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244 Regular Meeting October 263 1982 Members present: Frances Walter, Supervisor Daniel Olson, Councilman Charles Eisenhart, Councilman; Daniel Morrell, Councilman Betty Monahan, Councilman Absent: Joseph Brennan, Town Counsel Several town officials, Highway department employees , press-and LOWV were present The meeting was opened with the pledge of allegiance by Councilman Olson. I j First on the agenda is a scheduled public hearing relative to a Planned d i Development at the Top 0' The World. Mrs. Walter asked for a brief presentation. After the presentation the public would be allowed to ask questions and make comments in which they feet is appropriate. Bryan Harrison - Introduced the gentlemen who would be describing the deveZ- opment of the Planned Unit Development. (Names could not be picked up on the tape.) This application is being done pursuant to the Town of Queensbury ordinances. The stage we are at tonight is Section 25.043 of the Zoning ordinance. The town has to make a decision if a PUD can be placed at the Top 0' The World. Used maps and diagrams to show the people attending the hearing what was being contemplated. The area covers 1300 acres and we have made studies of soils etc. There will be 240 units of housing, 150 wilt be Time-Sharing units and the remainder will be home owner condominiums. The concept of Time-Sharing units was explained. The golf course wilt be rebuilt, there will be tennis courts, outdoor and indoor swimming pools, the biggest selling point will be the tremendous view of Lake George. There will be an access to Lake George. Full time residents would have to use the commercial facilities to dock their boats. Frank Desantis - Attorney for the project. Spoke on Time-Share units. . This system allows a person to purchase a deeded interest for a week or more. Mr. Boice is associated with one of the two largest organizations known as Interval International. It is located in over 30 countries. The owners of T these units would have use of all the facilities at the resort. Mr. Boice must file. with the New York State Attorney General due to the fact that he is offering cooperative interests in real estate. Bruce Heiser, Landscape architect in charge of site design - Used maps to show Location of the project. Most of the Land will not be touched. Mainly because it is hard to get to. It will be used for hiking, horse back riding, cross country skiing. Buildings will all have a good view of the take and will not be in view of each other. The units will be at three or four different Levels. The area will also be hidden so it can not be seen from the Lake Dan- Spoke on access to the site from route 9 and Lockhart Mountain road. New roads wilt be placed around the area. Talked on soil conditions. Reports have been made and are being sent to the ENCON, the department of Health. The review process has begun at that Level. He indicated that they have between five and ten feet of very well drained soil, suitable for subsurface disposal systems. We propose to pipe the existing two wells together put a subsurface concrete storage reservoir on the side of the hill, use a gravity feed system of water supply entirely around the site which would provide a minimum of 20 PSI of pressure at the highest point of the development. Water systems would be built as the site grows. Drainage systems were discussed. We are also working with the Soil Conservation Service. We have been directed to do the workings which will be underground, right all the wary through. W. Harrison - Within the APA, the state environmental quality review act in this case does not apply. The reason is because this is called a Class A project. W. Boice - Spoke on coming to the area to Live. Anything I do in the area will be First Class. This a culmination of two years of research on my part. I Looked at other areas and how they did what I can trying to do. We have so much activity at this site so when people come here for their vacation, this is where they are going to 'stay. I am sure they will want to go down to the Lake. We wilt have access to the Lake, a beach, rental boats etc. Spoke on views from the site to the lake and Lake to the site. Mrs. Monahan - Since this is one of the best views and one of the views we wanted to protect under the Master Plan and since you are going to close this off to the general public, do you contemplate giving a public easment so the view can still be enjoyed by Local people? 245 Mr. De5anti8 - to be very candid, it had not been ant cipated. Tt had not . been planned. Mrs. Monahan - I mean only to one section er_ could be enjoyed by the general pubZi e. p s a seen��a overlook which NO to get out and have a picnic. Mr. DeSantis - Is that pZanned? The answer is No. Mrs. Monahan - It isn't something that you might consider doing? Mr. DeSantis - I don't believe so. This is not a public park. It will be a private resort. Mrs. Monahan _ It is something that I would like you to think about. It is true that it is a private road now. Mr. DeSantis - We had not considered it and we certainly will from this point forward. This is a private piece of property which is being purchased by a private individual to be utilized in accordance with the statutes that were brought to bear concerning the planning, the development and everything else. Mrs. Monahan - It was one of our thoughts under the Master Plan that this was a view that would be a scenic vista, a protected view. Mrs. Walter - This is a public hearing, if you have any comments you want to ask any of the gentlemen associated with the project, please give your name and address for the record. Pete Brown, Plum Point. What footage do you have on the Zake? Mr. Boice- 330' Mr. Bill Bodenweiser- What will be the width of the road? Mr. Dan we will meet the minimum standards of the APA guideline. . .18'carrage { way, 2' shoulders each side, access =road Zarger. . . W. Bill Bodenweiser- where will the parking be? Mr. Dan , there will be off street parking, there will be full maintenance year around. Mr. Fisher-Chief, No. Qsby, Fire Co.-praised the company for their foresight in considering fire flow—what are the dimensions of the buildings? Mr. Heiser - You are taZking about a height of about 26 feet. They will be wood finishes., asphalt shingles. W. Fischer-What is the distance between the buildings? Dan - About a 52 foot seperation. Mr. Fischer - What about smoke and heat detectors? Dan - The latest thing available wiZZ be installed. They will be resort quality security and protective systems. Mr. Fischer - Will they have a fire wall between them? �✓ Dan - Even if the code does not require it, we will fire wall each unit. Mr. Turnbull - Regarding the time sharing who has the liability in regard to taxes? Mr. DeSantis-the trustee for the association will be the one the taxes will go to. Mr. Turnbull- is the sewage disposal individual or collective system? Dan - the system is a series of individual systems, there may be more than one unit on a system. .. the plans have been submitted to DEC,but have not heard back. . . Mr. Turnbull-what is the production of the wells? 246 Dan _ there are currently two weZts, one produces 13. 