CC-0232-2019 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: CC-0232-2019 Tax Map No: 302.5-1-92.11 Permission is hereby granted to: AVIATION MALL NEWCO LLC For property located at: 578 AVIATION RD In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Type of Construction Owner Name: AVIATION MALL NEWCO LLC Retail-Mercantile-Alteration $300,000.00 Owner Address: 4 Clinton Square Total Value $300,000.00 Syracuse,NY 13202 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans& Specifications Commercial Alterations 30,000 s.f. Tenant: 011ie's Space: L09 $ 9,000.00 PERMIT FEE PAID -THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Friday, May 8, 2020 (If a longer period is required, an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury; Thursday, May 9, 2019 SIGNED BY: - for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement Office Use Only ADDITI E&WribrNi 9 :�`G � � n. Permit# L CATI O Ip Town ofQue n yF '�P ) Permit Fee: $ C �� � GS 742 Bay Road,Queensbury, NY 12804 ! L P:518-761-8256 www. ueensbur .n tEE Invoice #: UIL.0i Project Location: Space L09 578 Aviation Rd, Queensbury,NY 12804 Tax Map ID #: 523400 302.05-1-92.11 Subdivision Name: CONTACT INFORMATION: • Applicant: Name(s): Aviation Mall NEWCO, LLC Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 578 Aviation Rd Queensbury,NY 12804 Cell Phone: _( ) Land Line: (518)793-8818 Email:jasontyler@pyramidmg.com • Primary Owner(s): Name(s): Aviation Mall NEWCO, LLC Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 578 Aviation Rd Queensbury, NY 12804 Cell Phone: _( ) Land Line: (518)793-8818 Email: jasontyler@pyramidmg.com ❑ Check if all work will be performed by homeowner only • Contractor(s): Contact Name(s): Contractor Trade: Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: _( ) Land Line: _( ) Email: "List all additional contractors on the back of this form • Arch itect(s)/Engi nee r(s): Business Name: Sargenti Architecture Contact Name(s): Wesley L. Short,NCIDQ Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 461 From Rd, Second Floor, Paramus,NJ 07652 Cell Phone: (201)-390-5704 Land Line: (973)-859-9367 Email: wshort@sargarch.com Contact Person for Building & Code Compliance: Wesley Short Cell Phone: (201)-390-5704 Land Line: (973)-859-9367 Email: wshort@sargarch.com Addition/Alteration Application Revised February 2019 DECLARATION: 1. 1 acknowledge that no construction shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit and will be completed within a 12 month period. 2. If the work is not completed by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees and department approval. 3. 1 certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement and/or description of the work proposed, that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations. 4. 1 acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed I, or my agents, will obtain a certificate of occupancy. 5. 1 also understand that I/we are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: JG,so nFuIe,r SIGNATURE: DATE: 1 oq Addition/Alteration Application Revised February 2019 1 COMcheck Software Version Interior Lighting Compliance Certificate R I A E`4U �,;,,,D II �y II„, Project Information J N E R Y CODE COM I f Energy Code: 0151ECC Project Title:: GLUES BARGAIN OUTLET Project Type: Addition Construction Site: fawner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: Aviation Mail Kenneth A.Fuller, P,E„ LEEO AP 278 Aviation Road ���.....—,"..... a...„m.....,,..,a�m„��m�.