Septic DetailsSeptic System Installation tjotgg: ®VAC �- LEGEND 1. The holdig tank shall be a watertight precast concrete heavy duty septic tank, without outlets, as manufactured by Fort Miller Company or roved equal, TANK FLOAT SWITCH - OPENS FINISH GRADE HIGH LEVEL ON RISING LEVEL - (NORMALLY CLOSEQ) IIE�NCH AID Cti10UIT 2 All joints below the maximum water level shag be watertight. Use Evazote 380 PST sealant or equivalent butyl joint sealant at sections. Caulk FINI**7D DRAM as required to insure watertight joints. FLOAT 1 3. The holding tank manhole rim elevation of 96.05 is 3.85 feet above the Lake George elevation of 92.20 (with assumed data) as field measured on (NO) FLOAT SWITCH C �� 1� / i August 30,19W. „, BACKFIL. WITH EXCAVATED MATERIAL ON RISING LEVEL - (NORMBACKFILL WITH EXCAVATED 'a'..L.Y OPEN) W EN INMEPEII MJITAIBy ' y l T� PO�I� � FILL TOK 4. The holding tank shall be capab{e of supporting H-20 highway loading. Certification of load capacity shall be supplied by the tank manufacturer. MATERIAL.FREE OF SHARP FLOAT CR TANK SHUT OFF OBJECTSUITAB, WHEN DETERMINED J t:ONPACTED IN MAX t?' LOTS - OBJECTS, The tank shall be equipped with a level alarm system. `-`�"� LEVEL RELAY CR ALL FILL TO BE COMPACTED / N i E 6 The alarm system sequence of operations is as follows: (NC) X CONTROL RELAY IN MAX. 12 LIFTS. __ ( N-____--- _ RUN OF BANK GRAVEL / N U) _ THOROUGLY COMPACTED IN When the level of the holding tank reaches 50% of the usable level in the tank, a yellow light will indicate "Tank High Lever. When the level of •. MAX. 12" LIFTS the holding tank reaches 100% of the usable level in the tank, a buzzer will sound, a red light will flash to indicate 'Tanl,, Shut Off Level' and ANK >I the solenoid valve in the main water line will de -energize and dose to prevent anymore water from entering the residence. A pushbutton will be SHUT OFF ALARM LIGHT '- YELLOW W CONDUIT - REFER TO SITE PLAN used to silence the buzzer. The system will automatically reset after the holding tank is pumped down to below the actuation level of the alarm a' FOR TYPE a DIA. high-level switch. LEVEL 7 Float switches shall be direct -acting, one normally closed (tank shut-off) and one normally open alarm {li h-level , suspended, with built-in weight CLEAN SAND OR R.O.B. pe ( 9 ) Pe 9 which actuates when the longitudinal axis of the float is horizontal, and deaduates when the liquid level falls 1" below the actuation level. Float R ALARM LIGN I "' RED GRAVEL FREE OF SANDY LOAM. UNDISTURBED EARTH float uses above actuation level, contact shall sect i t switch shall operate at 120VAC with a pilot duty of 4 5A minimum Contact shall be normally open for Float #1 (tank high level) i.e. rin� when i eel conta s e normally do or Float #2 (emergency high level) i.e. o when float rise above actuation 4 al b nor ( y g I) pens d �o