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BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 87-355 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to Stephen F . Regan OWNER of property located at 2 Bentley Place Street, Road or Ave. a in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a Inground Swimming Pool at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and �- approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1 f. OWNER'S Address is 2 Bentley Place Queensbury- , New 'York 12801 2. CONTRACTOR or BUI LOE R 'S Name Sprague ' s Mermaid Pools b ra 3 CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address 294 Broadway Fort Edward , New York 12828 acf w a 4. ARCHITECT'S Name tea 5. ARCHITECT"S Address N *93 M ro 6_ TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by x) "a N ) ) wood Frame l ) Masonry i ) Steel I } n ro 7. PLANS and Specifications 32 ' xl6 ' inground steel/vinyl pool per plot and application No. r-r 04 8. Proposed Use Swimming Pool w E w $ 15 . DO PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES January 1 19 88 (lf a longer period is required an application for an extension must be mode to the Building and Zoning inspector of the o4 town of Queensbury before the expiration date,) -d O 4 F-• Dated at the Town of Queensbury this ")15th Day of June 99 87 /SIGNED BY / 14-e ' for the Town of Queensbury Building aril Zoning Inspector f,{ TOWN OF QUEESB' ;Lvn a�' �uPP►73U UR't� iN BUILDING and ,ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road, R.D. 1 Sox 98 Lill Oueensbury, New York 12801 JU'N 4 1987 BUILDING at +CODE DEPT. SWIMMING POOL PERMIT APPLICATION FEE PAID 15' Owner ' s Name S 'T"I^ eWFAI F. R E4000inxol Te Z . `7`!78r - P6 0 . Location L=Aol 7" e.. E7 5V f L C� u �,�.�y S •� � •E' Y � .�• .Y' Type of PooZ - - _in - ground above -ground Size * Length to - width lCo�ft . - Dicxmeter___ __ft . - Depth 't . Approximate muter capacity /Gf <Dc)<) _gaZZons . Matey ' a Zs used in cons tvucti. on. : ( circ Ze one ) fS.tee 'llviny -1 Fibreg ", ass - - Gunite - -Poured Concrete - - Other Con tvaetor/3netaZZer S"r�',e+9� u� 's /inc0cox.. .S TeZ Address - aZ 9 ,c3 .e4A© wAf' -� F T, Eta &',r59ko AlLrY IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS : On a separate piece of paper , submit a diagram ; drawn to show ; PROPERTY LINES - EXISTING STRUCTURES - LOCATION OF PROPOSED SWIMMING POOL - Show all distances from lot lines to both the pool and the structures , as well as separations between . Application for Electrical Inspection is necessary . The New York Board of fire Underwriters will mare this inspection . A copy of the application is to be filed with this office . This office is to be notified upon completion' o £ construction ; including installation of fencing . A FINAL INSPECTION WILL BE MADE BEFORE USE OF THE POOL IS AUTHORIZED * r Signature of Applicant. Date 02 /' B6 and - vl TOWN OF QUEENSBURY SWIMMING POOL REGULATIONS - ARTICLE Y , SECTION 7 . 074 ACCESSORY STRUCTURES 4 ) $ 15 . 00 Fee for Pool Permit 4 ) private Swimming Pools . Private swimming Pools , permanent and portable , which shall be accessory to a principal , non-commercial dwelling use shall be regulated as follows : except that these regulations shall not apply to portable swimming pools which shall be not more than three ( 3 ) feet In height nor more than. fifteen ( 15 ) feet In length . a ) May be erected only on the same lot as the principal structure . b ) May be erected only in the rear yard of such structure and shall be of a distance not less than twenty ( 20 ) feet from the rear lot lines nor Less than ten (10 ) feet from any