„w,,,�u,,,,,� 153 East Main St, Queensbury,NY 12804 Rockaway, NJ 07866 �, r�u ��,nt 973-784-4258 ktuller cDcustomdande,com Allowed Interior Lighting Power A B C C Area Category Floor Area Allowed Allowed Watts (ft2) Watts 1 ft2 (B X C) 1-Salei(Retall:Sales Area) 25710 1,59 40879 2-Storage(Warehouse:Fine Material Storage) 3217 0,95 3056 3-Manager's/Cash Office(Common Spaoe'rypes:Office-Enclosed) 273 1.11 303 4-Breakroom(Common Space Types:Lounge/Breakroorn) 323 013 236 5-Toilet Rm Janitor's Closet(Common Space Types:Restrooms) 459 o98 450 Total Allowed Watts= 44924 Proposed Interior Lighting Power A B C b E Fixture ID:Description P Lamp/Wattage Per Lamp/Ballast Lamps/ #of Fixture (C X D) Fixture Fixtures Watt. S LED 1:N2.2x4 LED Highboy:father: 1 178 105 18690 Linear Fluorescent 1:N1:4'Fluurescent Light:48"T8 32W;Electronic: 2 29 64 1856 torag (Warehouse:Fine Material torafa ,l, Linear Fluorescent 1:N1:4'Fluurescent Light:48"T8 32W:Electronic: 2 30 64 1920 anag r LED 1:N2:2x4 LED Mighbay:father: 1 1 105 10 Linear Fluorescent 1:N1:4'Fluurescent Light:48"T8 32W:Electronic: 2 3 64 192 mon Space Linear Fluorescent:N1:4'Fluurescent Light:48"T8 32W:Electronic: 2 5 64 320 5-Toilet Rm&Janilgr'I-M TWtaes " . LED 1:N2:2x4 LED Highbay:Other: 1 4 105 420 Linear Fluorescent 1:Ni:4'Fluurescent Light:48"T8 32W:Electronic: 2 4 64 256 Total Proposed Watts- 23759 Project Title: DLUES BARGAIN OUTLET Report date: 04/30/19 Data filename: P:\COMCMECK FOLDERSVOB FILES`19806-011ies Bargain Outlet,Aviation Malt,Queensbury, Page 1 of 12 NY.cck Interior Lighting Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: "The proposed interior lighting design represented In this docurnent is consistent with the building plans, specifications,and ether calculations submitted with this permit application " lie proposed inter ghting systems have been designed to et the 2015 IECC requirements in COMcheck Version o ly w' applicable mandatory require s listed In the Irr e hecklist, me -Title Sig re ,C H A. Date CIO � CSS40 " Project Title: OLLIES BARGAIN OUTLET Report date; 04/30/19 Data filename: PACOMCMECK FOLDERSYOB FILES\19806-011ies Bargain Outlet,Aviation Mail,Queensbury, Page 2 of 12 NY.cck i , i COMcheck Software Version Mechanical Compliance Certificate Project Information � � `� m�rc, ���i�� � d �. Energy Code: 2015IECC 4 Np R Y COIDE C ,JPAP��„�,1�N(I",ll,.,„ Project Tine: OLLIES BARGAIN OUTLET �„. ....�, Location: Saratoga Springs, New York Climate lane: 5a Project Type; Addition Construction Site: Goner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: Aviation Mall Kenneth A, Fuller, P.E., LEED AP 278 Aviation Head 153 East Main St, Queensbury,NY 12804 ,,,„��.a, �.�����.r..�,b,�..�,,,.��,,,�.,,.„Mro„ Rockaway, NJ 07866 �„ � �°�m 973.784.4258 Ckfuiler'@customdande.com Mechanical Systems List Quantity System Type&Description 4 HVAC System 1(Single Zone): Heating: 1 each-Central Furnace,Gas,Capacity w 250 kBtu/h Proposed Efficiency=8110%Et,Required Efficiency: 80.00%Et Gaoling: 1 each•Single Package Dot Unit,Capacity=246 kBtu/h,Air-Cooled Condenser,Air Economizer Proposed Efficiency=9.80 EER,Required Efficiency: 9.80 EER +11 A IEER Fan System: None 1 HVAC Systern 2(Single Zone). Single Package Heat Pump Heating Mode:Capacity=67 kBtu/h, Proposed Efficiency=8,00 COP,Required Efficiency-3.30 COP Cooling Mode:Capacity=92 kBtu/h, Proposed Efficiency=11.00 EER,Required Efficiency: 11.00 EER +12,0 IEER Fan System: None Mechanical Compliance Statement Compliance Statement: The proposed mechanical design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with this permit a e pro mechanical systems have been designed to imiget the 2015. IE .0 re Irements In COMcheek Ve t with any applicable mandatory requirreen fisted in the I Checklist, V r i afar Date «? 