1987-770 . . .—.. . ,,.i..,k. ..ram;.,.-.' •.r. •- •- •- .. . . :,qg-a.:3 "='W'T .. , „ :r._ _ ..- w I I CER.'TIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CY j TOWN OF QUEENSBURY � WARREN +COUNTY. NEW YORK { i II Bate November 28 19 88 3D ) ` � " J sa- a7C1 Thin is to certify that work requested to be dome as ahowru by Permit No. i has been completed. i This structure may be occupied as a One Family Dwelling k Location L Br3Qs Ct ( St No 17 ) Masul.lo Brothers Builders (,;lamer 1 F3y Order Town Board 1 ar0V4fN OF C,QUEENSBURY i� Building d Zoning inspector r k BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY � No. 87-770 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK a Masullo 'Brothers Builders Inc . � y PERMISSION is hereby granted to Lot 26 Briggs Ct . ( SC . No . 17 ) OWNER of property located at Street, Road or Ave. r in the Town of O.ueensbury, To Construct or place a One Family dwelling ng at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Oueensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1 . OWNER'S Address is 3049 Broadway Cn Schenectady , N . Y . Y 0 W 2. CONTRACTOR or BUI LDER'S Name ►t Same r�r K w 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER 'S Address Y F-• Sy N ri m 4. ARCHITECT'S Name h 5. ARCHITECT'S Address 6. TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by X) 1 31 Wood Frame 11 Masonry 11 Steel I I r cry rt, nu 7. PLANS and Specifications Z ON o . No. 24 ' x 68 ' as per plot plan , specifications and application including septic system and attached two car garage . '-, 00 CM m S. Proposed Use One Family dwelling n $5 . 00 CIO $ 136 ' 00 PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES Tune 1 , 19 88 m 0f a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queansbury before the expiration date.) N 16th November 19 87 Dated at the Town of Queensbury this Day of / E c?� C f� ' m SIGNED BY cZ .�' far the Town of Queertsbury Building and Zoning Inspector A '�" / Application No. ✓Own O/ t�aie►� 36Et1' Permit Issued 19 � �' a BUILDING jwd ZONING DEPARTMENT Permit Expires � t Boy And Havdland Road, R.O. 1 Sox 98 zoning Designation T It Oueensbury. New York 12801 Varian . � do site Ian vi o + Ull.• Uhl y APPLICATION FOIL - BUILDING AND ZONING PERMIT it • � it a~ � e * ,► a~ ,a e � • +r * ar +m � *r ,m * aF * �m s a at # +m * � * � +� * a +� :; � A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION , ANSWER ALL OF THE FOLLOWING . The undersigned hereby appI.Isa for a Building Permit to do the following work which will be done in accordance with the description, plans and specifications submitted , and such special conditions as may be indicated on the Permit . The owner of this property Is : Nagplig ErothCr builders Inc PO O. Address IL Tel . ai?n-�CLSEI Property Locatios}m jAet # AS ** 9 Tax Asap No . Street number or building 10r lrumbOr Subdivision nammme (if applicable) �igum�w �rammt THX PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR• SUPWMISIOW OF WORK AS REGARDS BUILDING CODES IS Idar I.- Inc _ 309 Broadway_Mr-benecrade Ngm X21* 51 - 70-- 53i Name P. O. Address Tel . No . Name- Yof builder Same Address Same as Abobe _Tel . Sams wwwweNew Name of plumnberWa Plummb3m Address 88 NewtmXm SEree N.Y� _... Tel .459-5811 Name- of maason"NUUjn By= Address g=g Tel . Sage NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK: * ZON Ilwa I NF:)RMA s r ON : xXConstruction of a ne4 building * A PLOT PAY w-je'.