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%apeUp IFICA.'TE OF C +CZ.TPAN+C� TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Date t9 J Th is is certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. has been completed.. This structure may be occupied as a whoiessie hies i..ocanon _ Owner Poladien H ar Abrahams BY order Town Board TOWN OF QUBENSSURY Director of Bldg, do 'Code Enforcement y BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEE 'NSBURY Q No. 89-261 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK � ,a. PERMISSION is hereby granted to lsola[ii817. Umm & Ahrahsam� OWNER of property located at 4 Aviation Bond Street, Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a Alter dons to Hkkn at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. C L� 1 . OWNER'S Address is SAME xx 2. CONTRACTOR or BUI LDEWS Name �+ John McCormack "d R• 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address r> GY7 e� 4. ARCHITECT"S Name rJ[l 5_ ARCHITECT'S Address B. TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by X) "e I ) Wood Frame { f Masonry ( I Steel ( 1 C 7. PLAINS and Specifications r� 800 ft. alterations to bld�ig,� as of plan, cifications and lication C No. �- `�C�' �r 'iii. P s � � �� ' > 8. Proposed Use Wholesale Sales /Warehouse I- c% incl_ $ 40_00 PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES 77pr mtUnr 1 79 f#4 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension most be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.l 2 Dated at the Town of Queensbury this Day U 19 sq C SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury a Building and Zoni nspector t �i. �AVN OF QUEENSBURY APPI, ICATTON F OR BUTL7D-T 3C ANn ZONING, PFR1 + IT eC'-zaV ed -,:5' 3 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY #;A Rev.i ed RECEIVED r Fee Paid MAY 3 f 19A'q WILDING AND CODES ul :I)l WDfFNrr 'Date. Ibbued 8LDM S, CODE DEPT, BAY and IJAVX LAND ROADS RD 1 BOX 9 c3 OUEENSBURYotiNEW YORK 12804 pL'Angit No Tel . (518 ) 792-5832 Ext 204 � * * ■ w x 'w x � w x x w * w : w x rr ■ x . w w w w w ■ w ■ : ■ w w w w A PERMT l6tuSer B4 OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION . NO INISPECTI6NS WILL BE MADE UNTIL APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED A VALID BUILDINC "PERMIT . All applicable spaces on this application must be completed and the si ;-vuature of the applicant must appear on the reverse side of this sheet . * '* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **/ * * * * * k * ft ak !c Yr 7k �c ale 71e '1' lze owner of this property is * P� ��/�� / / ' 1'� �� *© F` oe""�"�`�"'r 1� . O . Address OeoAer - fiEL . �}p P �i Property location Y'/S7 / d.+ � S TAX MAP LiC] . _[r� Has there been any split of this property since olctober 1 , yes no if yes , Planning Board Review is necessary . SUBDIVISION NAME , IF APPLICABLE e:: r4 _- LOT NO . V Wr 'i' he person responsible for supervision of work as regards Building Codes is : NAME �"'� ,,��"�°Ore... AC] rsFtESS TEL . N(3 . Name of builder /�'G 4f ��+"� A ess Tel 14"me of Plumber T>ddrass Tel Tel Name of Mason AddrrSs� 14ATURE OF PROPOSED WRK : . FREVIEW INFOl21IAT' ION ( Off.ic �e use Only' Cnn�truccion of a crew buildir,c) ; SIGNATION OF PROPERTY � Ad.airian to a buiWirtg PRINCIPAL PERMITTED ACCESSORY A1'turation to a building ` ( 1to ch.Lcltge to uxt4rior clit"ansiona) QUIRC❑ - PLANNING HOARD ZONINC HOART] ( icli4r work. ( L1a::cribv) � SITE PLAN REVIEW # APPROVED DAT,'E [; txOSB AREA OF 1� RG7PC)5CI]. =I '! r< UC `L' L1ftE " VARIANCE # APPROVED DATE 1st Floor rl= sq ft . * Remarks : 2 n d Floor s q f t . , COMT' LL•'T I{IS'oi�iM'L'iON StL t,]tJ I YciiD UVWW . / " air.0 Of 1sraEJa:rty l� � fL X 6 3 fC . Other Floors s4 ft • lL' ?