2012-12-04 Queensbury Recreation Commission Queensbury, NY Minutes for the December 4, 2012 regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury held at the Town of Queensbury Supervisor's Conference Room. Chairperson White called the meeting to order at 7:09 pm Roll Call: • Present: Goralski, Mott, Switzer, White • Excused: Fusco, Hewlett, Matthews • Staff: Director Steve Lovering, Assistant Director Lori O'Shaughnessy • Guests: none Approval of minutes: It was moved by Commissioner Mott, seconded by Commissioner Goralski, to approve the minutes from the November 13, 2012 meeting. All members present approved. Communications and Remarks from Visitors: A.)Monthly Correspondence: • Email from Dan Stec to change the subdivision fee —draft of the resolution for 1/14/13. Discussion on whether commercial fees should be only for new buildings, or include additions to preexisting commercial buildings. Staff will look at local law for surrounding areas regarding commercial fees. A public hearing was scheduled to be held on January 14, 2013, but the Recreation Commission would like to postpone the hearing in order to provide a definitive answer on how the commercial recreation fees will be assessed. • Email from Ella Harppinger (School Librarian) concerning the distribution of the Recreation Department seasonal program flyers at Queensbury Middle School • Budget Shortfall Funding Request: There will most likely be a shortfall in the budget for 2012 calendar year; Director Lovering has issued a request for funding to the Queensbury Town Board. B.) Budget Control Report: as of 11/21/12 reviewed and discussed C.) 2013 Commission Meeting Dates—everyone agreed upon the dates for the 2013 meetings— no discussion D.) Employee Roster: no discussion Unfinished Business: A.) Update on the Jenkinsville Maintenance Building Project-A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy has been issued. Still need to work on the security system and some other areas. Department will gradually move into the office space then the work area. B.) Supervisor/Commission Meeting Report—Chairperson White and Commissioner Mott reported it was very positive, Supervisor Stec supported all the items of the agenda (see packet for December 4, 2012 meeting) • Supervisor Stec did express concern about the amount of requested form the Occupancy Tax to use for the Gurney Lane pool repairs. • A capital fund has been set up for vehicles and equipment. Recreation department would like to have a tractor, will seek a contract price to replace the one the department currently has. • Supervisor Stec indicated he wanted to give an increase to the nonunion staff but wanted to get union staff settled first. C.) Rush Pond Bikeway: A resolution was introduced by Town Councilperson Tim Brewer to take all necessary action to implement the Rush Pond Way Trail Project as detailed in the plans by the Laberge Group. D.) 2013 Budget adopted— reviewed and discussed, Director Lovering satisfied with the budget New Business: A.) 2013 Park Improvement Projects: reviewed and discussed B.) 2012 Department Accomplishments: reviewed and discussed C.) New Discussion Items for Commissioners: no discussion Adjournment: A motion was made by Commissioner Switzer, seconded by Commissioner Goralski, to adjourn meeting at 8:33pm Respectfully Submitted Approved by Judith Goralski