75 gaZ, per minute the other one 27 gallons per minute-at full development we will need 90 gallons per minute, we will be proposing additional welts, we will be building a 90 thousand gallon storage area. . . Lewis Oliver, Attorney from Albany representing Betty Hedges-Has Mr. Boice taken title to the property? Air. De Santis-he has a contract on the property. Attorney Oliver- What tax exemptions dbes the project expect to request from the i Town County or School Dist. Mr. DeSantis- none Lewis Oliver- At what point in the Seqra procedure is the project? Mr. HeSantis- Seqra is not applicable to a Class A Regional Project, this project is Class A Attorney Oliver- Are you saying that Seqra is not applicable to an approval prior to the Town Board? W. Harrison- The Class A procedure supplants Seqra because it is more rigorous. . . we go along with what they tell us to do. . Attorney Oliver- What you are telling me is that you do not expect to comply with Seqra other than if the APA directs you to? Mr. Harrison- nojthere is a total compliance with Seqra as the result of doing a Class A Permit. Attorney Oliver- At this point in- time you are asking the Town Board to give you its approvaZ-what compliance with Seqra has been made? Mr. Harrison- we are not asking for an approval for the project, we are asking for what is titled conceptual approval which establishes a PUD on the site, the PUD in concept only. From this point forward the actual features maate prematurely given in terms � - of their detai hbecause of public interest the actual details have to be hammered out with the Town of Queensbury, the Adirondack Park Agency, the Department of HeaZth, the Department of Environmental Conservation. . . Attorney Oliver- At what point is your Seqra complaince. . . you do not believe you have to comply with Sdgra before the Zbwn Board acts tonight. Mr. Harrison- The Adirondack Park Agency in the process of approving the Town of Queensbury Ordinance went through Seqra Review including the review of the Pud ordinance so for the Town to estab Uish a PUD they have to be in compliance with their own ordinance and that in effect has already gone through SEQRA Review through the Adirondack Park Agency. For us to get a permitjeither from the Agency or the Town of Queensburyjwe are going to have to do what in essence is Seqra a Class A Permit, the Class A Permit is in fact Seqra, it takes the place of Seqra. Attorney Oliver- But you do not have a segra report at this time, you do not have an impact completed at this time Mr. Harrison- No, it would not be possible..we do not have the final design or anything like that. Mrs. Turnbull-Sunnyside Rd. - I would like to know what these people are going to do with their rubbish? Dan -By private contractor from the site to a legally established landfill; we proposed no on site dispoeaZ. Mr. BZake-PZum Point-how many people do you anticipate as a average residence. . . Mr. Boice-1448 the maximum -aveyage '720 W. Blake- my concern is the sewage disposal and water. . .ithat kind of test and hbw many and when were they done Dan - There are approximately fortyfive deep test pits currently, thirty of those were examined by APA-for every disposal system we will make an inspection with perculation tests and wed test pits with the Department of Environmental Conservation. � Mr. Blake- concerned over septic system, noted that he lives at bottom of mountain— 247 there are crevices•-this may end up in lake George. . .questioned the efficiency of the proposed systems. Dan I believe that the possibility of pollution in a package system is greater than in individual systeme. ..spoke about the soil conditions on the mountain. . . noted that for every individual system there will be an equal amount of area of available space for potential expansion or replacement of a failing system. Mr. Blake- we are concerned over the protection of the Lake. . .we are trying to get community septic system to control pollution everwhere. . . Mr. Morton-resident of Queensbury-AssembZy Point-spoke about the building of houses on slopes noting4the situation at'Lbke Tahoe with pollution, asked what the average grade of placement of the buildings. . . Bruce Heiser- we have tried to stay off the steep locations, but the grades vary. . . Mr. Dan - grade 8 to 15 percent average. . . I ' Unknown- questioned if there would be a motel Mr. Boice- there will be no motel. . . the existing houses will be taken down. Unknown- will the proposed restaurant be private? Mr. Boice- the plan is to have it private. . .noted it may be a good idea to consider opening it to the public.. . Unknown How many acres: wiZZ be developed? Mr. Harrison-incZuding the golf course approximately 309 acres. . . Unknown- will the adjoining properties be fenced off? Mr. Boice- no fencing. . .except around maintenance building. . . Ms. Beebe-Arse there any streams that go through the property? Mfr. Harrison- show -,d the map of designated streams. . . Mr. Frank Lockhart- described the streams that go through the property. . . noted that his .ee�a a system was costly. John Glass-Asked that the Town Board enforce the code as it exists. . . Supervisor Walter- we Will. . .the puf►pose of this public hearing is to establish the area as a PUD. . . this is just the very beginning of the procedures they must follow. We are awaiting for the f orTwej�e Warren County Planning Board and the Department of EnvironmentaZ Conserv���e, 5 i fhake our decision. Councilman MorreZZ-Do you have an estimate of the number of jobs that will be created I) and the number of local jobs that will be created. Mr. Boice-Ninety two total employees when the project is completed, the majority locally hired. . . Jim Rodgers-Rolling Ridge-questioned if docks would be built or not? Mr. Boice- For:;the time d people there will be a couple of docks at our site for the whole owner unit Z have to seek other facilities they will hot be allowed to use those docks. _ bb Jim Rodgers- I hope that there wiZP.%ecess at the Top of the World for public viewing.. . Mrs. Granter- If Mr. Boice developes this, will this be the end or the beginning of more deveZopment? 6 Mr. DeSantis-noted that the 240 units is the development, if at any time it was to be expanded]then the developer would have to start again at the beginning and go through the hearings. There is no intent to do any more than what is being talked about tonight. . . Mr. Turnbull= Are you looking for IDA funding? Mr. DeSantis- no Attorney Oliver- How many seperate Aquifers have you found up to this point? 248 can you name Attorney Oliver What other developments on mountainside near lakes, Athat can not be seen from the Lake? Dan - Re: Aquifers We know of two individual aquifers, on this type of sited there is a chance that there are many aquifers—we do not intend to do full hydrologic examination of the mountain. Mr. Harrison- spoke on the filter view concept. . .it is going to be-,easy to screen these units. . .I cannot give you a particular name of a development. . . Mr. Blake- Plum Point-noted that this is a residentia4 zone on the Lake, nothing can be expanded. . . W. Boice-we do not intend to do anything that is not within the ordinance. Mr. Blake- Top of the World does have a dock on the Zake-I would assume that Mr. Boice would use the dock as it is now and not expand it. Mr. Harrison- there will probably be additional docks Mr. Blake- That would be contrary to the present zoning Supervisor WaZter-The existanoe of docks are allowed under the-present zoning, we addressed the idea that you may not rent the docks. W. Harrison= this would be residentlkiZ usetwe would not be renting the docks. Mr. DeSantis- spoke on the dock ownership, the Association will own the take front including the docks. . . noted that boats will be made available for the use of those moo. own time share units, they will be at the docks. . .with the three hundred feet frontage the Queensbury Ordinance will allow more than one dock. . . CounciZman Olson-upon the completion of the project what is the estimate of the taxes that you will be paying. . . W. Harrison- including spinoff revenues approximately 73 million dollars. . . First Phase-Town and Fire 38,000 phase II 50,000 Phase 11152,480.00 Phase - IV 54,900.00 Phase V 57,230. 00 2503000 per year when project is completed. retail sales estimate Z million one hundred and twenty thousand dollars per year. Unknown- If they are renting to people with children are they considering the handicap on the-•sehooZ ? Mr. DeSantis- we have considered it, noted that they do not expect to have any people with children enrolled in school, we believe the whole ownership houses will be for people who use it as a second home. . . Attorney Oliver- On behalf of W. Hedges my client, we feel that the developer has not 'provided sufficient information and hashnot complied with the Seem requirements for the Board to be voting on this project at this time. Supervisor WaZter- Asked for further comments none were heard, the hearing was closed. 