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BUILDING PERMIT y TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. $7_6$0 � WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereb granted to Frank & Audrey Cain Ln Ln OWNER of property located at & Butternut Hill Drive Street, Road or Ave. I r— in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a In—Ground Swimming Pool w at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Oueensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance, 1. OWNER'S Address is 12 Butternut Hill Drive Queensbury , Na Y . 12801 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S (dame Sprague Pools to 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Address 7+ 294 Broadway r� FT . Edward , N . Y . rt 4. ARCHITECT'S Name 1D �C LU H. S. ARCHITECT'S Address 6. TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by X) cd { ) wood Frame I } Masonry I } Steel I I m rt rt tb rt 7. PLANS and Specifications No. 36 ' x 16 ' per plot plan and application ( steel/vinyl) x r• 8. Proposed use In—Ground pool to one family dwelling v ra- d $ 15 . 00 PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRESy 1 8$ , 19 Cn C (if a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the p town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) G C C. Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 9th Day of October 1987 � d 0 4 SIGNED BY 7 / �GZ.G /./ �'�. '/ for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning I nspector , 6/xo" �j f - wtv C7F QUEE�`�iSoorc`s BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT � ✓ Say and Haviland Road, R.D. 1 Sox 98ti� 1AC1� Oueensbury. New York 12801 �77VVs rk C;E 0EP?e f r ' SWIMMING GI POOL PERMIT APPLICATION C_- FEE PAID O to n e v ' s Name T e 2 . Location G/i G'T fT�'�L .ej /GG Type of PooZ - - r� in -ground above - ground Size : Length�& rt . - W24dthi ,.ft . - Diameter t . -Depth ft . Approximate water capacity _ .. ✓"ram �gaZZons . Matevials used in construction : ( circZe one ) y Steel /vinyZ�- Fibreglas..s- Gunite -Poured Concrete - - Other CantrccetorflrzstaZZer 7/� 3� /"� r� 'al, Tel Address . d:;W7 �r � ,�i����C.r/�`T IMPORTANT I NSTRUCT J ONS : On a separate piece of paper , submit a diagram , drawn to show: PROPERTY LINES EXISTING STRUCTURES - LO+CATION OF PROPOSED SWIMMING POOL - Show all distances ,from lot lines to both the pool and the structures , as well as separations between . Application for Electrical Inspection is necessary . ��■_ ! will make this inspection , A copy of the application is to be filed with this office . This office is to be notified upon completlion' of construction ; including installation of fencing , A FINAL INSPECTION WILL BE MADE BEFORE USE OF THE POOL IS AUTHORIZED . Signature of Applicant �rr �:S i 4: ' Data 02 / 86 and - vl TOWN OF OUEENS33URY SWIMMING POOL REGULATIONS - ARTICLE ? , SFICTION 7 . 074 . ACCESSORY STRUCTURES 4 ) $ 15 . 00 Fee for Pool Permit 4 ) Private Swimming pools . Private swimming pools , permanent and partab e, which shall be accessory to a principal , non-commercial dwelling use shall be regulated as follows ; except that these regulations shall not apply to portable swimming Pool s which shall be not more than three ( 3 ) feet in height nor sroore than fifteen ( 15 ) feet in length , a ) May be erected only on the same lot as the principal structure , b) May be erected only in the rear yard of - such structure and shall be of a distance not less than twenty ( 20 ) feet from the rear lot lines nor less than ten ( 10 ) feet from any side lot line , principal structure or attached or detached accessory structure . c ) Shall be landscaped , d ) such use shall not adversely affect the character of the neighborhood . e ) All private swimming pools. shall be enclosed by a Permanent fence of durable material at least four ( 4 ) feet in height . f ) In the case where a ! lot fronts on two ( 2 ) or more public rights-of-way , a private swimming pool shall be erected 'only on that portion of the said lot