[ rt . ( not cellar or basement ) lxiatiiiy buil.lit��lEaF Situ �- 7C} w TOTAL FLOOR AREA sq ft . • Lxi«: cing Dwilcainal (:.; ) U5uc` G '_.' iictu of new .icructur% ft X ft Foua �d:ation-pier/ slak,/crawl/Laartial,� full ' l�rolsUuCd building , di:: cargco frou, E,rapowrcy line (eirel.a.t ❑nu ) Front yard f t Rear yard f t N�3 . of storie (lt:abica'blo spaCe ) side yards f t and f t 116:19ht Eyrada to ridq ,a ) ft . if on corner ' :L;utb"Ck from side t:,tr. uet ft 1f residential . no . of families Noo of roomq ( excludinU baths ) OCGUf'ANI:Y INFORMATION t1o , of bedrooms ; PRIMARY WxLDxr+c - No * of b:athroou%:: # Onc faa►ily dwelling t+rita:ary ltuacitu3 sy, t , ��i L� k- - Two f:am.ily dw%sl ling 'rype of foul _� 'ys ---- � ►tultilale dwelling / Humber of units No . of f iruplacu:: to lie irti :tally d - iW1a=0ancryt occuptu,cy Will a wo" ij;ova lea: i fji;talload? ' r 'rr:anUi.a:eat Di:cula;araCy [:a:ncr"l Air coiaalitionirrg:'_ =businuua WILDING STYLC, pRimARY STRUCTURE ■ Industrial Ocher Ic:rrtcta Concoml:"car.ary L"or? cabin '� 2f .addition , wY �ut Will uau bu? f 1»ai :ud ranch Mansic+mt Duplux uplit lovaDl Old s [ylo U"ILLl.41OW C:apu Cod Cott"gO oclwr " ACCL•:3sonY LitJll.DiNG- coloniul luau Arowtl (louse "tachea y:.artaclalone czar/ two car/ car E CIRiCLL: OHe PLIASL 1 ' Atrachoa cl:aragga/0,1u C&r/ two cart car ■ ■ w s ■ x x • x a vrivatu Storage building L: STIMATHD MARxrme VALUE OF Otha: r 7NI`oRMATION ON BUILDINC SPIi.ciFrcATIONSa ON REVERSE SIDE" OF THIS SNL•:E'Ta To Be COM.PLCTC01 Form BPA 10/88 V1 a BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATION CONTIUUED - �t BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS : ` �x1i�/nJE. ��' .. G '• Type of construction ' wood frame , fire sa e. �irt� S Will any second-hand or ungra a lumber be used? If so , for what ? " Foundation wall material Thickness Depth of foundation below grade ( to bottom of footing ) Will there be a cellar? - - Yieated or unheated? Floor sq . footage sq ft Will there be a basement? `— � Will any portion be used as living space ? ( If so , what portion? __Ecl , ft . - - Type of use? Type of roof - sloped/flat/shed/other Material . of roof Size , wood studs " X c " spacing .{ _ " o . c . length { r� ft . Joists ( floor beams ) lst . floor "X " spacing "o . c . span ft . Joists ( floor beams ) 2nd . floor lox " spacing "o . c . span ft . overlays ( ceiling beams ) "X " spacing "o . c . span ft . Roof rafters if " spacing o . c . span ft . Roof trusses (pre-engineered) spacing " o . cl span ft . Exterior wall finish of what material ? Interior wall finish r C ,) E _ ]yz- i i J% ,V\- _s-- If a garage is to be attached , describe materia1s to be used for .FIRE SEPARATION : Is there to be an opening between garage and dwelling? if so will a .Fire-rated door , enclosure , and self-closing device be provided? Will a flue-lined chimney be installed? Height above roof ft . Depth of chimney foundation below grade ft . Depth of fireplace hearth ft . in , Water supply Muni-cipal r private well SEPTIC SYSTEM _ Distance from ANY private well ( includiag adjoining properties ft . (A separate application is necessary for any repair or new installation of septic system) DECLARATION To the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUILDING CODE, THE ZONING ORDINANCE, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or not, and that such work is authorized by thiR gwner. � f Signature 0 n r, wner's agent, architect, eont actor SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT : v .... ....... _--- --------- --- kA 1,.1 L I FF mFFF,Filarl N N 0, IF p Y , L.. F 'q - d d Lj &M W�i M � F d—P 4 97M .,lr d M . , r -IF t D r� d'`L, O'F- d lv L I i M*' 0 A I tlicEw wccc, t :�rxr- i p Fi Y d k � P r I ; �� k I �,Xq c rli�)PA N f CON o L I:L �- c k I a-uo !Fi r I-A c. 1 415 Fal Is , d d I I I I L C LE r I E43 r—,— FF, ll.Il 0 t , I, �. , I L - - r 41 r 7 j .!Ln Fd 0 cl� J- L 6 F-. d �fj 1—1. 