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CERTIFICATE C` F` C+CIVIF'LIAN�CE TOWN OF QUEENSSURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK � DateJanuary 18 14 9O ` This is so certify that work requested to be done as shown by Fermis No. has been completed. I This structure may be occupied as a 1 motion 4 I�, C3arner Harvest Restaurant - Phil hart By Order Town Board :i T4W-N OF QUEENSBUitY I i Director of Y33dg. & Code forcernent 14 I BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No 89-22I o WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK " tri �o s-� PERMISSION is hereby granted to HARVEST RESTAURANT ' N OWNER of property located at BAY ROAD Street, Road or Ave. i". in the Town of Queensbury, W To Constructor place a EXTEND LOADING DOCK at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1 _ OWNER'S Address is PHIL HART BAY ROAD 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Name rr R' WILLIAM FORBES 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address rr v 27 HARLEM STREET s+ GLENS FALLS ,N _ Y _ 12801 a .. 4. ARCHITECT'S Name 5. ARCHITECT'S Address r 6. TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by X) a ( I Wood Frame ( 1 Masonry ( ? Steel ( 1 7. PLANS and Specifications No. 56 sq _ ft. extebded KIN loading dock as per plot plan , specifications , and application . S. Proposed Use Loading r RRI*RB KANKINiN Deck r e $ IQ- On C/C PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES Noy ember 1 tg. 89 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) I �� IZth ��1rj. I Dated at the Town of Queensbury this Day of r 1 19�__ I SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury u ding and Zoning I nspe+etor TOWN OF QZJEENS12LJRY APPLICATION FOR BUILDING AND ZONING PERMIT TOPV/V OF Fec.ie� e�i� / ,r /� Cf RC�i�Vp ${�RY A PR !� Fee Paid BLOG S O4 BUILDING AND CODES w PARTKINrT Date. I-i.sued OE O PT, DAY Lind HAVILAND ROADS RD I BOX 98 � , z -`/ pUrE1VSBURY0NE{>rr YOOR,K 228,79 PClumit 1Jc, . Tc3 , ( 518 ) 792-5832 Ext -204 1a W a a t w 'a w t * * : x : * * w x ar : r . a . a a a . . . . ■ ws + +; A 141MMIT b11.1S'r n4 OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION . NO INSPI: C'rIONs WILL 13.E MADE UNTIL, APPLICANT 11AS RECEIVED A VALID BUILDINC PERMIT . All applicable spaces on tktis application must be completed and the d puat re pf * the applicant �illksk appear * o* � hx * a* e � s � � l �e * O * *hey * SAC * tom '1' tae owner of this property is : l' . O . Address E�-N ' - ?.'c+ - T E I. . ?F 3-�+ / S TAX MAP No . / /� /. Property Yoe, teas there been any split of this property since October 1 , 19BB ? YeS � rya if yes . Planning Hoard Review is necessary . LOT NO . ;; UUDIVISION NAME , IV APPLICABLE "Ptle person responsible for supervision of work as regards Building `Codes i de is : 5 'X-1 E't plt�i_ _.•r c424 r E NAME P . O . ADUftSS a E L * O Address del t4ume of builder Tel t4ram.± of 1jlurnber Tddrass Tel f I auae of Mason '�Afe�L Pro Pceov5, Address ijATuRE OF PROPOSCO WRK • „ -ZONING IN14011A1J+TION foffice use only ) CGn>;truccion of a ,jew building W ZONING DESIGNATION OF PROPERTY uncl.iitiorl to :a builditYq t PERMITTED PRINCIPAL PERMITTED ACCESSORY ltwr:ation to a 6" ilding # REVIEW REQUIRCO PLANNING BOARD ZONING BOARD ( tro Clk`LFkgu to excurior climensions ) APPROVED DATE OLliixr work Ctjoscribo) SITE PLAN REVIEW # _ XSTfr�1{3 ALPIt..�, G Qn G _ -- r VARIANCE # APPROVED QATE GROSS AREA or pitapOSED, ;; TftL) C'1' UR1' ; lst rloor sq f t . Remarks * 2 n d Floor sq f t . CO1.IPLL 'i'1 . I{l1'O1:S'sA'1'1 Ot! Sct�tlu I1tLD !J1` L�U4, . � S i::.: O � 17ro1,a: 'rtYy. Other Floors sq f t " Lxi:;tilstj kiuLIJill.] t : 1 Si -�= !' t ?S 1 C . ( not Collar or basiamenc ) � TOTAL FLOOR AREA . sq ft . ; 1:xicincj DUi1dirrc3 (:; ) Ua.: � iy : -+af-�ncw strucugru Ft x ft " c�u,idacson-r+i x ��SaL/cr:�wl/(�artit►lffull * Propo::+;d building , discancu rrotu property ► inu (circle and Front yurd., rt Rear yard ft Na . of MtorieN (h;Abltablt: space) Sids yards ct :and it '" IluighlC ( grade to riclgu ft .l If on corn.: r , ::4tbaC1C from :.i+lu scr- uc:t rt if rasiduntial , no . of families OCCUPp"CY INFOWwATIC" too . of roam:a texcludinal b;.tha) llo . of bedrooms PRIMARY LUILDINC tva . or batltroolsl:; * Ona .fuJuily dwelling t'rir,ury lruaciaq :;ysi LuI Two faictily dwullLA&J 1y13u caE fuel ; Multiple Jwcllincx / 'Number of units tto . of f.iruplacuz; to k:a ir► :tallr~d Perin:.>,nu11C occup:.urcy Will � wood 4"vo tI i ,"' tall&jd? occupancy C.:nt.r"I Air co,tti!.tionirtg :' 13urinr 5s t3UIt_D1NG STYLE;, PRIlvARY STRUCTURE~ „ Indu : cxial Ocher 1. a�rch Coat.:usl�c,r" ry I,cn cabin If saddition , wl'4"r will usa: buT 1;.alsuLi ranch Man7it. tk Dupl ::x ar :313111t lcsvel Old scylo uu, kLa.