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v CERTIFIC A I Ort CUPAN+C7wif TOWN OF QUIENSBURY 4 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Dace February 13w 14 91 This is to certify that worequested to be done as shaw n by Permit No. 89- 97 i has been eotnPieted- This structure may be occupied as a _ r+ tt1LJ t p Family_[17 1 i r1 1 Owner John . Evelyn. McPhee By Order Town Bard i TOWN OF QUSENSSURY Director of Bldg. & Code Enforcement 1 4W BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 89- 197 a WARREN COUNTY, NEW Y©RK w PERMISSION is hereby granted to John A Eve1 yn MGPhee tp, w OWNER of property located at Say Road Street, Road or Ave, +-+ in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a _ Si null @ Family Dwelling at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1 . OWNER'S Address is Same z" m 2. CONTRACTOR or BUI LIRE R'S Name m G William Taft 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address rrt Star Route "C rn r .Z 4. ARCHITECT'S Name S. ARCHITECT'S Address yp 3 �p 6, TYPE of Construction — lPlease indicate 6y ?C1 ^� t!J YIx ) Wood Frame I I Masonry S i Steel I l 7. PLANS and Specifications No. 28 ' x 82 ' single family dwelling as per plot plan , specification , and application ,including septic , attached two car garage88 8. Proposed Use cn x Single 'Family Dwelling e� 25_ IDD c/o $ 215 , 0171 PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES November 1 19 89 Ilf a longer period is required an application for an extension must be :Wade to the Building and Zoning inspector of the � town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) rr rr Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 271h Daav of AP 1 19 $9 SIGNED BY / L -/ for the Town of Queensbury W. wilding and Zoning Inspector BLDG. PERMIT NO. e 1 APPLICATION FOR A TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY A TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAN Y is hereby requested for the property located at; A� C. # L for the following uses: ]DATE SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY The TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY is hereby WAPPROVED ( )DISAPPROVED with the following conditions: TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FEE: 10.00 DEPO I : 0()$100 .00 received on '2 _ Date of IssuVbcA Director of Bldg. & ode Enforcement THIS TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY EXPIRES 2Q DAYS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE, NOTE: This Certificate is NOT VALID unless signed by the Director of Bldg. & Code Enforcement or his designee. rirRnllT TO— N or Q1JEEN'SB1JRY APPI. ICATII7N FOR iiLIIL Ir}c ANDZC�NINC: Reccevei� �� 1 -4 1 TOWW OF. CIUEEfNSBURY r ti R ay..r.elucd RECEIVED Fee. 'Paid t q � BUILDINC AND CODES DII)ARWEI*.'T 'Date. I.aaued BLDG. & CODE DEFT, BAY and 11AVXLAND ROADS RD 1 BOX 9a Pe✓crni t No . PUEENSDURY, "EW YOP 12a04 Tel . ( 518 ) 792-5832 Ext11204 a a a t i x 'x * I * a * x 'k x R A PERMIT MUST Do OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION . NO INSPEC•f3QNS lt' I L. L. BE, MADE UNTIL APPLICANT 1-(AS R"G' CEI'VED A VALID BVI LDINC PER111IT . A13 applicable spaces on this application must be comTlcted and the s '� nLlatuxe of the applicant must appear on the reverse sick of this sheet . * * tot C214 C. Ti, e owner of this Property i to ploo . Address TAX MAP NO . � A8 r "I operty lAcatiAn d 1las there been any split of this Property since October 1 , 1988 ? yes no o if yes , planning Hoard Review is necessary . LOT NO . SUBDIVISION NAME: : IV APPLICABLE The person resp+Qrrsible forlsupervisiAn of wo a regards Building Codes is ( 11111 ) .Z Milli T NAME P . Ck . ADLyRE � S el 14wme of builder 4 Address Iel — / 1Jart+e Of IlAddress -- tooloo Name of Mason • nI e� 7 . `address 14ATURE. OF PROPOSED 63I.h. : „ ZONIt4C* INFORMATION ( ofeia & use only ) eAn strucciesr4 of a rruw buildirsr ZONING DESIGNATION OF PROPERTY Ad+litiorY to :a building PERMITTED PRINCIPAL PERMITTED ACCESSORY �ALCur:.