IM Inspection Worksheet_19-12-2023_13-35-25INSPECTION WORKSHEET (MANMODFIN-029401-2023)
RC-0276-2021Case Number:Case Module:Permit Management
12/19/2023 Partial PassInspection Status:Inspection Date:
Manufactured Modular FinalInspection Type:Inspector:Charles Dyer
Job Address:Parcel Number:1727 Ridge Rd
Queensbury, NY 12804
Company Name NameContact Type
Applicant Ford Robbins
Architect Rucinski Hall Architecture
Contractor Rick McGuire
Granted Permission Ford Robbins
Primary Owner Ford Robbins
Checklist Item CommentsPassed
Building Inspector Notes False As discussed on phone call 7/28/22, the permit has expired.
Please call when ready for a walk through for possible temporary
12/22/22 it has been observed that home is possibly occupied
without certificate of occupancy, please make contact with building
department / Kate Deck to set up for renewal fee for expired permit
and set up for walk through for temporary certificate of occupancy.
Avoid court summons. CD 12/22/22
This permit may be renewed, but, it has been observed that you
are living in the home without a "temporary certificate of
occupancy" Please set up a time and date for a walk through for a
list of conditions in order for a Temp CO, once list of conditions
are completed, a certificate of occupancy will be issued.There is a
fee of 165.00 for a 90 day Temp CO. I feel I have been more than
fair throughout the process of the placement of the home. Please
reply to this within the next week, I can be reached at
518-761-8207 to set up a time and date and or for any questions
on this matter. If I do not hear back, a Order of Remedy violation
notice will be issued. 7/28/23
Thank you for your time on this matter 8/15/23 met on site for list of
conditions for temp CO, as follows : 1. provide guards / handrail at
north entry 2. Provide guards / handrail at front stoop. 3. Provide
3'x3' platform at sliding rear door with guards and handrail 4.
Provide guard and handrail at basement stairs 5. Complete
basement / fire stop at wire penetrations / provide R-3 at 3/4" hot
water lines / provide R-21 at cavities of box beam / as per
RES-check (energy code) basement walls below grade call for
continuous R-value "45" 6. Provide final electrical inspection 7.
Provide Architect / engineer site plan certification
12/19/23 Temp C/O has expired, please contact building
department for renewal. Thank you
Final Electrical False
Anchoring per manufacturer 2ft from ends False Modular
Warranty Seal after January 1, 2006 True
911 Street number False on mail box / provide #'s on home 4" block style
Installers Warranty Seal False Modular
Wood deck: 2'+ from grade dia bracing required False
Manufacture True peaceful living
Data Plate okay True
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Checklist Item CommentsPassed
Furnace/Hot Water Heater operating True
Dryer vented outside True
Okay to issue CC or CO [Temporary / Permanent]True OK to issue Temp CO / see conditions
Date of manufacture True 5/28/21
Water line shut off True
Foundation support, pier spacing, per manufacturer True
Model True
18 x 24 access or 22 x 30 attic access False door to 2nd story / unconditioned at this time / complete insulation
as per REScheck
Serial #True 19-74711
Variance required False
Foundation insulation [if applicable]False See REScheck
Smoke Carbon Monoxide Detectors Interconnected True
Plumbing Fixture / 3" Vent through roof [Modular]True
Deck, porches, steps, railing False see notes
Sewer line support @ 4 feet False Modular
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