8736h , SS04 Project Title: OLLIES BARGAIN OUTLET Report date: 04/30/19 Data flienarne: PACOMCHECK FULDERSVOB FILESl19806-011ies Bargain Outlet,Aviation Mall,Queensbury, Page 3 of 12 NY.cck COMcheck Software Version Inspection Checklist Energy Code: 2015 IECC Requirements: 100,0% were addressed directly in the COMclieck software Text in the "Comments/Assumptions" column is provided by the user in the COMcheck Requirements screen. For each requirement, the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception is being claimed, Where compliance is itemized in a separate table, a reference to that table Is provided, # ....... men p C1012 ;Plans,specifications,arid/or ,L.Komplies :Requirement will be met, (PR2)1 :calculations provide all information QDoes Not ;with which compliance can be 'determined for the mechanical :C]Not Observable: :systerns and equipment and :[]Not Applicable ,document where exceptions to the ;standard are claimed. Load :calculations per acceptable �engineering standards and handbooks, C1012 :Plans, specifications,arid/or Dcomplies Requirement will be met. (PR4)1 :calculations provide all Information :nDoes Not :with which compliance can be �deterrnined for the interior lighting :E]Not Observable :and electrical systems and equipment :DNot Applicable ;and document where exceptions to :the standard are claimed. Information »provided should include interior �Iightjng power calculations, wattage of; ;bulbs and ballasts, transformers and :control devices, C406 ;Flans,specifications,and/or _UEo—mp1i'le—s -­ ;Requirement will be met. (PR9)1 �CaICLJIatlons provide all information UDoes Not ;with which compliance car) be �determined for the additional energy :DNot Observable efficiency package options, t]!Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 k ligll Irrrpact(Tier 1) 2ax Medium Impact(Tier 2�.. ._ 3 w Impact(Tier Project Title: OLLIES BARGAIN OUTLET Report date: 04/3011.9 Data filename: P:kCOMCHECK FOLDERS\JOB FILES\19606-011ies Bargain Outlet,Aviation Mail,Queensbury, Page 4 of 12 NY.cck F 1� $ otiU►1 � Y� a ` v tj 4 d g x7''7G a .?0, O96, r19, FCYUTAt i 47 5�115 cG�QQDP1 ¢ ` 1 [ ,f rp � ,<;+ ,pb a�+ l ri lK ��p ✓� ,11 U 15ys „S t^ _. r .+Q�✓ r,��'��ia.. a.r<� ��r�z��t��,e�. ,izd ?� �'e .•E� >�.;",F,�"�i'�^u�'�»»°?�"�.,:°, �e�Mn..�'„(�. a�i..�., C403.2.4. ;Snow/ice melting system sensors for :[]Complies ;Exception: Requirement does not apply, 5, :future connection to controls.Freeze TJDoes Not C4012.4. gprotection systems have automatic 6 ;controls installed. ,©Not Observable o IF0911 :E]Not Applicable ; Additional Comments/Assumptions: ^ 1 Nigh Impact(Tier 1) Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 i.ow impact(Tier 3) Project Title: OLLIES BARGAIN OUTLET Report date: 04/30/19 Data filename: PACOMCHECK FOLDERSVOB FILES\19806-011ies Bargain Outlet,Aviation Mall, Queensbury, Page 5 of 12 NY.cck eCtla3rl 1 ,y,.cr4,�,1,D5f4 a e,,fC C.