[tiAn to a ):.uilding "REVIEW REQUIRED - PLANNING 13DARD ZONING BOARDooloolillillillot (ILO Clr.++u.] � tb exc � rior c} imOnsions] W APPRaVE.D BATE OCIIILr nark (Jiz:criU� } SITE PLAN REVIEW # r VARIANCE # APPROVED DATE GROSS AREA O ' Pjtwlosco. :.; Trtucllruliz 4, s q f t . Remarks 1st Floor � "`-�-�- 2nd Floor - " scl f t . W COMPLoT1 INi oruWrIo" lt1 r uxltl a Lil:LU4� . �.._.. " Sim.: AE prAllill Other Floors Sq ft . + "iutirrcj ( not cellar or basement ) TOTAL FLOOR AREA sq f t . L:xi:.:ci,sg nuildirr.,k (:sf llau f t aE it '+ - ; i�s of w :.Cruct uro lour+d:rcion-pier/:;laL/ raw 1�3rJ• tial/ roil k'rop>o:;ac1 bung . rdiscancu rroru faroyc t t�lirr4 (circlu one. ) f front yard !"t Rear yard f t Nay . Of Stories (1r;abit 4bli: '�17dr e ) Sidta yards f t and / •--, :7 Tt Il� ight ( track to ridgtoo ) ! K ft ' If on corner , :4t» "Ck from Si.du :aCCiLC fC if rL::iduntial , no . Of families ` OCCUpANcy 1NFORMAT1LIN No . of room:; taxcludinq b- {rIns, iJo. of bt droou+s G'- t P127#iRTtY CsUILnING - No . at btt)troaur�; �, �Qncr fan+ily dwellirig- 1'risu:+ ry 1k�; + Cll1[.I ;;y" emu• ,r ► ir2 'i'wa T.+uiily dw,r+allitry IYl�e of fuel _. . �-'�'1 s 14ulCirrl.: �lwulling '` Number of units_ No . of fixuplacu:: cc,+ til" IF%;: C40.144d ' Parm"ijtit oacun:,u+cy Will " wood SLOV.: L%a irs:sLallud"' _ J - � OrClunsI14I occui "fic:y L'+snCe"I Air coiulitiunirrg:' '� k)usinc:ss WILDING STYLE, PRIMARY STRUCTURE * Industrial OcYkr cabin if uddf. cion, wl+iac will uLie 1aa Y ri:als.:d ranch Minsiun Dul�lox alslic l +.V�l old sryle lsu,+sILOW * ACCESSORY i3UIL.D] 1JG- C;.,kau Cod Coct"gl.= Or. ktur car •1•A+..r+ klouse ` I+..scach2d qar�+47efana • cµr/ two oar/ CAloni"l ROW —m cur ( CTRCLI:: ON1: PL>•:ASJ+ ) " �AGtnche.0 rjur:ac]u/Ar3�t Cor/ Ewa car/ • w w a x i • a w a ■ x x x x # l+]C1L:aCi:. Storage buildings rlrinz' k: D MAR. Kror VALUE OF Ra, olla �=C+chur c; r]N ::'r` iiUC"►' TUN W 7NFLy 'JiA•Y'TryN a" 13UTLDING SPr-CIFICATIONS . ON REVERSE: Slon or III Skll k:'['. TO no COMALE'1"1=Lys Foam RPA 10f88 VI BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CONTINUED - BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS : Type of construction , wood frame , fire safe , etc . Q Will any second-hand or ungraded lumber be used? If so , for what ? Foundation wall material l_ CIC. Thickness Depth of foundation below grade ( to bottom of footing ) �-- Will there be a cellar? '40 H aced or unheated? oq ft -- Floor sq. footage Will there be a basement? c.�Jill any portion be used as living space ? ( I£ so , what port! �> sq . ft . - - Type of use? Type of roof - slope lat/shed/other _ Material of ofLAP Size , wood studs "XT spacing "o . c , lengt� tl �ft . oists ( floor beams st . floor _ "X spacing "'o . c . spai JO-fists ( floor beams ) 2nd . floor "}{ " spacing "o . c . pan ft . Overlays (ceiling beams ) "X 01 gating -'*�- span-�' 'eft . Roo€ rafters rf " X " spaein O . C . sFA opan £t . Roof trusses (pre-engineered) spacing "o . c . span ft . Exterior wall finish _^ _ I- y �r> Of what material ? GO 0E) Interior wall finishIf a garage is to be attached•, desqxahe