1989-364 . . . . r s. ..may :..�•..�,r••: •-.+T.{ery• '- re'w:. .. . _ "°9_ Pae -ram _ -,..-.�„ . . z f r i i i s i OCCUPANCY CERrnFICATE TOWN OF +QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Date Novemher 24 lq R �? I € This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. 89-364 E has been cornpleted. i Thu structure may be occupied as a _ Single Family Location 35 QUeen H& Y Drive Owner nine Rui 1 d rc Qijean Ni rtnri a ' s Grant By Order Town Board !I TOWN OF QUEENSSURY Director of Bldg. do Code Enforcement i ' BUILDING PERMIT X x ff TOWN OF +QUEENSBURY MO No. 89-364 a WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK ro PERMISSION is hereby granted to GUYER 811I1 DEWS QIIEEN VICTORIA S GRANT r4o w cm OWNER of property located at 35 QUEEN NARY DRiVE Street, Road or Ave. a in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a Is A SINGI F FAM11 Y DWFI I iNG at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1. OWNER'S Address is 1 Hemphill Place Suite 201 M Ballston Spa , N . Y . 12020 rn •a 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER 'S Name C�7 Self 7G H 3. CONTRACTOR or SUiLDEii'S Address t!a i77 same --I 4. ARCHITECT'S Name 5. ARCHITECT'S Address R�7'1 AQ rr rn m 6. TYPE of Construction -- (Please indicateby X) VXWood Frame I ) Masonry 11 Steel I I -fit R7 7. PLANS and Specifications No. 42 ' x 26 ' Jg a single family dwelling as per plot plan , specifications , r" and application , including septic and driveway. 8. Proposed Use ,3t A 3r� A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING 4'+ rn r m S 126_ 00 PERMIT FEE PAiD — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES January 1 1990 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Gueensbury before the expiration date.i �C Dated at the Town of Queensbury this Day of SOMM June 1989 SIGNED BY .'� "� for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning fnspector .. ON Orr QLIEENSI3URY nrrl. icn rrniv FORi�ul : . , � fl znNirJc PERMIT r�� �+<<� TOWN OF QUEENSBURY RECEIVED MAY 2 6 1989 Fee Prod 01,JILDINC AND CL)WS Ul :11A111 •q!Vr P"a 1,64ued BLDG. & CODE DEPT. AAV dared ffAVX4LAAf l RUADS RA 1 ,pox 98 ()U,9ZMS VAY,d NJrii" YORK 12a o 4 PenmZ t no . . Tel . �528j 79?-583.�: ExC 7Q4 .. '■ ■ ■ ■ r r ■ w � ■ ■ ■ r ■ ■ r r ■ r ■ ■ w . w w ■ ■ ■ w r w w a ■ ■ ! • A 11TIV-11T MUST 114 OBTAINED UEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION . NO INSPEC'rIDNS WILL III: HADE UNTIL APPLICANT 1lAS RECEIVED A VALID UUI1.DINC PGR144IT . All applicable spaces on this application must be coulplcted and the . 111aatsucrx of * the * upplicaikt *Rt* st ale* carrao* * lee revers side * O *h1sSs 1* C * t * The owner of this Property is : OIYER BIJj1QF.W'; Tnc P . O . A d d r o s s 1 HR4PHI1aL, PLINCE-SUITE 201 , B ALLSTON SPA, NY 12020 T x L 4 518)829-21" laroperty location a5 G olee%l Art "b2ri/E 'rAx HAP Na . 121 / t16/ 1 !2z: liws there been any split of this property since October L , 19882 /. no wya3s aaQ 1t yes , Planning Board Review is necessary . SUOpIVISION NAME , IF APPLTCAnLE QUEEN VICTORIA' S GRANT _ NO LOT NO . (o The person responsible for :supervision of work " a regards Building Codes is : Richard H. Guyer III 1 ti hill Place-Q"te 201 . Ttlqj I stQC Spa . NY 518 - N�►1'ak F . O . ADl] ftL: 55 TEL . NO . Ileum of buildoxGuyer Builders , In Address 1 HemptYi11 Place Ballston Spa ___ Tel { S1 g) 899-9161 a W: Me of Pluaraba3r -saMe= luddress_ —§ame- Tel —� Name of H"son =same- Address —same— 'ra:1 —same- 14ATuiik Or PROPO CD 