9:49 P.M. The Town Board now convened as the Queensbury Board of Health Variance application No. 2 1982 of Mr. Donald W. Miller of Jay Road for a Variance to Article II Section 3.030D of the Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance Mr. Stephen Lynn- presenldthe Board with the information. . .it was noted that the proposed system as outlined seemed to be the best solution to the septic system problem. . . W. Louis Chevrier-Glen Lake-neighbor- no objection to the project. . . Unknown (neighbor) no objection. . . to the proposed chhnge in the septic system. . . Supervisor Walter- asked for further comments. . .hearing none the hearing was closed. 10:03 (Town Board reconvenes) Local Law-Public Hearing on regulating overnight winter parking on pubEc highways Notice Shown 10:03 P.M. Supervisor Walter- The Highway Supt. has indicated that parking on public highways in the winter interfere with plowing and he has requested that the Town Board pass a Local Zow to prevent parking on the highways from Narember 15 through March of 249 each year during the hours of 12:00 Midnight to 6:00 A.M. Eugene South- Highway EmpZoyee asked that the local law be passed noted several instances on Manor Drive where snow plowing is limited due to the parking of cars on the street. . . , Joseph Daire- spoke about the parking on the streets in South Queenb my making the snowpZowing difficult. . . Mr. CZements- are there provisions for having the cars towed away? Town Clerk- read the section of the ordinance pertaining to the removal of vehicles from public highway. . .Section 6 Mr. Martindale- Highway &VZoyee- noted he had problems on the Glen Lake Road re: Boats being placed in the highway would this ordinance covert-this. . . Supervisor Writer- the ordinance stated any type of vehicle, a boat would be a vehicle. if this is passed tonight�we will try to do some publicity on this ordinance. . . Councilman Morrell- I would like to make a point that the majority of the people believe that the only part of the road is that which is paved-they do not realize that ten to fifteeifeet of the lawn they put in is part of the Town right of way. . . that is where they put their vehicles thinking that it is their own property. W. Clements- Do you intend for the Town or the County to.pZow the fifty feet? Supervisor WaZter-no, that is not what we are intending, but just that the roads, as they have been plowed can continue to be plowed without the interference of the vehicles. Asked for further input, hearing none the public hearing was closed. Councilman Olson- Thanked the employees from the Highway Dept. and the Supt. for therr input into this local law. Closed 10:13 p.m. RESOLUTIONS `-- RESOLUTION TO APPROVE MINUTES RESOLUTION W. 357 Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: RESOLVED, that the Town Board minutes of October 12th and 18th of 1982 be and hereby are approved. DuZy adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. WaZter Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION REGARDING PREPAR4TION AND APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY BUDGET AND THE SETTING OF A PUBLIC HEARING ON FRS FUNDS RESOLUTION NO. 358. Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moiled for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: RESOLVED, that this Town Board does hereby prepare and approve as the Preliminary Budget of this Town for the Fiscal Year beginning on the first day of January, 1983 the itemized statement of estimated revenues and expenditures hereto attached and made a part of this resolution and be it further RESOLVED, that such Preliminary Budget shall be filed in the Office of the Town Clerk where it shall be available for inspection by any interested person at all reasonable hours and be it further RESOLVED, that this Board shall meet at 7:30 P.M. on the 4th day of November 1982 at the Queensbury Town Office Building for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing upon such Preliminary Budget and intended use of FRS Funds for 1983 and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk give notice of such Public Hearing in the manner provided in Section 113 of the Town Law, and that such notice be published and posted in substantialZ 250 E the following form: NOTICE OF HEARING ON PRELIMINARY BUDGET AND E INTENDED USE OF FRS FUNDS FOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY FOR THE YEAR 1983 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the preliminary budget of the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren, State of New York, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1983-has been completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town where it is available for inspection by any interested person at all reasonable hours. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that the Town Board of said Town of Queensbury wilt meet and review said Preliminary Budget and hold a Public Hearing there, at 7:30 P.M. on the 4th day of November 1982 and that at such hearing any person may be heard in favor of or against the Preliminary Budget as compiZed for or against any item or items therein contained. AND FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 113 of the Town Law that the following are proposed yearly salaries of Town Officers of this Town: Supervisor $17,600.00 Councilman (4) $ 4,580.00 Town Clerk $16,500.00 Supt. of Highways $22,000.00 Town Justices (2) $100500.00 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that at this Public Hearing a hearing will be held on the intended use of FRS funds for the Year 1983. Duty adopted by the following voter Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent: None (The Preliminary Budget wilt be found at the end of these minutes) (Town Board convenes as the Queensbury Board of Health) RESOLUTION TO APPROVE VARIANCE RESOLUTION NO. 1. Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Morrell: WHEREAS, the local Board of Health of the Tom of Queensbury has reveiwed the request for a Variance to Article III Section 3.030D of the Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance requested by Donald W. Miller and has determined the following: a. That there- are special circumstances or condition of which the strict application of the provisions of this Ordinance would deprive the applicant of reasonable use of such Land. b. That the Variance would not be materially detrimental to the purposes or objectives of this Ordinance, or to other adjoining properties or otherwise conflict with the purpose or objectives of any plan or policy of the Town. c. that the granting of the Variance is necessary for the reasonable use of the land and that the Variance is the minimum Variance which would alleviate the specific un- necessary hardship found by the local Board of Health to affect the applicant. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, pursuant to the above findings the local Boar of Health has improved the variance of Donald W. Miller. Duty adopted by iae following vote: Ayes Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes None Absent: None The Board of Health adjourned, opened as Town Board.' RESOLUTION TO ADOPT A LOCAL LAW REGULATING OVERNIGHT WINTER PARKING ON PUBLIC HIGHWAYS 251 RESOLTITTON Nn 1519 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mrs. Betty Monahan: a WHEREAS, a significant problem has existed in the Town of Queensbury or man concerning the overnight parking of vehicles on pub&c highways within the Town yof , Queensbury during the winter months, which parking interferes with the e and prompt removal of snow from said public highways, and efficient WHEREAS, -the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queenbbury has recommended the adoption of a law to regulate parking on public highways in the Town of Queensbury during the winter months, and l WHEREAS, a proposed Local law, a copy of which is hereto annexed has been re ared and presented for consideration by the Town Board of the Torun of Queensbury, which proposed local Zaw will regulate parking on public highways in the Town of Queensbury for the period from November 15 through March 31 in each and every year hereafter WHEREAS, the Town Board duly adopted a resolution scheduling a public hearing, as mandated by Law, prior to consideration of the proposed local law for adoption, and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held concerning the desirability of the adoption of said proposed Local law at which all persons interested in the subject matter of the same were duly heard, and WHEREAS, it appears that the proposed Local Law in its present form p is in comZiance with aZZ Legal requirements and that all procedural conditions necessary for the adoption of said Local Law have been fulfilled, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury adopt a Local law, as presented and in the form annexed hereto, for the regulation of overnight winter parking on public highways in the Town of Queensbury and, be it further RESOLVED, that .the Town Clerk be authorized and directed to take aZZ necessary action relative to the filing and publication of said local Zara as is required by the provisions of the Municipal Home Rule Law. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, W. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO APPOINT FIRE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER ON TEMPORARY AND INTERIM BASIS RES bVTION NO. 360. Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury has adopted a Local Law for the Administration and Enforcement of the State Fire Prevention Code, which Local Law has taken effect in the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, Section 3. 2 of said Local law designates the position of Fire Code Enforcement officer of the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, the local law further provides that the appointment to the position of Fire Code Enforcement Officer shall be made by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury and that the Fire Study Committee of the Town of Queensbury shall act as an advisory body to the Town Board with respect to the determination of the required qualifications for the position of Fire Code Enforcement Officer and with respect to the appointment of the Fire Code Enforcement Officer by the Town Board, and WHEREAS, because of the recent adoption of said Local Law, the Fire Study Committee has not had an opportunity to consider or to make recommendations to- the Town Board relative to the qualifications for the position of Fire Code Enforcement Officer or with respect to the appointment of the Fire Code Enforcement Officer, and WHEREAS, it is necessary that an appointment of a Fire Code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury be made on an interim basis by the Town Board pending the development of recommendations by the Are Study Committee relative to the qualifications for the position of the Fire Code Enforcement Officer and the appointment of the Fire Code Enforcement Officer in order that the State Fire Prevention Code will be administered and enforced in the Town of Queensbury, 252. _ NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that N. W. Bodenweiser be appointed to the position of Fire Code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury on an interim basis pending consideration by the Fire Study Committee of the qualifications to be required for the position of Fire Code Enforcement Officer and with respect to the appointment of the Fire Code Enforce- ment Officer by the Town Board, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Fire Study Committee of the Town of QueensburJ be requested to consider the establishment of qualifications for the position of Fire Code Enforcement Officer and the appointment of the Fire Code Enforcement Officer and to report the recommendations of the Fire Study Committee relative to said matters to the Town Board at the earliest date practicable, and be it further RESOLVED, that the appointment of N. W. Bodenweiser take effect immediately I and that said appointment shalt continue on a temporary and interim basis unitZ such time that the Town Board, with the advice of the Fire Study Committee of the Town of Queensbury, shalt establish qualifications for the position of Fire Code Enforcement Officer and the appointment of a person to the position of Fire Code Enforcement Officer at which time the interim and temporary appointment of N. W. Bodenweiser pursuant to this Resolution shall terminate. Duty adopted by the following vote: Ades: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, W. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent:None Discussion was held in regard to the title of Fire C,)de Enforcement Officer , it was noted that there was Zetter-head already made up on the name of Fire Marshal. . . RESOLUTION REGARDING NAME OF FIRE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER/FIRE MARSHAL RESOLUTION NO, 361__ Introduced by Mr. Daniel Morrell who moved for its adoption, seconded by Dr. Charles Eisenhart: RESOLVED, that the title of Fire Code Enforcement Officer will concurrOntZy be referred to as Fire Marshal. Duty adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson Dr, Eisenhart, Mr. MorreZ%Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes: . None Absent: None Councilman Olson- requested that Attorney Brennan be requested to Zook into this title . . .. and the Fire Study Committee. . . RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE APPLICATION FOR FUNDS FROM THE NEW YORK STATE DIVISION FOR YOUTH RF§ZUTION NQ_-362_ Introduced by Mr. Daniel Morrell who moved for it adoption, seconded by Mrs. Betty Monahan: WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury is eligible for funds from the New York State Division for Youth and WHEREAS, Harold R. Hansen, Recreation Director, has prepared application for the total amount of monies which the Town of Queensbury is applying for in the year 1983 for recreation funds in the amount of $19,947.60 for the administration, supervision and operation of year round recreation programs and activities, NOW, j THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorize Frances J. Walter, Supervisor to sign the above applications for submission to the New York State Division for Youth. Duty adopted by ffhr following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. MorreZZ, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent None i 253 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $78,000.00 IN SERIAL BONDS OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, COUNTY OF WARREN, STATE OF NEW YORK ON BEHALF OF AND FOR THE BIG BAY-BIG BOOM WATER DISTRICT IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY TO PAY THE COSTS OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE IMPROVEMENTS FOR SAID WATER DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO 363 Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, acting on behalf of and for the Big Bay-Big Boom Water District in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, as follows: Section 1. The improvements proposed for the Big Bay-Big Boom Water District, consisting of the construction of a water system to serve said district including original furnishings, equipment, machinery or apparatus required in connection therewith, and also including the acquisition of land and -rights in land required in connection therewith, all as more fully described in the map, plan and report prepared in connection therewith, is hereby authorized and the specific object or purpose to be financed pursuant to this resolution is the payment of the costs of said improvement as above described. Section 2. The maximum estimated cost of the aforesaid specific object or purpose is $78,000.00 and the plan or the p� � p f financing thereof is by the issuance of $78,000.00 in serial bonds of said Town of Queensbury maturing in annual installments over a period not exceeding five (5) years, which serial bonds are hereby authorized to be issued pursuant to the Local Finance Law, Such bonds are to be payable from amounts which shall annually be levied upon the several lots and parcels of land in the Big Bay-Big Boom Water District which the Town Board has determined and specified to be especially benefited thereby; but if not paid from such source, all the taxable real property in said Town shall be subject to the levy of ad valorem taxes, without limitation as to the rate or amount, sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bounds as the some become due and payhble and the faith and credit of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, are hereby pledged for the payment of said bonds and the interest thereon. The serial bonds issued will not have a maturity date beyond five (5) years. Section 3. It is hereby determined that the period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid specific object or purpose if forty (40) years, pursuant to Subdivision one of paragraph A of Section 11;00 of the Local Finance Law. Section 4. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance` of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and the sale of the sexi+ial bonds herein authorized, including renewal notes, is hereby delegated to the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury, The Chief Fiscal Officer. Such note shall be of such terms, form and contents, and shall be sold in such manner, as may be prescribed by said Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 5. The validity of such bonds and bond anticipation notes may be contested only it: (1) Such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which said Town is not authorized to expend money, or (2) The provisions of law which should be complied with as of the date of publication of this resolution are not substantially complied with, and an actions, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty (20) days after the date of such publication, or (3) Such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution. _ t Section 6. This resolution, which takes effect immediateZy, shall be published in full in the Post Star, a newspaper of general circulation in the Town of Queensbury and which is an official newspaper of the Town of Queensbxiry, together with a notice of the Town Clerk substantially in the form provided in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law. Duty adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell Mrs. Monahan Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent: None h Ltr. B&Z Dept. requesting the refund of Variance, Mi application fee to Michael and Barbara Goula. . . on file 254 RESOLUTION TO REFUND FEE 'RESOLUTION N0. 364 Introduced b y Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adopt`on, seconded by Mrs. Betty Monahan: yHEREAS,_ Mi6hae Z::an&£ Barbara Gouia zadb app Z xcdtiort f nr a v arianc ;aid k WHEREAS, the Zoning Board after hearing the application of Mr. Michael and Barbara Goula recommended that the fee for the application be returned to the applicants, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the application fee for a variance be returned to Mr. Michael and Barbara Goula. Duty adopted by *e following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Makrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent: None Ltr, on file Bay Ridge Volunteer Fire Co. new member Thomas Jones. Ltr. on file D.O.T. re: Lower speed Limit on Sweet Road to 35 mph. Blind Rock Road 55 mph. OPEN FORUM Joe Daire-spoke on the Qsby. G.F :°LandfiZZ- noted he was asked to escort the mayor of Saratoga through the Landfill and transfer stations. . . Supervisor Walter- thanked Mr. Daire for taking time to help out the)Tbwn. . . also noted a gentleman from .Essex Co, toured the ZandfU t Joe Daire- Thanked Mr.NayZor for the good job he has done. . . RESOLUTION TO APPROVE SPECIAL AUDIT OF BILLS _ LUTION NO, 365_ Introduced by Dr. Charles Eisenhart who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Morre l Z: RESOLVED, that Audit of Bills as Listed on Abstract No. 82-10D. and numbered ^ 3885 toto n2 g X986.00 be an-d hereby,. is approved. Duty adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Dr. Eisenhart, Mr. Morrell, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent: None On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk i f - -- - -. .. h: APPLIED �` TO BE 1983 APPROPRIATIONS - REVENUES FUND BALANCE RAISED BY TAXES GENERAL FUND A 2 , 112,0.64. 2 ,007,315. 100,000. 41739. HIGHWAY DR 397,688. 284 ,244. -0- 113,444 . DM 481,929. 260,497. -0- 221,482. DS 275,875. 148,992. -0- 126,883. REVENUE SHARING CF 163,140. 163,140. -0- -0- PINEVIEW C 112,450. 3.46,320. -0- 6f.130., LANDFILL J3 296,622. 276,622. 20,000. -0- TOTAL GENERAL 3,839,800. 3,247,130. 120,000. 472,678. h; QUEENSBURY WATER SWl 1,4991,237. 599,928. -0- 8$9!,309. W. GLENS FALLS SW3 36,400. 11,700. 24 ,700. -0- SHORE COLONY SW4 7,188. 2,185. 4,128. 875. "`W. GLENS FALLS EXT. 1 SW5 651. -0- -0 651. SHERMAN AVENUE SW6 20,557. 5,100. -0- 15,457 . LAND O' PINES SW7 39,464. 5, 500. -0- 33,964. BROADACRES SW8 77,740• -0- -0- 77,740. TOTAL WATER 1,671,237. 624,413. 28,828. 1,017,99.6. ALL OTHER DISTRICTS FT. AMHERST LIGHTING SLl 5,700. -0- 300. 5,400. CLEVERDALE LIGHTING SL2 2,090. -0- -0- 2,090. PINEWOOD LIGHTING SL3 250. -0 30. 220. S. QUEENSBURY, LIGHTING SL4 16 ,110. -0- 500. 15,610. W. QUEENSBURY LIGHTINGi SL5 16,695. -0- 400. 16 ,295. QUEENSBURY LIGHTING SL6 67,135. -0- 3,500. . 63,635. PERSHING/ASHLEY/COOLIDGE SEWAGE SS1 2,400. -0- 150. 2,250. RESERVOIR PARK SEWAGE SS3 2,080. -0- 240. 1,840. DRAINAGE SD 500. -0 500. FIRE PROTECTION SF 450,070. 3,705. 10,500. 435,865. TOTAL ALL OTHER DISTRICTS 563,030. 3,705. 15,620. 543,705. TOTAL ALL FUNDS 6,074,075. 3, 975,2146. 164 ,448. 2 ,034,379 . i �---------- *Denotes amended app oxlvlation GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1981. Actual 1982 Budget Budget Officer Expenditures Appropriations Tentative 1983 Preliminary Adopted A1010 TOWN BOARD .100 Personal Services 17, 343. 18, 320. 18,500. .200 Equipment -0- -0- -0- .440 Contractual 206. 750. 1,100. TOTAL 17,549 19,070. 19,600. A1110 TO , JUSTICES . 100 Personal Services 37,008. 41,075. 45,300. .200 Equipment -0- -0- 900. .440 Contractual 5,209. 8,027.* 6,925. TOTAL 42,217. 49,ip2. 53,125. A1220 SUPERVISOR . 100 Personal Services 48,057. 52,970. 55,800. . 200 Equipment -0- 285. -0- .440 Contractual 297. 706. * 800. TOTAL 48, 354. 53,961. 56,600 . A1320 ANNUAL CPA AUDIT .440 Contractual 8, 500. 9,500. 9 ,500. I A1330 TAX COLLECTION .100 Personal Services 12,063. 12 ,650. 13,750. .200 Equipment -0 700. -0 .440 Contractual 4,346 5,500. 4,060. TOTAL 16 ,409. 18,850. 17,810. A_1345 PURCHASING . 100 Personal -services 1,015. 1,690. 1,820. . 200 Equipment -0 -0 -0- .440 Contractual 554. 700. 500. TOTAL 1,569. 2,390. 2 ,320. - {} '• 2 GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1981 Actual 1982 Budget Budget Officer A1355 ASSESSOR Expenditures Appropriations Tentative 1983 Preliminary Adopted .100 personal Services 14,790. 16 ,750. 17,025. 16 ,500. .200 Equipment -0- 275. 275. .420 Insurance 160. 175. 200. .440 Contractual 13,262. 12,354 .* 10,870. TOTAL 28,212. 29,554 28,370. 27,845. A1410 TOWN CLERK . 100 Personal Services 25,040. 26,065. 28,615. .200 Equipment -0- -0- -0- .440 Contractual 2,750. 2,632.* 21880. TOTAL 27,790. 28,697. 31,495. A1420 TOWN ATTORNEY .440 Contractual 24,465. 21,500. 21,500. .441 Contractual -0- 4,664. * 5,000. TOTAL 24,465. 216. 26,500. A1440. ENGINEER .440 Contractual 10,265. 2,598.* 10,000.. A1450 ELECTIONS .100 Personal Services 6, 800. 7 ,425. 8,150. .200 Equipment -0- -0- -0- .440 Contractual 1,225. 1,250. 1,500. TOTAL 8,025. 8,675. 9,650. A1620 BUILDINGS . 100 Pe--r—so-n--al Services 16,757. 19,500. 25,880. . 200 Equipment 2,423. 9,797. 6 ,700. .410 Telephone 6,659 . 7,000. 6 ,500. .411 Telephone Hovey -0- -0- 350. .. . ......... ... ........... ............ ...... r- -�- 3 GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1981 Actual 1982 Budget Budget Officer Expenditures Appropriations Tentative 1983 Preliminary Adopted .420 Insurance 700. 750. 750. .421 Insurance - Hovey -0- -0- 150. .430 Utilities 5,633. 6,750. 7,560. .431 Utilities - Hovey -0- -0- 450. .441 General Contractual 17,981. 15,821.* 15,000. .442 Bldg./Grd. Contract. 5,436. 5,508.* 5,000. .443 Hwy. Bldg. Contract. 2,165. 4 ,157. * 6,000. .444 Police Bldg. Contract. 704. 1,026. * 1,000. .445 Hovey Bldg. Contract. -0- -0- 4,800. .450 Fuel Oil 4 ,558. 5,500. 6,000. . 