+ 1aw C..yu Cod CoLtago Octx.: .r v ACC1-55ORY# LiUILDIIyG- . tachacl y arc,gc�orie cur/ two c;arf c:►r Co ioni.al lcaw i'ow,ti HouseU ' f CIRCLL: ONO PLEASE 1 ACcuchud cl;aragufo,la Cixr/ two cart cu ►` A a a a ■ a x M a . • a a a s r x + .11r.l.v.:ttit SjLOC ge building L: STIMATED MhRKF',' VALUE OF OFh. r Ct7CJI:"rItUCTIUM $ r _ a NVORJ•tATTON ON nLt TL..DINC Sn1':CIPTCATIONS o ON REVERSE STOn OF Tli i H ET To Be COMPLETED ! D 1 Fnr'm BP.A 10188 V1 BUILDING PERMIT APPLTiCA.TIr" i CONTINUED - BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS : Type of construction , wood frame , fire safe, etc . Will any second-hand or ungraded lumber be used? If so , for what ? Foundation wall material 3 a_rc.- � S '� Thickness $ "� Depth of foundation below grade ( to bottom of footing ) Will there be a cellar? t.$ Heated or unheated? Floor sq. footage sq ft Will there be a basement? .�$C7 Will any portion be used as living space? " ep ( If so , what portion? sq . ft . - - Type of use ? Type of roof - sloped/flat/shed/other Material of roof Size , wood studs " X to spaciricJ "'o . c . length ft . Joists ( floor beams ) lst . floor "'X " spacing ""o , c . span ft . ,joists ( floor beams) 2nd . floor ",X " spacing loo . c . span ft . Overlays ( ceiling beams ) mix "' spacing "' o . c . span ft . Roof rafters '"X " spacing D . C . span ft . Roof trusses (pre-engineered) spacing "o . c . span ft . Exterior wall finish Of what material ? Interior wall finish If a garage is to be attached , describe materials to be used for FIKL' SEPARATION : is there to be an opening between garage and dwelling? If so will a Fire-rated door , enclosure , and self-closing device be provided? Will a flue- lined chimney be installed? .Height above roof ft . Depth of chimney foundation below grade ft . Depth of fireplace hearth ft . in . Water supply - Municipal or private well SEPTIC SYSTEM _ Distance from ANY private well { including adjoining properties ft . (A separate application is necessary for any repair or new installation of septic system) DEC LAR :1. 'TION To the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUTLDING CODE, THE ZONING ORDINANCE, and all other la�%,' s pertaining to the proposed work shal4bem d with, whether specified or not, and that such work is authorized by t oSignature Owner, ownerite , contractor sit SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT : 13y ALBANY 12241 BINGHAMTON 13901 BUFFALO 14203 HEMPSTEAD 11550 NEW YORK 10047 ROCHESTER 14614 SYRACUSE 13202 1DD Broadway State Office Building State Oflice Building Slate office Building Menands Hawley Street 125 Main Street 175 Fulton Avenue Two World Trade Center 155 Main Street YY East Washington St. STATE OF NEW YORK WORKERS' COMPENSATION BOARD THIS AGENCY EMPLOYS AND SERVES THE HANDICAPPED WITHOUT DISCRIMINATION- OFFICE AT �xcecalp?- ROBERT STEINGUT STATEMENT THAT APPLICANT DOES NOT REQUIRE CHAIRMAN WORKERS ' COMPENSATION OR DISABILITY BENEFITS COVERAGE (Ref : Sec . 57 , WC Law; Sec . 220 , Subd . 8 , DR Law) Applicant ' s Name. �.� � c �.\Ptu✓\ s Sc . R . Now Address 27 XAA SAVRE41 'w"E -- Office At Business or Trade Name , if Different From Above The above named applicant for permit subject to restriction under Section 57 of the Workers ` Compensation Law , and Section 220 , Subd . 8 , of the Disability Benefits Law , makes the following statement for the purpose of establishing that he/ she does not require coverage under these laws . 1 . Location of work 2 . Exact work to be performed f( N , 54 3 . Number of workers G'7 \4 . Date work is to be (a) commenced 45 J1 (b ) completed 15 /c, ©� have workers ' compensation insurance ( certificate attached ) . 6 do not need workers ' compensation insurance because status is Individual owner or partner with no employees and not a corporation . (] I do not need workers ' compensation insurance because : have disability benefits insurance (certificate attached) . 1 do not need disability benefits insurance because status is Individual owner or partner with no employees and not a corporation . (] I do not need disability benefits insurance because : I hereby affirm, under the penalties of perjury , that I am the above named applicant for permit subject to restriction under Section 57 of the Workers ' Compensation Law and Section 220 , Subd . 8 , of the Disability Benefi E a hat the foregoing statements are true . -qq Date Signed ra� 1c3_L .7 Sig ture of Applicant Telephone No . Wsk 'y ! 