6ORK : MODEL . „fa„ 7.ONI tJL: 1 NJ,'Ultrll►,'I* L0N ( urf l cO use O" V) g Conurr'uctLots of ;A stew building zoNimn DESIGNATION OF Pk0PERTY .N00000f►aWicion to A builaYiaag or PERMITTED PRINCIPAL PERMITTED ACCESSORY ALLOC"tian to :,a #.wilding „ 'REVIEW REQUIRED — PLANNING BOARD ?.ONING UOARD ;aao cir.wu4a to aaxc.: ricer c1 i+acns ionU1 CaLhur cork (a3aatcriUat) # SITE PLAN REVIEW 0 APPROVED DATE 4itOSS A#tLA of t"�t �7raOSGf3, 5: 'rCiucY' UCtE • VARIANCE 0 APPROVED DATE lot Floor 900 sq f t . Reara�rlcs : r 2nd Floor sq fro . CO"al'J DTI; i�li•Oi:l�r►'rsON see Other Ocher Plaoru -- aq fte ai4a of propsarty 100 ' lot lnft x 120 _( C . � A4t cellar ar Latas +3lYealtl o L4Xiaiziaa+C� ]auil.liaall ::! Si 'Lal n a fa: x�ec . TOTAL FLOOR AREA 900 sq f t . Ap l:xi::tiaag builalirul t:: l La:.y ilia of aQw uLructura 42 ft x 26 ft Ywa�aadrtion—jaicr •`lalt, cr:►wi/Laarci..1/ Cull Vropo"a bu" uing , dlt;c ana:u iroaaa L.raalurty limas (Circles oni: 1 , Front yurd 30+ Pc naaar yard 30+ ft JMai* of a+torla s {l"Ultwabla uvAco ) 1 ■ syda yardu �15+ rt and 1. 5��la:c wLghg [uradd to rt'idgaj ) 1905 ft . Ii* on ecarnaar, :QW41"Ck f'roaa sidu accQue 30+ fz It arasstAA"Atial, no . Clef ft.auiiies 1 = 2 two of roamata:xcludin■I ty.:aChsi ` OCCUPANCY INFORMATION 6600 of"aid of A.tl resona:: 1 „ PRIMARY LUiLDIfN[: WON 4#v;Lwr'.ry l.watisar r f.LON,; � r . ono fausily dwelling a yr1.FJt.L3c x `11w f:ruaily dwasllinas vyfko of fua�l^ etricity � Multiples dwa'slling / Nuubor of units�� No. of firuL3lacwa: to b" 1n3at"llas4lr (1 r.e a, a►t oCcutisauaCy Will :a WQQJ UL'.+Ov" tow i ra::LZA l l"7 { `rr:anwia:aat csuculauac:y (;ylnCiia� Air CpaaalltiUllinaJ.� N�j l3a Ziauua r OUILOING STYLCe PRIMARY e�TRuCTUi2C Industrial OC?acr i asci► Loaatsae,l.ar .+ry "a Cabin ` If .additie]n , wluat will u�u t0427 awiswd ranch M:araxiie+ea Du .l"x ' U014C lwval Old acyla lswaaaj&A1Qw C.;*pw Coo COLt,;Arrja: Ocla.:ar " ACCL•'SSORY UUTUOINC— Colani:.L 1Klbl '3awa house ' Lustachad 9"C"90/004 cur/ two C;1r/ czar { CIRCi.I: ONI: PLrASC ! IVAczactaeal ci ar7+gw/ona cur/ two Geer/ Ciaa' ■ ■ ■ ■ • w ■ w a w w a r ■ ■ ° 1eriV:+ tw gLOr;.aga bwilding 1. w`{' = atA`l'1: A M >• Ra: F 'a' VA %. UV OF r athor . CD1N ::"s' feuC`li' I4N S ,�y� 3NPOPI"ATION am DurLDINC .specIFrCATIONS , ON REVRASV Sion of 'rills ellemip TO Be CaMFI.!»'r"I J r-m DPA 10/88 V2 IWILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CONTINUED $UILDING SPECIFICATIONS : Type of construction , wood frame , fire safe , etc . wood frame Will any second-hand or ungraded lumber be used? If so , for what ? no Foundation wall material concrete block Thickness 8rr Depth of foundation below grade ( to bottom of footing ) 4800 minimtan Will there be a cellar? no Heated or unheated? Floor sq. footage sq ft Will there be a basement? no Will any portion be used as living space? ( If so , what portion? sq . ft , - - Type of use? Type of roof . s o e flat shed/other Material of roof fi_berizlass shingles Sire , wood studs b spacing�2 ► ""o . c . length 8 ft , Joists ( floor beams ) lst . floor n 3 "X " spacing *Oo * c * span ft . Joists ( floor beams ) endw floor n/a "X " spacing "o , c , span ft . Overlays ( ceiling beams ) n/a "X Of spacing '"o , c , span ft . Roof rafters see " Xplan " spacing 24" o . c . span ft , Roof trusses (pre- engineered ) spacing 2[F "o . c . span vary ft . ( see plan) ,Exterior wall finish stained Of what material ? 