Project Narrative900 Route 146 Clifton Park, NY 12065 (P) 518.371.7621 (F) 518.371.9540 edpllp.com PROJECT NARRATIVE SITE AND BUILDING MODIFICATIONS FOR FRANIS AND CINDY STECIUK 374 GLEN LAKE ROAD QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK November 2023 The applicant is proposing to renovate the existing dwelling located on an existing 0.65 acres parcels at 374 Glen Lake Road in the Town of Queensbury. The proposed renovation will include the removal of portions of the dwelling, construction of additions, interior renovation, and exterior façade modifications. Additional site work will include new patio areas, new wastewater absorption field, and shoreline modifications to improve lake access, prevent erosion and an improved vegetated buffer along the shoreline. As summarized below the proposed project will be compliant with section 179-9-080 of the Town of Queensbury Code. A. The proposed use, single family dwelling, is an allowable use in the Waterfront Residential (WR) zoning district and therefore is consistent with the Towns Comprehensive Plan. B. The proposed project complies with the requirements of Chapter 179 of the Town code. The proposed site will meet the parking requirements. A variance is being requested for a slight reducing in the required permeable areas on the site (72% proposed when 75% is required) C. There are no existing pedestrian paths or sidewalks in the vicinity of the project site. Onsite pedestrian activity will remain. D. The proposed project will result in a new complaint onsite wastewater collection system. E. The proposed project will be in conformance with the general purpose of the Town Code and is an allowable use in accordance with the code. F. The proposed project will not result in a significant increase in traffic volume or a change to the existing entrance onto Glen Lake Road. G. The proposed modifications will maintain existing off-street parking. H. The proposed project will have no impact on the natural, scenic, aesthetic, ecological, wildlife, historic, recreational or open space resources of the town. I. The proposed project will not result in any changes to the existing pedestrian access and circulation. J. The proposed project will not result in any increase in runoff from the site. The small increase in impervious area will be treated and infiltrated with permeable pavers and each trenches. K. The proposed project contains an existing connection to a private well and a new on-site wastewater treatment system. 2 900 New York 146 Clifton Park, NY 12065(P) 518.371.7621 (F) 518.371.9540 edpllp.com L. Foundation plantings around the dwelling are proposed and the shoreline buffer will be redeveloped to meet current town regulations. M. The proposed site modification will not result in a significant increase in demand for emergency services or fire protection. The proposed project will not restrict any existing fire lanes and access to the site. N. Portions of the site will be graded in order to ensure there is not standing water on site between storm events. O. The proposed project conforms to all applicable design and performance standards of Chapter 179 of the Town Code.