materials to be used far FIRE SEPARATION : Is there to be an opening between garage and dwelling? If so will a Fire-rated door , enclosure , and self-closing device be provided? Will a flue-lined chimney be installed? Height above oof� ft . Depth of chimney foundation below grade ft . -- --` Depth of fireplace hearth ftn! in . Water supply - Municipal or private wel SEPTIC SYSTEM _ Distance from vate well ( Including adjoining properties 67ft , (A separate application is necessary for any repair or new installation of septic system) D E L L Alt A T I 0 N To the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUILDING CODE, THE ZONING ORDINANCE, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or not, and that such work is authorized by the owner. Signature CJ ILCC Owner, owner's agent, architect, CcontZract SPECIAL. CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT : By TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY , NEW YORK Application for : BUILDING PER141T IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE NEW YORK STATE ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE A permit must be obtained before beginning work. . ANSWER ALL of the following , 1 . Gross floor area Cr- 2 . Type of heat A / �} f 3 . Is the building mechanically coaled ? _A Q 4 . Percentage of area of windows and doors A . over 16 % Only 1 . U value of gross area of walls , roof / ceiling and floors o exposed to ambient conditions 2 . Floor over heated spaces YES No a . Are foundation walls insulated ? YES NO 1 . if YES , what is the R value ? 3 . Slab on grade YES NO a , if YES , what is the R value of insulation around perimeter of floor ? 4 , Is basement heated ? YES NO a . R value of insulation 5 . Type of insulation B . Under 16 % only 1 . R value of r rof a d floors seer ambient conditions (� r 2 . R value of exterior walls 1 3 . R value of glazed area �rI 4 . R value of doors fi 5 , R value of floors over unheated. spaces 60 R value of slab edge insulation - unheated slab 7 . R value of slab insulation - heated slab Be R value of heated basement/ cellar walls ( above grade ) 96 R value of heated basement/ cellar walls ( below grade ) 10 . Type of insulation_ J.� � iZC] L Iar3' s Co Controlsr 1 . Thermostat maximum heat setting (� D . Duct SXstems 1 . Is duct system installed in unheated spaces ? ` � NO a , If YES , R value of duct installation b , R value of duct in other areas ---�' E . piping Insulation 1 . size of hot water or cooling carrying agent pipe 2 , R value of pipe insulation F , . Service Water Heating r-^" 1 . Performance efficiency 2 . Temperature control setting maximum G . For Swimming Pool Only 1 . Maximum heating � + �" Telephone No _ /' J ,, r ' 0 C ( applicant ' s signatu Y6 1 TOWN OF QU.EENSBURY APPLICATION FOR rr� � SEPTIC DISPQSAL PERMIT DATE LOCATION OF PROPERTY FOR INSTALLATION Owner's Name: I '" Telephone: Address: Installer's Name: Telephone: Number of bedrooms (residential only) ��" Total daily flow (compute (d 150 gal per bedroom) a Topography: Circle one: Flat tRolling eep Slope % of Slope Soil Nature: Circle on : Sand Loam Clay Other. /Depth: Feet Ground Water: At what depth ? Feet Bedrock or Impervious Material: At what depth ? Feet Percolation test: Circle one: not required required .,rate min. inch. Domestic water supply: circle one: Municipal( WeV Other If domestic water supply is a well: `�--^'' Separation: Water supply from septic absorption (r) r.