5 /8"x 4 ' x 8 ' TEXTURE 1-11 Interior wall finish painted 1 /2'r sheetrock _ If a garage is to be attached , describe materials to be used for FIRE SEPARATION ; n/a Is there to be an opening between garage and dwelling? n/a if so will a Fire-rated door , enclosure , and self-closing device be provided? Will a flue-lined chimney be .installed? no Height above roof ft . Depth of chimney foundation below grade ft . Depth of fireplace hearth ft , in , Water supply - Mxuiieipal or private well Munfel al SEPTIC SYSTLM _ Distance from ANY private: well ( including adjoining properties n a ft , (A separate application is necessary for any repair or new installation of septic system) DEC LARt'+ TiON To the hest of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUILDING CODE, THE ZONING ORDINANCE, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with , whether specified or not, and that such work is authorized by the owner. Signature Ow Kr, owner's agent , arftit6ct , contructor k Of a Or Or Or Of 3h SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT : By_ ._........ _____________ ........ TOWN OF QUEENSSURY WARREN COUNTY # NEW YORK Application fors BUILDING PERMIT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE NEW YORK STATE ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE A permit must be obtained before beginning work . ANaVER ALL of the followings � . Gross floor area See Plan 2 . Type of heat Baseboard electric 3 . Is the building mechanically cooled ? No 40 Percentage of area of windows and doors Serf Part 6 A . Over 16 % Only 10 Uo value of gross area of walls , roof/ ceiling and floors exposed to ambient conditions See Part 6 2 . Floor over heated ,spaces YES a . Are foundation walls insulated ? YE No 1 . If YES , what is the R value ? See Part 6 3 . Slab on grade YES 40 a . if YES , what s the R value of insulati0 around perimeter of floor ? See Plan 4 . Is basement heated ? YES NO a . R value of insulation.nia so Type of insulation Polystyrene sa Under 16% On1Y 1 . R value of roof and floors exposed to bient conditions R.-38 2e R value of exterior walls R-2 3 . R value of glazed area 3 4 a R value of doors R-sl4 . 9 so R value of floors over unheated spaces ra=79 6a R value of slab edge Insulation - unheated slab NIA 7a R value of slab insulation as heated slab 12 . 5 as R value of heated basement/ cellar walls ( above grade ) N/A 90 R value of heated basement/cellar walls ( below grade ) N/A 100 Type of insulation Fiberglass Co Controls is Thermostat maximum heat setting N/A D . Duct Systems, N/A 1 . Is duct system installed in unheated spaces ? YES NO a . If YES , R value of duct installation b . I. R value of duct in other areas Ee Piping Insulation N/A Is Sire of hot water or cooling carrying agent pipe 2 . A value of pipe insulation F . Service Water Beating 1 . Performance efficiency N/A F WN is Temperature Control setting maximum G . For Swimming Pool Only is maximum 'heating N/A 000 e Telephone Now ( 518) 899-9161 'r ( applican ' signature ) itaYown, dif Q"9^d&*P APPLICATION FOR. SFJrn C DISPOSAL PERMIT Ref : S. P.E. D. S . ��r I F� �€% ._ permit # IIATR York - 0202525 ' 140DEL Q of �� 4 LOCATION OF PROPERTY FOR INSTALLATION 35 Queen Mary Drive Owner's Name: Guyer Builders , Inc * '., Telephones ( 518) 899-9161 Address: 119 Dunning: Street , Ballston Spa , New York 12020 Installes's Name. Guyer Builders , Inc Telephone: ( 518) 899-9161 2 A, C , E, I , .I , K, L, M Number of bedrooms (residential only) t _ 3 F , G , H Total daily flow (compute Q 150 gal per bedroom) 150 Thy: circle one: Flat Rolling Steep Slope 9b of slope Soil Nature: circle one: Sand Loam Clay Other / Depth: . 