�l ` n ; $t"�s",s✓c Piumbing �f1U it*in (fitspec �1€1 3 4 gf11 11€ 5€� , # w r 6 4' C6►T1€tl r., ,,, utll ptI DO15 a't; ° t , n &Ae Q M. C404,5, ,Heated water supply piping conforms ;L_Complies ;Exception: Requirement does not apply. C404.5.1, Ito pipe length and volume :E]Does Not CeIMS,2 j requirements.Refer to section details, ; : [PL6]3 ," Not Observable; :ONot Applicable C404,5, ;Heated water supply piping confonm TCTCornplies _;Exception: Requirement does not apply, C404,5,1, :to pipe length and volume UDoes Not C404.5.2 ;requirements, Refer to section details, : [PL6]3 ,C Not Observable I :0Not Applicable C404.63 1 Pumps that circulate water between a Ekornpiies :Exception: Requirement does not apply, [PL7]3 heater arid storage tank have controls :C]goes Not that limit operation from startup to [ Not Observable <= 5:Minutes after end of heating :cycle. ;C.]Not Applicable C404,6 o Pumps that circulate water between a E 3 lCornplies Exception: Requirement does riot apply, [PL7]3 heater and storage tank have controls :EJ-Does Not that limit operation from startup to ([ Not Observable: 1<=5 minutes after end of heating ;cycle. :,DNot Applicable 1 C4043 Water'distribution systern that pumps ElComplies Exception; Requirement does not apply. [PL8]3 water from a heated-water supply E]Does Not pipe back to the heated-water source i through a cold-water supply pipe Is a ;[)Not Observable o Idernand recirculation water system. ;] 1Not Applicable ; Prnrnps within this system have ; :controls that start the pump upon I receiving a signal from the action of a user of a fixture or appliance and >limits the temperature of the water :entering the cold-water piping to :1.04'F. ___ C4043 :Water distribution system that pumps ; 7Complies­ ;Exception: Requirement does not apply. [PLB]3 (water from a heated-water supply ;[..]Does Not pipe back to the heated-water source :through a cold-water supply pipe is a :: ]Not Observable :demand recirculation water system. € Not Applicable ; ;Pumps within this system have controls that start the pump upon receiving a signal from the action of a ,user of a fixture or appliance and limits the temperature of the water :entering the cold-water"piping to 104°F. ; Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Im pact(1"fer 1) `Medium 1111p t(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: OLLIE:S BARGAIN OUTLET Report date: 04/30/19 Data filenarne: P:tCOMCHECK FOLDERSVOB FILESl1.9806-011ies Bargain Outlet,Aviation Pail,Queensbury, Page 6 of 12 NY.cck i Section s AG 'on oa Plough in ins}aec#ior► ?si z ry D[YI j 5 M r r*�' _ .,. . . „. , oa+ti.rrrs..,j,'r,'.rti✓0m1►1M 11@.,M:►�Sr @ . �t v Sr�11"Nr a�7$lOt1 —, --.____._..._....._._.__.., C402.2.6 Jhennaily Ineffective panel surfaces of;C Complies :Exception; Requirement does riot apply. [ME41)3 :sensible heating panels have UlDoes Not ;insulation >= R-3.5. ®Nat.Observable :E]Not Applicable C403.2.12!HVAC fan systems at design C Complies p Requirement will be rrret. 1 conditions do not exceed allowable ;( Does Not [ME65)3 fan system motor nameplate lip or fan; :See the Mechanical Systems list for values, system blip. ,( Not Observable I [JNot Applicable C403.2.12;11VAC fan systems at design 0complies ,Requirement will be met. A :conditions do not exceed allowable :,EJ)oes Not (ME651� ;fart system motor nameplate lip or fart; I See the;Mechanical Systems list for values. ;system blip. ( Nat Observable: : Not Applicable C4Q3;2 12 Fans have efficiency grade{PEG) > ;C Carl plies IRcquiremcnt will be met. 3 a67,The total efficiency of the fan at CIDoes Not CME117)z ,°the design point of operation <= 15% ; of maximum total efficiency of the [ Nat Observable; r 'fare, :nNot Applicable C403;,2`12 Fans have efficiency grade(FEG) >~ :OComplies Requirement will be met, 3 67.The total efficiency of the fan at :nDoes Not (ME117 � ;the design point of operation <= 15% ; of maximum total efficiency of the :E]Not Observable rfan. :DNot Applicable ; l _ _...,._........ _____-___ Q403"'„ 13 Unenclosed spaces that are heated ;C-- Camplies ;Exception: Requirement does not apply. (ME71)! ,1yuse only radiant heat. :DDoes Not ;E)Not Observable 4,` 1EINot Applicable _..;, ____.w_....._ .._.................. _.........__,.._,.w._._ C403, 3;'r HVAC equipment efficiency verified, [w1C ornplies :See the Mechanical Systems list for values. ` ) ElDoes Not t � y ' ; ;(JNot Observable ,131\lot Applicable ; C4012.6. ;Dernand control ventilation provided ;Complies ;Requirement will be met. 1 ;for spaces>500 ft2 and >25 UDoesz Not l (ME5911 :people/1000 ft2 occupant density and ; ;served by systems with air side UNot Observable :economizer, auto modulating outside tJNot Applicable ;air damper control,or design airflow l >3,000 cfm. ------------------- C403,2.6. ;Enclosed parking garage ventilation ;C]Complies ;Exception: Requirement does not apply. 2 ;has automatic contaminant detection UDoes Not [ME1.15]3 ;and capacity to stage or modulate ; ;fans to 50%or less of design capacity. ;(, Not Observable ;C:)Not Applicable C403.2,7 ;Exhaust air energy recovery on _ DComplies ;Exception:Where the largest exhaust source is less than 75% [ME57]1 ;systems meeting Table C403.2.7(1) :DDoes Not :of the design outdoor airflow. E:and C403.2,7(2). loNot Observable: _ _ ___ _ ,[]Not Applicable l _ C403.2.8 ,Kitchen exhaust systems comply with ; ]Complies ;Exception: Requirement does not apply. (ME11613 :replacement air and conditioned ElDoes Not ;supply air limitations,and satisfy hood:,E]Not Observable ;rating requirements and maximum ;exhaust rate criteria, ;[ Not Applicable ; C4f13;2 9.%IiHVAC ducts and plenums insulated. IC Cornplies ,Exception: Requirement does not apply. Where ducats or plenums are installed ;C]poes Not to or,under a slab,verification may ° ; Not Observable: 1 , need to occur during Foundation lInspection, ;E)Not Applicable 1 High Impact(Tier 1} 2;' Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 ILow Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: OL.L.IES BARGAIN OUTLET � Report date; 04/30/19 Data filenarne; P:\COMCHECK FOLDERSVOB FILES\19806-Oilies Bargain Outlet,Aviation Mall,Queensbury, Page 7 of 12 NY,cck f Y r r f ecti ClC1 - 7., Meci<anical ltflUglh+ ti ln$pectinn Gorr piles"r v h ray °v'rp s Gor111"warps/As$t7Ci1ptlons + s x , .v,,.fp .e.,.tw.! ,.,,✓ i, .. ;tl"Sv. h r;� m�t1y_�wr�',m.m`s,.✓r,'�Y a.-,.. ,...' . _.,�,,�s�s�k,,: Ducts and plenums sealed based on ,©Complies :Requirement will be met. !static pressure and location, ;oDoes Not 9C]Not Observable' _ __ ;C.-1Not.Applicable j C403.2.9, !Ductwork operating >3 in. water ;CJCamplies ;Exception: Requirement does not apply. 1.3 :colurnn requires air leakage testing, �1711)aes Not CME113 ;[ Not Observable ;! Not Applicable _ C403,2.9. ;Ductwork operating >3 in.water ;0Complies ;Exception: Requirement does:not apply. 13 column requires air leakage testing, jElDoes Not [ME11] ;[ Not Observable' :ONot Applicable C403.4,2, ;Open-or closed circuit coallrog tower's ;C CorrrpIIes :Exception: Requirement does not apply. 3.2,2 have a separate heat exchanger to ;©Does Not [ME122]' ;isolate the cooling tower from the;heat pump loop, and heat loss is bNot Observable i controlled by shutting down the i[]Not Applicable ;circulation pump on the cooling tower ;loop. C403.4.4. :Multiple zone VAV systems with DOC ;C Complies :Exception: Requirement does not apply. 