`_' BE PREPARED AND SUBMITTED , ,wWWWWWWO]edition to a buil+d1ng reasc:.,xbly to scale and attached hereto , ALteraa+tion -to - a building mxlxawi:ms c�e.mrly and distinctly all buildings , (no , ohang+mi� to exterior dimensions) a'h* her existing or proposed and indicate all other work (describe) * set back dimensions from property lines . Give * street and number or lot number and indicate FM DEMOLITION PERFlITE STATE SIZE "AND * whether interior or corner lot . Show location * of water supply and location and configuration LOCATION OF STRUCTUR S AFFBCTSd* of septic disposal area . * COMPLETE INFORMATION REQUIRED BETAMO * size of property ft X /10? ft . * Existing building ( s) sire ft X ft . PROPOSED BUILDING AND USE : " Existing buildings) Use SIX* of now structure "w2 i,�ft X, .r� ' Foundation-pier/slab/crawl/partial "{ul�]1 ** Proposed buieeArt,�distance from property Sine (Circle one) * Front yard Elan ft Rear yard ft No.. of stories (habitabie� space) 2 Side yards ft and ft Height (grade to ridge)23 fte „ If on corner, setback from side street ft If residential, now of families - I Now of roams (excluding baths) _9 " OCCUPANCY INFORMATION No, of bedrooms 3 em NOe of bathrooms 7�c - -- - PRIMARY BUILDING �saheating . =One family dwell i:ng Pri ry system g1�tride Ehac b e * Tyra family dwelling Type of fuel tflectrm.- * wwwwwwompw Multiple dwelling ,+' Number of units No. of fireplaces to be .installed • Z Permanent occupancy eftmewwww Willa wood stove be installed?aftwo Nis Transient occupancy Central Air conditioning?_ t Business BUILDING STYLE, PRIMARY STRUCTURE * Industrial Ranch Contemporary Log cabin * Other Raised ranch Mansion Duplex * If additiono what will use be? Split level Old style Bungalow CA cod cottage Other " ACCESSORY BUILDING- ] onta - now Town House * Detached garage/one car/ two car/ car ( CIRCLE C!HE PLEASES ) * X Attached garage/one car/ two car/_ � car k * • • * • * * * # * * * * * * * " Private storage building ECSTIMATESD MARKET VALUE OF * Other -..,._ CONSTRUCTION ryyyy nWORMATION ON BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS , ON REVERSE SIDE OF THIS SHEET, TO BE COMPLETED ! soram SPA 4/86 mud-vl / S. BUILDING Si'ECIFICATIONS ** Type of construction, wood fra:ma, fire safe, etc . Wb d Frame Will any second-hand or ungraded lumber be used? If so, for what? No Foundation wall waterial rOLMEd �_� Thickness V b IWO Depth of foundation below grade (to bottom of footing) 7WO Will there be a cellar? MW Heated or unheated? Floor sq. footage 1,755 sq ft y4ul there be a basement? W111 any portion be used as living space? ( If no, what pardon? sq. ft. - - Type of use? Type of . roof - sloped /flat„/ahs4/other Material- of roof AsehaYt Shire les Silo , wood studs I "X 6 " spacing- ?14 -"o . c. length _.� Fft. Joi-its ( floor beams) "1st. floor 2 _"]c to " spacing_l�_"o. c . span 1+4 ft , Joists (floor beams) Znd. floor 2 "X w " spacing I6 "o . c . span.L4.ft . Overlays (ceiling beams ) "X spacing "o. c . span ft . hoof rafters "X " " spacing o . c . span ft. Roof trusses (pre- engineered) spacing.."o. c. span ft . Exterior wall finish Alesiings Of what material? Intt*rior wall finish If% & garage is to be attached, describe materials to be used for FIRE SEPARATION : Is there to be an opening between garage and dwrelling? Y if so will a Fire-rated door , enclosure , and self-closing device be provided? Yes Will a flue-lined chJj%ney * be installed? Height above roof, 2 ft . Depth of chimney foundation below grade to Depth of fireplace hearth - fte a ino Water supply r - Municipal or private well Mm elad SEPTIC SYSTEM! _ Distance from ANY private well ( including adjoining properties ft . (A separate. application is necessary for any, 1r►ep[air or new installation of septic system) Town of f Warren A f F I u A Y I T STATE OF NEW YORK County of Warren I swear , that tq7 the best of my knowledge and belief the: statements contained in "is application, "other with the plans and specifications submitted , are a -true and compXote stratement of all proposed work to be doneson the described premises and that all provisl.ons. ,of the BUILDING CODE, THE ZONING ORDINANCE, and all other laws pertaining to the gropoaped work *hall. be coavlied with, whether specified or not, and that such work is authorixa4 by the owner SWORN : TO BEFORE ME THIS ��' Owner, owner ' s agent , archirect, contractor day of - 19 Notary Public, Warren county, N. Y. • : * a � * * � a ,w w * w w * it w ,► w ,r • � s : t r * * • � � > * w ,► * + + * « # * . . r : SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT: r A. 1 ' Y - Ey'_-__________-__ -------- ......... i TOWN or QUEEMS 'BURY WARREN {COUNTY , NEW YORK Application for : BUILDING PERMIT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE NEW YORK STATE ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE A permit must be obtained before beginning work . ANSWER ALL of the following : 10 Gross floor area /Jbe, Sam Fr_ 2 . Type of heat xLectric Resat ptup 3 , Is the building mechanically cooled ? YES 4 , Percentage of area of windows and doors 1470 A . Over 16 % Only 1 . Uo value of gross area of walls , roof/ ceiling and floors exposed to ambient conditions. See Arrairbed 2 , Floor over heated spaces YES NO a _ Are foundation walls insulated ? YES NO 1 , If YES , what is the R value ? R-13 3 , Slab on grade YES N ) a . If YES , what is the R value of insulation around perimeter of floor ? 4 . Is basement heated ? YES NO a . R value of insulation 50 Type of insulation Fiberglass s , Under 16 % Only 10 R value of roof and floors exposed to ambient conditions 2 , R value of exterior walls 34 R value of glazed area 4 , _ R value of doors 50 R value of floors over unheated spaces 60 R value of slab edge insulation - unheated slab 7 , R value of slab insulation -- heated slab 8 , R value of heated basement/ cellar walls ( above grade ) 90 R value of heated basement /cellar walls ( below grade ) 100 Type of insulation C . Controls 1 . Thermostat maximum heat setting 90¢ D , Duct Systems 1 . Is duct system installed in unheated spaces ? YES NO a , If YES , R value of duct installation b , R value of duct in other areas E , Pil2ing Insulation 10 Size of hot water or cooling carrying agent pipe _Al'• 6 3/4 ro per 2 , R value of pipe insulation F , Service Water Heating 1 , Performance efficiency 2 . 'temperature control setting maximum G , Fpr Swimming Pool Only 1 . Maximum heating Telephone No , 370-1058 ( applicant ' s signature ) APPLICATKOH FOR SEPTIC DISPOSAL PERMIT BATE /l7-- 4 LOCATION OF PROPERTY FOR INSTALLATION •Y&J!tarZ Owner's Name: ••—�y-���.