1989-362 CERPnFICATE : %C)IF OCCUPANCY TOWN OF QUEEMSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Upate December 12 -198g tq r,2 r49 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. 89-3682. has been completed. This structure may be occupied as a A Sia*U Location ----- 31 asseen l4ary Drive--- Id Qjxer bllj1xjer.S.-. Queen victarla ' s raraol By Order Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSOURY Director of Bldg. be Code Enforcement ------ -- -- BUILDING PERMIT � TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK N3 t r%3 PERMISSION is hereby granted to GUYER BUILDERS-QUEEN VICTORIA ' S GRANT w V OWNER of property located at 31 QUEEN MARY DRIVE Street, Road or Ave. r-• in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a ih A SINGLE FAMILY at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1. OWNER'S Address is 1 Hemphill Place Suite 201 Ballston Spa , N . Y . 12020 .o c 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S dame Pn m ME Self 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address A Same 4. ARCHITECT'S Name 5. ARCHITECT'S Address Omni � 6. TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by X) XXX Wood Frame S ) Masonry I ) Steel C 1 w r+ 7. PLANS and Specifications C= r'r'i M No. 42 ' x 26 ' 'k a single family dwelling as per plot plan , specifications , and application , including septic and driveway. B. Proposed Use r 0 A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING rr m $ G 00 PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES January 1 79 90 3r (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) V Dated at the Town of Queensbury this Day of _ June 19 89 r 1'r T SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning I rfteivtor r- -e 17)WPJ OF QUEEN&-.r URY APPI, TCA TON FOR BUI ., . . . . . . . :41) ZONI O PER1611T r F.cc.i eue�t TO�iIVN jq OF QUEENSBURY Reviewed RECEIVED PSI zo MAY 2 6 1989 Fee. Fcu:d IIUILDINC AND CA ul :rA11DT;b:r Date. 144"ed BLDGm 8► CODE DEPT. I11L V aind 0AVJ'A"D ROAYIS RD I Dox 93 ()UXZMS49 MVdo ML171 Y04RK .2 2B O 4 Pe4M*4 t NO . 8%'7 Tel (518) 792-5832 exc •204 " .* * w w w w r w i w * • r r * ■ w t w w r r ■ r ■ ■ ♦ w w r w r w w r ! ■ A 11TIV-1IT MUST 164 OBTAINCI3 BLFORE LEGINMING CONSTItUCTION . NO INSPeCTIONS IKI LL BE HADE UN'CI L API' LICAPIT LLAS RC - IVED A VALID BL' I LDINC PCRbtIT . All applicahle spacias on this ap.nlication must be completed and the � � �+ Daturc of the u �+I� licant I�eust appear on the reverse side of this sheet . * Mc m # R st i a ra -4 W 4 sfa Is a A a * * '* T L1 a owner of this property is ; TYE:R W TTT TjF'li. F Inc = P . D . Address 1 H..MHILL PLPC:E—SUITE 201 , BALISTON_SPA, NY 12020 TE L { 518 ) 8`3_9-91.61, 3 � Iroperty location 31 Q%3r%x%1 told. " DVZIV ... TAX MAP NO . „ %"XI_/ Ilex & there been any split ce this property since October 1 , 19883 / no if yes , planning Board Review is necessary . yas r►o SUBDIVISION NAME . 1P APPLICAnLE QUEEN _ VICTORIA► S GRANT LOT NO The parson responsitale for :; upQrvision of work as regards nutlding Codes is : Richard H. r III 1 H hill Place-"tg 20 NY 518 899-9161 NAIKE: F . O . ADDRESS TEL . NO . 14"w of builderGuyer BtL lders :IncAddress 1 Hemphill Place . Ballston Sva Tc:1� 518 ) 899-9161 tu&ma of PlurWD�Qr —Same-- T.ddress —Qy£ ILe— Trsl -car - Ma oea of rkason -same- Addro45 -same- `Pest -same- Li,tiTu" or Paopoe.cu L+J i.m * MODEL' "'Q_� ZONING 1 Ni;Ui0LA,1610N ( Ui r i ce us " on.l q ) ,X C.ona:cruccicu, of a Itaw building . "� ZONING DESICNATION OF PROPERTY Adaitian co 4 lauil.lijkq PERMITTED PRINCIPAL PERMITTED ACCESSORY Al cur"L ion to " l+u i ld inq ' Cabo Cla:aavjw to axt .: rioc oia►cnuiean:: I r REVIEW REQUIRED - PLANNING BOARD ZONING HOARD OGI►esr work LJarocriLaa:I SITE PLAN REVIEW # APPROVED DATE IL: k" S AREA OV PRQPOSCD. «: T14UCTUit1: " VARIANCE I APPROVED DATE let floor 900 sq ft . Remarks 2nd Floor —~ sq f t . t CO&406 .ET" It 'flulILLD UL:LAAI * sees Other Floors: -- sq it . r ;i:�u Qe 13toir,:rey 1001t lot lnft x 120 fc . Lnot cellar or bdb .rruarntl L:xi::tiaay LiuiiJiaa+3L ::I Siru n a re: x nt' t . TOTAL FLOOR AREA 900 sq f t . ■ L:xl.ti,►g Ja"11Jiny { :: I Ux�.: n a :Lza of new uLructuru 42 f t a 26 ft ` Ywrv.daciara-pier •�la cr.