6 :of individual zone boxes have static ;CDoes Not i (ME110)3 :pressure setpoint reset controls. ;See the Mechanical Systems list for values. ;CNot Observable: ;EINot Applicable C403.4.4. ;Multiple zone VAV systems with DDC ;C Complies ;Exception: Requirement does not apply, 6 ;of individual zone boxes have static ;ECDoes Not (ME110)3 pressure setpoint reset controls. See the Mechanical Systems list for values. loNot Observable ,ONot Applicable C40&2,2, ;Air outlets and zone terminal devices UComplles ;Requirement will be met. 1 have means for air balancing, !nDoes Not EME53f3 eC]Not Observable' IC]Not Applicable C403.5, ;Refrigerated display cases, walk-pn ;®Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply. C403.5.1, ;coolers or walk-in freezers served by ;C.]Does Not C403,5,2 ;remote compressors and remote [ME12313 ;condensers not located In a ;[]Not Observable ;condensing unit, have fan-powered :EJNot Applicable condensers that comply with Sections 503.5,1 and refrigeration compressor; systems that comply with C;403,5,2., Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 Itigtn Irrrpact(Trey 1j 2"'Medium Impact(Tier'23 3 Low Impact(Tier Project Title: OLLIE$BARGAIN OUTLETMmm Report:date: 04/30/19 Data filename: P:r,COMCNECK FOLDERSVOB FIt.ES\19806-011ies Bargain Outlet,Aviation Mall,Oueensbury, Page 8 of 12 NY.cck Sectlafi `a €i�� A r; aMP x Re ID :(Baugh In I ie tri ral I specticrn � A Mi 11 s � rr � r7+ ;Art Tn, rtfisPA �Urtl t crns C405,2.1 ;Lighting controls installed to uniformly:UCornplies ;Requirement will be met. (EL15]T reduce the lighting load by at least ElDoes Not ; 150% UNot Observable ![]Not Applicable C405,2.1 ;Occupancy sensors installed in Complies Requirement will be met, (EI.18)1 ;required spaces, ;[]Does Not i ,[]Not Observable: ;[]Not Applicable C40512 1;; Independer�t lighting controls installed ;[]Complies (Requirement will be met, C405;2 2 'lper approved lighting plans and all :[]Does Not 3. .manual controls readily accessible and: [ L2312 , visible to occupants, r[1Not Observable i ;[]Not Applicable C405:2 2 ;Autornatic controls to shut off all ,©Camplies :Requirerent will be met. 1 ;building lighting installed in all ;[Does Not tEL 1 ,buildings. :[]Not Observable; ;[]Not Applicable ;Y C405,2 3 :,Daylight zones provided with []Complies :Exception; Requirement does not apply, (ELl°6]1 individual controls that control the 1ODoes Not lights independent of general area : lighting. d©Not Observable i :[]Not Applicable u C405,23° :primary sidelighted areas are ,[]Complies :Requirement will be met. C405,2.3, `equipped with required lighting :[]Does Not 11 loontrols. : C405,2.3. iDNot Observable i 2 :E]Not Applicable (EL20)' ! I C405.2.3° ;Enclosed spaces with daylight area :[]Complies o Exception: Requirement does not apply, C405,2,3. :under skylights and rooftop monitors :DDoes Not 11 are equipped with required lighting C405.2.1 controls. :[]Not Observable i 3 ;[]Not Applicable (EL7.11r i C405.2.4 „Separate lighting control devices for ;[]Complies ;Requirement will be met. [EL4)1 ospecific uses installed per approved UDoes Not lighting plans. :[]Not Observable: hot Applicable C405.2.4 :Additional interior lighting power ,[]complies :Requirement will be met. (EL811 lallowed for special functions per the ;®Does Not ;approved lighting plans and is : automatically controlled and ,[]Not Observable: (separated from general lighting. ;[]Not Applicable 1 C405.3 ;Exit signs do not exceed 5 watts per ;[]Complies ;Requirement will be met, (EL6)1 face. ;[]Does Not I :[]Not Observable ,[]Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assurnptions: [1]High irnpact(Tier 1) I pMedium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low kmpact(Tier 3) Project Title; OLLIES BARGAIN OUTLET Report date: 04/30/19 Data filename: P;\COMCHECK FOLDERSVOB FILESt19806 -011ies Bargain Outlet,Aviation Mail,Queensbury, Page 9 of 12 NY.cck 8ectlon, 5, ,i r zr a c X :F6ni kNn [ae nticr'ar y Opp eSi - rrr Grrrrkttranrf Assttrr ptigfts �� 9 e ^g„ " r +4 C' wT• eFi,E! y. _,: a:,%. F«x.,. r` .4'r, ;a ,.