level. The float shall be chemical resistant polypropylene casing with a firmly bonded electrical cable protruding. One end of the cable shall be / permanently connected to the enclosed mercury switch, and the entire assembly encapsulated to form a completely water tight, impact - TANK BUZZER resistant, and suitable for Class 1, Division 2 locations as per NEC, Gould Type A2-3 or equivalent. ELECTRIC WIRING PIPE DIA . z'-0' a The float switch wiring shall be terminated in a NEMA 4X'unction box mounted inside the grade rim of the holding tank. II .,i,in from the tkaat SHUT OAF 9 1 9 9 9 `g 24 MIN. WITH I" PVC switch unction look to the level alarm system Orel shall be installed underground in accordance with the latest edition of National Electric Code CR 1 CR 2 LEVEL PUSH BUTTON SWITCH CONDUIT and allstateand local codes. Wiring shall be 3412AWG, Type THW or f HWN, conductors in a 1" Sch, 80 PVC conduit. One level switch shall 0 o NORMALLY OPEN MDTESi be actuated when the tank is at 50% of the usable capacity to indicate a high level. The second level switch shall be actuated when the tank is B a 100% of the usable capacity to indicate a shut off level. Provide rigid galvanized steel conduit under driveways and other heavy vehicular SOLENOID VALVE t. ME EATHexcK E•AYEIENT, ENTIRE ABLE t To PAVEMEF-OF AYEL.At>E Tt►sALL •• E MCR:ILLED WITH ACCEPTABLE RLh DiF-®ANK eR�rEL. traffic areas -extending 5-0" on either side. " ALARM SILEN `�CE O FAIL CLOSE _. V COMM17 DIA EXCEEDS 12'. THE "-DF-sAW MAVEL MQVI. 1NE 9. The control relays shall be general purpose, i20VAC with contacts rated for 5 amperes conhiuvUs. Number and type of contacts s,,all be as CO►OUIT !HALL eE EOUAL To DR GREATER THAT, THE CONW11 DIA follows: CR-1 :1-normally open and 3 - normally dosed contacts, and CR-2:1- normdny open and 1 - normally closed contacts, Square'D' 8501 CR ALARM SILENCE NORM/ALLY OPEN CONTACT (NO) It+DIA •'1WAX> UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED AND/DR DIRECTED. Type RS-14 or equivalent. Provide a relay socket to match the control relay furnished. --I I-- 10. The alarm lights shall be 120VAC pilot lights with a domed plastic lens. The 'Tank High Level" light lens shall be yellow, Square 'D' KTIY9 CR2 CR1 2 RELAY ' NORMALLY CLOSED CONTACT (NC) TRENCH AND CONDUIT DU IT DETAIL Type K or equivalent. The 'Tank Shut off Level" light shall be supplied with a flasher and a i-A lens, Square 'D' KPF1R9 Type K or 2 CABLE TRENCH DETAIL 3 equivalent. 