► ra] JLaarci.al/ roll * Prolxa :4d builaing , di:atanca from vroiurty Al au (circle onQ ) Front yard 30+ !' t Raar yard 30+ ft Maa . of :iu3riexu (tw►lult:.bles ;:l3wcc ) 1 „ Sids yaar4u 15+ et :and 15+ I t 1&%mJw9 L tUVadQ to ridg.$) 19 . 5 ft * if on corn.sr, uut"ok frosa uldw ::crwuc 30+ f [ It re:s:irlwntial , no. of cra►uili+au - 2 No* of bcathu 1 "'g, } OCCUPANCY 1 NFORmAT ION iio. of %marr:► mu 1 40, PRIMARY LUILDINC 'w LM 0 of b:atlaroora:s 1 � One f" ily dwelling vrilacary Luzacing sys:w:.w -�L'T+:Iprr,�,c rk X trwo L::wily 4wullinLi Tylw of f "I edif"ty - multipi3 awaslling / Number of unitaq Now of firQLalacus to ua imm"lud ( Lscraw:ana►►c oce:ul+:aracy will :a Wu�a uLo " t..: in:: ta114a? No f.Atrwl Air cauulitieyniray': No u0siniu:r►e rsucuYswncy � Ll►.fsinuais OUILOING STYLC, PRIMARY STRUCTU E ; Tnalustrial uuscla C:eant.w+l:�r.,ry Lx.�a c:a#ain ,• Other K;aisuad ranch M ►rldie+ee Dea ,L.:x If ,additioa�, sleet will uas t,as7 UP&ALG l.sW41 Old ucyl.: Lauaey.alaw 4::&Put Cad COGZ"gw Otle.:r • ACCESSORY uuxloozwcC Calani:al Icow 'Cows► ttouSe ' L:scachda q"C"gCa/ona clan/ two car/ a«►r { CIRC" OHL* PLEASE 1 * Acc achija g;ar.ages/01laT c4r/ two cat/ cos• w ■ w w w ■ a w . w r r w r ■ w 't Iariv" ts sLac"go builaing Wrd4rTMA'rVD 14XF4KI"a' VALUI: OV r Othaar caaw :: rlaucrsoa . THPOAP44TTON CH L'IUILDINC SPrCTF TCATTONS, ON REVERSE. SIDr OP TLISS 6 tI"EIi'I', 'I'O AE COMPLwE ED$ Floras DPA 10/80 Vl .... , $UILDIN G PERMIT APPLICATION CONTINUED - BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS : Type of construction , wood frame , fire safe etc . wood. fr Will any second-hand or ungraded lumber be used.? If so , for what? nO Foundation wall material concrete block Thickness 8to Depth of foundation below grade ( to bottom of footing ) 48" minimum Will there be a cellar ? no Heated or unheated? Floor sq . footage sq ft Will there be a basement? no Will any portion be used as living space? ( If so , what portion? 0000000 sq . ft - - - Type of use? Type of roof - s o e flat/shed/other Material of roof fiberglass sh! 5zles Size , wood studs_" X.�" spacing 2 "o . c . length 8ftv Joists ( floor beams ) lst . floor n/a "X spacing "o _ c , span ft . Jolsts ( floor beams ) 2nd . floor n/a " X '" spacing "o , c . span ft . Overlays (calling beams ) nfa "X spacing O . C . span.ft . Roof rafters see "X�]Lan " spacing 24" o . c . span ft - Roof trusses (pre- engineered) spacing 24 "o . c . span Vary ft . ( see plan) Exterior wall finish stained Of what material? 5 /8"x 41x 8 ' TEXTURE 1-11 Interior wall finish _ painted 1 /2" sheetrock If a garage is to be attached , describe materials to be used for FIRE SEPARATION : n1a Is there to be an opening between garage and dwelling? ri a If so will a Fire-rated door , enclosure , and self-closing device be provided? Will a flue- lined chimney be installed? no Height above roof ft - Depth of chimney foundation below grade to Depth of fireplace hearth f:t , in . Water supp Ly - Municipal or private well Munici al SEPTIC SYSTEM _ Distance from ANY private well ( including adjoining propertius n a ft . (A separate application is necessary for any rep" ir or new installation of septic system) DEC LA RATION To the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together ► ith the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUILDING CODE, TILE ZONING ORDINANCE, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with , whether specified or not, and that such work is authorized by the owner. do Signature �t Ow er, owner's agent, a itect, contractor • t w y r w • • • w Yr yr a ik MI 1r R 1e Je ! M1 A s t • x x . w ■ * `t x • R ■ Ie , Y" + n R x � t : SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT : ay____ ......__........