-� d&sca IEW �JwTelephonee _ 376 --/e rj? Address: $r, C�q XoAd*Aew C Installer's Nance: 'Telephone: Number of bedrooms (residential only) Total daily flow (compute @ 160 gal per bedroom) _ yl; o Topography: circle onceFl t olling Steep Slope % of slope Soil Nature: circle on Sa oam Clay Other / Depth.: feet Ground Water: At what depth? ;y/* feet Bedrock or Impervious; Material: At what depth? _ y 10, feet Per mIntion test: circle one: not require required / rate min. inch. Domestic water saq)plya circle one unicipal Well Other IF domestic water supply is a Well: Separation: Watersupply from Septic absorption feet PROPOSED SYSTEM: Septic Tank /oc cs gal. (minimum size: 1 ,000 gal.) TILE FIELD: Each Trench + feet / Total system length �� feet SEEPAGE PIT(S): Number of / Size each feet by feet Size of stone to be used # 3 / Depth or Thickness feet � * * * k � sss * * '+IssaGFac # ss �s • saRlkk # +isac * secs * yk * * * s s s IMPORTANT ...Please...LIST NEW EQUIPMENT TO BE INSTALLED (over) Section II Septic System Inspections: A. All apialications for septic system installation, alteration or repair, as required by the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Ordinance, shall be submitted to the Building Department at least Z4 hours before start of constructionand shall include a plot plan showing: le) the proposed location of the system Z,) location and distance to lot lines 3.) location and distance to structures - 4.) location and distance to any water supply 5.) size and dimensions of all tanks, distribution boxes, .tile fields and/or drywells B. No system shall be covered before inspection and approval by the building Inspector. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the uncovering of the system by the installer and a fine of up to $Z50.000 c. An approved copy of the plot plan shall be available on the construction site. Failure to produce said plot plan at time of inspection may result in an immediate work stoppage. D. Should unforeseen problems during construction prevent proper installation, alteration or repair of an approved system, a new proposal must be submitted to the Queensberry Building Department before further construction. I have read the regulations above and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensberry Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. Signature of responsible person: Date: Town of Queensbury Building and Code Department Bay at Haviland Road Qixeensbury, New York 1 Z801 (518) 74Z-583Z TOWN OF Q BUILDING ANDD CODES DEPARTMENT BAY G HAV'ILAND ROADS QUEENSSURY. NEW YORK 12801 TELEPHONE (518) 792~5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION,/ RECEIVED f / 00' - Z NAME LOCATION J �^r J �^� DATE /f X�/ y PERMIT # �r- 7 e "7 APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/IPIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATION/DAMP.PROOFING BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMB NG FRAMING ELECTRICAL R GH-IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING c,,otINAL INSPECTION: t / CHIMNEY HEIGHT V ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORC ES/STEP STAIRS-CLEARANCE & RAI PLUMBING FIXOT'URES/RELTE VALVE INTERIOR TRXM/PRIVACY D S FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIRFPROOFING DOOR CLO (S) SMOKE DE T CTORS _ FINAL ELEC ICAL INSPECTION FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS: INSPECTOR L 4000660 ' THE! NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS GJ° ,r^y� BUREAU CIF ELECTRICITY S. '� ��( ! 0 f to 41 STATE STRE ET, AL13 ANY, NEW YORK 12207 r pp �r Date December 6 . 1988 Application Ne. on file THIS CERTIFIES THAT er 1047631$7 A ! 