1989-274 f ¢ i i CERTIFICATE +�F CC MPLIANCE � TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Utter July 7 19 89 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. $9'" 274 has been completed. i This structure may be occupied as a Sunrua�s Deck i Location 5 Luz rne Place ----- David Lott By Order Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY .r 'tip Director at Bldg. dt Cade Enforcement I �c BUILDING PERMIT � TOWN OF QUEENSBURY a No. 89�274 �.. WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK , 1 V 1 61'I PERMISSION is hereby granted to David Lott give OWNER of property located at 6�1 rtzerne Plate Street _, Road or Ave. M in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a _ ., .-oom E dcerk at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and .Zoning Ordinance. r 1 . OWNER'S Address is SAME Q 2. CONTRACTOR or BUl LDE R'S NameCLX Ronald Bombard a CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address 13 Ryan Avenue Queensbury, N . Y . 128U4 4. ARCHITECT'S Name r c IY 5. ARCHITECT'S Address (D 3 fG .-r OI B. TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by X) ( ) Wood Frame ( ) Masonry ( ) Steel ( I Y 7. PLANS and Specifications No. 384 sqw ft . addition to dwelling ,sunroolm lEdtdeck, as per specificatio s and application _ B. Proposed Use Sunroom & Deck t„ a -'s c c/c incl . $ 19_ no _ PERMIT FEE PAID - THIS PERMIT EXPIRES nw r 7 (if a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the C town of Oueansbury before the expiration date.) fp tp Dated at the Town of Queensbury this Day of 19_._A9 SIGNED BY - /7y/! for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning I nspJctor TOWN OF UEENSBURY APPI. TCATTON FOR BUTLL} INC, AND ZONING PERMIT • F!eei.eved Rev.Leu+ect f '($! +fit€ Q,fl��RY @PG�� Y�s Pa 00 Fee Paid '5 AWAY BUILDING AND CODES DIVARDIENT Fate Iaaued ` + ��$� BAY land HAAUR4 jV D rO ROADS YOR RDII Box 9B 3'ennwt No . co� +�'Qt7E OEFr, Tel . ( 518 ) 792-5832 Ext 2D4 w * x w s * ]* w i x fll ♦ w * x a w * * R w x w • n w ■ • t * • e w x x w A PEIMIT MUST Bn OBTAINED 13EFORE LEGINMING CONSTRUCTION . NO INSPECTIONS WILL BC MADE UNTIL APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED A VALID BUILDINC PERMIT . All applicable spaces on this application must be completed and the signature of the applicant must ap� car on the reverse side of this sheet . * 's * * * * * * * * * * * * x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,r1,te owner of this property is : P . O . tL Address - gs �5 � !^ lt7 Iol TEL M Property location � 5' � _ TAX MAP NOoZ!!/�/ �_, 0s Has there been any slant of this property since October 1 , 198H ? elz yes no 7f yes , Planning Board Review is necessary . SUBDIVISION NAME . IF APPLICABLE LOT NO . The erson responsible for supervision of work as regards Building Codes is : oel vt Cd'7- NAME P O . AD REu TEL . NO taame of builderk�jk� (� or. 1 Address I Tel g• I* rdame of Plumber F.ddress Tel Name of Mason Ir Address / Tel 14ATURE Or PROPOSLD WRK : ZONING iNI ,'ORHA`I' ION f 0tti ce use on1Y ) c:on!; rruccior, of a Iti+.!w building ZONING DESIGNATION OF PROPERTY YAddition to ;i building r PERMITTED PRINCIPAL PERMITTED ACCESSORY —(--AlLwCaLion to " 1�uilding � ino ch.ulg..: to excurior climensionsl '� REVIEW REQUIRED - PLANNING BOARD ZONING BOARD Ocltur work (describLo-) ' SITE PLAN REVIEW # APPROVED DATE GROSS AREA OV PROPOSED. : 'TRUCT' URG VARIANCE # APPROVED DATE lst floor _ sq ft . Remarks : 2nd Floor sq f t . r C01.1PL UArl- I}Ayofgv"TIQN I(EQUIULD 1II:I.U44 . _� - - JL'L.