INSPECTION WORKSHEET INSPECTION WORKSHEET Town of Queensbury - Building and Codes - Fire Marshal 742 Bay Road - (518) 761-8256 Building (518) 761-8206 Fire Marshal Case Number: SEP-0684-2023 Case Module: Permit Inspection Date: March 01, 2024 Inspection Status: Reinspect Inspector: John O'Brien Inspection Type: Septic Job Address: 9 Duncan Cv , Parcel Number: Contact Type Company Name Name Contractor Ellsworth & Son Excavation Owner N/A SALLY GIFFORD Engineer Hutchins Engineering PLLC Checklist Item Status Building Inspector notes 3/1/24 Septic System Partial Inspection - Installed 2-2000 gallon holding tanks including pipe to residence. Also installed access cover extensions. Ok to backfill. Lucas Dobie from Hutchins Engineering and took photos. I also took photos. Ok to backfill. Follow up inspection scheduled for 3/8/24. Items Remaining: 1) Install complete holding tank alarm system with domestic water shutoff. 2) Provide a final electrical inspection for complete alarm system. 3) Witness function test of alarm system and water shut off. 4) Submit final approval letter and certified septic as-built from design engineer. 5) Verify installation of 4” house sewer line from garage bathroom. FAIL Soil type: loam PASS Type of water: municipal or well water lake domestic water supply PASS Waterline separation distance PASS Septic tanks and pump station anchored in flood zone PASS System use status FAIL Distance from building to tank PASS Opening sealed PASS Inlet outlet pipes and baffles, provide extension collar if yes N/O Locations and separations PASS Distance from foundation to tank PASS Size of tank PASS 50 percent alarm level activates N/O 90 percent alarm level activates N/O Water shut off activates at 90 percent full N/O Final electrical N/O Conforms as per plot plan FAIL Engineer report and as-built FAIL Location of system on property PASS Well separation distance PASS John O'Brien Director of Building & Codes