that ' is directly adjacent to that side of the principal building which is , dir ectly Opposite the architectural main entrance of said building and the neighboring side lot line . In no case shall the pool be any nearer to the lot lines abutting any public right-of-way than the required front setback for the principal building of the zoning district in which it is located . r Furthermore , the ; pool shall be screened fron the view of the public right-of-way and the neighbor - ing property by means of landscaping . ( See defini - tion of " Landscaping " ) NOTE : ALL POOL PERMIT APPLICATIONS MUST STATE MATERIAL TO BE USFD , SUCH As : STEEL VINYL FIBERGLASS POURED CONCRFTE GUNITE ABO1JF GROUND _./ocun W Queen3iury jBuiu?ING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Havitand Road, R.D. 1 Box 98 Queensbury, New York 12001 Bl.fI LDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT NAME _� ia// met LOCATION •',�J�rr Date ' / /4 Permit NO© 9:,(Z APPROVED* -* YES* NO Footing/Pier Forms Foundation waterproofing Backfill Framing Roofing Siding Masonry Veneer Rough Plumbing Relief Valves Ext . Parches Finished Floors Interior Trim stairs & Railings Cellar Drain Tile concrete Floors lllbg . Fixtures Czar . F ireproc+fir i7oor closers Smoke Detector s chimney I N SU I.AT I ON Foundation ' Floors walls Ceiling FINAL EL CTRICAL INSPECTION IIRIVEWAY APPROVAL Final Building Survey P3ext scheRemarks- "uu d ,inspection (call when ready } Remarks- /Xc;pS-2g:�- e 7tuilding Inspe or 6/86 rod-vl MIDDLE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION AGENCY. INC. Pir r goo Haddon Avenue. Collingswood, N.J. 08108 �� 47t May } 7 1988 o � (�ertIf t £� that the electrical equipment listed has been examined and is approved as being in accrd with the National Electrical Code, applicable governmental , utility and .Agency rules. i Occupancy' Swimming Pool Ownar. Frank Cain rr Occupant: Same r . r�' 0.1 V ".is cert4flCale G7°ers :ne Glecxa'�cal egwornent ano installar. h inspeClM '^�s Location: f'� I 1 rlale. It additional sGu•pnten1 should be niroducetl Or al!s'ationit nai'.P !u 12 Butternut Hill ,, •-lU�en ra bUY"y ( Warren Co ) eYisnrg SNa[em "is certlf,eale shal[ pcf null and void. and s[:. iiCanOn ter II } ".SPeLilryn 5ho11(p be SUPmitt�ed Pfgrn Pity tG 1" A90nCy y-{ Equipment: 1 _ 5w V tG h ; - G . F . C . y - Pump hJldef qr nLS certificate 5n4uld present same etr n s PraPerrr ^5 .a r-ce carrier agert dr Corn Canyl as atildencr cerl.fi4abon at e,ectrical eq�+ pme+'.I aperneeo . �. as spec I led. { r Kelly Electric No . Applicant: URI 15 Willow Road 1 5 - 021 2 36 (g� L. Queensbury , New York 1 �8l3� ` 'Famg. No. 703 EL t-1{3 MIDDLE DEPARTMEW INSPECTION AGENCY, INCa M J <w National Headquarters r 900 Haddon Ave., Collingswood, N.J. 08108 APPLICANT COMPLETESTHiS SECTIONDate : City, Town or Township k s ; r County" C ` fa State / Location/Address � r r jK I ' (if Located in Rural Area - Please Attach Directions} Pole # Owner Permit # Occupied As . e G Building: Newer Old 0 Occupant '> 74Y2 Work Area in Building Floor #r etc, ) : App, for. eiris &ROr Service ED ar Ready for Ins ectian : Fee Remi d - $ Cash 0 Check 0 M.O. 0 Make Payable To: M.R. i.A. 500 750 1000 1250 150Q 17Sa 2000 2250 25Q0 2750 94aa Number of Rough Wiring Outlets Elect, Heat Switches ,Amp, Service Surface Unit Dishwasher Range Lighting Water Heater Air Conditioner. Dryer IPump Receptacles Number of Fixtures Oven Garbage Disposal Wiring and Controls for Burner Amp. Receptacles Fractional H.P. Vent Fans Other Equipment: MOTORS H.P. 1 1/2 1/12 1J10 1/8 1J6 1 1/4 1/3 1/2 3/4 1 lsl2 2 3 _ 5 7112 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 Mark Number of Each $i2e Appl icant's Signature 'License # eprn it # TIA + �c �` r . Utility: / •' Applica t"s Address: � w. ME OF IC LUGATIONP (City) 3 (State) # (dip)-" kp/ Service Request 4# Phone # p Electrician : ram+ DATE RECEIVED: y" „I I� s DATE INSPECTED: Correct Location : Same as Above E or: Red Notice Label Rough Wiring Outlets Surface. Unit Oven Switches Range Garbage Disposal Receptacles Water Heater Dishwasher Fixtures 1 Air Conditiop*e " . I I Dryer . Amp. Service Equipment Burner, Wiring $r Controls for Amp. Receptacle Amp. Service Conductors Pump Vent Fans MOTORS H.P. 1/20 1/12 3,40 1/8 1/6 1Ja 1J3 1J2 3J41 40 1 50 j 75 1100 !mark Number of Each Size Elect. Heat 1 500 750 1000 125a 15a0 1750 2000 2250 2506 275o 1 3000 Q q{p Progress: Inc. LKD 0 Contractor p ER'cFT Violation : Work Comp. 0 Inc. . 