&j of prol,urty. / 'c fr. x -fc . Other Floors sq ft . + lxistincl t>ui1,lilt+l ( :II 5i :.e j�C? l' c x� - �?ft - ( not cellar or basament ) * r— TOTAL FLOOR AREA� set ft Exiaring building { ;; ) Use of new struCtur+-� Ir 2-L t h J?- ft t'ra.z, �d:. tion-pier/ sla cra /(aartial/ fUlI ' Vropo:;ed building , din: t:.ancU trout property .lino (circle onc: ) Front lard 5_T�) ft hear yard 30 ft Na . of storiew (hula -.cable space ) ft „ Side yards "�,� f t and height ( Urada to ridc)e ) 7� ft • # Ir an corner , :.;La froln side: :;cr"-c ,.�-~'�I` C It' residential , no . of families Noo of roomti ( excludinU b...th:; l / ' OCCUPANCY INFORMATION te,a . of bedrooms " " ~� PPZ)J .RY BUILDING of baLhroouls �` # One family dwelling II t`rim:+ry ,c.::aciltirl k;yt;Lt uft --�"� TWO family dwelling Typ%: of fuel sU 4nin r"ti Multiplii: 41reell1ng / Number of units No . of fireplacu:; to Zae in::talltci f�7 � Penwtnont 00CUP:u4cy Will :. WOQU SLavQ t+u irtit. � iled? `iar:ansiuc� t occula„utuy C'..:nrrul Air cocFditionir�g7 _ _ r 13usi.nc:5s E3UILDING ;TYLC, PRIMARY STRUCTURE Industrial li.Alkakl L'onteurlwr".ry "Q C41336n CiG t1Cr y * It uddicion , w11"t WL11 uu� .e b ? (o fr- IWi :.�d ranch M:tnsic+�l >7ulFlt:x � uplic level d ac u y 1�u1�y.� LPrr " CHu Cod of ..g .: Octwr ' ACCESSORY UUILDING- Coloni:al 1:aa `l'orrn Mouse " Lietachzcl y tXugc/one c:ar/ two cur/ car { CIRCLE ONE PLXASE ) " Attash444 9ur4dju/on.: Ciar/ two car/ CµL' w ■ w w w w wr to • w w + w r + * * '�" Priv" Cu GLoraga building l S '1' IMhR'1: D MARXr4l' //VAA'LUU /EOF ' �Orher CQN :`1' ItIJC'1' ILYN LLe(0 /-"" - . - - - - • INPORMATION ON 13UYLOINC . PICA TCATTONS , ON RcvEI:.SE SIDO OF T11IS SVIE 'T, TO Be COMPLETED ! Form DPA I0/88 v2 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CONTINUED - BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS : Type of construction , wood frame , fire safe , etc ._ cozen { d (y� '7✓� - Will any second-hand or ungraded lumber be used? If so , for what ? C") Foundation wall material , AOC/ e _ Thickness r Depth of foundation below p Alb { to bottom of footing } Will there be a cellar? AlU Heated or unheated? ---- Floor sq. footage sq ft Will there be a basement? Will any portion he used as living space? -�- ` ( If so , what portion? sq . ft . - Type f use? Type of roof - sloped/flat/shed/otherMaterial of roof Size , wood studs fix to spacing-"o . c . length ft . ms Joists ( floor bea ist . floor _ ;2 lax 4ro ll spacinc_.Alp__ Ito . c . span I► � ft . Joists ( floor beams ) 2nd , floor lox ". spacing "o . cw span f overlays ( ceiling beams ) 1, I'XA spacing �"o . c . span_ �ft . Roof rafters -"X (e.'`sspacing__r/_(,, _o . c . span__ V_f-t . Roof trusses (pre-engineered) spacing _"o . c . span ft . Exterior wall finishtl0 C �{��, SeCL �. , Of what material ? Interior wall finish (r e_ i=k=0 c If a garage is to be attached , describe materials to be used for FIRE SEPARATION : _ .