5170 BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 5170 i 1''"� WARREN COUNTY, NEW YQRK . E [ r � � � PERMISSION is hereby granted to Thomas Moynihan t OWNER of property located at Hillman Road ( C Pvem^e1a 1 e ) Street, Road or Ave_ in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information 'hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. un t. OWIVER'S Address is Cleverdale , N . Y . 12820 a fu 2. CONTRACTOR or BUI LDER"S Name John Masons 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address Cleverdale , N . Y . w 4. ARCHITECTS Name !,1 4 5. ARCHITECT'S Address W CL Coll w clp 6. TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by XI 1N ( I Wood Frame ( Il Masonry f 1 Steel ( 1 Gs w 7_ PLANS and Specifications No. New 250 gallon receiver .with pump per application and diagram submitted . S. Proposed Use CI7 M Sewage system for dwelling SLI $ 5 . 00 PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES Sept • 1 ' 19 78 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension mush be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the tf1l)'i town of Queensbury before the expiration date.l y cl- Ho Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 5th Day of _ May 19 78 0 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning I nsprector TOWN OF QUEENSBUR.Y WARREN CC7LJNTY. NEW `? �ItFC {��-,""t � � ,� '� `•'� IU-A LJ Application for s� _ � �? rM A PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT , ALTER OR ENLARGE A :aEWPh� j1C�11jj2j112131415164 DISPOSAL SYSTEM+'. FOR A PRIVATE RESIDENCE WI T }-il t�, 4 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Mail or bring this application to % Building & zoning Department Queensbury Town Office Building R. D . 1 Bay Road Glens Falls , New York 12801 This application for a Sewage Disposal Permit must he accompanied by a plot plan drawn reasonably to scale showing all dimensions , the size of the lot , the location on the lot of the water supply and sewage system . ' 1 . Name and mailing address of applicant : C.c ✓,+'� p yo'I / Z Cr 2 . Specific location of property : ST EEi AN 'uJh.FsER 3 . Application is for : New construction of private dwelling . a[_ Alteration or enlargement of existing sewage isposal system . 4 . Description of building : a . number of bedrooms b , garbage grinder YE:.� DR C1O 5 . Topography : at , ro ing , steep s ope , gentle slope , etc . 6 . a . Nature of soil . ( Describe to a depth of 5 feet if the field is to be used or 1C, feet if leaching Vits are proposed , giving thickness of various strata such as top soil , clay , loam , sand , gravel , rock , etc . ) b . How determined ? ' '� 7 , a . Soil percolation test made by ( Refer to Part III , Bulletin 19 N . Y . S . Department o Hea th b . Percolation test notes submitted ? YES Di3 N£7 8 , Proposed sewac� e disposal system indicated on attached plan or sketch? ) ; 5- YES DR NO ) g' , Date when construction will commence _ to .'I if It is hereby agreed that i f this ap } li : atrn` nta or rani C inn ed thr% reO l dated J1. or any amend are approve instaT�lation of sewage disposal facilities will e made in accordance with the details thereof as shown on such approved plans . S ature o a . pp cant Installed By : Contractor - �sr 7dM 6ye*o . owpe-r "7 pRIAPPLICATICK FUR: A PEKtUT NIU (:7.1N&pL'Ltl L;I:', A'-% 'UN h 1C1[v�N OF u rwr �xa r r�r�i r uxc A PRIVATE FESIDENC F, W1M_U r3 M TAKE GEORGE PARK. 1. I�iame and m&Uing address of owner pip ?