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+.+ i �.:` + `.ate .ru;•r.;z._..:,�.4�,.`GA: . . � r, '• k nr � l CERTIFICATE OF 0 CCUi'AN CY TOWN OF QUEENSSURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK 87-746 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Now has been cotnpteted. i . : pwelling a structure may be occupied as a one Famil �- ( SC . 1Vo . 14) Brigg s Ct . Queensbury Forest L.,cscation nasullo Brotlsers BuildersMMMMM inc . Qwner By order Town Board T(]WN OF QUEENSBURY r_ Building & 'Zoning lnaPeetw BUILDING PERMIT P-3 TOWN OF +QUEENSBURY No. 87--746 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK r PERMISSION is hereby granted to Masullo Brothers Builders Inc . t i-• OWNER of property located at lot #7 ( St , No , 14) Briggs Ct . Street, Road or Ave. I Queensbury korest in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or plane a One Family Dwelling at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 7, OWNER`S Address is 3049 Broadway r C Schenectady , N . Y . F 0 2. CONTRACTOR or 8U1 LDE R'.s^ i+larne p Same ro rt as 3_ CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address to Q A SG rt V� 4. ARCHITECT'S Name r, f7 5. ARCHITECT'S Address r rr 6. TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by X) (XXWood Frame I I Masonry l ) Steel f 3 c rr 7. PLANS and Specifications ,Z No. 34 ' x 48 ' per plot plan , specifications and application including septic system and attached two car garage . a. Proposed use W One Family Dwelling Ve to $5 M 00 C/o 0 $ 129 . 00 PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES June 1 , 19 88 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date_) 5th November 87 m� Dated at the Town of Queensbury this Day of 19 .n SIGNED BY �• �/ 7 y /� for the Town of Queensbury �C Building and Zoning I nspector , Application wo. • a Permit Issued �.,. �uNiNCioEPaRT r remit Expires �•�?g-- �-- Zoning Designation Say and Haviland Road. R.D. 1 box s8 Variance rto. � '" � s-)E r. New o site an Review o . pueensbufY. York 12801 �+ � , � � , 1 App=,ICATI[7�1 BUILDING AND ZONING PERMIT * * * STR(JCTIOM . ANSWER ALL OF T!-tE 'FOLLOWING . T BE pBTAINED 6EFDRE BEGINNING CON work which will A PERMIT MA permit to do the following and such applies for a Building fications submitted, �'ha undersigned hereby sU?P� plans a d spec? -- ------- - icated on the' permit . be in accordance with the descript on, P special conditions as may be indicated -----___-__ -- spec The owner of this property" is : we MU 11 Bro h Tel . n yn � P. O. Address .mom - Tax Map Property i.ocatiox4= numbor or building 1 number street Subdivisiony name '(if applicable) BUILDING CODES IS Lysoij TugpERBQN RESPOK SIWX TOR. SUV ISION OF W[)RK A3 REGARDS _ Tel . "No . P, O. Address Tel . Sams Dame _. Address Same ss Abohe iZ.Y. •re1 .459-58I1 Nat of builder � Address 88 Tel Na�rsi` of plumber" fMlobitsIt Address rums- of ZONING rNaaso �• I M=ORMAT I CN NATURE OF PROPOSED = ,; A PXI PLAN MUST BE PREPARED AND ached SUBMITTED ' building to scale and at hexeto , construction of a 2�lew * drawn r n lyand distinctly ali buildings , Jydditlon too a building , " showing clearly ro sed and indicate all Al'te�ration _to a building