8 ' feet + Ground Water: At what depth? unknO""1 8 feet + BedroclL or Impervious Material: At what depth? unknown feet Pes'colat20n test: circle one: net require required / rate thin. inch. Domestic crater supply: circle one: Municipal�jWell Other IF domestic water supply is a Well: Separation: Watersupply from Septic absorption N/A feet * PROPOSED SYSTEM: Septic Tank gal. (minimum size: 1.000 gal.) TILE FIELD: Each Trench N/A feet./ Total system length NIA feet * SEEPAGE PIT(S)s Number of / Size each feet by feett, * Size of stone to be used # / Depth or Thickness feet s s s +� * * * * s # � � * * # * * s * s �s +� s * s # s s * *, ► s �Ilr # s s * * * � # I M P O R T A N T * See S . P.E .D . S . ...Please...LIST NEW .EQUIPMENT TO BE INSTALLED permit & attached sss * * s * * * * * * * * * * ss * s * * es * * ss * e * s * * * * * * es * map. do (over) Section Q Septic System Inspections: A. All applications for septic system installation, alteration or repair, as required by the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Ordinance. shall be submitted to the Building Department at least 24 fours bed of constructiop and shall include a plot plan showing% 1,) the propoped location of the gystem 2.) location and distance to lot Unes 3.) location and distance to structures 40 location and distance to any-•muster supply 5.) size and dimensions of all tanks, distribution boxes, tile fields and/or dsywells B. No system shall be covered before inspection and approval by the building Inspector. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the uncovering of the system by the insta&r and a fine of up to $250.00. C. An approved,,,c.oRy of the plot plan shall be available on the construction site. Fail oduce said plot plan at time of inspection may result in an in work stoppage. D. Should unforeseen problems during construction prevent proper installation, alteration or repair of an approved system, a new proposal must.•be submitted to the Queensbury Building Department before further construction. I have read the regulaticim above and agree to abide by these and all r+equiremeats of the Torn of Q ieensbury Sanitary ,Sewage. Edssposal Ck%linauze, Signature of.responsible person: -�` �f ' T ✓ ' Date: a Town of Queensbury Building and Code Department Bay at Haviland Road Queensbury, New York 12801 (518) 792-5832 SETTLED 1763 . . . HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY . . . A GOOD. PLACE TO OF QUEENSBURY 'Tawr3 CODES DEPARTMENT BUILDING AND ND ROADS BAY & HpVILANEw YORK 128046 �7VEENSBLI 518 ) 792� 5832 TELEPHONEE f WILDING INSPEaroRl S PX'OORT REQUEST FOR IN P CTION RECEIVED NAME LOCATION/ � PERMIT # D � - APPROVED ATE YES NO FOOTING/PIERS ORMS MONOLITHIC POD p PRFING FOUNDATI' A ROVAL BpiC!CFILL MBrNG ROUC PLU FRAMING GH_IN r ELECTRICAL ROi1 INSULATIONS FOUNDATION WALLS ILING INAL I.NSP TION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDINGAL POR- ES/STE S �--' ,EXTERN DICE & RA � + STAIRS-CLEA jKTURESILAVALVE PLLIMBXNG # FRS INTERIOR T0IM1PRXVACY FINrSHED p,OoRs GARAGE FT EPROOFING DOOR CL03ERfs) SMOKE DEFECTORS FINAL EL,ECtRICAL INSPECTION FINAL PiPPR 'L►YALor OF CONSTRUCTION OCCUPANCY MUST SE A SIGNED CERTr2' CA BVILDSNG DEPARTMENT BEFORE OBTAINED FROM OCCUPIED!' THESE PREMISES ARE REMARKS : 4 INSPECTOR rc"Y�l�r6s�tCfi6►w�7t7r�-vv-�-vv-'�_...... ...,.� _ .—_ Mlppt.E DEPA#4TM ON AGENCY, INC. eao . _ .