2864 BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No 2864 01) ` 51 . , WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to Albany Engineered Systems zr OWNER of property located at l9 Quaker .Road Street,Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a Sewage Alteration at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and ~' approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. m 1. OWNER'S Address is CD Quaker Road Glens Falls, New York in r+ 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name Cr) 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address 4. ARCHITECT'S Name Pa tO CD 5. ARCHITECT'S Address Ts r+ CD c 6. TYPE of Construction—(Please indicate by X) 0 ( )Wood Frame ( ) Masonry ( ) Steel ( ) 7. PLANS and Specifications p No. Filter Bed fouled — replacing with new pipe, sand and gravel . 8. Proposed Use Sewage CD $ 5 .00 PERMIT FEE PAID —THIS PERMIT EXPIRES June 1 19 74 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 9th Day of April 19 74 SIGNED BY % C��iL for the Town of Queensbury Building d Zonin spector .. r ,,r <: ,\ TOWN OF QUEENcz t RY RECEIIVE1. - N, i .fU OFFICE BU.'..i.� _�,NG e li ' 7 r . tOI{'.!} "17 .11-j APR 9 1974 .> j>r't.;, �.t xli'.1,'.A.rl1�:� �.•�::f_J sP� t�/�7f.1. GLENS, FALLS Q NEW YORK E ''uQ �- od e is d A.M. P.M. APPLICATIONN FOR A PERMIT TO CLEAN - 718 P 111121 23'46 . A SEWA:Ii )7 C SPOSil . SYSTEM WITHIN THE `I:O N OF QUE NSBU .Y. OCCUPANT'S NAME AA any�En9ineered Szstems ADDRESS nuaker_Road TEL-ER-°NE 7a9. . $Ca- OWN E 7,ti S CIA?FRB. J�. .. F .g.,: e_.g,,.QsLSY�s<t. ,. ., .. :lDRESSp„uaker„ oad lens l�s NUMBPR OF BE OO°,;£S none ..�Rt�1(..YiA G.,,.'a'ci.,'.pr�n.a'livWVN,utNe.,'n,w.vlcturonrw.Mr GARBAGE GRINDER? no (YES OR NO) TOPCGrtAPHYi FAT, ROLLING, STEEP. • , SLOPE; GENTLE SLOPE . O OTHER NATURE OF SOIL: . CLAY, SANDY., LOA,"4 , GRAVEL, ROCK, ETC n.o. �.�:,. .. ,..., .:� '.--PERCO ,ATTON TEST --- . - :WATER SUPPLY: NUNICIP-AL: WELL,. OTHER -4.W1ac.xc ....WwwaaNmem ,....,„. ..ttvWwabW---=+..rrn.+v—......olL.......wL^arw...m.....c+ - .tva+wtm.aw..sar.n--wnm.,w—rn+a+.. �77_� 2e.ea ' DIAGRAM O pri oPOSLD' SEPTIC SYSTEM L„.I hTraae . pG" 0 if/.yrFg2 GUT 1.Eti' .- _. 1 497st f'� SActtt�tc G{{Avc!! 4JYa • -- ____ — ' II I ri ®51 NC. - I_ T��� . V Imo-_ .4 G I �y1 - . a., t.R PERTINENT INF C:RMAT r ON yl •ter. Bed is becomin „_fouleds9 we ,propose to a?, t o ,t.m?. .,0 ;,.:,e p as ,,i_t_,w. t....msogy.4. i p.e.,,.�.... _and..,.&, r av e,.1:... . „e,...o.... ...., .-,......-...: ...- • IT IS ,:HEREBY AGREED THAT IF THIS APPLICATION AND PLANS ARE APPROVED, INSTALLATION OF E AGE DI xi" 5:AL 'PAC;I L s'TI10 IL., BE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH DETAILS S't-UN A • Date_. ril 9 1974 -w ._. ..:....:._: __3 .'r O ;; . :CANT Sterling .. Akins