_-_-__ _, ____ TOWN OF QUEENSSURY WARREN COUNTY , NEW YORK Application fors BUILDING PERMIT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE NEW YORK STATE ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE A permit must be obtained before beginning work . AVOWER ALL of the following : 1 , Caroms floor area_ See Plan nn i � ran 20 Type of heat Baseboard electric 3 . Is the building mechanically cooled ? No 4 . Percentage of area of windows and doors See Part 6 A . Over 16s Onl 1 . Uo value of grows area of walls , roof/ ceiling and floors exposed to ambient conditions See Part 6 2o rloor over heated spaces YES a . Are foundation walls insulated ? YE NO 1 . If YES , what is the R value ? See Part 6 3 . Slab on grade YES No a . If YES ,' what s the R value of insul n around perimeter of floor ? See Plan 4 . Is basement heated ? YES NO a . R value of insulation n a 5 . Type of insulation Polystyrene Be Under 16 . Only 1 . R value of roof and floors expose to ambient conditions R-38 2 . R value of exterior walls 3 . R value of glazed area 4 . R value of doors R-14 . 9 L 5 . R value of floors over unheated spaces R=414 6 . R value of slab edge insulation an unheated slab NIA 7 . R value of slab insulation - heated slab 12 . 5 8 . R value of heated basement/ cellar walls ( above grade ) N A 9 . R value of heated basement/cellar walls ( below grade ) NIA 10 . Type of insulation Fiberglass Ce Controls 1 . Thermostat maximum heat setting N/A D . Duct Systems tems NIA le Iw duct system installed in unheated spaces ? YES NO a . If YES , R value of duct Installation b . I. R value of duct in other areas E . Piping Insulation N/A 1 . Size of hot water or cooling carrying agent pipe 2 . It value of pipe insulations P . Service Water Heating 1 . Performance efficiency N/A 2 . Temperature control setting maximum `•' G . For Swimming Pool Only 1 . Maximum heating NIA a Z Telephone No . ( 5i$) $99-9161 f� ( Applicant" signature ) APPLICATION FOR SEPTIC DISPOSAL PERMIT Ref : S. P.E. D. S . DATE / New York - 0202525 ' MODEL ! tz of Ity LOCATION OF PROPERTY FOR INSTALLATION _ 31 Queen Mary Drive Owner's Names Guyer Builders , Inc . ' ..• Telephoner 518) 899-9161 Address: 119 Dunning Street , Ballston Spa , New York 12020 lnstaller'a'Name* Guyer Builders , Inc Telephone: ( 518) 899-9161 2 A, C , E, I , J , K, L, M Number of bedroom& (residential only) a 1 3 F , G, H • Total daily flow (compute (9? 150 gal per bedroom) dW 150 TopoWraphy: circle one: let Rolling Steep Slope % of slope Soil Mature: circle one: Sand ) Loam Clay Other / Depths , 8 " feet + Caround Water: At what depth? unk"n8 feet + Bedrock or Impexviaus Material: At what depth? urdmown feet Percolation tesu circle one: net require required / rate min. inch. Domestic water su;Wlyow circle ones unicipal Well Other IF domestic water supply is a 'Well: Separation: Watersupply from Septic absorption N/A feet * PROPOSED SYSTEM: Septic Tank gal. (minimum size: 1 ,OOO gal.) TILE FIELD: Each Trencb N/A feet ' / Total system length NIA feet * SEEPAGE PIT(S)s Number of / Size each feet by felt' * Size of stone to be used e / Depth or Thickness feet * * ssasssss * +s * s sssss * * ssa� s +� * ss �c, s * sssas * ss * IMPORTANT * See S, . P. E. D. S . ...please...LIST NEW EQUIPMENT TO BE INSTALLED permit & attached sus * ss * s +K * s * * frss * +s * sa �lts * * * saR7Y ss # ssss s asps maps (over) section Il Septic System Inspections: A. All applications for septic system installationip alteration or repairp as required by the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Ordinance. shall be submitted to the Building Department at least 24 hours ; of construction and shall include a plot plan slnawing: Imp U l.) the proposed location of the gystem 2.) location and distance to lot lines 3.) location and distance to struptures 4.) location and distance to anY - pater supply 5.) size and dimensions of all tanks. distribution boxes, tile fields and/or drywalls B. No system shall be covered before inspection and approval by the building Inspector. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the uncovering of the system by the inst*er and a fine of up to $250.00- C. An approved co� the plot plan shall be available on the construction site. Failure to uce said plot plan at time of inspection may result in an immediate work stoppage. D. Should unforeseen problems during construction prevent proper installationo, alteration or repair of an approved system, a new proposal must.-be submitted to the Queensbury Building Department before further construction. I have read the regulations above and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Torn of Que sud iry Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. Signature of.responsible person: Date; ,S . u Town of Queensbury* Building and Code Department Bay at Haviland Road Queensbury, New York 12801 (518) 792-5832 w SETT1_ EO 1163 . . . HOME 0F NATURAL BEAUTY . . . A GOO D. PLACE TCA 1L If MIDDLE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION AGENCY, INC. SOD Haddon AIVin- Ua, colllnoawoO' N.J. Oslo* Dater December 12 , 1989 QCPxtIf iC5 that the electrical equipment listed has been examined and is approved as being in accord with the National Electrical Code, applicable governmental, utility and Agency rules. Owner- Guyer Builders Inc occupancy Dwelling Occupant: Single Family Location 31 Queen Mary Drive , Queensbury (Warren CO) fM certificate cowers the electrical equipmens and rnslallillion inSpected this dale. If additional equipment -should be introduced or alterations made to existing system this certlUcafe shall be nut$ and void, and application for 80 Outlets ; 40 Receptacles ; 20 Fixtures ; inspect tan should be submitted protymptiy to this Agency. Egtlipmenl: Holder or this ca(tlflcste should present same to his property insurance carnet 150 Amp Service ; 8 Appliances ;agent orcompeny) asexidsnceor certification orelactricnl equipment approved as specilied. FGuyer Builders Inc Apprrcanr: 119 Dunning Street No . 15 -03007 2 Ballston Spa , NY 12020 J Fwse He. 7e8 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY II BUILDING AND CODES DEpARfiMENT BAY & HAVXLAND ROADS ! OUEENSBURY, NEW PORK 3280&_ TELEPHONE (528) 792-5832 BUI NG INSPECTOR ' S ORT REQUEST FOR XNSP TION RECEZVED NAME LOCATXON DATE PERMXT # � APPROVED FOOTING/P.T'ERS YES INO MONOLXTHXC POUR FORMS -1"OUNDAVZON/DAMP-PRODF3' G BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBXNG FRANxNa ELECTRICAL ROUGH-XN INSULATION: POUNDATXON FLOORS WALLS CEXLXNG FINAL. INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEXGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHESJS EPS S27AXRS-CLEARANCE & RAX PLUNBXNG FIXTi1RES/ ELI VE INTERXOR TRIM/Pt �yCY RSL - y FXNXSHED FLOORS GARAGE PIREPROOF G _ DOOR CLOSER (SJ SMOKE DETECTORS FINAL ELECTRXCAL X SPECTXO FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTR,UC ION A .SIGNED CERTIFI TE OF OCC PANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM TH BUILDING EPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PRENISES A E OCCUPIED REMARKS: INSPECTOR - TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DIERARTMENT BAY & HAV2LAND ROADS f1UEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12801i- TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME LLOCATtat DA rE ` # XT APPROVED FOOTING/PIERS YES NO MONOLITHIC POUR PORM,S FOUNDATION/DAMP-F oC)FING BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING E�� CTRICAL ROUGH-IN ` SULATIONs FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ' ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/Is S STAIRS-CLEARANCE & T L S- --- PLUM82NG FIXTURES LXEF V,�1- LV E' LNTERICJR TRIM/PRI ACY DOORS FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIREPROO ,LNG DOOR CLOSER (S) SMOKE DETECT'O S FINAL ELECTRIC INSPECTION FINAL APPROVA OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERrSFTCArR OF' OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DIqZVT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED? REMARKS: { INSPECTOR _._ TOWN OF QUEENSBURY r'r BUTLDrNG AND CODES 'DEPARTMENT 13AY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 1280!