03-04-2013 Versionl REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING March 4, 2013 7:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY COUNCILMAN ANTHONY METIVIER 1.0 RESOLUTIONS 1.1 Resolution Reappointing Andrew Garner, M.D. 2013 Town Health Officer and Authorizing Health Officer Agreement 1.2 Resolution Authorizing Banking Transactions and Internet-Based Banking Services for Town Water and Wastewater Departments 1.3 Resolution Authorizing Extension of Employment Terms for Nicholas George—Temporary, Part-Time Activities Center Coordinator 1.4 Resolution to Amend 2012 Budget 1.5 Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of $500 Donation From the Adirondack Soccer Club Inc., for Town Recreation Department Soccer Program 1.6 Resolution Approving Audit of Bills Warrant of March 5, 2013 2.0 PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR (LIMIT 4 MINUTES) 3.0 CORRESPONDENCE 4.0 TOWN BOARD DISCUSSIONS 5.0 EXECUTIVE SESSION (IF NEEDED) ***Agenda Subject to Change Without Notice***