°; .,..rarr .�,,�rd`3s`s. ;;`rJpi.ava„ _....,.. C3033, ;Furnished O&M instructions for ;[.complies Requirement will be met, C408,2.5, =systems and equipment to the :-Does Not 2 j building owner,or designated [Fi17}3 representative, DNotObservable :DNot Applicable C30�Furnished O&M manuals for HVAC Co plies � :Requirement will be met. C408.2,5, systems within 90 clays of system :DDoes Not 3 ;acceptance, [F18]3 r-Not Observable ;DNot Applicable C4012.2 ;HVAC systems and equipment ;DComplies ;Requirement will be met. (F12713 ;capacity does not exceed calculated ;-Does Not ;loads. ;®Not Observable _ ;[ Not Applicable C403.2.4. Heating and cooling to each zone is ;Dcomplies :Requirement will be met. 1 ;controlled by a thermostat control. :-Does Not [F14713 jMinimur'r one humidity control device ; ;per installed ;-Not Observable; ;17umidification/dehumidification ;DNot Applicable system,. C403.2.4. ;Heating and cooling to each zone is ;DComplies ;Requirement will be met. 1 controlled by a thermostat control. E]Does Not (F147}3 ;Minimum one humidity contra!device ; ;per Installed ;DNot Observable; :humidification/dehumidification :C]Not Applicable System. _ ~C403_.2. Heat pump controls prevent ;DComplies ;Exception: Requirement does not apply. _ 1.1 �supplernentat electric resistance heat :E]Does Not [F142]3 ;from coming on when not needed. ;-Not Observable: ,DNot Applicable C403,2.4. ;Therrnostatic controls have a 5 °F ,DComplies ;Requirement will be met. 112 Ideadband. :E]Does Not (F1381a ;-Not Observable: 'DNot Applicable-: C403.2.4. Temperature controls have setpoint ;DComplies _,Requirement will be met. 1.3 ;overlap restrictions, ODoes Not [FI20) ,-Not Observable: ;DN_ot Applicable C403,2.4. ;Each zone equipped with setback _ ;DComplies ;Requirement will be met, 2 ;controls using automatic time clock or :DDoes Not (F13913 ;programrnable control system. ;-Not Observable; _ aDNot Applicable C403.2,4, ;Automatic Controls:Setback to 55°F ;DComplies ;Requirement will be met. 2.1, ;(heat)and 85°F(cool); 7-day clock,2- :E]Does Not C4012.4. r hour occupant override, 10-hour 2,2 ;backup ,DNot Observable; [F140)3 jDNot Applicable ; C405,4,1 Interior installed lamp and fixture ;-Complies ;See the Interior Lighting fixture schedule for values. [1`1181' lighting power is consistent with what �DDoes Not j is shown on the approved lighting ; plans,demonstrating proposed watts ;-Not Observable are less than or equal to allowed ;DNot Applicable watts, 1 High impact(Tier 1) Medium Impact(Tier 2} ow impact{Tier 3) _ C�_ _._ . Project Title: OLLIES BARGAIN OUTLET Report date: 04/30/19 Data filename: P:�COMCHECK FOLDERSVOB FILES\19806-011ies Bargain Outlet,Aviation Mall,Queensbury, page 10 of 1.2 NY,cck Sec'tlgo Final lnsp@Ctlfltl 'i u� � OY 1I�}'S7a'{ t atg r CQC�ItII�'Y1t5�dMSSL1rM�#t1QnS C408,2,1 ;Comrnissioning plait developed by :DCornplies ;Require.rnent will be rnet. [FC28)1 ;registered design professional or ;DDoes Not approved agency. ;[3Not CJbservab9e ;[]Not Applicable C408.2.1 ;HVAC equipment has been tested to ;[ complies ;Requirement will be met, 1 °:ensure proper operation. ;®Does Not [FI31,11 ;[]Not Observable ;01\lot Applicable C408.2.3, HVAC control systems have been ;( Complies ;Requirement will be met. 2 ;tested to ensure proper operation, E©Does Not [F110)1 ;calibration and adjustment of controls.; ,[ Not Observable ; .)Not Applicable i C408.2.4 Preliminary commissioning report DComplies ;Requirement will be met. [F129)1 €completed and certified by registered ❑Does Not ;design professional or approved ;agency, ;[ Not Observable ;[]Not Applicable C408,2.5. 