� /H AW It/Iei pip /lC ,x ✓E ,qr� E N',E^OP Yf /rpp4tP pp 2* specific location of property: ,f,F,rLG, 7Aa✓ ROAD 3 . Application is for : (check one) New construction ?C. Alteration or enlargement of existing disposal system 4. Description of building : - Number of bedrooms � 5 . p . fie dimensions , or total area of property: CAle AGd� 6 . TC)POgrapby : doe^JT4# at ro zng, steep M7pe , gentle slope , etc. 7 . Nature- of soil. (Describe to a depth of 5 feet below bottom of leaching dev:ice . ) Give sail . type , distance to gro adwater, disstance to bedrock.) 8 . a) A soil percolation test may be required. For details on procedure, refer to "lndividval Household Systems _ Standards for Waste Treatment. Works" - N .Y .S . Department of Health. b) Percolation test result : . .(Please attach test -notes . 90 Please attach a carefully drawn plan of the proposed sewage disposal system. Give all dimensions , including distances to lot lines , wells (yours and neighbors) , streams , -and Lake George . if. applicable . 10 . Ziie Twice George Park C amissi_on reserves the right to inspect the completed system before backfilling. The owner is required to notify the C =&ssion. at least 24 Junws in advance of backfillixg, to facilitate the final approval irnsPection.. 1110p , C',cros truction will begin on �) d` by JO ffn/ Afl*-SOAI trac for I hereby agree that if this application and attached plans dated /- or any amendment or revision thereof, are -approved, installation o sewage �a�L facilities wi11 be. wade. in accordance with the details thereof as shown on such approved plans , wlth:Ln 180 days of the above date . One extension of 180 days will be allowed if applied for and. secured in writing. --- 4!!1r 117 A'n� Tdwa ��oowner) _ . Date) The lake George Park CoraLssion has reviewed the plans and site location for this project and accordingly recommends approval. By ' ZiEnDate. I , Asst . Hydraulic Engine= pri TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Building Department Inspectors Report Date Name f Location Permit No. `�� 11 Weather V Per Cent Rear�rlrs Complete Excavation Footing Forms Footing & Piers Foundation Cement Coat waterproofing Backfill Final Survey Framing Sheathing Roof Felt Roofing Siding Masonry Veneer Rough Plh . Rough Ht . Relief Valves Wall Board Ext_ Porches Finished Floor Interior Trim Stairs & Railings Cellar Dr. Tile Concrete Floors Pib . Fixtures Gar. Fireproofing Boor Closers Chimney Water Meter lttet. Septic Approval tI IV Yj f� fit $oild'asng lxtirpecxar REMARKS cl �qt r e . AIR VENT Eti. EC-T ,OICAL RECEPTACLE 400 k I" PVC pi PE k I I AcolkE R TRAIN FROM LREPTIC VAImVie TANK — ---i►— C Wr CHECK r " FMG ' PIPE ALARIA SWITCH � e.W low I ON SWI i rK t r�R T � �fVi4 OFF SWITCH P"p PUMP SWITCH 2" pvc HEAD A — S� aPSD Yoe, " Ft• BACK Ta If4LEr P3 r , 8Y GA Gr'a A T ALL PIPG SXY J.&V,EL END CAP H17LES ON SOTTs?M OF J " PVC PIPE p "' PYC 1pnaM PL04p HOLES SPACIED / 3OM — 30 • 7 lryi YE.',.. •.r'+i.Jf�t1.. � .�. 4.�.'; l.�il i li 1�.Hi r:, j..Ni\ : �.71j V. r.:u i. i r .,E it L41 t'r': i �� y � � i _ r 0C... I L� 9k' Vj � 5C7 9CLi / CJ The above sketch shows the locations of the units comprising your sewage disposal system for future reference in case of difficulty. It shows measured distances from buildings , trees , garage , fence posts , etc . , to septic tank , sewers , distri - bution box and absorption field or seepage pits . CONTRACTOR: )C? � � '� � � � - DATE INSTALLED : D E S I G N B A S I S 1 . No. of bedrooms : "7 5 . Septic tank * type Ccr�, c ,-t c� 2 . Daily flow : gpd capacity /00 0 gals . 3w undisturbed soil depths : 6 . Size of leaching device : / 20 ft . a . To groundwater: ;!7 7. Type of system ( conventional , fill , b . To impervious lens : etc . ) : rf7,.-ir s5 u. c---- 4 . Percolation rate : min/in . LGPC MAP NO . : APPROVED BY: DATE :