__ iiVSP �C �t onte November 22 , 1989 Certifies that je equipment listed has bee n ex approved as being in accord with the National Elect ' In a rplicable governmental , utility an s• Owner: Guyer Build n. �q p i Single Faxai ry Occupant: � Location: 35 Queen = r"e If ad lion f� art a introduced andd Wllatlorl inapeclad tO date, if atldiflonal ul nt ah be muotlucad or altarefions merle to wN' existing system [hi C be null and void. and applip lion for , vac. tacle8 O Fixtures * ins psction should suhmitt p fy to fhi$ Ag"Cy. E Uf m8nt: Outlets ; } C_` C7 Il"' �"'�` C�Cider of this ce ifirate sh d nt sama to hit property insurance Gaff per Q p 150 Amp Sery ! ,,�8 A,iy)l l anCe wS P G "(aganf or com ppnyl as eMl C artificaiion of alactrlcal aquip"M appso d ea specified_ Guyer Builder 'S1elf CE "tJ$S� r - "`. Apptecant: 119 Bunning Stare 0- 15-029859 L.Ballston Spa , NY i i r a Foo Iln. 703 EL 142 _ .. .. RY TOWN OF QuEEN ES DE BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT DS DAY & HAVILANN� YORK 128096 }'p % QUEENSBURYr [� TELEPHONE (5I8 ) 792--5832 BuI LDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR -INSPECTION �ECEIVEI? LOCATION I f� z PERMIT # DATE ---,---s APPROVED FS NO FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS ^� FOUNDATION/DAMP-PROOFING _,__ BAC}CFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELE TRICAL ROUG ULATTON: FOUNDATION --�- r FLOORS -- _ WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION : CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING FXTERNAL PORCH S/ST'EPS ��__-.--- STATRS-CLEARA CE & RAILS PLUMBING FIX URES/RELIEF VALVE INTERIOR TR M/PRTVACY DOORS FINTSHED F ORS GARAGE FI EooFING DOOR CLO R `S SMOKE DE ECTORS FINAL ELEC RICAL INSPECTION__^���.�- FINAL APP140VAL OF CONSTRUCTION UPANCY BE A SIINED FROMITHE BUIOLDINCDE ARTMFNTT BEFOREOB TA T}pFSE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIER ! REMARKS. I PECTOR TOJIN OF QUEE"SBURY BUILDING AND CODES ROADS PARTMENT BAY & HAVILANYORK 1280&' QUEENSBURY. NEW 7'92-5832 }!�7 SELEY'+TjONE C -INSPECTOR, S REPORT WILDING REQUEST FOR I PECTION NAME CATION PERMIT # DATE /n "3 APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATION/DAMP,pROOFING SACKFI,L+L APP VAL OUGH PLUMBIC FRAMING R-IN ELECTRICAL R N INSULATION: tl FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTIDN = CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING T$PS EXTERNAL PORCHES/ & RArL-� STAIRS-CLEARANC S/RE7rIEF ,VALVE PWMSING FIXTU R /RFIY DOORS INTERIOR TRIM/, 7 FINISHED FLOO+PS 5, GAGE FIREP#OOFING DOOR CLOSER6S) SMOKE DETEC);TORS FINAL ELECfiR��A OFI CONSTRUL ION__ __ FINAL APPROJ 4 ERTIFICATE OF OCCU�NCY MUST BE A SIGNED + BEFORE THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT OBTAINED THESE PRISES ARE OCCUPIEDf REMARKS3 , INSPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAV'2LAND ROADS 2280+I QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK5 B ) 792- 58' 32 TELEPHONE BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR IN PEC`T'ION RECEIVED NAME LOCATION //� /'cam cl_ _�PERMIT # DATE - � APPROVED YES NO FOOT I NGI PI ERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS�� pOUNDrAT1jqN/DAMP-PROOFI NG_�_ BACKFILL APPROVAL R UGH PLUMBING RAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS 4 CEILING FINAL INSPECT-TO CHIMNEY HEIG ROOFING ---- SIDING EXTERNAL RCHES/S PS STAIRS-CL RANCE & kqTLS PLUMBING IXTURES/RELIEF VALVE INTERIO TRIMIpRIVACY ' DOORS - FINISHE FLOORS GARAGE IREPROOFING DOUR C SVI SMOKE ETECTORS FINAL E CTRICAL INSPECTION FINAL A PROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE ,BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED' REMARKS: a PECTOR �ocvn v� �ueen .36urt� BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road, R.G. 1 Box 98 C]ueensbury, New York 12801 SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION NAME LOCATION DATE I PERMIT NO . - �" SOIL TYPE - Sand - Loam - Clay - Percolation Test Required? YES - NO Percolation rate - Min/Inch _ TYPE of SYSTEM: Absorption field , total length Length of each ' renah Depth of trenches Size of gravel SEEPAGE PTTS4NUffba,r Size- ft. X _ t. Gravel size size PIPINGo Bldg , to tank Tank to disc. bo Dist , box to f i Id/pit Openings seale ? YES NO Partial LOCATION/SET TICNS : Foundation t tank. ft. Foundation absorption ft . Absorption o lot line ft. Separation of pits ft• LOCATION SYSTEM ON PROPERTY (circle one} Front - R ar - Left side - Right side - CC MMENTS : SYSTEM USE APPROVED YES N Buil n nspector 01/86 and V1 TOWN OF QUEENSBUR.Y BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY. NEW YORK 3280+a- TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME 1 LOCATION DATE PERM k APPROVED YES NO FOOING/PIERS ONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNj34 TION/DAMP--PROOFING BA ILL APPROVAL ' UGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH—IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: �- CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING a EXTERNAL PORCHES-- TRIPS .STAIRS—CLEARANCI} & RAILS PLUMBING FIXTUR&SIRELIEF. VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/ RIVACY DOORS FINISHED FLOG S GARAGE FIRED OOFING DOOR CLOSER S) SMOKE DETE RS FINAL ELECTR CAL, INSPECTION FINAL APPRO AL OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED C TIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST" BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS: ,INSPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 1280C TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED_ — NAME ,C_ I.,OCATSON DATE PERMIT # APPROVED _ YES NO FOOTINGfPTER MONOLITHIC UR FORMS FOUNDATIONfD P—PROOFING, BACKFILL APPR AL ROUGH PLUMBING ! FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUG IN ti NSULATION: Y 1 FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING f FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT , ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHESf TEPS STAIRS-CLEARANCE /& RAILS PLUMBING FIX'TUROIRELIEF VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/PP.TVACY DOORS' . FINISHED FLOOR GARAGE FIREPR FING DOOR CLOSERS) SMOKE DETECTO S FINAL ELECTRICA INSPECTION FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION r s A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS. l AX PECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CORES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEEN.S'BURY, NEW YORK 12804- TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR " S REPORT REQUEST FOR ffPECTION RECEIVED NAME Z2 y wry LOCATION/ �Z - � �f DATE ` r'�`4f` PERMIT APPROVED YES NO TXNG/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATIONjDAMP—PROOFING BACKFXLL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH—I J INSULAT-TON: FOUNDATION s FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: \ CHIMNEY HEIGHT lle ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/S EP,S STAIRS—CLEARANCE RAILS PLUMBING FIXTURE jRELIEF VALVE INTERIOR TRIMjP VACY DOORS FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIREPR FXNG DOOR CLOSER (S) SMOKE DETECT O S FINAL ELECTRIC INSPECTION FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED1 REMARKS. INSPECTOR M MID.QLE. _ , ►ITMENT IHSPEGT10�Ik . . National Headquarters :.. 