2 SCALE :NOT TO SCALE 2 SCALE : NOT TO SCALE 11. The buzzer shall be 120VAC, heavy duty, adjustable volume Edwards Adaptabuzzer, Type 340A-N5 or equivalent. CR 1 MAIN WATER LI N , 12 A normally open, 120VAC, non -illuminated momentary contact pushbutton shall be provided. The pushbutton shall have a full guard, Square 'D' SOLENOID SKRIUH5 Type K or equivalent. ®IN TA� i 13. The relays, relay sockets shall be mounted in a NEMA enclosure suitable for the location. The alarm lights, buzzer and the buzzer silence CONCRETE ry pushbutton shall be mounted on the front of the enclosure, All necessary materials, i.e., terminal blocks, connectors, etc., to mount and conned LEVEL v ����� w �^ �� A all devices shall be provided. This enclosure shall be provided with a nameplate with the following description 'Holding Tank Level Alarm ALARMTEM A j� JF.I�AM- FACADE--, BUILDING System". Provide plastic laminated nameplates, white through to black core, over each device. Nameplate description shall be as indicated on FACADE BUGPROOF CAP I schematic. All wiring in the holding tank level alarm system control panel shah be installed in a neat and workmanlike manner. A copy of the 2 SCALE : NOT TO SCALE FRESH AIR INLET (3" MIN.) BUILDING FACADE I schematic and sequence of operation shall remain with control panel. The enclosure shall be mounted in a suitable location in the residence. 4" CLEAN OUT 14. The solenoid valve shall be a normally dosed (energize to open) valve, 120VAC and shall be installed in the residence incoming main water line. PRECAST CONCRETE I2' 3" w CAP The size of the valve orifice shall correspond with the pipe diameter of the water fine. Wiring to the solenoid shall be sized in accordance with the MANHOLE SECTION MIN - latest edition of National Electric Code. With this arrangement, the domestic water supply will be interrupted if there is a power outage . (irrespective of the liquid level in the tank) or it the liquid level in the tank reaches the alarm shutoff level. c INLET INVERT 2" ABOVE MANHOLE FRAME 8 ALARM SHUT OFF 8 COVER (TYP) 2 LEVEL SLOPE LOW POINT 1/4" / FT MIN. TO EACH SIDE f ! N 1 �D MADE 1/4"/FT SLOPE MIN. 1/4" PT SLOP: MIN. 12" WATERPROOF GEIIEW MIN. MORTAR 8" CONC. GRADE RING OR ACCESS EXTENSION MIN. STRUCTURES AS MANUFACTURED BY FORT MILLER OR APPROVED EQUAL I NLET r•, z a II m 1 u. ALARM SHUT OFF4LEVEL MERCURY FLO)7 SWITCH CORED HOLE 7 II `D o LEVEL FLEXIBLE JOINT 2 Is o 0 4 ALARM HIGH LEVEL SAN I TARP ( LIQUID = TEE G ZI LEVEL 5 5U M WATER TIGHT PRECAST o -00 6"MIN. CONCRETE SEPTIC HOLDING 2 to TANK, WITHOUT OUTLETS, If SEAMLESS OR EVAZOTE JOINTS 380 PST OR APPROVED 0 ' EQUIVALENT FOR WATER TIGHT ��y� •' try-OP JOINT SEALANT, APPLIED BY g R �� E.1 O•� tT•R�o O •� TANK MANUFACTURER. COMPACTED R. (SEE ALSO DETAIL 5/2) 0.8. GRAVEL SECTION VIEW BAFFLES MAY iE USED INSTEAD OF SMITARY TEE$ 24 0 1 A r .- � .... rF t It 11 11 I MXT 1 1 >j •'tee` t � '� :•_tip 1 tl I 1' 1, It PLAN VIEW SPECIFICATION TABLE NOTES: I.) TANK TO BE PRECAST CONCRETE AS MANUFACTURED BY FORT MILLER CO. OR APPROVED EQUAL. 2.) PRECAS-- CONCRETE TANK / ACCESS EXTENSION AND/OR GRADE RINGS TO BE DESIGNED FOR H-20 LOADING CONDITIONS. 