sions3 " whether- existing or P po lines . Give eIt to exterior dimen * set back dimensions from property ,+Ghan$ r or lot number and indicate other work (eiescri bia) * street and numb * whether interior and locat . tioncorner ¢andS configuration FOR DEMOLITION PERMIT, STATi6 SZZV `AND * of water supply LOC ATION OF STRUCTURES ApgECTED.' * of septic disposal area . * COMPLETEINFORMATION REQU I RED BEL+DN . ' ft Size of property,�AIV,1' ft x r • * Existing building ( s) Size ft x_ ft - st pROPOSED BUILDING AND USEt * Existing buildings) Use * rty line Sias of now structureft $-.� * proposed building . distance Pram props Foundation-pier/slab/crawl/pa ull * s ►`r- :_ ft Rear yard f t (circle one) * Front yard ft ��, �t and Nore of stories (habitablespace)__ * Side yards ck from side street ft Height (grade to ridge) 23* ftio If on corner . satba If residential, no. of families l * OCCUPANCY INFOWMATION NO. of rooms (excluding baths) 9 NO. of bedrooms 3 * PRIMARY BUILDING Vol No* of bathrooms 77t * One family dwelling primary heating system * Two family dwelling Number of units Type of fuel * Multiple dwelling / - No. of fireplaces to bs installed . t * permanent occupant]" Will wood stove be installed? � * Transient occupancy Central Air conditioning? Business BUILDING STYLE„ PRIMARY STRUCTURE * Industrial Other - Ranch Contemporary Lt;►g cabin If addition , What will use be? Raised ranch Mansion Duplex Split level Old style Bungalow » ACCESSORY EUILDING- Ca a Cod Cottage other is - Rowl Town house Detached garage/one car/ two car/ Cdl ( CIRCLE CUE PLFASN3 ) No Attached garage/one car/ two car,/ AA.ZAACa r r • * * w * * Private storage building _.. . NSTI14ATED MARKET VALUE OF * 'Other CONSTRUCTION voolI INS AN& All,AV MrORKATION OW 13UXLDZNG SPEC.IF'ICATIONS, ON REVERSE SIDE OP THIS SHEET, TO BE COMpl ETED11 S OXM SPA 4/" nd-vl Jowl d UILDING SpECIFICAriays : Type of construction, wood frame, fire safe. etc. WIZ . any second-hand or WX �or- ungraded Zumber be used? If so for -what? Fcurc.atian wall material 'Pth Of foundation below gra"IMde {to bottom Thickness Sue S 1&& Wil Z there be a cel lax? � of footing) �. W� , there be a basement? Heated or unheated? ME so Will an Floor sq. footage What portion? y portion be used as livi �1 755 sq ft Tyae of . roof - sio l ft. - - Type of use? ng space? Size, wood studs 2 , foxl 6 Is°t/s�a+�+dfother _ 1Katerial, •of roof Joists ( floor t beams:)1st. fl*sors�c���xo . c . len �yto Joists (floor taeaa+s) 2nd. floor 2—Wx ZD 7n M spacing�16 Doc - span 14 . ft . Overlays (ceiling beams spacing "a . c. a 1(oof rafters Mk „ XMoll- " spacing »� , c span + ft . Roof trusses (pre-engineered) sgaac3rLg� ,spacing • c«os ` f t . ` Exterior wall .finish Interior wall finish e aaa s ft O€ what Material? tf a garage is to be attachedir describe mga�..-� , 4M Fix�ie w___ _.. .4 cv see used .for FIRE BEPARAT"ION : Is there to be an +cpo ng between ` door. enclosure, and self. garage and dwelxfng?