> feet PROPOSED SYSTEM : Septic Tank f fa nC> _ gal. (minimum size: 1 , 000 gal.) T TILE FIELD: Each Trench feet/Total system length feet SEEPAGE PIT(S): Number of / Size each feet by feet Size of stone to be used #-2./Depth or Thickness �~ feet I have read the regulation on the reverse side of this sheet and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of QueensburySanita Sewage Dispos inagpol SIGNATURE OF/RESPONSIBLE PERSON: CAJ U r DATE: OVER. Septic System Inspections : A . All applications for septic system :installation , alteration or repair , as required by the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Ordinance , shall btu submitted to the Building Department at least 24 hours: before start of construction and shall include a plot plan showing : 1 . ) rile proposed location of the system 2 . ) location and distance to lot lines 3 . ) location and distance to structures 4 . ) location and distance to any water supply 5 . ) size and dimensions of all tanks , distribution boxes , Mile fields and /or drywalls B . No system shall be covered before inspection and approval by the Building 111spector . Failure to comply with this requirement may result it' tile uncovering of the system by the installer and a fine of up to $ 250 . 0Q . C . An approved copy of the plot plan shall be available on the construction :-: i. te . Failure to produce said plot plan at time of inspection may result it' an itnmedi<ate work stoppage . v . Should unforeseen problems during construction prevent proper installa— tion , alteration or repair of an approved system , a new proposal must be submitted to the Queunshury Building; Department before further coils true U -lon . Town of Queensbury BUILDING and CODES DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Roads Queunsbury , New York 12804 Mojurt of Queertshxxrg Pighf*nig Department Say at Haviiand Roads Office Phone 518-793wM1 Queensbury, Now York 12801 PAUL H- NAYLOR RICHARD A. MISSITA Superintendent Highways Deputy Superintendent Highways DRIVEWAY PERMIT TJirt�}ie V ' D - . 'P1 ^. I PI.. ZCANT NAME : _ I ] .: LjPPH0NE NO . f!, 1JDRESS TO BE INSPLi C E'ED L; i,. TJRN AIDDRESS : ticant must sho�,,� exact location and width of driveway ( s ) t4. be connected to the highway by placing stakes at the si , �� cified location . 1'3ie Superintendent of Highways , Town of Queensbury , has r + rviewed the application of the above named resident to connect a driveway to the Town road . The following action has been taken : - STEP l ; ( } Preliminary Approval , NEED : { ) Slight Swail ( } Level With The Road ( } Deep Swail �. ze Pipc� to be used ( if necessary ) ( } 12 " ( } 15 " { } 18 " ( } 2A " ( ) 36 " E _F- 1 iminary inspecc. i. nn by DATE Apf.oi-oval by Highwtay Supt . Depty . Supt . Al u. tl. r receiving the Preliminary Approval , submit the permit tc. the Ta -.n of Queensbury , Highway Department. upon completion for a Final Approval . STELA 2 : ( ) Final Approval { } Rejected la i'L`li Paul ti _ Naylor Superintendent oi_ highways Town of Queensbury MernberN.r.P.A. & I.A.EL '�CE'G�7"LCL�L �ET�I�ZG+I�t(? f,,J j q 1 ATLANTIC II, INLAND, INC. III NEW YORK Electrica I and rire inspection-Enforcin g 4 Consulting Service F :';�.: .•_.. i +"" . ,.:ir;i,17c-< 997 McLean Road, Coriyland, NY 13045 DATE: CERTIFICATE NO. : OWNER : r.l r', l AS APPROVED FOR: -a i-`^ : . is` ADDRESS: r '+l.tt_. _ - :,' 1ki = ; f r � 'I i 1- 'I' ttei f2 .' - f . _ -lF3l.l _,5 t ? ' : . ' .� -- ..