3 - Title w�� TO STATE OR MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT , BOARS] , COMMISSION OR OFFICE REQUIRING CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS ' COMPENSATION INSURANCE UNDER SECTION 57 OF THE WORKERS ' COMPENSATION LAW AND UNDER SECTION 220 , SUBD . $ , OF THE DISABILITY BENEFIT'S LAW Based on the foregoing statements made by the above applicant : The Board has no objections , at this time , to the issuance of the permit requested . 0 the applicant will be required to have a Disability Benefits insurance policy effective not later than four (4 ) weeks after the employment of one or more employees on each of at least 30 days in any calendar year . It is to be understood , however , that the Board reserves the right to request revoca- tion of the permit if , after investigation , it is found that the applicant is required to have workers ' compensation and/or disability benefits coverage for the work referred to in the above application . WORKERS ' CeSAl 094 Date : `sri By - (District Administrator or Supervisor of W . C . Enforcement) C- 105 . 21 ( 7-83 ) TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT r � BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK I2809- `\ TELEPHONE (5I8) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED :5� - - NAME LOCATION p q DATE �- _ - I PERMIT #� / I APPROVED ► - YES 1/"FOOTING/PIER MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATIO DAMP-PROOFING BACKFILL A ROVAL ROUGH PLUMB G FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROU -IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS ' WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/STE STAIRS-CLEARANCE & S PLUMBING FIXTURES/ ELI VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/PRXItTACY RS FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIREPROO ING DOOR CLOSERS) SMOKE DETECTO S FINAL ELECTRIC L INSPECTION FINAL APPROVA OF CONSTRUCTION\ A SIGNED CE IFICATE OF OCCUPANCY\IMUST BE OBTAINED F THE BUILDING DEPART9JFNT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED' REMARKS. w V �• 0 - 1z C INS ECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT SAY 6 HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSSURY, NEW YORK 1280& TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT" REQUEST FOR IN S PECTIO N RECEIVED NAME IY � 1� L� LT ! CL"�''vT�II C1rL' �V � LOCATION DATE f PERMIT APPROVED YES I NO FOOTING/PIE MONOLITHIC UR FORMS FOUNDATXON/D P-PROOFING BACKF.ILL APPR VAL ROUGH PLUM BIN FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROU -IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION.& CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/ EPS STAIRS-CLEARANCE RAILS PLUMBING FIXTURES LIEF VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/PR.I A DOORS FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIREPROOF NG DOOR CLOSER (S) SMOKE DETECTORS"ONsTRU FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL APPROVAL OFION A SIGNED CERTIFI TE OF OCC PA*"' MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING PARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES AR OCCUPIEDI REMARKS: /.QP► Dill& VO4f, Ida K � +,r PGd� �'"��►L� s 2 'zc7 t. INS TOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS OUEENSBURY, NEW YORK I280it TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAMEr LOCATION DATE �' -� PERMIT # APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATIONJDAMP-PROOFING 4,lt2iCKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS r WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: . CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCH IS-'EPS STAIRS-CLEARA E & 9?AILS PLUMBING FIXTRES/RALIEF VALVE INTERIOR TR ?Y1PRXVACks DOORS FINISHED F RS GARAGE FIRAo>ROOFING DOOR CLOSEP (S) SMOKE DET4L"TORS FINAL ELECT*ICAL INSPECTION FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS: � ! o INSPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILANE ROADS Q UEEN,SBURY, NEW YORK 12804. TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME L40CATTON DATE PERMIT #)� APPROVED YES NO FOO,:FING f PIERS POUR RCS FOUNDAT�V N/DAMP-PROOFING BACKFILL I PROVAL ROUGH PLUMB G FRAMING .ELECTRICAL ROU -IN INSULATION. FOUNDATION f' FLOORS" r WALLS CEILING i FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ' ROOFING .SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/ST S STAIRS-CLEARANCE & ILS_ PLUMBING FIXTURES/ ELIEF VA. E INTERIOR TI.IMjPRXI�%CY DOORS FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIREPROOF NG DOOR CLOSER ( (REOCCUPXEDI SMOKE DETECT FINAL ELECTRICECTION FINAL APPROVALSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTIFOF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM TLDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ti INSPEC R L uny it 17 rn