3 AC7 f only the electrical equipment as described below and introeleieed by the MW"carat named oars the above ication number in the premises of MASULLO Brothers Builders Inc . # 17 Briggs Ct . QueensburyP Pie wYork one family awell . in [hefollowsng location, L2 Basement Is[ Ft. X ❑ garage ou.tslde Snd Ff. Section 1 2L7f►oek Lot was examined on 1 ] —23,-88 aruu[faund to be in compliance with the requirements of this Board. RXTUMS R3LTURES I RANGES ICOOKINGOECKS I OVENS TDISH WASHERS EXHAUST FANS OUTLETS TACLES SWITCHES 1MCANuesCEW FLUORESCENT AMT. K. W. AMT. K, W. wMT. K.W. AMT. K. W. AMT. K P. 25 34 32 33 2 DRYERS FURNACE MOTORS RJT%M AMIJANCE PasCeRS SPECIAL REC'PT TIME CLOCKS I MOT HEATERS MULSLET DIMMERS AMT. K. W. OFi 11. P. GAS H_ P, Amt- ► O. [A. W. G. AMY. hMV. Amr. AMPS. TRANS. AMi. M. P. NO. Of FIST AM7. WATTS 1 r i p 10 . 33 1 SERVICE DISCONNECT NO. OF S E R V 1 C E AMT_ AMP, TY/rt ME�IERP 1 0 3W 1 ,a 3w 3 , 3var 3�' +{W NO, OF CCC. CDNO. A W. NO. Or HKEG A W. G. No. Or NEUTRA45 A. W. G. PER AT CC. C p. Cw Fa-LEG OF F4eLr'tAl 1 2.00 anel 1 x 4.1 xr OTHER AMARATUS: 3-gfci receptacles 1 -smoke detector SeMarco & Nasters CI^iryeter Ave . Schenectady , N& 12303 BRANCH MANAGER Par This certificate must not be aherad in any manner; return to the office of the Board if incorrect. Inspectors may be identified by their credentiols. COPY FOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT. THIS COPY OF CERTIFICATE MUST NOT BE ALTERED IN ANY MANNER. BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviiand Road, R. D. 1 Box 98 Oueensbury, New York 12801 SEPTIIC�C DISPC7,,'rS''�AL SYSTEM INSPECTION NAME ,.''!�' .S[/!X LOCATION Cz DATE _ ,R/ e%r J PERMIT NO . 47 SOIL TYPE - Sand - Loam - Clay - Percolation Test Required? YES - NO Percolation rate - Min/Inch TYPE of SYSTEM: Absorption field , total len h Length of each trench De of trenches size o gravel_ SEEPAGE TS{Number of) Size- X ft, Gravel size PIPING : S ' e Type Bldgw to tank Tank to dist. box Dist . box to field 1 Openings sealed? Y NO Partial LOCATION/SEPARATION Foundation to tank ' ft. Foundation to abs pt1 ft. Absorption to to line ft. separation of pi 3 to LOCATION OF SYS ON PROPERTY ( role one) Front - Rear - eft side - Right ',side - COMMENTS : SYSTEM USE APPROVED YEfJ } `f Build Inspector 01/86 and vl flown o/ Queens6ury BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Say and Haviland Road, R.D I Box 98 Queensbury, New York 12801 SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION NAME LOCATION pATE , `yI PERMIT NO . r' ` 'r�rl+✓ SOIL TYPE nd - am - Clay' Percolati Test Required? YES - - NO Percolatio rate - Min/Inch _ TYPE of SY TE4: Absorption iela , total length / Length of ch trench A CQ,.�� Depth of tr nches 1�2 Size of gra SEEPAGE PITS umber of) Size- ft. x Gravel size PIPING : Si e Bldgm to tank f 6� Tank to disc . bor Dist. box to fiel /pi "! openings sealed? Y NO Partial LOCATIoN/SEPARATIQ Foundation to tan « ft* Foundation to aka rpt on Zo f t. Absorption to 1 line dd ft- Separation of its ft- LOCATIONOF SYSTEM ON PR PERTY (circle one) Front IEear Left side Right side COMMENTS : SYSTEM USE APPROVED YES NO Building Inspector 4l/86 ma vl TOWN OF QUEENSSURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12801 TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED-,/_ S NAME LOCATION r � ?G //� DATE / - �15ERMIT #__�j - `7 ZZd APPROVED -YE0 NO FOOTING/PIER MONOLITHIC PO FORMS FOUNDATION/DAM -PROOFING BACKFILL APPROV L ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH- ULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION.: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/STE S STATRS--CLEARANCE & ILS PLUMBING FIXTURES/ ELSEF LVE INTERIOR TRIM/PRI Cy DOD FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIREPROOF NG DOOR CLOSERS) SMOKE DETECTOR FINAL ELECTRICA IN FINAL APPROVAL F CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CER