pad dumpster enclosure has not been constructed per the approval. Most of the swale has been constructed in compliance with the approval and flows west to the existing stormwater basin. However, starting approximately behind the unapproved shed, the swale appears to flow to the east and then north off the Garvey property directly into the drainage ditch on the south side of Barrett Drive. 6) Per Condition of Approval 3j, an as-built plan will need to be provided, and a Site Plan Review Modification will be required for the unapproved changes. December 15, 2023: Approval of SP 67-2023 rectifies all of the as-built conditions discovered on October 17, 2023, except the violation noted in Number 5 above (stormwater being directed off site), which was found corrected on November 28, 2023. Good for sign-off of SP 10-2022. December 15, 2023 Page 1 of 1