side lot line , principal structure or attached or detached accessory structure . c ) Shall be landscaped _ d ) Such use shall not adversely affect the character of the neighborhood . e ) All private swimming pools shall be enclosed by a permanent fence of durable material at least four ( 4 ) feet in height . f ) In the case where a lot fronts on two ( 2 ) or more public rights-of -way , a private swimming pool shall be erected only on that portion of the said lot that Is directly adjacent to that - side of the principal building which is , directly opposite the architectural main entrance of said building and the neighboring side lot line . In no case shall the pool be any nearer to the lot lines abutting any public right- of-way than the required front setback for the principal building of the zoning district in which it is located . e Furthermore , the � pool shall be screened fran the view of the public right-of-way and the neighbor- ing property by means of landscaping . ( See defini - tion of " Landscaping " ) NOTE : ALL POOL PERMIT APPLICATIONS MUST STATE MATERIAL TO BE USED . SUCH AS : STEEL VINYL FIBERGLASS POURED CONCRETE GUNITE ABO47F GROUND pl ti[d.JV wn o� �� ee � s � eeref BUILDING and Zc3NING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road. FL 98 pUeenSlaUry, New York 12801 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT NAME LOCAT I ON ©R t ,y Permit Date-1 APPRC>V'EC7 - YES t34 Footing/Pier Farms Foundation waterproofing Sackfill Framing Roofing Siding MasonrY Venee Rough Pluxnhing Relief Valves Text . Porches Fillished Floors Interior 'Trim stairs & Railings Cellar Drain Til Concrete Floors plbg . Fixtures Gar . Fireproo ing L7oxlr Closers timoke Detec ors C'hirnney INSU L,ATION . Foundatio Flours wallS ceiling FINAlm EL .CTRICAL IpISPEC'LIOl3 k)jk,VEWAY A PRDV Building 5urVe3T�-�--- pinal {call when ready) Next sctxeduled ip ection ns Remarks- f B ilding Tnspec nr 6/86 and-vl THE NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY 41 STATE STREET. ALBANY, NEW YORK 12207 SepLeubeL Lib , 1967 Rpplicatiun ,'No. on file U18919 /87 � 694874 Date THIS CERTIFIES THAT only the electrical equipment as described beiase and introduced by the applicant named an the above appUcatjora number irs the premises of STeyhtm Xte6an , < Bently Place , Glcn� Fallj , New York in Lhefolloeain,B local` Basemen[ ❑ lst Fl. ❑ 2nd FI. section Buck Lot VF uws examined on and found to be in compliance with the requirements of this Board. FIXTURE ACLEs SWITONS "XTURES I RAMOES ICOCWlftG DECKS I OVENS DISH WASHERS EXHAUST FANS OYTLETS INCAMMSC'ENT FLUORESCENT AMT. K. W. AMT. K. W. AMT, K.W. AMT. K_ W. AMT. M, P. DRYERS FURNACE MOTORS FUTURE AFFIANCE VERGERS spepAl REc"FT TIME CtGCES RRl uma HEATERS muLTE-CMfTUT DIM AMRS AMT, K. W. dl N. P. GAS H. F. AMT. Na_ A. W. G. AM7, AMP- AMT. Amps. TRANS. AMT. H. F. N SY O.OFSTHFEET MS AMT. ATM r SERVICE DISCC/NNECT NG. OF S E R V 1 C E A.W. AMr, 7YFt MMUMp, 1 .e' 3w f It � 3 X SW ]/ +IW NO' 0 E6CFcOND. co CC. CpND. . trG. Of MIdEG A.•FWw•gG NO. Or NEUTRALS OF MU W."t, 1 200 Ci3 1 2 /0 OTHER APPARATUS- 0 13 Harrii;on Avenu ~ Glens Falls , Now York 12801 "0 GCCCTTT� BRANCH MANAGER FE Per This certificate must not be akered in any manner,- return to the office of the Board if incorrect. Inspectors may be identified by their credentials. COPY FOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT, -611S COPY OF CERTIFICATE MUST NOT BE ALTERED IN ANY MANNER. i I 00 Poo QENrc. € Y, h1 O TE Z ( ,rV D T u" ' 7""Cv S c AL E - - id L7 � - I ii _ — Po q�y Ir r`. - 3C3 I i ..� Y r I qz -I EXISTIitJG ; _ . . . EX15TId1G . . - . . ..__ . . ; .. . s V I i I :