451 Fuel Oil, Hovey -0- -.0 1,200. ' TOTAL 63,016. 75,809 . 87,340. SPECIAL ITEMS A1910_ UNALLOCATED INSURANCE' .446 Contractua 18,229 . 21,000. 32,500. A1920 MUNICIPAL ASSOC. DUES .440 Contractual 400. 600, 800. A1930 JUDGMENT & CLAIMS .440 Contractual -0- 2,133. 1,390. A1972 TO COUNTY TREASURER TO REDUCE TAXES .300 Contractual 245,368. 100,000. 115,000. 100,000. A1990 CONTINGENT ACCOUNT 00 Contractual 21,604. 25,000. 25,000. _ A3120 POLICE 0 Personal Services 256,989. 272 850. -0- 13, 770. . 200 Equipment 21,041. 10,456.* -0- .410 Telephone 2, 181. 11800. -0- .420 Insurance 4,232. 4,400. -0- 4 GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1981 Actual 1982 Budget Budget Officer Expenditures Appropriations Tentative 1983 Preliminary Adopted .430 Utilities 2,138. 1,700. -0- .440 Contractual 52,369. 63,920.* 250,000. .450 Fool Oil 1,911. 21100. -0- .810 Retirement 27,186. 290700. -0- 41,063.. social security 17,025. 14 -0- 915. .840., Compensation 7,3.92. 11: .860 p*talization 22�,,16-,5. 2411 -0- 750. .050 U loy. Insurance 41500. - TOTAL 415,129. 440r246. 250 � ,040. 016.- A3150 JAIL . Contractual 450. 807.* -0- A3310 1!i M C CONTROL .4 utilities 513. 674. 550: .440 Contractual 55,016., �, * 17,000. 14 899 . i5,a0°@. . .w TOTAL 55,529 15,568, 17,550. 150550. 9, A3410 Fin MLSAAL .10QTersanal Services 9,034. 11,530. 12,500. 12,400. .2+ 0 i rnt -0- P� 399.* 600 .420 Insurance 184. 175. 175. .440 Contractual 1,8614: 1,618.* 1,075 i TOTAL 1110 $ 13,702. 15,150.. A3510 C{84TROL Personal Services 9,035. 9,750. 10,320. .200 Equipment -0- 400. 75. .420 Insurance 184.. 200. 200. .440 Contractual 6,695. 8*204. 8,500. TOTAL 15,914. 18,554. 19,095. S GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1981 Actual 1982 Budget Budget Officer ©F HEALTH A4010 BOARD OF Appropriations Tentative 1983 Preliminary Adopted Persona Services 3,614. 3,600. 30710. .440 Contractual 1;000. 800. x ,100. n; TOTAL 4,614. 4,400. 4,810. - . A4020 REGISTRAR OF VITAL fiA' I�ICS Por Se,iVices 70. 120. 120. A5010 SUPERINTENDE NT OF lee NI6' Al'S' - Personal Services 45,394 48,300. 58,250. 59,500. 02,00 Equipment -0�- * 3,200. .440 Contractual ..-.. _• 11000. 750. TOTAL 46,0,64. 49,087 62,450. 63,450. °. A513 .RICK Y C i GE Telephone, 1,578 10,500, 1,695• i430 Utilities 17,446. 160,800. 22,650. .440 Contractual 219. 500. 800. *450 Fuel Oil 61422. -21300. $,S00 '' TOTAL 1 25,655. 26,100. 33,645. A5182 STREET LIGHTING Utilities' 27,430. 31,704. 34,875 A6224 TITLE II CETA Personal- Services 90855. -0= -0- .800 Employee Benefits 2,618. -0 - _` A6260 TITLE VI GETA PiisonAl Services 16,312. -0- _0 .800 Employee Benefits 4,953. -0 ..p- GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS, 19 81..Actual 198 2 .Budget Budget. Officer 'Enenditures Appropriations A641.0 PUBLICITY Tentative 1983 Preliminary Adopted C tractual 51000. 5,000. 50000. 4,000. A6420 PR_4P0T70K/N 1 Z T .4 VContractual ,o0c . S,t00, la,o00. ,. 8,000. A6510- VETS SERVICES .4,40 Contractual 600. 600. 600. A6722 `PR RAI FOR AGING . Contractual - 8,840. 101.5081.* .11,300. .. A7310 YOUR P • r ervices 70,583. 760435. 87,290. 84,100. .2d0 Equipment 2,545, 2 208. { I f 200 .41-0, Telephone 470. 5 . .40 Insurance 234. • 97fl au .430 Utilities 2,408. 1,850. 2,400. .440 Contractual 15 17re67.* 21, 100. 2,30fl. . 2 0#0311. TOTAL 91,716. 98,960. I.13,2600 108f870. A�741.0 LIBRARY 0 Contractual 44,800. 51,500. 59.,175.. 55,525. `. A700 MUSEUM Contractual-Hyde -0- i t oo0. 1,000. ` A751,0. HI3RICAL PROPERTY tractua ` sick.) 11000. 11000. 1,000. A7550 CELEBRATIONS .440 Contractual 2,495. 2,600. 2,850. 1,850. GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1981 Actual 1982 Budget Budget Officer A7620 SENIOR CITIZENS Expenditures Appropriations 'Tentative 1983 Preliminary Adopted .441 Glens Palls-,Con. 5,000. 5,000. 50,000. 4,500. .442 Queenabury, Con. 2,900. 4 00. ,200. /� 4 4,VQ0• TOTAL 7,900. 9,200. 9,204 $0540. A841Q WRs" I , - er s nal Services 28,817. 36,504. 39,800. 39,930. .284 Equipment 378. 392. 565, .300 Capital 1,200. -0- _0.. .420 Insurance 473. 250. 504• .446 Contractual 4,614. 51145.* 5,390. TOTAL 35.482. 42,537. 46,005. 46,135. A8420 1 AMI re � Personal Services 825. 1,020. 1,Q24. .440 Cctratual 20. 4 114 42 TOTAL 3,013. 5,134. 5,295. A#510, C0► ITY BEAUTIFICATION .. `ntractua 50. 100. 100. A8540 DRAINAGE -440 Contractual 3950 3,250. 3.500. A8730 S0 SEMATION COUNCIL .440 Contractual -0- 150. 150.. t g GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1981 .Actual 1982. Budget. Budget. Officer Expenditures Appropriations Tentative 1983 Preliminary Adopted A900 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS .9010.8 State Retirement 29,861. 26,650. 29,790, .9030.8 Social Security 19,920. 26,200. 28,050, .9040.8 Workers Comp. 11,657. 7,837.* 5,820, 9050.8 unwwloy. Ins. 218. ..0-' 9055.8 Disability 11250., 1,675. 1,760. .9060.8 Hospitalization 28,506. 300150. 5?�._!0 TOTAL 91,442. 92,512. 122,420. GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1981 Actual 1982 Budget Budget Officer Expenditures Appropriations Tentative 1983 Preliminary Adopted INTERFUND TRANSFERS A9514.9 Pinevier 70,462. 71,655. 88,100. 76,6+70. A9518.9 Sewer District ' 2,770, -p-- -p.. A9541.9 Highway-Repair,Imp. 272,$96. 208,556. 2040596. A954>2,9 Highway Naci.nery 145,086, 231,497. 231,497. 219,497. A9543.9 Highway Snob Removal 168,121. 1280 82. 128,882 A9544.9 Highway Improvement 21,QBfl, _p.. , 0_ A%26,9 La<r fill 1 46,136. , A5627.9 Bus Operations 7,957 . 47,05, 55 a78, A9951.9 Capital Project-Zoning » 0- 1,SQf#. 41400. A"52.9 Capital Project-Assessor -4- 11500. 1,500. A"53.9 Capital Project-Doug, C. -8- 10'500. 3,0OO. A*W.9 Capital Project-Fire Pro 18,614. A9-54«9 Capital Project-Youth-Pro. 8,0,00. 8,000. 88000. A99F5+6«9 Capital Pro ject--ire fir., -0- --0- 11540.A99"57.9 Capital Pro jeot-Drainsge 18# A",58,9 Capital Projec-t •G -0 - .. .. 2 ,400. ' TOTAL 760,962 692,535. 752,753, 739,323. D , M.RVICV PRINCIPAL A9720.o Sta-tutor 4,2Q5. -0- _4- A9 3fl.6 RAC -0- -U- 4,000. DES' SBRV'ICE INTEREST tatutory Sand 200. -0- -0- _; A9730.7 BAN -0- -Q'- 1,400. 'TOTAL GENERAL FUND APPROP. 2,280,575. 2,091,572. 2,113,703. 2,112,054. 10 GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED P"TENUE 1981 Actual 1982 Budget Budget Officer Revenues Revenues Tentative 1983 Preliminary Adopted TAX ITEMS A1090 rest & Penalties 15,331. 5,000. 81000. A1120 Sales Tax 1,552,, 1,500,000. 1,475,000. 1 520,000. rs� TOTAL I,5670784. 1,505,000. 1,483*000. 1,528,040. ART'NMTAL INCOME Cable TV 14,555. 18,000. 20,000. A1232 Tax Collection 1,032. 1,000. 1,000. A1255 Clerk Fees 2.660. 1,200. 1,404. . t A1520 Police Fees lr405. 2,504 -0. AJ550 Redemption-Pound 'Fees 1,275. 1,100. 1,000 AIS70 Demolition Permits 80. 100. 104. A2601 Park & Recreation Fees 51850. . 5,300. 6,075. A2110 Zoning Pees 1,350. 1,8,00. 2,000. TOTAL 280207, 31,000. 31,575. , Interest & earnings 63,937. 50,000. 50,000. laca AND PERMITS B ngo c sea 2„990. 4,OA0. 3,500. X544 Dog Licenses 10,096. 11,000. 10000. A2 45 Other Lieneses 3,644. 2,500. 2,500, A2555 Building Permits 15,516. 18,000. 20,000. A2590 Junk Yard Permits 15. 200. 200, TOTAL 34,061. 35,700. 36,200. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMS C" A2791 it le IIA 13,173. -0-' 0,. A2766 Title VI 22,569. -0- -0_ INS A T .+ Fines & Forf. Bail 46,506. 40,000. 40,000. 45,000. A2611 Dog Case Penalties 305. 500. 500. A2655 Minor Sales 428. 100. 600. (77 I1 GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUE 1981 Actual 1982 Budget Budget Officer Revenues Revenues Tentative 1983 Preliminary Adopted INCOME A2640 Sale of Real Prop. 426. -0.. A2665 Sale of Equipment 5,759. 1,040. 11000. 5,000. A27.10 Refund Ins. Premium 30776. So. ..0 . A2770 Misc. Revenue 1,117. 100. 500. A3001 Per Capita 213,078. 200,060. 205,000. A3005 Mortgage flax 91r319. 85,000. 80,000. A3801 Program for Aging 4-'403. 6,990. 51000. } A3820 Youth Programs 13 243. 13_ ,500. 14,500 19,940. TOTAL 380,360. 345,340. 347,100. 361,540. TOTAL REVENUES 2,110,096. 1,9f8,940. 1,947,875. 2 007 315. x. r M r' 12 GENERAL FUND ENTERPRISE - CEMETERY 1981 Actual 1982 Budget Budget Officer Expenditures Appropriations Tentative 1983 Preliminary Adopted 08810 APPROPRIATIONS .100 fergo-iial Services 56,782. 