Survey MapIRF IRFSHED 10' Right of Way As Per Deed Reference B.484 P. 116, B.1104 P. P.242 1ƒ (218.93'6    ƒ       ( 1 0 0 . 0 0 ' 6ƒ ( 50.00'209.87'6ƒ :6ƒ : 17.71' Proposed Area 289.10-1-52.2 Proposed Area 5 0 . 0 0 ' 1    ƒ       : 1 0 0 . 1 7 ' 1    ƒ       : Dock 2 n d S t o r y D e c k Concrete WalkConcrete Walk 2 StoryWood Frame House10' Wide Right- Of- Way Fro m Glen Lake Raod to Glen Lake asPer 484/116-521/183-521/185-1104/242ShedLean ToShedTi m b e r R e t a i n i n g W a l l Propane Tank Well Crushed Stone ParkingFlag Pole  “7R6KRUH  “7R6KRUH “ $ O R QJ 6 K R U H     “  $ O R Q J  6 K R U H ( T i e L i n e ) ( T i e L i n e ) 289.10-1-52.1  “7R6KRUH Lands N/F of Harvey D. Wilson 2 St o r y Woo d F r a m e H o u s e CIRF IRF Square Fence Post Found B.R.F. Lands N/F of Zemanek Lands N/F of Miller Lands N/F of Gary G. Pinero Lands N/F of Betty Spadaro Asphalt DriveDeed Reference 1 Paul Zemanek & Sheryl Zemanek To Paul S. Zemanek III Dated: April 8, 2002 Book 1287 Page 54 Map References: 1 Map of Lands Proposed To be Conveyed By Ebert C. Hibbard To Glen Wilson Dated: June 21, 1967 Last Revised: March 21, 1978 By Coulter & McCormack Licensed Land Surveyors 2 Map of Lands of Glen Wilson Dated: March 22, 1978 Last Revised: October 25, 1978 By Coulter & McCormack Licensed Land Surveyors 3 Map of a Survey made for Francis T. & A. Joyce Donohue Dated April 02, 2003 By Van Dusen & Steves Land Surveyors Legend B.R.F. = Bathey Rod Found CIRF = Capped Iron Rod Found IRF = Iron Rod Found = Wood Fence Line = Utility Pole   “   “10' Wide Right- Of- Way Fro m Glen Lake Raod to Glen Lake asPer 484/116-521/183-521/185-1104/242(Existing Lot Line)289. 10-1-52.2 D E E D P A R C E L I I DE ED P A RC E L I I I D E E D P A R C E L I(Former Life Estate to Patrick Spadaro)1ƒ (206.99'10660.0 Sq. Feet 0.299 Acres 22716.5 Sq. Feet 0.52 Acres    “ DWG. NO. 16-051 Zemanek