+'-131]} " ! - �' �! '=11ri' i .'r,'?ru^ � ELECTRICIAN: ^r .y ; ,r. _ "x ADDRESS: The candihons following governed the issuance of this cenif iaate, and any certificate previously issued is cancelled This certificate only covers the electncal equipment listed and installation Condilions 05 of date. Upon the in[rodugipn of addtbonal equipment or alterations, application shall be promptly made Yor ins p:aclian lnspeclars of this Company shall have the privilege of making inspections at any time, and it its ruler are Violated. the Company Shall have the right to revoke this Cen"'Caleit Al - 27 ' L - - _ - �r 7OWM OF QUEENSBURY to BUI,,I C AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY B ND ROADS NEW PORK 328a�- �JUEENSBUF:7'• 5I8 ) 792-5832 TELEPHONE t BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST INSPECTION RECEIVED _ NAME LOCATI PERMIT # —� DATE /r APPROVED YES NO FOOTINGIPIERS MONOLITHIC POUR ]FORMS FOUNDATIOAPROOFING BACKFILLPPROVA ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH—IfV INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS fCEILING y/ ZNAL INSPECTION : e ! CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTE1gNAL PORCHESIS'FEPS STAIRS—CLEARANCE & RAIL PLUMBING FIXTURESIRELIE VALVE IFRIVACY D S INTERIOR TRIM FINISHED �— FLOORS GARAGE FIREPROOFING DOOR CLOSER (S) SMOKE DETECTORS FINAL ELECTRICAL INSP TION_O FINAL APPROVAL OF CO TRiICTION� OF OCCUPANC MOIST BE A SIGNED CERTIFH DING DEPART NT BEFORE OBTAINED FROM THE THESE PREMISES .ARE CCUPIEDI ^---�— REMARKS : s . 1 y .-r f i? �Jy��' SPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVIZ"D ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 128096 TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 ' BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED lk' C�; NAME L Ct- LOCATION DATE PERMIT #� C1 r APPROVED YES I NO FOOTXNGIPIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATION/DAMP-PROOFING BACKPILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN INSULATION: FOUNDA TION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PDRCHESf TEPS STAIRS-CLEARANC & RAILS PLUMBING FIX S/RELIEF LVE INTERIOR TRIM/ RIVACY FINISHED F S GARAGE FIREP DOPING DOOR CLOSER S) SMOKE DETE RS FINAL ELECTR CAL INSPECTION FINAL APPRO L OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CE TIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ST BE OBTAINED FROM THE .BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIEDI REMARKS: INSPECTOR . lvwn n/ Queenjl"ry BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road, R.D. I Box 98 Queensbury$ New York 12801 SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION W� _ 4C NAME LOCATION ` -7 DATE -� PERMIT NO. SOIL TYPE - Sand -< s - Cl � a Percolation Test Required? YE - NO Percolation rate - Min/Inch _ TYPE of SYSTEM: Absorption field , total leng Length of each trench Depth of trenches i ' Size of gravel SEEPAGE PITS#N er of ) Size- ft. Gravel size PIPING : ize Type Bldg . to tank _ zo Tank to disc . box ' 4r Distv box to field/ it ''r Openings sealed? ` NO Partial LOCATION/SEPARATI S : `1 Foundation to 't _ ft. tion Foundation to or p -:n�ft. Absorption to 1 t line �-- Separation of its - ft' LOCATION OF SY TEM ON PROPERTY (cimcle one) Front - Rear Left side - Right side - CCZ94ENTS : I A f SYSTEM USE APPROVE YE 0 'iGTit 1ng Inspector 01/86 and vl TOWN OF Q CODE tURY L 23UIDING ANDD CODES DEPARTMENT DAY & HAVXLAND ROADS ' QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK I2804� TELEPHONE (5I8) 792-58.32 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR IN PECTION�RE''7CEIVEL. _ NAME r can LOCATION DATE PERMIT $I_ �? / ` /' APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATIONIDAMP—PROOFING BACKF.ILL APPROVAL ( �UGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH^IN l4SULATIONr FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION- CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHESISTEPS STAIRS—CLEARANCE & RAILS PLUMBING FIXTURES/RELIEF VALVE _ INTERIOR TRIM/PRIVACY DOORS FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIREPROOFING DOOR CLOSER (S) SMOKE DETECTORS FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTION FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE TffESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS: INSPECTOR FN�lkAh- T44- (;i(, TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12804- TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEXVPA NAME - IOCATION DATE PERMIT # ' /�+` APPROVED - YES NO FOOTINGIPIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS_ FOUNDATIOXIDAMP-PROOFING BACKFILL .APPROVAL R9 GH PLUMBING F �RAMING f" ELECTRICAL ROUG -IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INStHTEXGHT TION: >\ CHIMNEY ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCNEE (STEP STAIRS-CLEARA & RAI PLUMBING FIX SfRELIE VALVE_ INTERIOR TRI (PRIVACY D FINISHED F RE GARAGE FIRE ROOFING DOOR CLOSE (S) SMOKE DETE .TORS - FINAL ELECT' CAL INSPECTION FINAL APPRI AL OF CONSTRUCTIDN A SIGNED CER'rTFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM -THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THREE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED!' REMARKS: INSPECTO TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVIZAND ROADS QUEEN.SBURY, NEW YORK 1280& TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR IgNSPECT, RECEIVED / f NAME L 7 ✓ ?` OCATION FATE Y ERMI'T # r APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC PQUR FORMS *UNDATXO N/l3A)WP-PROOFING ACKFTZL APPROVAL, OUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH--tjV SNSULAT ION: FOUNDATION , FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAZ INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ;' ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCH#S/STEPS STAIRS-CLEARAIVCE & RAILS PLUMBING FIXTTRES/RELIEF VAL INTERIOR TRIM PRIVACY DOORS FINISHED F S GARAGE FSREP4*COFING DOOR CLOSERS) SMOKE DETECTORS FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTION FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION i A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE ,BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIEDI REMARK'S: AXNSP %C�TOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS U QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 1280!LL TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVE NAME G LOCATION DATE f5�- 'n1 1PERMIT # �— / 7 7'/ 3C7{ +u. [• r `�2°- L° '+ `�!� 1 roc/ APPROVED YES NO j,,. OOTING f PI ERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATION/DAMP—PROOFING BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH IN ' INSULATION: FOUNDATION rrf FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: ' ¢• CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHESfSTEPS STAIRS'—CLEARANC & RAILS PLUMBING, FIX ES/REF.TEF VALVE INTERIOR TRIM PRIVACY DOORS FINISHED FLO RS GARAGE FIRE ROOFING DOOR CLOSE (S) SMOKE DET TORS FINAL ELEC ICAL INSPECTION INAL APPR VAL OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS.* / INSPECTOR MAT -.