IFSCATE OF OCCUPANCY MUjT BE OBTAINED F M THE BUILDING DEPARTMEN BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS : INSPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBUR.Y BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12801 TELEPHONE (518) 792-58.32 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR `INSPECTION RECEXVED_ r'� - NAME LOCATION DATE �/Q APP,ROV'ED YA06 NO FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDAT_rON/DAMP-PROl7FING BACkk.rZZ APPROVAL Ro H LUMBING ELECTRIC A ROUGH-IN INSULAfiION: FOUNDATIO FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL .PORCHES/' S STAIRS-CLEARANCE LS PLUMBING PXJTURE /REL F VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/P VACY RS FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIREPR ING DOOR CLOSER (SJ SMOKE DETECTO S FINAL ELECTRIC INSPECTION _ FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION A ,SIGNED CER FICATE OF OCCUPANC MUST BE OBTAINED FRO THE BUILDING DEPART NT BEFORE THESE PREMSS ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS: 4 s INSP)vc'3'OR BUiLDfNG and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay nd Haviland Road, R. D. 1 Box 98 ueensbury, New York 12801 f rUILLD G INSPECTOR ' S REPORT LOCATION Z -f' ��i�--�► a� Date/Z; Permit No . r7�/�- '/�/tom` ✓ = APPROVED - YES �aot ingf Pier Farms �.•' NO Foundation Waterproofing Backfill Framing Roofing Siding Masonry Veneer Rough Plumbing Relief Valves Ext . Porches Finished Floors Interior Trim Stairs & Railin s "" Cellar Drain Til Concrete Floors Plbg . Fixtures Gar . Fireproo ng Door Closers Smoke Detec cars Chimney INSULATI Foundat ' n Floors Walls Ceilin FINAL LECTRICAL IN PEC'TION _ DRIVEW Y APPROVAL Final Building Surve Next scheduled inspection (call when ready ) Remarks-- Buildi Inspect r 6/86 and-vl _7.tt 0j Queensjury BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road, R. D_ I Box 98 Queensbury, New York 12801 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT" NAME hA4i r. LOCATION Late - / I /!► _ Permit No . 0 N' APPROVED - ES NO Footing/Pier Foxnn.s oundation 1,,�/ WaterProc>fing Backfill Framing Roofing Siding Masonry Veneer Rough Plumbing Relief valves Ext . Porches _ Finished Floors Interior Trim Stairs & Rai. ling _ — Cellar, Drain Ti e - Concrete Floor Plbq . Fixture Gar _ Firelnro ring Door Closer _ Smoke Dete orS Chimney INSUTAATION Foundation Floors Walls Ceiling FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTION DRIVEWAY APPROVAL u Final Building Survey Next scheduled inspection ( call when ready ) Remarks- --, / 1 I3uilc3in Ins ctor �/86 mc3-vl _Dawn 0/ Queerrshtiry BUILDING ana ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road, R.D. 1 Box 98 Oueensbury, New York 12801 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT NAME +' �'�-.tom-.C��(.� LOCATION ,�-{ Date c rp' f r Permit No . 'r - 110 ✓ - ' atinc3fPier Farms APPRC)VFD YES NO,�.- Foundation Waterproofing Backfill Framing Roofing Siding Masonry Ven er Rough Plumb! g Relief Valves Ext . Porches Finished Floors Interior Trim Stairs & Railings Cellar Drain Tile Concrete Floors Plbg . Fixtures Gar . Fireproofing _ Door Closers Smoke Detectors — - Chimney - INSUTATION : Foundation Floors Walls Ce i l in�� F INA14 EL.EC RICAL INSPECTION DRIVEWAY A PROVAL Final Building Survey Next scheduled inspection ( call when ready ) Remarks- Il� %e ) / ..'xC t --' FLMding Inspector G/86 and-vl 9/ O/G mob' S? 1 MOMEMOMMMUNWOM h7 1 S 9 n �-/ �i "V • V V " Of ^ti 1 IA V r �Lo \ p LL ��IYlwll� l�Y�lil�WT• i 3