- -------- . Is there to be an opening between garage and dwelling? If so will a Fire-rated door , enclosure , and self-closing device bo provided? Will a flue-lined chimney be installed? Height above roof ft , Depth of chimney foundation below grade r--- ft . Depth of fireplace hearth 'e�'f t . in . Water supply - Municipal or private well SEPTIC SYSTEM. _ Distance from ANY private well ( including adjoining properties ,�^" ft . (A separate application is necessary .for any repair or new installation of septic system ) D E 0 L A R A I O N To the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUILDING CODE, THE ZONING ORDINANCE, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or not, and that such work is authorized by the owner. Signature Own , owner's agen , architec ntractor Nor fir for Not SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT : By ------ ----------- _ ... ........ __ rTo%jN OF QUEBNSBURY G AND CODES DEPARTMENT $UILDIN DADS BAY & HAVILAN EW YORK 1280i'L gVE£NSBURYr � 518 ) 792_ 5832 TELEPHONE IMxLDYNG INSpEc'raR' S P'EPoR xvsD REQUEST FOR INSPECTION REC �- NAME CATION PERMIT # APPROVED DAT-�E, ' ` t.. YES NO FOOTING/PIERS aRMS MO �� - ---"�- p-FROaFxNG MONOLITHIC POUR FOUNDATI, RO'VAL_� --�� BACKFILL APP ROUGH PLUMBING RA CTRSC�►L. ROUGH--I INSULATION= FOUNDATION FLOOORS WALLS r aExLINSPNG EaTIDN ; -L,, GrxNAL Y HEIGHTS - C HIMNE - -"-' ROOFING SIDING 5 STEPS EXTERNAL PORCH ryxLS__ ----'l STAIRS-CLEARA CS &URESIRELIEF L LVE PLUMBING TR MIPRIVACY DOORS _�_---- v;TERIOR ORS Fx PEE FI ROOFING --. DO OR CAS R (s ) SMOKE DETCTORS L xNSp CTION FINAL gLEC OF CONSTVVC'TION��---- FINAL APPROG�AL OF OCCUPANCY MUST 13£ C£RTIFxE BUILD ING pBPARTMsMT BEFOR A SIGNED E OBTAINED FROM THE SES ARE OCCUPIED THESE PREMI REMARKS : ,7arr INSPECTOR ,y TOWN OF QL33cENSBL3RY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT / ,SAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBVRY , NEW YORK ] 28C? TELEPHONE ( 528 ) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED G' l NAME zoCAfiION PERMIT #1 DATE _�� ---�-� AppRQV VD YES NO FOOTINC/PIERS MONOLITHIC F'QV FORMS OOFING FoUNDATXOINVI APpRQVAL R H OV11 PLUMBING OU MING ELECTRICAL ROUGH�IN INSULATION : FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FICHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING STEPS EXTERNAL PORCHE , 6 RAILS STAIRS-CLEARAN S�, RLIEF`' VALVEms_ INTERIOR ING TRIMA.rXTu RIVACY DOC�RS_�_�---- INfiERIOR �I..IOMO S ` FINISHED OOFING --- GARAGE FIREP _--- -- DOOR CLOSER ( ) SMOKE DETECiORSIhISPECTION FINAL ELECTRIA OF CONSTRUCTION FINAL APPROV IFICATE OF OCCUPANCY �7ST BE A SIGNED CER HE BUILDING DEPARTMENT .BEFORE OBTAINED FRO14, T THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED!' REMARKS '* INSPECTOR r I3 OF Q�fEEld5BL3RY / f BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS I28OR- QUEENSBURY . NEW YORK 5832 TELEPHONE ( 51s ) 792— BUILMNG "INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME r LOCATt � PERMIT # +�1 APPROVED DATE NO YES FOOTING1PIERS FORMS MONOLITHIC P(7UP 'P14OOFING oxwLL FOU TIATIONAPR(3VAL cGa P ROUGH PLUMBrNG FRAMING �--- FLECTRICAL ROUGH—IN INSULATION : FOUNDATION F LUOR.S WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION = CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING �rpS EXTERNAL OR HE RAILS STAIRS—CLEARANCE &r PLUMBING FIXTURES VRELlE DOORS VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/P FINISHED FLOORS FIND GARAGE FIREPR DOOR CLOSER (S ) SMOKE DETECTO S L INSPECTION--- FINAL ELECTRIC OF OGNST,RUCTrGN FINAL APPROVAL _�------' TIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUSTBE A SIGNED THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE CER OBTAINED FROM THESE PREMISES ARE OCCOPTED!IIIIIIm REMARKS : / ~-�� NSP TOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY N HURYAND ROADS NEW ORX 2280%% TELEPHONE P a { 538 } 792-5832 TE BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR I PECTION R,ECEIV'ED.