3. INVERT HEIGHT MEASURED FROM INSIDE BASE. (BOTTOM) 4J EXCLUDES THE WEIGHT OF BAFFLES ( OPTIONAL ALTERNATIVE TO SANITARY TEES.) .._-. J SEE DETAIL 1- 2 AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALARM SYSTEM RATED CAPACITY GALS ACTUAL CAPACITY GALS LIQUID LEVEL INTEGRAL TOP HEIGHT INTER- MEDIATE HEIGHT BASE HEIGHT OVERALL HEIGHT 4.) TOTAL WEIGHT ALARM HIGH LEVEL ALARM SHUT-OFF LEVEL INLET 3') INVERT HEIGHT INSIDE OUTSIDE LBS TONS 3,000 3,338 4'-0' 2'- 0" --- 3'- 0" 5'- 0" 6'- 2" 41,800 20.9 2'-0" 4'-0" 4'-2" 3,500 3,546 4'-3- 2'- 3" --- 31- 0" 5'- 3" 6'-5- 42,700 21.4 2'-1 1/2" a's" 4'-5" 4,000 4,172 F- 0" 31- 0" --- 3'- 0" 6'- 0" T- 2" 45,400 22.7 4,500 4,520 5'- 5" 3'- 6" --- T- 0" 6'- 6" T- 8" 47,200 23.6 Z-8 1/2" 5'-5" 5'-7" 5,000 5,215 6'- 3" 3'- 0" --- 4'- 3" 7- 3" 8'- 5" 49,900 25.0 3'-I 1/2" 5,500 5,632 6'- 9" T- 6" --- 4'- 3" T- 9" 8% 11" 51,700 25.9 3'-4 I/2" _ s'-9" 6,000 6,049 T- 3" 4--0- --- 4% 3" 8'- 3" 9'-5- 53,500 26.8 3'-7 112" 7'-3" 7'-5" 6,500 6,467 T- 9" T- 9" 2% 0" S- 0" 1 8% 9" 9'- 11" 56,350 28.2 3'-IQ 1/2" 7'-9" 7,000 6,884 8% 3" 3'- 0" 2'- 0" W- 3" 1 9'-3- 10'-5- 58,150 29.1 4'-I 1/2" 8'-3" 8'-5" 7,500 7,510 91- 0" 3`- 9" 2% 0" 4'- 3" 101- 0" 11- 2" 60,850 30.4 4'-s" 9'-0" W-2" 8,000 7,927 9'- 6" 4'-3- 2'- 0" 4'- 3" 10'-6- 11-8- 62,650 31.3 4'.9" 9'-6" 91-8" BUM ROPE - 2" WIDE EXTEND WALL STEEL REINFORCEMENT INT( JOINT LIPS. 5 TYP JOINT 2 SCALE : NOT TO SCALE 4" CLEANOUT PLUGS ��2 FT. MAX. ACKWATER 4' MAX. ' VALVE) I 1- L; DOUBLE HAND HOLE l BUILD! aG TRAP, OR RUNNING TRAP APPROVED BACKWATER - VALVE IF REQUIRED MAY BE ALTERNATE LOCATION FOR INSIDE CLEANOUT. HEAVY DUTY WATER TIGHT MANHOLE FRAME ANDCOVER, MODEL # 1502 AS MANUFACTURED BY CAMPBELL FOUNDRY COMPANY OR APPROVED EQUAL. DESIGN FOR H-20 LOAD'NG. f \\FLEXIBLF NEOPRENE EST SEAL ASSEMBLY M CORED HOLE W64PTAP AFTER _.-------- ..d ' %- INSTALLATION � ' .s i ADH ,,\ G '..c r--- STAiNLESS STEE: • BAND CLAMP KORBANU tOOLDIN', 9001 is PIRCOCCtkx - i >.iZi `•.\,\ - INTO WRi Al - rWnE' SPNir+it � I i I I I 1 I 1 PON �+ r PAE+i t i 1 NOTE: 4" C.I. RISER CLEAN OUT TO BE PLACED IN PLANTED AREA ADJACENT TO BUILDING ONLY. FERNCO 8"x4" COUPLING 1051-64 (OR EQUAL) FLOW TAB.E i - i-CRIZOt`TrAL SE2AFATION DISTAWES FiiCV. re "= SOCK: FROM TOWN OF QUEENSBURY SANITATION REGULATIONSTO STREW ) 60 D. I.F. TO HOLDING TANK WEIL OR LAKF OR 41x4"x4" C. I. WYE VrA.STUfZ TER St3t'T'IC N WATE:R PRDIPL, iW/450 BEND SOUR= LINE (a) CICURSE (c) DWELLUC LrNrAND T -1. House Sewer 25' if cast 25 - 10, (Watertight iron pipe _-joints) 50' otherwise BUILDING SEWER CLEAN OUT SCALE : NOT TO SCALE 4�OG GGdGl1��G �A PLAN VIEW SECTION VIEW 2 FT. MAX. 4" D.I.P. BUILDING SEWER FLOW - FOUNDATION WALL IME 1/ 2 " DIAMETER STAINLESS STE CAP SCREWS Septic Tank 50' 50, 1O' 10, 50' l Effluent Line to Distribution Box 50' 50' 10' 10, 50' Distribution Box 100, 100, 20' 10, 100, Absorption Field 100'(b) - 1001(d) 20' 10, 100'(b)(d