�JlooY if so wil]. a sire-rated Will a flue-lined chipsLe closing device be provided? Yes Depth of chl aney foundation beZow�lled? �---- Height above raof��� ft Depth Of fireplace hearth : grade 70" ft. Water supply . ' bsunici fit. 8 in. SEPTIC SY$T$K D Pal or private well Miliftipistance from private well (,including adjoining {A gss>arate" apppllcation is fto necessary for an pa properties y, re it or new installation of sept7 'c sy tem) ?Yawn' of gueensbury ^aunty of warren A F F i D A V I T STATE of NEW yORK ]� swear that tq, tote ,best of m In phis application y knowledge and belief the statements contained Com #ogether with the plans and specifications submitted , area true and P�gte statement oft proposed work to be do ,gr'ov *,jLo;ts„of the SOILpI xie 4on the described premises and that all ° ' 1 ' Pd work sh .1 . be �� ?.OH1NG ORDI1il�l�NCg, ,and all other laws pertaining to a1 11 uthorized xisa with, whether specified or not, and that. such, work is by the owxser. SWORN . TO BEFORE ME THIS - +Signaturg %nalk ..!' day o€ 19 er, owner ' s agent, arcnilrecte contractor _ A►atzery Public, Warren County, N. Y. • rr : * r * • w * w * w ,r w w • • w • r w * w w • * ♦ : w • w * w . . • r . r * r r . SPECIAL CONDrTIONs OF THE PERMIT t r WOW* or OURRialssUitY WARr.EN COUNTY , NEW YORK Application fora BUILDING L" ERMIT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE NEW YORK STATE ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE A permit must be obtained before beginning work . ANSWER ALL of the fallowing : 1 . Gross floor area /,�+P y►1 - 2 . Type of heat Electric Beat Pump 3 . Is the building mechanically cooled ?mmm Ygg 4 . Percentage of area of windows and doors 1470 A . Over 16 # Only 1 . Uo value of gross area of walls , roof /ceiling and floors exposed to ambient conditions See Attached 2 . Floor over heated spaces YES NO a . Are foundation walls insulated ? YES NO 1 . If YES , what is the R value ? R-13 mmmmm 3m slab on grade YES 41E5.1 a . If YES , what is the R value of insulation around perimeter of floor ? 4 . Is basement heated ? YES NO a . R value of insulation 5 . Type of insulation Fiberglass B . Under 16 % Only Y . R value of roof and floors exposed to ambient conditions 2 . R. value of exterior walls 3 . R value of glazed area 4 . R value of doors 5 . R value of floors over unheated spaces 6 . R value of slab edge insulation - unheated slab T . R value of slab insulation - heated slab 84 R value of heated basement/ cellar walls ( above grade ) 9 . R value of heated basement/cellar walls ( below grade ) lo . Type of insulation Co Controls 1 . Thermostat maximum heat setting 900 D . Duct Systems -� 1 . Is duct system installed in unheated spaces" YES NO a . If YES , R value of duct installation b . R value of duct in other areas E . Piping insulation is Size of hot water or cooling carrying agent pipe '• & 3 /4 Cop,per 2 * tat value of pipe insulatioA F . Service Water Heating 1 . Performance efficiency 2 . Temperature control setting maximum G . F'qr Swimming Pool Only 1 . Maximum heating Telephone N&:, ( applicant ' s signature APPLICATI+oN FOR SEPTIC DISPOSAL PERMIT DATE Z r ---- / . LOCATION OF PROPERTY FOR INSTALLATION Owner's Name: � ' ©� Ci.