1-1 L/A Owner Fee, CASH Ckf K # C3 11A _- Due MO # F1 IPA Municipal INV # I PF F T Appl ica rj't Date : . Other Side � UtiirCy Owner Cut in Card C] Temp # Date r .d 4- - EC'rf919<$$ Final # Date APPLICATION FORM NO. 250 EL 12/as MIDDLSPEPARTMEMY INSPECTION AGENCYS; INC., ' �--- National Headquarters 900 'Hiddb'rr Ave., Co#lingswood, N.J. CI$108 Date City, Town or Township ' sC6i.� li County - State Location/Address Z � �'�{If Located in ura rea,- Please Attach Directions) Pole # Owner-_r�'/� ,x"S, sl _ �i-" . i;;AO �/w6�f Permit Occupied # �,. Building: 1NewM did Occupant Work Area in Building Floor #, etc.) : for: Wirin Q Service o or: Ready for Inspection: Fee Remitted ='$ Cash Check M.O: Make Payable To: M.D. I.A, 500. J 1 125o S G 1750 2000 2250 25Ge 2750 3000 Number of Rough Wiring Outlgts Effect. Heat Switches Lighting Amp. Service Surface Unit Dishwasher Range Receptacles Water Heater Air Conditioner Dryer Pump Number of Fixtures Oven Garbage Disposal Wiring and Controls for Burner +9unpc Rece�acleFrapyflaH.P. Vent Fans Other Equipment: '� MOTORS W.P. /2 1/T2 1/10 1/a 1/6 1/4 1/3 1/2 3/4 1 1Vs 2 3 5 TYz 10 15 20 2-530 40 50 75, 100 Mark Number11 of Each Size T' Signature License # Permit, # T/A Utility AppNew oat (NAM IC LOCATION) (City) ( e) (Zip) Service Request # Phone .* Electrician: ------------- DATE RECEIVED: DATE INSPECTED: Correct Location: Same as Above Q or: Red Notice Label [� Rough Wiring Outlets Surface Unit Oven Switches Range Garbs ebisposal Receptacles Water Heater Dishwasher i ores Air Co r _._ DQt2r Amp. Service Equipmen Burner, n - ro s far Amp. Receptacle Amp. Service Conductors Pump `Vent Fans MOTORS W,P, 11Z0 1/12 1/10 1/8 1/6 1/4 1/3 1/2 3/4 i j'2Yz 2 1 3 1 5 1 7Yz 1 10 1 1S 20 1 25 1 30 1' 40 50 T5 1 Mark Number 00 of Each Size 11, Elect: Hea# r °°O iso i000 12sa 1500 lsso s sPc* SAW2rs0 300A [] RW Progress: Inc. © LKD 0 Contractor 0 CFT Violation : Work Comp. InC. 0 0 L/A Owner CASH EJ [� L,A Fee CHK # 0 IPA Due MO #Municipal JNV # Date L L L Other Side 0 Utility %.. Applicant Owner Cut in Card (Q Temp # Date Final # Date . . . ANSPECTOR9S10NATUFY ION FORM NO_APPU CAT "250 L1_'13las 4 .` : .' t . • . . . IROA/P/PE•IVA ii/1> iRAit/.f�!�/. C.57/rC/ .4�t✓L7 . .VD y�'.EO�f'f'Fi.E.�.C/.Pd3A,+ 49 13 �3. 36 %O yZ 7e. Q I hereby certify to Federal Home Loan Board, First National Bank foli AAT/At/ of Glens Falls and Frank W. and Audrey R. Cain that this survey 407— -3/ was prepared in accordance with the existing Code of Practice for Land Surveys adopted by the New York State Association ,of Professional Land Surveyors. This certification shall run only O `w to the person for whom the survey is prepared, and on his behalf to the title company, governmental agency and lending institu- tion listed hereon, and to the assignees of the lending institu- tion for this specific transaction. This certification is not transferable to additional institutions or subsequent owners. Unauthorized alteration or addition to a survey map bearing a licensed land surveyor's seal is a violation of Section 7209, PiP z gam, lRO v Subdivision 2, of the New York State Education Law. Q�N9) fOliNL7 Only copies from the original of this survey marked with an original of the land surveyor's embossed seal shall be consider- GdCA77ov tiI9P .Lo> 32 ed to be valid true copies. 04David F. Barrass L.S. + 49363 4or38 GLENS O � ip0 /SO 2oGa a E ' NEW YORK`g //996 RIST-FROST ASSOCIATES,P.C. LACONIA, ank and Audrey CoinCONSULTING ENGINEERS NEW HAMPSNgE Butternut HNi REY. DESCRlPTl4N. DWN CHKD. DATE ' ..... trwy Warren County,_NX