900 Haddon Ave:, Collingswood, N.J. 08108 Date: ++ Town or $ _ County m State WY Location/Address 35 KIcive ( if Located in Rural Area - Please Attach Directions) Pole # kk Owner. w+ Permit # rJ �'" 4 Occupied As C, �, , Building: NBWE old Occupant Work Area in Building Fleur #, etc. ) : for: Wirin rvice or: Ready for Inspection : Fee Remitted , $ Cash [] Check M.O. Q Make Payable To: M.D. I.A. Number of Rough Wiring Outlets Elect. Heat 500 1 750 1000 1260 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 Switches Lighting Amp. Service Surface Unit Dishwasher Range Receptacles Water Heater Air Conditioner Dryer Pump M Oven Garbage Disposal Wi ring arid` Controls fot Burner Number of Fi ores , ±--- Amp. Receptacles Fractiona'`I H.P» Vent Fans. :. Other Equipment: MOTORS H, . 1/2 1/1 1/10 1/8 1/6 1/4 1/3 lf2 3f4 1 1V1 2 3 5 7V2 10 is 2p 25 3¢ 40 50 75 100 Mark Number of Each Size Applicant's Signature 4 . License # Permit # T/A f=1V ammo 'me / Utility : c -� S Applicant's .Address: _ 119 � � NA IC (City) uAlIxt an aftm ___-_ (State) ] [Zip) Service Request # Phone # Electrician : DATE RECEIVED: ge _ DATE INSPECTED: Correct Location : Same as Above or. Red Notice Labei ] Rough Wiring Outlets Surface Unit Oven witches Range Garbage Disposal =Receptacles Water Heater Dishwasher Fixtures Air Conditioner Dryer Amp. Service Equipment Burner. Wiring & Controls for Amp. ,Receptacle Amp. Service Conductors Pump Vent Fans MOTORS 11m P 1/20 1/12 1.1/101 .1/8 1/6 1/4 1/3 1/2 3/4 ''1 1+/s 2 S 5 7N1 10 15 20 25 30 - 40 54 75 100 Mark Nuber - of Each Size 11 Elect. Heat s°O 1°u° 1zs° 15°0 17s° RW Progress: Inc. LKD 0 Contractor . Ll CFT Violation : Work Comp, Inc. 0 . CA$W 0 [] LIA Owner O LIA - Fee -CHK # x © IPA ., L]ue 'MO. Mun jcG Pal AAPdl" Date: OtherSide{� Utility - r . .. Cut in Card 0 Temp # Date1. [] Final # Date INSPECTORS SIGNAA URE" " APPLICATION FORM NO. 250`Et MIDDLE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION #llSENCY INC. .-.NATIONAL, MEADQUARTERS,- 900 Haddon Ave., Collingswood, N.J. 08108 (609) 858-440P - DELAWARE NEW JERSEY 1815 Newport Gap, Pike 1030 Kings Highway North 1525 Cedar Cliff Dr. Marshallton, Del, 19808 Suite 310 Camp Hill, Pa. 17011 (302) 999-0243 Cherry Hill, N .J . 08034 (717) 761 -5340 (609) 667-9200 203 N .E . Front Street - 1542 Bristol Pike P.O. Box 306 350 Grove Street U.S. Route 13. Suite 105 Rear Entrance Grove XXl l Corner 'Bensalem, Pa. 19020 Milford, Del. 19963 Bridgewater, N.J. 08807 (215) 244-1919 (302) 422-5729 (201 ) 526-0880 (302) 856-2218 Route 19, North 26 S- State Street P.O. Box 136 Hackensack, N.J. 07602 Wexford, Pa. 15090 MARYLAND (201 ) 487-5373 (412) 931 -3028 (412) 935-1558 Milford Professional Bldg. Route 9 3610 Milford Mill Road Marmara, N.J. 08223 Baltimore, Md. 21207 (609) 390-1940 - VIRGINIA (301 ) 922-1122 3076 Shawnee Drive Burch Oil Co. Bldg. NEW YORK Winchester, Va. 22601 E/S Route 5 (703) 667-8484 - Charlotte Hail, Md. 20622 803 Utica Street (3011) 645-2219 P.O. Sox 145 (301 ) 884-4547 Oriskany, N.Y. 13424 (315) 337-3480 Washington Co. Office Bldg, 460 State Street 33 W. Washington Ave. Suite 308 Hagerstown, Md. 21740 Rochester, N.Y. 14608 (301 ) 79.17319P (716) 454-5191 Hitch Bldg, Room 203 243 Margaret Street 636 S. Salisbury Blvd. Plattsburgh, N .Y. 12901 Salisbury, Md. 21801 (51 $) 563-2835 (301 ) 7$9-f1641 Room 301 Main Street