�s+a Telephone: 372 o S -p Address: e o Installer's Name: Telephone: Number of bedrooms (residential only) Total daily flow (compute @ 160 gal per bedroom) Topogp~.aphy: circle on Fla Rolling Steep Slope % of slope Soil Nature: circle one Loam Clay Other { Depth: feet Cwound Water: At what depth? ju A feet Bedrock or Impervious Material: At what depth? feet min. inch. Percolation test: circle one�t regui required / rate . Percolation Domestic water supply: circle on Municipal Well Other IF domestic water supply is a Well: feet Separation: Watersupply from Septic absorption PROPOSED SYSTEM: Septic Tank f D o0 gal. (minimum sire: 1 ,000 gal.) TILE FIELD: Each Trench , ') feet / Total system length /gp � feet SEEPAGE PIT(S) : Number of / Size each feet by feet Size of stone to be used # --_ I Depth or Thickness feet IMPORTANT ...jMease...L.IST NEW EQUIPMENT TO BE INSTALLED (over) Section It Septic System Inspections: A. All applications for septic system installation, alteration or repair, as required by the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Ordinance, shall be submitted to the Building Department at least 24 hours before start of construction and shall include a plot plan showing: 1.) the propossd ,location of the system 2.) location and' distance to lot lines 3.) location and distance to structures 4.) location and distance to any water supply SO size and dimensions of all tankso distribution boxes, tile fields and/or dsywells B. No system shall be covered before inspection and approval by the building Inspector. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the uncovering of the system by the installer and a fine of up to $250.00. co An approved copy of the plot plan shall be available on the construction Site. Failure to produce said plot plan at time of inspection may result in an immediate work stoppage. D- Should unforeseen problems during construction prevent proper installation, alteration or repair of an approved system, a new proposal must be submitted to the Queensbury Building Department before further construction, I have read the regulations above ,and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of iQue abury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. Signature of responsible person; Date: Town of Queensbury Building ,and ,Code Department BAY at Haviland Road Queensbury, New York 12801 (518) 792--5832 S ; QUEENSBURY BUILDINGNG AND BULLTow CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HA'VILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 22801- TELEPIdONE (5I8 ) 792-5832 BLfILDINU INSPE4::T'UR' S REPORT FXQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME 4 / �CATIDN �PERMrT C 0 7 -J � 4a DATE JO APPROVED YES NO FOOTINGIPIE R FORMS MONOLITHIC _PROOFING 1cL7uNDATIONI BACKFILL APPRO AID V/ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH N INSUZATIONt FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS ,CEILING FINAL I Er IGHTPECTION- CHIMN HF ROOFING SID.rmG EPS pxgERNAL PORCHESIS RAILS - STAXRS—CLEARANCE RELIEF LIVE f� PLUMBING FIXTURPE LACY DOO I N2'ERIOR TRIM/ FINISUBD F = RSFING GARAGE FIEPS) DOOR CLOSER SMOKE DETE1C SINSPECTION FINAL ELECTRIC OF CONSTRUCTION FINAL APPROVAL. O A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF CCUPANCY T BE BEFORE OBTAINED FROM THE .BUILDING DEPARTEN THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED REMARKS : INSPEC OR TOWS oji QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAN� TELEPHONE ( 518 )ROADS 79211111115832 BUILDING -INSPECTOR'S REPORT REQUEST FOR I SPECS'1077ECEIVED�.