'Furnished HVAC as-built drawings ;©Complies (Requirement will be met, 1 �subrnitted within 90 days of system ,[ Does Not [F1713 ;acceptance. tNot Observable _ ;DNot Applicable C408,2.5. ,Furnished as-built drawings for ;[1CompCies ;Requirement will be met. 1 telectric power systems within 90 days :ElDoes Not [FI16]3 ;of systern acceptance, ; ;[]Not Observable; : ]Not Applicable C408,2,5, ;An air,and/or hydronic system— ;[]complies ;Requirement will be met 3 balancing report is provided for HVAC T]Does Not [FI43j1 jsysterns. ,[)Not Observable :DNot Applicable C408.2,5. ;Final commissioning report due to C complies Requirement will be met, 4 build Ing owner within 90 days of UDoes Not (F13011 receipt of certificate of occupancy, ?[]Not Observable; :DNot Applicable C408.3 ;Lighting systems have been tested to ;ElCompiies 41 ,Requirement will be met, [F133]1 :ensure proper calibration, adjustment, :E]Does Not ;programming, and operation. ; ,[ Not Observable ;[ Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) — P4edium Impact('tier 2) 3 Law Impact(Tier 3) � Project Title: OLLIES BARGAIN OUTLET Report date: 04/30/19 Data filenarne: P:\COMCHECK FOLDERS\lOB FILESf19806-011ies Bargain Outlet,Aviation Mali, Queensbury, Page 11 of 12 NY.cck ti Project Title: OLLWS BARGAIN OUTLET Report date: 04/30/19 Data filename: PACOMCHECK FOLDERSVOB FILES\19806-011ies Bargain Outlet,Aviation Mail,Queensbury, Page 12 of 12 NY,cck FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 "Home of Natural Beauty ... A Good Place to Live " PLAN REVIEW FILE 011ies 578 Aviation Road " CC-0232-2019 4/23/2019 The following comments are based on a walk through with production ongoing: • Verify fire extinguisher location and inspection • CO detection required , verify • Verify location and operation of exit/Emergency lighting. • Lock/ latches shall comply with Chapter 10 of 2015 IBC. • Verify paths of egress • Add Knox Box and key for emergency entry • NFPA 13 letter of compliance required for any sprinkler modifications • If fire alarm system is planned, submit plans prior to any work beginning. NOTE, sprinkler monitoring required and duct detection required. Occupant notification to be included • I need clarification on the proposed occupant egress plan. Travel distance, exit locations, etc. Michael J al er Fire Marshal 742 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 firemarshal@queensbury.net Fi r e M a r s h a l 's Off i c e - P h o n e: 518-761-8206 F a x: 518-745-4437 -flremarshal@queensbuill.net - Tvzvzv.queensburt�net MEN ............_:............. ............... Wffi wilPtE , ............ loss ............. a, MY A A do, ..................... ........... ............ ............ .......... .......... ............ ................ .......... .......... ............. ........... ...... ......... .......... ... ................. ........ ------- PERIPA/ .......... .......... ...... ............ lox A/A11111 ............ ........... ------- ...................V/0' 'I IWMII�1111 M, I