64 ,350. 71,810. 68,510. .200 Equipment 2,874. 4,000. 6,925. .410 Telephone 449. 400. 400. .420 Insurance 2,058. 2#400. 2,6100. . 430 Utilities 305. 360. .440 Contractual 8,220`. 51018.* 7,815. .450 Fuel coil 10, 168. 1,700. 2,000. TOTAL 710856. 78,228. 92,030. 88,730. C901 FJWWYEE BENEFITS `.0 State Retftement 4,719. 4,750. 4,870. 9030.8 Social security 3,340. 4 ,320. 4 ,815. 9040.8 Worker's Cam.' , 11851. 3,350. 1,500. 9°0.50.8 Unemploy. ins. -A-� 1,000. 1, 9Q55.8 Dal. 275. 1:: 3 . 500-8 Hospitalization 6,408. 6 874 1l TOTAL 16,673. 20,645. 23,720. 'SAL CEMETERY APPROPRIATIONS 88,529. 98,873. 115,750. 112,450. REVENUES C2190 Sale of Cemetery Lots 13,735. 13,000. 13,000. 14,000. C2102 Cemetery Service 14,728. 13,000. 14,000. 15,000. C2401 Interest 214. 1,200. 650. C2710 Ins. Premium Refund 371. -0- ..p«. ` C2810 General Fund Transfer 70,4462. 71,655. 88,100, 76,670. TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 99,510. 98,855. 115,750. 106,320 13 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1981 Actual 1981 Budget Budget Officer Expenditures Appropriations Tentative 1983 Preliminary Adopted , , REPAIRS & IMPROVEMENTS (Ttem 1 DR 5110.1 Personal Services 116,243. 130,850. 121,020. DR 5110.440 Contractual 3,902. 6,400. 81000. , DR 5110.461 Patching Mix 80676. 16,516. 15*000. -DR 5110.462 Paving Materials 145,309. 104*625. 120,000. DR 5112-300 Chips Contractual -0- 15,093. -0- DR 9951.0 Interfund Transfer -0- 45,282. -0- DR 9952.0 Interfund Transfer Chips Capital -0- 8Of733. TOTAL 274,130. 318,766. 344,753. RTMEE BOMPITS DR 9-019.8 State Retirement 16,180. 15o610. 18,200. DR 90348 Social Security 6,763. 9, 3"05. 8"110. DR 9040:8 Workers Comp. 13,018. 1300-50. 4,485. Y. DA 8050.8 unemploy. Insurance DR 91055.8 DRL 668. 615. DR 9060.8 Rospitalization 10,040. 15r340. 190890. TOTAL 47,469. 55l440. 52,935. TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS (ITEM I) • 323r599. 374*206. 397,688. Local Sources DR 2401 Tnterest & Earnings 719. 600. 2,915. aR' 2600 Insurance Recoveries 750. -0- -o. DR 2814 Transfer from General 272,896. 2000596. 200,596. DR 3501 Consolidated Hwy. Aid -0- 64,375. 80,733. DR 3507 State Aid-Mil. and Valua. Aid. 10,163. -0- -0- TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUE 284,528. 261,571. 284,244 . 14 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1981 Actual 1982 Budget Budget Officer MACHINERY ITEM IiI Expenditures Appropriations Tentative 1983 Preliminary Adopted DM 5130.1 Personal Services 30,286. 31,580. 49,000. DM 5130.2 Equipment 96,295. 2111,087,* 145,000. DM 5130.420 Insurance 23,259. 24,550. . 31,500. DM 5130.440 Contractual 54,396. 84,475.* 91500. 83 597. DM 5136.441 Gas t 11E1 132,000. 120,1100. TOTAL 287,833. 460,612. 449*000. 437,000. EILOYEE BENEFITS DM 9010.8 State Retirement 4,347. 4,205_. 4,000. DR 9030.8 Social Security 2,042. 2,120. 3,285. Dif 90,40.8 Workers Compensation 2,154. 1,6,0. 775. DX 9050.8 Unemployment Insurance ..0,. 480. 5811. DM 9055.8 ORL 174. 248. 220, DM 9060.8 Hospitalization 3,452. 3 ,.. 6 .{ TEAL 12,165. 12,085. 14,795. DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL IT4 III DM 9730.6 BAN 24,500. 24,500. 24,500. INTEREST DM 9730.7 BAN 9,085. 8,820. 5,684. TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS (ITEM III) 333,583. 506,017. 493,9'79. 481 979. e. 1 14 a HIGHWAY FUND - ESTIMATED REVENUES MACHINERY (ITEM III) 1981 Actual 1982 Budget Budget Officer Revenues Revenues Tentative 1983 preliminary Adopted TAXAL SOURCES DM 2300 Public Work Ser. 380538. 45,000. 40,000. DM 2401 Int. & Earnings 1,224. 1,500. 10,000. DM 2650 Sale of Scrap 126. -0" DM 2665 Sale of Equipment -0- 500. _0r DM 2810 Transfer from General 145,007. 231,497. 231 497. 219,497. TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 184,895. 278,497. 272,497. 260,497. I 15 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS 1981 Actual 1982 Budget Budget Officer MISCELLANEOUS (Brush & Expenditures Appropriations Tentative 1983 Preliminary Adopted . Weeds) DS 5140,440 Contractual 831. 4,200. 5,050. SNOW RENOYAL ITEM IV MET Fersona=services 125,315. 130,8504 170,000. DS 5142.440 Contractual 1,628. 3,000. 6,000. DS 5142.461 Patching Mix 2,200. 30117,* 3,000 D3 5142.464 Salt _1 31 * 35 TOTAL 148,917. 172,769. 219,050. je= BENEFITS D6 941Z.8 et cement 16,180. 15,610. 18,200. DS 903,b.8 Social Security 6,972. 9,305. 12,000. DS 90,40.8 Workers Compensation l3,01.8. 13,050. 4,48S. DS 9050.8 Unemployment --0-- 1,500. 1,500. DS 9055.8 --DBL 670. fa TS. 750. DS 9060.8 Hosp talization 12, ....15,49s 1,92 :. . ' TOTAL 54,176. 550440. 56,825. TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS ITEM IV 203,093. 228,209. 2750875. i Local Sources D 560Fub is Work Service 20,110. 20,110. 20,110. _ DS 2810 Transfer from General 1680121. 128 12 802. TOTAL 188,231." 148,9`92. 148,992. 16 ESTIMATED REVENUES - HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1981 Actual 1982 Budget Budget Officer ACCOUNTS Revenues Revenues Tentative 1983, Preliminary Adopted DE 2401 Int. & Earnings 595. -0- -0- DE 2810 Trans. from General 21,000. -0 -0- DE 3521 State Aid 45.853. -0- -0- TOTAL 67,448 -0- -0- DONOVAN PLAT 9F.-frsonal Services 9,000. =0- -0- DE 5150.4 Contractual 27,090. -0- -0- TOTAL 36,090. CF 1355.2 Assessor, Equip. 5,288. --0 -0- CF 1620.2 Bldg. Equip. -0- 22,000. -0_ CF 1620.4 Bldg Contractual -0- 4,000.- -0 Cr 1620.41 Hovey House -0- 101500. 11,140. C-P 3.120.2 Police, Equip. 14,000. 14,004. -0- Cr 3410.2 Fire Marshal, Equip. 5,288. -0- ..0,. CF 5110.4 Highway Repair 95,266. 95,332. 95000. Cr 7330.2 Youth Programs -0- 5,500. 12,000. CP 8450.4 Drainage 39,223. 62,038._ 45,000. TOTAL 159,065. 213,370. 163,140. CF 2401 Int. & Earnings 1,470. 2,300. 21500. Cr 4001 Fed. Rev. Sharing 163,194. 165,885. 160,640. TOTAL 164,664. 168,185. 1631140. J2 5630. 3 Capital Outlay 23, 500. -0- -0- J2 2810 Trans. from Gen. 7,957. -0- -0- 17 r ti JOINT ACTIVITY - QUEENSBURY/GLENS FALLS LANDFILL . 1981 Actual 1982 Budget Budget Officer ESTIMATED REVENUE Revenue Revenue Tentative 1983 preliminary Adopted . j2130 Re use Fee 176,924. 150,000. 160,000. J2390 Glens Falls Share 48,268. 71,1070 590994. J2401 Interest 189. 115. 250, J2650 Sale of Scrap 1,781. 2,000. ... 1,040. J2810 Transfer from General 46's136. $. U5. 55,878. TOTAL REVENUE 273,298. 270,697 276,622. ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1981 Actual 1982 Budget Budget officer LANDFILL Expenses Appropriations Tentative 1983 Preliminary Adapted 16-1-M-100 r� Personal Services 80t220. 90,060. 119,500. J8160.200 Equipment 47,3-10. 104,932.* _0_ J8160.410 Telephone J-98 Lr� w J8160.420 InStiraACe r J8160.430 utilities'' 1;•849. 2,294. 2,5". J8160.440 contractual 65,6+65. p 76,967.* 87,362; J8160.450 Fuel 4i1 13� 93fl` I41 1!E"000. TOTAL 212,082. 287,709. 229,262. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 9615. Retirement s 6,315. 6,870. 8,172• 9030.8 Social Security 4 ,661. 61007. 7,200. 9040.8 Workers Comp. 4,619. 7,583. 2,650. 9050.8 Unemplvy. Ins. „0 1,000, 1,000. 9055.8 DBL 345. 320. 400. 9060.8 Hospitalization 6,861. 8,185. 9,514. TOTAL 22,807, 29,965. 28,936. J9730.6 BAN Principal _0- 3{ 780. 18f167� 0 J4734.7 BAN Interest ,500. 7,757, TOTAL -0 10,280 25,924 . J9951.9 Interfund Trans. Capital Project 12 500. TOTAL 234,889. 327,954. 296 ,622. �--� 18 f � t SU FORT AMHERST - GARRISON ROAD LIGHTING DISTRICT CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 1981 Actual 1982 Budget Budget Officer Expenses Appropriations Tentative 1983 Preliminary Adopted 5182.430 Utilities TOTAL 4,436. 5,000. 5,700. SL2 CLEVERDALE LIGHTING DISTRICT CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 910.130 Utilities TOTAL 1,831. 1,835. 2,090. CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE SW PINEWOOD LIGHTING DISTRICT Rilities TOTAL 201. 220. 250. SL 4 SOUTH QUEENSBURY LIGHTING DISTRICT CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 5182. 30 Ut it es TOTAL 13,277. 14,130. 16,110. SL5 ?MT QUE TSBURY LIGHTING DISTRICT CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE --- __---_ 5192.4JO Utilities TOTAL 14,029. 14,645. 16,695. SL6 QUEENSBURY LIGHTING DISTRICT CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE 5182.430 ti i t s TOTAL 52,514. 