___.�_�-.-_------ NAME f f LOCATION Lis _ PERMIT 4f�_ DATE APLVSD YES NO FOOTING/PrERS ORMS MONOLXTRIC POUR FOUNDATIONIDAMP_PRDOPING BACYPILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING ,FRAMING IN ELECTRICAL RUUGB� INSULATION* FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS EILING INAL INSPECTION : CHrMNEI' HEIGHT R ROOFING SIDING TERNAL PDIRCHES/STEPS STAIRS-CLEARANCE & RAILF VALVE PLUMBING FXXTURES/RELIE ': INTERIOR TRIM/PRIVACY D05 FINISHEDFSR SFR OOFING GARAGE DOOR CLOSER (S ) 1— SMOKE DETECTORS ICAL INSPECTION FINAL ELECTR F OF CONSTRUCTION FINAL APPROVAI A .SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE 0 TS PREMIINED FROM THE UILDINED VPARTMENT BEFORE TH E REMARKS . C 11111.5 INSPECT k � _/awry o� �ueen .s6urs� ,r� ,y'"} Bl11LD1NG and ZONING DEPARTMENT 1(�1 gay and Havifand Road, R-0. i Box 98 oueensbury, New York 12801 SEPTIC DISPOSAL� � I fiSPECT I C]N LOCATION % . PERMIT NO , T)ATEV'Y—/4� Laam - Clay - -� --- SOIL TYPE Sa d gequired? YES NOPercolation 141n/inch percolationpercolationrat rat � - TYPE Of SYSTEM= otal I the Absorption field . Length of each tre h '�-.-�--"`- Depth of trenches Size of gravel. SEEPAGE PITS-(Nv er f Size- ft. X _ Gravel size PIPING - Bldg . to tank L' Tank to dirt- box Dist. box to field/p!B p artial openings sealed? h LOCATION/SEFAFRATICNS : T ft. Foundation to tankar U t . Foundation to pi4on Absorption to lot like ft- Separation of pits e� PROPERTY (c ' rcle one) LOCATION -:YfSTEM �+ - Right ide Front - ear) - Leff side CCMME33T : SYSTF14 USE APPROVED oil r�� B-a ing Ir►sp4 ctor €31/86 mrnd vl own o� `oCueensbure� ��.�..� ENT BL31LDING and ZONING L7EPaF;YBOX 98 Bay and Hav�iland Road, RID • QueensburY. New York 12801 SEPTIC_ DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION LOCATION / Q_ PERMIT NO . ' DATE t7.�-�- SOIL TYPE - Sand - Loam - Clay ?� tla 141n/i Percolation Test Red? Y Percolation rate - Min/Inch r� TYPE SYSTEM: th ion f ield . total 1 ' Absorp each trench ---~ Length f nep trenches ' r th o size of ravel_ SEEPAGE TS�13urt+her ) t. x _ t. Size- ...1_.-- Gravel siz . _ � -- Size Type PIPING -* BldI to to t Tank to dish' Y 1d�} Partial Dist ka . ox to � YEr� N0 Openings seal LOCATIc7N/SEP• € ION ft. f Foundation tea t k orpti.an t. I Foundationo a ft . Absorptio to to ft. Separation line /P d Pit circle one) S S C�3 Pg(�PE'RTYht. side - WCATIOR Lef side - RI Front - ear C ENT ■y�i1y f t 1 APPROVED YES 'p` O SYSTEM USE B iI in Spector I 01/g6 and vl .7otun Uf Queen36url� BUILDING and ZONjNG ,DEPARTMENT Bay and Fiaviland Road. R,,D, i Box 98 aueensbury, New York 1280i SEPTIC DISPOSAL- SYSTEM 'NSPECT I ON LOCATION , Q - �q F `G. ! PEi2MIT - p ATE ' � -=�-- f Loam - ClaySOI sand YES - No Percolation'�' 'Test Req,11red? Per rate - min/Intl' Percolation TYPE of O�rygTEM= Absorptio f ield . total length Length of ach trench nchea „� Depth of It l Size of gra }7er SEEPAGE FT'Ts ft. Size- ft. _ Type ------- Gravel size size TYPe P wl YL3C; ' Bldg - to tank. Tank to listw box t --_�;__ Dist. 