P"ENNSYLV"ANIA Court House 121 W, Tenth Street Elkton;-Md, 21921 Erie, Pa. 16501- [301 ) 398=620,0 (814) 452-4604, Routes 404 & 662 ,1$ N . Wyoming Ave. Wye Mills, Md. 21679 _ l(oom 204 " (301) 822-8300- - gston, Pa. 18704 (301 ) 758-095W (717) 288-4906 NOTICE TO APPLICANTS: Final .inspection and alSprowaI may be required by law before electrical current may-be energized for use of occupants; The Agency undertakes to provide inspections until final certification is granted if such requests are ,made within 120 days from "daf@ bf the last inspection. Upon expiration of 120 days from ithe date of the most recent inspection., all duties and obligations . owed by the Agency shalt be deemed completed, and all fees paid by applicant shall be deemed consideration for services performed_ No further inspections shall be undertaken by the Agency without filing of a new application, and the payment of relevant inspection fees. No final certification shall be implied or inferred without issuance of a duly executed certificate. The Agency in accepting application for inspection cannot assume responsibility for unavoidable delays in inspection. 40100 YEARS" PROTECTING THE CONTRACTOR AND THE CONSUMER. 5EELECT BUSINESS FORMS (609) 84a-5203 e� APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION PLEASE BEAR DOWN YOU ARE MAKING (4) COPIES MIDDLE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION AGENCY, INC. ti. . —�-- National Headquarters 900 Haddon Ave., Collingswood, N,J, 08108 e Date : ,J` {I� Town or ChypenRb7 T County— Warren State N Location/Address 35 Queen Mary Drive _ ( If Located in Rural Area - Please Attach Directions) Pole 0 Owner GUYER BUTLDERS , INC . Permit # Occupied As Building : New® Older occupant Work Area in BuildingFloor x*, etc. ) : A . for: Wirin 0 Service Q or: Ready for Inspection : Fee Remitted - $ Cash Check Q M•O• 171 Make Payable To : M.D. I.A. Number of Rough Wiring Outlets Elect. Heat e00 750 1000 1250 15GO 1750 2000 2250 2500 27so a000 Switches Lighting Amp. Service Surface Unit Dishwasher Range Receptacles Water Heater Air Conditioner Dryer Pump Number of Fixtures Oven Garbage Disposal Wiring and Controls for Burner Amp, Receptacles Fractional H.P. Vent Fans Other Equipment : MOTORS H.P. 1!2 1/12 1/10 1/8 1/6 1/4 113 1 1J2 3!4 1 111z 2 3 5 jai: 10 15 1 20 rS 1 30 1 40 1 50 75 ]DO Mark Number of Each Size Applicant's Signature License # Permit # T/A GITYFR BiTTT37F'I?S , INC . Utility : Applicants Address : - 19 D7nn-Lng St_rgmPr I N A OFFICE LOCATION {City} Rall4ton Spa (State) NY (Zip) 1 9020 Service Request x* Phone # 899-9161 Electrician : IVIDIA USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED: DATE INSPECTED : Correct Location : Same as Above Q or: Red Notice Label Q Rough Wiring Outlets Surface Unit Oven Switches Range Garbage Disposal Receptacles Water Heater Dishwasher Fixtures Air Conditioner Dryer Amp, Service Equipment - Burner, Wiring & Controls for Amp. Receptacle Amp. Service Conductors Pump ILVent Fans MOTORS H.P. 1f20 1/12 1/10 1/8 1/6 1 1/4 1 1/3 1/2 3!4 1 14z 2 3 1 5 1 71+a 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 100 Mark Number of Each Size Elect. Heat soo 75a a000 ix5v i50o i7s0 2000 xxso a5o0 27so a000 I CEIlTIFICATTONS USE FOR INITIAL VISIT ONLY NOTIFIED DATE OOFEEDT FEE PAID Q RW Progress : Inc. Q LKD Contractor Q CFT Violation : Work Comp. Inc. 0 Q L/A Owner CASH Q L/A Fee CH K # Q IPA Municipal Due MIDI sa INV # Date Other Side Utility Applicant owner Cut in Card Q Temp # Date