58,710. 66,930. JUDGMENT & CLAIMS 1410.440 _0_ -0- 2055. TOTAL TOTAL 52,514. 58,710. 68,980. r( ^- 19 SF 1 QUEFNSBURY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT 1981 Actual 1982 Budget Budget Officer Expenditures Ap2rogriations Tentative 1983 Preliminary Adopted ACCOUNTS Insurance SF 3414.420 18,321. 20,000. 15,000. Fire Contracts SF 34103.441 294,130. 396,500. 396,500. Ambulance Contracts SF 3410.442 29,229. 340540. 38,200. Prior Year Expense; SF 3410.443 -0- 16,317. -0- Judgment & Claims SF 1930.440 TOTAL 341,680. 467,317. 450,070. 1981 Actual 1982 Budget Budget Offices Revenues Revenues Tentative 1983 Preliminary Adopted SF 1081 In lieu of taxes 1,082. 1,081. 1,080. SF 2401 Interest 10,316. 61000. 2,625. TOTAL 11, 398. 7,081. 3,705. 20 SS 1 PERSHING - ASHLEY - COOLIDGE SEWER DISTRICT 1981 Actual 1982 Budget Budget Officer ACCOUNTS Expenditures Appropriations Tentative 1983 Preliminary Adopted Sewa a Treatment & Disposal SS1 8130.640 Contrac ual 3, 848. 2,250. 2,400 RESERVOIR PARK SEWER DISTRICT Sewage Treatment SS 3 8130.440 1,760. " 1,840. 2,080. QUEENSBURY SCR DISTRICT #1 t Prior Year Expense . '0 -0 13,525. -0- SD 1 QUEENSBURY DRAINAGE Drainage 9540.440 Contractual 500. - 500. 504 Pershing/Ashley/Coolidge Sewer- This budget determines that property owners as shown on the benefit a s,es nt roll of 'the district, are equally benefited and that $2400. to be raised by taxes shall be levied as a benefit assessment in equal amount of $ 75.00 each upon the 32 owners of real property within this district hereby benefited. Reservoir Park - This budget determines that the 25 property owners, as shown on the benefit assessment roll of the district are equally benefited and that the $ 2080. to be raised by taxes shall, be levied as a benefit assessment in equal amounts of $ 83.20 eacKuonn the 25 owners of real property within the Reservoir District in the same manner as was used in preparation of the 19$2 assessment roll of said district. Queensbury Drainage - This budget determines that the $500. to be raised by taxes shall be levied as a benefit assessment upon the real property with the distrr on a "front foot" basis and in the same manner as was used in the preparation of the 1982 assessment roll of said district. t 21 SW 1 QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT 1981 Actual 1982 Budget Budget Officer ADMINISTRATION Expenditures Appropriations Tentative 1983 Preliminary Adopted SW1 8310.100 Personal Services 38,262. 40,821. 45,815. . 200 Equipment 3,468. 4,241. 1,500. .410 Telephone , 5,690. 4,000. 4;000. .420 'Insurance 19;080. 22,000. 22,000. .440 Contractual Gen. 13,424. 18#104. 18,750_._ TOTAL 79,924. 89,166. 92,065. SOURCE OF POWER & SUPPLY SW1 8320. 100 Personal Services 90,173. 82,696. 100,870. .200 Equipment 2,153. 1,018. 3,000: .430 Utilities 102,726. 110,000. 123,750. .440 Contractual Gen. 14,995-. 20,068. 17,960: .450 Fuel Oil 321682. 33,800. 37000. TOTAL 1 242o729. 247,582. 282,5803. PURIFICATION SW1 8330.100 Personal Services 15,982. 17,400. 18,700. .200 Equipment_ 242. 2,325. 2,325. .440 Contractual Gen. 26,872. 40,146. 31€650. TOTAL 43,096. 59,871. 52,675. TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION SWl 8340. 100 Personal Services 100,697. 130,920. 149,296. . 200 Equipment 10,951. 19,265. 10,950. .400 Contractual, Cap. 175,349. 242,376 -0- 440 Contractual, Gen. 621864. 77F898. 90,000. 95,000. TOTAL 349,861. 470,459. 250,246. 255,246 . 1 �`---�- 22 SW 1 OUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT 1981 Actual 1982 Budget Budget Officer EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Expenditures Appropriations Tentative 1983 Preliminary Adopted . Retirement 25,152. 25,800. 30,300. 9430.8 Social Security 14,279. 18,611. 21,085. 9040.8 Workers Comp. 6,910. 10,442. 5,000. 9450.8 Unemploy. Ins. 236. 4 ,000. 2,000, 9055.8 DBL 1, 182. 1,382. 1,325. 9060.8 Hospitalization 26,693. 30,568. 38,970. TOTAL 74,452. 90,803. 980680. TOTAL OPERATING APPROP. 790,062. 957,881. 776,246. 781,246. Debt Service-Princi Serial Bon. . 220,000. 230,00fl 230,000. 9730.6 BAN 13 5 TOTAL 233,060. 235,600. 235,600. Debt Service-Interest Sir5l Bons 416,050. 399,730. 382,280. 9730.7 BAN 1,124. 3,049. 2,520. TOTAL 417,174. 402,779. 384,800. 9710.4 Fiscal Agent Fee 223. 300. 300 TOTAL 223. 340. 300. Interfund Transfer S9991.9 aapital Project 66028.1.. 87,291., TOTAL 1,440,519. 1,596,560. T,463,227. 1,4890237. SW 1 QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT 1981 Actual 1982. Budget Budget Officer Revenues Revenues` Tentative 1983 Preliminary Adopted SW 1081 In Lieu of Taxes 4,240. -0- 4,240. SW 2140 Metered Sales 259,195. 332,000. 300,000. 340,000 SW 2142 Unmetered Sales 40,789. 50,000. •50,000. SW 2144 Water Connection 15,468. 8,000. 8,000. SW 2148 Interest & Pen. 7,127. 3,500. 3,500. SW 2300 Interfund Reimb. 1.339. 9,000. 9,000. SW 2378 Water Service Other Gov't. 41,955. 130,800; 131,000. SW 2401 Int. & Earnings 47,673. 40,000. 40,000. SW 2416 Rental -0- 500.. -0 SW 2650 Sale of Scrap 194. 500. 500. SW 2680 Ins. Recoveries 1,045 1,000. 10-000. SW 2701 Ref. Prior Yr. Exp. -0- 1,1000. 1,000. SW 2770 Supervision 4,526. 3,650. 3,650. 11,688. TOTAL WATER DISTRICT 423,551. 579,950. 551,890. 599,928. 1 24 SW3 WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT 1981 Actual 1982 Budget Budget Officer Administration Expenses Appropriations Tentative 1983 Preliminary Adopted . Contractual 3,292. 3, 330. 3,330. Source of Supply Power & Pumpin�q� 8120.440 in 3,476. 11,000. 14,500. Transmission & Distrib. 8346.446 Contractual 773, X11310. 18.570. TOTAL DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS 7,541. 35,640. 36,400. Metered Sales 391. 200. 200. Untered Sale 2142 10,965. 10,000. 10,000. Interest & Penalties 55. 500 500. Interest 2401 2,198. 1,000. 1400, TOTAL 13,609. 11,700. 11,700 25 SW 4 SHORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS 1981 Actual 1982 Budget Budget Officer Administration Expenses Appropriation Tentative 1983 Preliminary Adopted 8310.44-5 Contractual 1,792. 1,914. 2,088. Power & Supply 8320.440 Contractual 112. 100. 100. Purification 8330.4 -C ntractuai -0- 25. 100. Transmission & Dist. 8340.440-Z!ontractual 99. 3,471. 4 ,900. TOTAL 2,003. 50510. 7,188. unmetered Sales 9WT2142 1,794. 1,725. 1,725. ._ Interest & Penalties 21. 10. 10. .Interest 042146 450. 45Q,. 'VITAL 2,265. 2,185. 2f SW 5 WEST GLENS FALLS - EXTENSION NO. 1 Debt Service SW 5 97-IM-660 525. 525. 525. SW 5 9710. 700 _ 158 1�42. 126. TOTAL 683. 667. 651. r 26 1 SW - 6 SHERMAN AVENUE WATER DISTRICT 1981 Actual 1982 Budget Budget Officer Expenses Appropriations Tentative 1983 Preliminary Adopted Administration SW 6 8310.4 Contractual -0- 1,000. 2 ,000. 3,000. Power & Supply SW 6 8320.4 Contractual -0- 11000. 1,000. 20000. Transmission & Distribution SW 6 8340.4 Contractual 1,367. 1,000. 2,000. 2,650. TOTAL 1,367. 3,000. 5,000. 7,650. Debt Service SW 6 9730.6 -0- 9,560. 9,560. 9730. 7 -0 4,703. 3,347. TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 11367. 1T 263. ' 17,907. 20,557. REVENUES SW 6 2140 Metered Sales 1,289. 1,000. 5,000. SW 6 2148 Interest & Pen. -0- -0- 100. TOTAL 1,289. 11000. 5,100. �_. 27 SW 7' LAND 01 PINES WATER DISTRICT 1981 Actual 1982 Budget Budget Officer Administration Expenses Appropriations Tentative 1983 Preliminary Adopted 8310.440 Contractual -0 -0- 1,000. 3,300. Source of Supply Power & Pumping 8320.440 Contractual -0- -0- 3,000. 5,000. Transmission & Distrib. 8340.440 Contractual -0- -0- 1,000. 1,564. DEBT SERVICE 3' e it al Bonds -0- -0- 21,600 9710. 7 Interest -0- -0- 8,100. TOTAL -0- -0- 29,600. TOTAL DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS -0- -0- 34,600.. 39,464 . Netered Sales 22146 _ -0- -0- 51000. Unmetered Sales -0- -0- 100. interest & Penalties -0- -0 200. Interest 2401 ..0 -0 200. TOTAL -0- -0- 5,500. SW 8 BROADACRE WATER DISTRICT DEBT SERVICE 910.6W0 P cipal -0- -0- 33,681. 9710.700 Interest -0- -0- 44,659. TOTAL 77,740. 28. SCHEDULE C+F SALARIES OF EC;FJCI'ID TOWN CFFICI,AIS (Article 8 of Tam Law) SUPERVISC t 170,600 aCXJwnm (Four) 580 _ 4,. TOW CLEM 16 f500 HIGMY RMERUMMOM 22,008 MW JUSTICE Mfo) 10,500