'box to fiel it -4-140 Partial Openings sealed? Es LOC ,,T:cON/SEPAPI-1O3S - F ft. F oundat IL -to tank `��^ f t. Foundation xon to absorP . n �"l----f t. 1 AbsorPt3on to lot 1 ie ---ft. Separation of Pits ,ON PR ER Y (circle one) IACATTON oB SYST side R9ght side Front - II Le CCKMEN TS SYSTEM SSE APPROVED] YE :y ! _ n ector i Bui1 }n"3 i 01/86 and vl ___JOWL of BUILDING and ZpNmG DEPARTMENT 96 Bay and Fiaviland Road, I Box 1 pueensbury. SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION LOC,PT I ON :i�� PERMIT NO . oNTE 17� TYPE - and Loam - Clay ��-�— SOIL Rewired? YES - No Percolation , to t4ln/Inch _ Percolation Ir TYPE of SYSTE>K- th.���--� Absorption f iel tot l leng Length of each such { Depth of t,renche Size of gravel SEEPAGE PITS ,ft. Size- Gravel size , size TYPe Bldg . to tan7� 9 d --.— Tank to aist . Distw box to fieef pit NO 'artial ppen1n9 s sealed? YES LOC.A'TIUN/SEPA ICNS ' jz7f t. ank f t y P oundation to absorptxon Foundation ft. Absorption lot line ft. f pits .Ty (circle one) Separation TEM -ppOp Ft DTI Rear *i-ght side Rear -- Left si.ae Front ,.F-- cCMMET 1 � 4 D rxy �e SYSTW4 .USE ApppoV YES Bull cling Ins ctar 01/86 and VI T (3441,1 OF QUEENSBlJR� TMENT BUTLDING AND CODES BAY & HAV',LA+iND ROADS 12809- �iUEENSBVRY. NEW YORK TELEPHONE ( 518 ) 792- 5832 %3ILDING INSPECTOR' S gEpORT REgUEST FOR INSPEC'rJos ARECL� I�+'E77 a:?:--d ,{ G� U . LOCATION PERMIT —�--- APPROVED DATE ` ,YES NO FOOTINGIPxERS FORMS MONOLITHIC POup�F,ROOFxNG — --� FOUNDA2'TONI DAM $ACKFII.L^,APPRo VAL ROUGH PL RING FRAM LNG OVGH- IN E TRICAL NSULATTON = FOUNDATION FLOORS WAI � cExr.xN� TION = FINAL INSPEC CipIMNEY HEIGfiT ROOF-ING SIDING p )RCHESIST EXTERNAL LS STAIRS'"CLEARANRESIR L F VA�~ PLUMBING FTXTU RS �---' INTERIOR T�tIMIPRIV CY GARAGEI FSRE ROOF NG DOOR CLOSERS) SMOKE DETECTOR _�--- ELECTRIC IriSPECTTON FINAL OF CONSTRUCTION FINAL APPROVA �'--- ST BE C Rq TFICATF� OF OCCUPANCY BEFORE ROM THE BUILDING REPAi2TME A SIGNED I OBTAxNED MISE5 ARE OCCOPTEDi THESE FIR REMARK ' I' INSPECTOR r3 sc,�'ueeMshur'� "*7o DEPAFt� MEND 8U1LL7VNG and ZONINGF . D } $Ox 98 Bap and Havllar+d Ne york 12801 C]ueensbury. BLSl1 D1 PSG IN S REpf3RT NAME /`' 5 LC3 C A l' i O N to �a #/* - FsPPRr7VELs* �* "3ES L.IC7 poatin�3/p � x ©rms Foundation Waterproofing Bads.£ ' 11 xv ramin� Roofing SidinS eer t4as-onrS+ s''� e in9_.�-- --- gough plush -- Re lief V a1V S -- Ext . porches Finis# sed Flo rs Interior Trim Stairs & Raj-1 Cellar Drain T ] Concrete i lcsors .... Plb,9 • Fixture a Gar . FirePrcaafr n'3 Door Closers Smoke Detecto s CY�ima'YE=Y t � II3SL3I,A'S` iC7N = Founaation Floors WaII s Ce it ins3 xCAL SL3SF"ECTT _�-_-- F TI3I+.0 k:LI�.0 plt'LV'EWAY AP Final gull ing action �c 1l when ready ) le inspa l � #3ext sched ���� �jl �il' �' / ""' Remarks- Lo � F3ui ding inspe or Eifs'�' mcI-vl J� �ueen y � ier� RLy.90+ _DING and ZONING DEPARTNSEidT J L7 Bay and Fiavi,and Road. Fi. i7 . 1 Box 9$ OueensturY• ►4ew York 12aC7i BUILDING INSPECTOR ` S REPORT NAME }M1 LOCATION Lq �-, s% permit Nov *_-* 4 APPRCIVED - YES LU Footing/Pier Forms ,�`unaation waterproofing Backf ill Framing Roofing siding Ma ry Veneer son Bough Plumbing --- __--- Relief Valves E I Parches shed Floc s- F in i -�- �-- Interior Tr .ings r Stairs & Ra Cellar Dra n Tile Concrete F oodrs__ i ---- �j ure s__-.