Seepage Pit 150'(b) 100'(d) 20' 10, 150'(b)(d 1/4 FLAT (more in coarse gravel) NEOPRENE GASKET Dry Well 50' 25' 20' 10, 50' (Roof & Footing) MACHINED BEARING SURFACES Fill or Built- 100, 100, 20' 10' 200' (e' Up System Evapotranspiration- 100, 100' 20' 10, ) 200' (e Absorption System 9 BOLTING DETAIL Sanitary Privy Pit 100' 50' 20' 10, 100, 2 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE Privy, - tight vault- So' S0' 20' 10' 100 ` (a) Water service and sewer lines may be in the same trench if cast iron sewer with lead -caulked joints is laid at all points 18" below water service pipe; or sewer may be on dropped shelf at one side at Least 18" below water service pipe, pro- vided that sewer pipe is laid beiaw'frost with tight and root -proof joints and is not ;sthject bo settling, super reposed loads or vibration. Water service lines under pressure shall not pass closer than 10 feet of a septic tank, absorption the f field, leaclyirx4 pit, privy c r any other. >part of a sewaae disposal system. (b) ScA,4*,Je c1isFAa: I stystans of necessity upgrade in tho general path of drain -Ile to a well shill bra s(k,ced 200 feet. or 1W.)re away. (.) MI iC: hifllt tm rk. (d) If' rtx,i,t ifHn nite .is 0 tc! 1 minutes pex inch, this distance becT-Tmes 200 l i nrrlr tex•i . (Ill) FI >s 1 CJ. X1 r cu 1. Ir],u'c�In� }t, i f Eaci t fix! f € tYw di st-ance Inay be a mininm ; ,,,I .;11t' 1A1rXir gX1 (100) fit SEP r- UI" FLEXIBLE JOINT REOUIREMENTS SFWEP PIPE TYPE FI-FXIRtE JOIN'. TYPE IN A OU1 ANC;F. _(FEET) VITRIFIEC CLAr ST0 RUSBEF GA'ET -PIPE. JOINT ONI_r 3' MAX AB't TRUz S STD SOLVEN' WUC* E, PIPE JOINT ONi 10' MAX XICTILE IRON STD RUBBED ET P!PE JOINT ONI•Y 10' W} PVC: ST{) RUSBEF PPL JOINT ON�r 3' ,Mx 8 HEAVY DUTY MANHOLE FRAME 2 SCALE : NOT TO SCALE C.1 MALE ASS031ATES P.C. Ls DATA RECORD OP WORKDrawn CnecK Appr H.THOMAS JARRETT ALICE MacLEAN JAMES RESIDENCE t P.E.rr 10.4.90 SUBMIT TO NYSDOH, LGPC, aAPA. A7)A(�'�u_ SEPTIC DETAILS � II•I.90 �- NOTES REVISED vwj, TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ! .;7.19.9t � REVISIONS PER. SEPTIC VARIANCE WARREN 948.91 iACORED HOLE FLEXIBLE PIPE TO-TANKJOINT SUBMISSION TO TOWN PLANNING BOARD Jm1 ��•T,MALE ASSOCIA E .C" ._._ _-.--_ -_ _-____-- - --___ _ _ --_ T S P SCALE : NOT TO SCALE - , '� 65 Bray Street, P O. BOX 533, Glens Falls, N.Y. 12801 ' ------____�--_-._--' ., t 5? 8) 793--i8C2 En, rr,eerir7 torus in Arch„teClure �.andsCa e ArCtl+terrture ` Y v UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO - 90 _ ,:- • i-<7t: oriitorV Services ornpufer _SerVICeS THIS DOCUMENT ES A VIOLATION OF SECTION C.?,MALE ASSJC'ATE:S.P.C. 1209 SUBDIVISION 2 OF THE NEW YORK STATE µ sir ra„ , r K.R. GORSCH e W J.M. LANARO C p ET FDUCP,TiOKI LAW T- C. _ . >C �'' AS NOTED 1'R :} * ' 90.2372 SH E F ' 2 Of- 2 A, G , N 0 TYPICAL CONCRETE HOLDING TANK SCALE : NOT TO SCALE