1 AF A� 1., 1. �FFFP F6 I hl� Y jc�j-.Jf� L e Ld q I F L d C j� r I 0_ Y T t�% Al F-F FJ iL' L-p-f p r JfW:r'A� � r,� L vtA ri Ej 'l,, AL 0.Y TL Iv ill c, 4 c Ls F� Fj c:.zri rt plF.. Nd -L CF.t A CL. U) %'f 0 0 F j� L)L C t�'i 4 tj j!k:� FlF 6 11 1 (F-k i cllc.�-. e I'L h L Ap'i, i ot�, cl ��R i RAJ� ito f T 1-L fli� I C F k I A E Lv q FF: rc 1, 16, 0 v N,�c 4rt id Lit-i C Pfw 6.1 -l., d I Fj FF� L I d (jLNf FiAL L.IA041,4 V Y L 4 :L A 4L d Fll r I L ( dId 'L oLet - r e 4 P, r p I.P I J." % lt ALI - O,tF, p �j .,Fe. ' ` L. %�"Fp 1. Ilp -A FO L 4 o Al 4, t T 1p ---�FYFF Z�L Fl,F F, P� ---- --- L' L 'e.Cc f I$l g 4 FF C(F)r?.[j L Fq N clL 1 0 L I IF A L L u F1,41: GEL J,ik��j ,:c� Yp '11 $�r�k 0 j l5 0 Fl k-A 4 lL F- L I A Uz� u��% I Ope rat F rL-r %'r - _eE C �" ': M� .. �4�j * ,XL 4,-4- 4-Y Fc.L F% F-A lc� ��,FFFF- l F'FL' 4 FFF 'FLf krZ s: D L. 1, d.4 I CF L i� 01. 1 L Q P ey it, fi fat; f 0 1 L A�Y �;d U I L L Bay Road �m I L L 1 0 12 L�C ?AI'� CFt C- N V �Ht TV f.,.ArL. Oucccens hLA r NO Y I 1 8 0 4 - r f Lc� y K�fcQ UP(.17)mw TfL� r3^fq Y 1-1 A r�iC rs IF G 4f�Fi I P"i i L$t:f6' FA r AU he* Ir )4 Ff L rc ,' e"tr "L�L. _c cF V."" r F, -- j 4 r Lr 'I.r. r L r UEENS 'URY � T OUN OF Q CODES DEPARTMENT I 'D.rz G AND ijo p ROADS BAY & HAVILAN EW PORK 1280k QUEENS13 R�'' 51S ) 792- 5832 TELEP#io E ! ORT BUILDING INSPECTORS S REQUEST R INSPECTION RECEIVE .3 NAME WCATION PERMIT # DAZE 0 APPROVED YES 1110 FOOTXNGIPIE R FORMS MO,NOI.ITHXC P_PgOOFXNG� FOLJNDATXONf -- BACKFIpLvBxNG AL ROU GH FRAMING ELLCTRICAL RAG ~IEJ INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING TION: FINAL XIVSPSC CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING PS�- EXTERNAL PORCHES Sf ILS STAIRS�CLEARANCE T EF VALVES PLUMSING FX IM P RES S C DOORS INTERXOR TR GAFrAGE FIR FXXI SHED FLOORS OOFI DOOR CLOSERS) SMOKE DSTBCTORS --- pINAL E�,CTRICAL IN p RU ION FINAL APPROVAL OF OR CfC _ orTo ISSUE C/o ST BE CE1gTIFICA S OF OCC FANCY P BEFORE ASIGNED UIyDING I] pA}ZTlySNT OBTAINED FROM THE OCCUPIED3 THESE PRE ~~ REMARKS: Y7EPAR'�' r SPECTOR GaoeANZAR ovww xwa o.ftm WARREN TIRE SERVICE CENTER INC. "SALES - SERVICE - SATISFACTIONer S FALLS, NY 12801 WAYNE D. KELLOGG PRESIDENT 90 92 WARREN ST, �' TELEPHONE 792-0991 MICHAEL J. CANAVAN SEC'Y & TREAS. May 1 1989 pat Collard Zoning Administrator Town of Queensbury Bay at Haviland Road Queensbury , NY 12804 - 9725 Dear Pat : This letter will confirm the conversation that we had earlier today , in regard to the Sub - Lease of the building located at 4 Aviation Road , Queensbury . The use of this building as a wholesale paint outlet will not vary from the previous use as a wholesale electrical supplier . Because this new use is consistent with previous use , we are not applying for zoning or planning approvals . Sincerely , Ted Young General Manage , r 20 x t5" S[ zo x 47 760 °q4a go 3 7e sT �aPaSeD w*LL 1SxIS Ae }g $vI So x 70 35'oQ TOWN OF QLTH ��S 'Ry BUILDING & q pY% a o � P�-qlc - REVIEWED BY . 1FAnary y � t q CLW F - G7 Gf t ?q?. 72 Cl Cl [�. _ ym m 1 . 13 Fy. q + rc 91 N ` 131 3 A � � 7 2 .86C(S} h � ' qy ° � 4 y z - v 4 7 ' ac s ' g1 �S /�V (A cv RJ � 90 WAMV p a" i � i V r 'has z 20 ...t .1 ; 3 •#ter ?# 'xf