----���' .._--- .�------- lbg • F' 1K Gar . Fir Proofin9.�-----' poor CIO ers SmoXe Lr rectors Chimney IN SUI.A ON rounda ' on Floors Walls --- CeilinELECTRICAL INSPECTICC�013 F INA,I _.�-- flRIVE.W y din& survey r Final Nextscheduled insP ection Ccall whQn ready ? Remarks- Inspector ii wilding i 6/86 and-vl U �/� �� O� ARTMENT f7 9U1LDING and ZON'NG i3EP1 Box S$ and Ba4q"a' Road. R.D . a i2801 QueensbUrY. New Yark ILO ING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT NAME L.00AT I ON / �, rS Permit Now D 3 t,e ! � Jl -�*---* * * * * * * * * ra L3 C? * * * * * * * * rr/ APPROVED - ��,oting/Pier Form-s ` Foundata-CM waterproofing Back.f i ll Framinci Roof ing Siding masonry Ven er Rouc Plumb g Relief Valve Ext - Porches .Finished Floox Interior Trim Stairs & Railing cellar Drain Tile concrete`' Floors Flbg . Fixtures Gar , Firelraof ing ,,poor. closers smolrte Detectors Chimney INSULATION rounaa'tion Floors Walls ceiling_ - - AT, INSPECTIOIN4 FIt3AI+ ELECTRI DRIVFWAy pppR VAL uildin gur`reY Final Next scYredule inspection L ill �h�n xeady7 Remarks- Building Inspec or 6/86 ,FOWM OF QuEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT .BAY & HQUNSAVILANDR OADS 12801 TE EPHONE , 518 ) 792- 5832 TELEPHONE BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED _!1-� --D'/7G NAME __ - y} LOCATION � _- -�-PERMIT # DATE APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/PIERS FORMS F MONOLITHIC POUR R MSING� �- FOUNDATIONI ,BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING WW ELECTRICAL ROUG -IN INSULATION : FOUNDATION / FLOORS WALLS CEILING f FINAL INSPECTION : CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORC ES &TEPID STAIRS--CLEARA NC9 BING FIXTURES/A CY DOORS LIEF VA VE PLUM INTERIOR 'TRIM/Z'RI�{ FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIREPROO ING DER CLOSER (S ) SMOKE DETECINSPECTION TO FINAL ELECTRIC LOF CONSTRUCTION -- FINAL APPROVA• A SIGNED TIFICATE OF OCCUPpN"CY MUST' CE DEPARTMENT BEFORE ESE OBTAINED F OM THE BUILDING THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIEDr I WWI REMARKS : y INSPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT RAY & HAVXLAND ROADS C)USENSBURY, NEW YORK 12801 TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTIONRECEIVED Cd NAME LOCATION/ DATE / / PERMIT #_ r el ffs APPROVED YES I NO FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATION/DAME'—PROOFTNG BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING tw-F�MXNG ELECTRICAL ROUGI�IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: i CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/ST PS STAIRS—CLEARANCE RAILS '.. PLUMBING FIXTURE /RELIEF VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/P VACY DOOR$ FINISHED FLOOR GARAGE FIREPR FIND DOOR CLOSER ( SMOKE DETEC RS FINAL ELECTRI AL INSPECTION _., FINAL APPROV OF CONSTRUCTIONr A SIGNED CE TIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MVA(T BE OBTAINED FR M THE BUILDING DEPARTMEN BEFORE THESE PREMI ES ARE OCCUPIED ' REMARKS: e I SPEC 1t3 � ( t3 ' -77.9I� 3s'a9 it3 it3 ' t �� ' 'p s'f 0O\/L 1 3 �{ z `.j r FIoS C p 8 Y I(2 aitg:, Ii3 ` 113 ' tt3.8` /1Z-99' fi2•g9' l I2.y3' � i 13 O i \ 2 � I c t It2.4Y (i2.lq I12.9�I t�3 it3 tiT