& . . MAIN OFFICE 997 McLean Rd, ATLANTIC-INLAND, INC. Cortland. New York 13045 NEW PORK Phone' (607) 753-71 t 8 MEMBER OF N.F P A. AND LA E.I. (4307) 753-7809 FIRE UNDERWRITERS r7 (607) 753-1396 (Electrical and Fire Inspection-Enforcing and Consulting Service) C 4 $ S 8 9 (incorporated in the State of New York) Desiring Certificate Of Approval, application is made for inspection Of electrical insta Ration in the premi5os described below. on dalillantl a i ns paCticrl service in accord with schedule of charges. ppGcant/agrees to pay for APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION — PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT DATE 6F APPLICATION CITY, TOWN. VILLAGE iz r STREET COUNTY STATE �* ADDRESS .I RURAL DIRECTIONS BUI LI7G. NO. OWNER'S 4{ POLE NO. NAME k,r �'. ,....+• 40 OCCUPIED AS OCCUPANT OWNER'S P,O_ BUILDING — Naw OId d WORK — New Q Addiuonal ❑ ADORES _ APP. FOR — HOUGH WIRING Fly{TU R£S Q OR READY FOR {N$PECTION FEE REMITTED — y 1 e RY CHECK Q CASH ❑ MONEY ORDER ❑ MAKE PAYABLE TO ATLANTIC-INLAND, INC — NE'W YORiC Number of Rough wrong Outlets Fixtures Swtch L+'tn? Recap, Add Installation � Base Basses Fluor. 500 750 1D0o 1250 15W 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 EIECL Heat AMI Service Water H1r. Sumer Air Cond. Surface Unil Oven Range or. pisp. Dish W. Dryer H.P Pump Ex. Fan Hood OTHER EQUIPMENT (Specify Type d Capacities) TYPE OF WIRING OPEN O CONCEALED E0 SIZE OF SUB_ BRANCHES NO. OF APPLICANT'S MAIN CIRCUITS SIGNATURE 6 APPLICANT'S + LICENSE k PERMIT w AOpRESS [ Lj !^" ^ TLI NAME UTILITY CITY STATE OFFICE TO ZIP CODE BE NOTIFIED ROUGH WIRING OUTLETS AMP SERVICE EOUIPMENT K.W. SURFACE SWI7CRES AMP SERVICE UNIT CONDUCTOR$ K.W. OVEN RECEPTACLES H.P. PUMP H.P.GARBAGE MEDIUM IXTURES M BASE DISPOSAL UNIT F MOGUL BASE KW DRYER K, W DISHWASHER FIXTURES K.W. WATER FLUORESCENT HEATER K W RANGE FI%TUBES H.P. AIR AMP RECEPTACLES MERCURY VAPOR OR CONDITIONER QUARTZ FI)(TU RES WIRING 3 CONTROLS FOR BURNER SMOKE DETECTORS VENT P MOTOR$. H P 1 /20 7/12 1110 113 716 il4 }r3 1/2 3/4 1 1 '9 2 VENT FANS MARK NUMBER 3 5 7Y$ 10 15 20 25 30 40 W 75 Inn OF EACH SIZE APPARATUS 500 750 1D00 1250 1500 1750 20W 2250 2500 2750 3000 MISC- INFO. Elect. Heat FF JJyJ' I Received inspected FEE PAID Q PR OGRE$g I)� _ I M DEFECTIVE TOTAL Y _4z Q Rough Wiring Cart hcats Check No. _ O Temporary Service �r Dr, i f i . Money OM or C7 FINAL CERTIFICATE a ❑ DU P. Gen. Req. Cash Q MUNICIPAL Charge MiIN Annnli :..r-Pax.-a•,.E„�nc*.�.. <�;,...-,:-....... .»'_.�. .. ^-----.__—...._.__�J.._._ .. ._.. �`.._. 11.1 Q °✓I .� ca czy— J \XJ �L j. ,ygeJ//AG L HAR.e%t' ro C• .2/l'HA�D B�'G'Bf� Lvp: 9191/971 5��329 jmw W. BoMINJ ro d: 71i1/913 S69/5, 51r" 1 94.92' -.x� y �iz'wcirs `J• (winv wars) x I /t" • x • r�A� I �i • x o � o \ \T o` o. x � t fErE,e G. TUC.C%{,e GY.9,PLEJ' ,P .BA.P.,6.E,e ,e• �/r4/�9G3 �z/izi ("e• ooZ ,) 4S'- D/'- 4 " E E i K / 4.L'EA of L,9,LW-' OF "C"4,6 •- w�L TO - ANNE P .Afz- cDvoT lV/41/A0 E. SH/.eLEy M CL El/ECt4i1/D at c�, L GCAria✓ .?9G • 70 45'-So'E /SS• 4B. - v N � 64/. 35 sQ. FT 4 • t:.i z/6- %T•OF- 1!,v ICAD Aw~.AV (/703 sm.F7•, r .wT V Q O 92.89' ,, .f-ems•-�e��-�, �4 �PA.e'CEL Jj� � (GSd �33l� W h � . H' k s -V111V J. UULA.lE.E' L4U.e.9 E: •tx/L.NE.0 � yA.POL•Q E. SEE('// � 'h �oryy rt? .LEECH • N 'e.. 9//9�fst93 6� .�39 ; N t1Pi4.CCEL Awe \ ro a �^ fbude l3�9y /IS 'rYT- 80 • .DEED ,QEFE,eENcE- �r.9/e70 R/E T M. ENO,C/cf/ DTD� 41/Sl/98B 704/4' 7 .210: 4 1ZZ/1-A88 .ZDaW oning Administrat i1.1AP ,gl,/E,t/GiEp• • /L////IC,�,/ 7 /9dy To s.,/oCv 40 ' lviOTt/ O.✓ dAJ/ EoAO foe -� 9t Ac' P.gecEG . �L1,4P,4.GlEit/1L�0 � OCTOBE.e 3, /980 7, Jf/OIU,t/.4AWfAY1 JET. •{ltlautborlaod altseaii" of alditloa to a wrwY ttap boariuL a Llosaaod Load surwyoroa coal L a violatiae of S•otioa 7209. Sub-0iHaion 2, 4[ the now Tolic State 6dno•tioa Law.* AA 14