— a 11, NAME LOCATION �__ —_�—. •L�t' I ' _ � .�. _ f c DATE S~ / PERMIT # ,APPROVED YES ilLo TING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATION/DAMP-PRO O F IN G BA I{I L. APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRXCAL ROUGH-I INSULATION : FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS C E I L.TNG FINAL INSPECTION : CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING ! SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHESJSTE ILS "`� STAIRS-C-LEARANCE & PLUMBING FIXTURES/ LIEF VA ..VE INTERIOR TRIMIPRI ACy DOORS ' FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIREPROO ING DOOR CLOSER Is? SMOKE DETECTO S FINAL ELECTRIC L INSPECTION_ ; FINAL CONSTRUCTION APPROVA OF A SIGNED CE TIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FR M THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT .BEFORE THESE PREMI ES ARE OCCUPIED' REMARKS : c.r5 Apr-" ,U TZ /J kf7 INSPECTOR SELECT BUSINESS FARMS (609) $4a-5203 APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION PLEASE BEAR DOWN YOU ARE MAKING (4) COPIES y MIDDLE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION AGENCY, INC. National Headquarters 900 Haddon Ave„ Collingswood, N.J. 08108 e e Date : City, Town or Township- r/ A044-1oba �� County U&4 gOA4 State Location/Address V, it Y / ( If Located in Rural Area - Please Attach Directions) Pole # Owner ;el 40 � Permit Occupied As Z?ea�' t 'W t Building: NewQ OldQ Occupant sue ' 17 FY'Z _ Work Area in Building Floor #, etc. ) : App. for: Wirin Service or: Ready for Inspection : Fee Remitted - $ Cash Check Q M.O. Q Make Payable To: M. D. I.A. Number of Rough500 ?58 t000 1250 150a 1r50 2000 2250 25aa 2T5a 3Daa firing Outlets Elect. Heat Switches Lighting Amp. Service Surface Unit Dishwasher Range Receptacles Water Heater Air Conditioner Dryer Pump Number A Fixtures Oven Garbage Disposal Wiring and Controls for Burner Amp. Receptacles Fractional H.P. Vent Fans +/ Other Equipment: MOTORS H.P. 1/2 1112 1110 1/B 1/6 1{4 1/3 1/2 3{4 1 1'iz 2 3 5 702 10 15 20 25 aft 40 50 75 100 Mark Number of Each Size Appkicant's Signature License # Permit # T/A Utitity : Applicant's Address : {NAME} OFFICE LOCATION (City} (State)— �1-+/ (Zip) Service Request # Phone # Electrician : a DATE RECEIVED: DATE INSPECTED : Correct Location : Same as Above Q or: Red Notice Label �] Rough Wiring Outlets Surface Unit Oven Switches Range Garbage Disposal Receptacles Water Heater Dishwasher Fixtures Air Conditioner Dryer Amp. Service Equipment Burner, Wiring & Controls for Amp, Receptacle Amp, Service Conductors Pump Vent Fans MOTORS H.P. 1{20 1/t2 1/10 1/6 1/6 114 1/3 1/2 3/4 1 1 2 2 3 5 742 10 1 15 1 20 1 25 j 30 1 40 50 175 1 100 Mark Number of Each Size SDO TSD S000 125D 1500 1TSD 2D00 2250 25a0 2T54 30Da Patrick 3 Dashnaw :t, Heat F0 Sox 3? Nuason Falls, rg 12839 518/798-3473 ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR CERTIFICATIONS USE FOR INITIAL VISIT Q"LY NOTIFIED DATE CORRECTFEE FEE PAID Q RW Progress : Inc. Q LKD 0 Contractor Q CFT Violation : Work Comp. Inc. Q Q L/A Owner 'CASH Q Q L/A Fee CHK # Clue MO # Q IPA Municipal INV # Date: Other Side = Utility Applicant 0 Owner 0 Cut in Card Q Temp # Date