& TELEPHONE (516) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT FfES7UEST R INSPECTIO RECEXVHD^_ fo NAME LOCATI DATE 1 lJ PERMST ## APPROVED FOOTr1VG/PIERS YES NO MONOLXTHXC POUR FORMS FOUNDAfiWN/DAMP-PROOFING eCKFILL APPROVAL, ✓"ROUGH PLUMBrNG dd FRAMING ELE7CTR.ICAL ROT7GH- TN,SULATrON: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILXNG FINAL INSPEiCTXON: CH.T MNEY IYEXGHT ROOFING .SIDING ,, HXTERNAL PORCHES/ EPS STAIRS-CLEARANCE & RAIL PLUMBING FIXTUR SIRELIEF VALVE INTERIOR TRrM/ RXVACY DOORS FINISHED FI00 S GARAGE FIRED QOFXNG DOOR CLOSER Sf SMOKE DRTE ORS FINAL ELECTR CAL INSPECTION FINAL APPRO AL OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OBTAINED FROM THE BUTLDr� DEPARTMENT .BEFORE MUST B,9 TFIES$ FREMSSRS ARE OCCUPIED: REMARKS. NSPECTOR TOWN BUILI74VrLD OF QUEENSBURY a -lx BA SNG AND CODES DZPARfiME'NT U�' & HAV rLAND ROADS f�'UEENSBURY, NEW YOR.K 1280g, TELEPHONE (518) 792-583.2 BUIL.L)' INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR NSPECTSC7N NAME FtECE2VED LEA 2 SON DATE I/3 1. > /.n PERMIT #� APpR,pVEb F0C)T1'NG/PIE&S 1'ES .NO MON0Z-r271YIC POUR FO S rou V 44T rcJN/ i z yP_P12e pF'rNG 1 B44CXFZ'LL APPROVAL L.pUGF! PLUMBING R.T�MSNG ELECfiRICAL ROUGH—rN INSfjLATION: FOUNDATSON FLOORS WALLS CE2LrNG FINAL 2NSP TION: Cats M2VEY FEIGHfi ROOPTNG SSDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/ST S STAIRS—CZ-eAA jvCE &PLU ILS MBING FIXTU ' INTERIOR RES/ ELSEF V TRIMIPRS ACY ALV1S F INI.SHE17 F.TiL7DR,S' DOORS GARAGE L PR pO NG e , DOOR CLOSER (s) ; SMOksr DETECTOR FINAL ELEG'fiR2CA FINAL APPR OVAL NSPECTrON F CONSTRUCTION A SSGNEU CEh'T2ICATE Of pCCCiPANCY C7BT�LNED FROM THE BUILDSNG TFlESE PRE1N t SE I2TMENT r BE S ARE bEPA BEFORE OCCUPIED REMA.FtICS: F PEC2"QR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12804- TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME LOCCATXOON_ 3 DATE __2 Z- q ` S PERMIT # APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/PXERS t,AmONOLXTHIC POUR FO S FOUNDA2 XOX/DAMP-PRoc-kvXNG BACKFXLL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN INSULA TSON: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEXLING FINAL XNSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT 'l ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/S PS STAIRS-CLEARANCE RAILS PLUMBING FIXTURES RELIEF VALV,&.. INTERIOR TRIM/PR ACY DOORS FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FXREPROO SNG - DOOR CLOSERS) SMOKE DETECTOR FINAL ELECTRICA INSPECTION FINAL APPROVAL CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIEDL REMARKS: ley SNIP CTOR - otun oue¢nsh+ure� BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road, R. O. I Box 98 Queensbury, New York 12801 SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION NAME LOCATION r7�fl DATE PERMIT NO . SOIL TYPE - Sand - Loam - Clary Percolation Test Required? YES - NO Percolation rate - Min/Inch TYPE of SYSTEM: Absorption field , total length Length of each trench Depth of trenches Size of gravel_ SEEPAGE PITS41 umber o ) Size- to .X ftj — Gravel size - PIPING : if size Bldg. to tank " k. ---y Te Tan to diet . bos4� ' Dist* box to field/pit Openings sealed YES No Partial i LOCATIONI/SEP�A TICNs o Foundation to ank ft. Foundation to absorption ft . Absorption t lot line ft.. Separation o pits f t. LOCATION OF SYSTEM ON P.ROPERTY (circle one) Front - Rea - Left side - Right side - C`CHMENTTS . f Y�� / t Ole SYSTEM USE APPR(WED YES ( N 8 ing Inspector 01/86 and vl i TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW PORK 12804. TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILI]ING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR IN CT-TON RECEIVED NAME LOCATIONn .. f DATE `j /f} C)t' PERMIT # ��---"—r APP VED YE NO FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATION/DAMP—PROOPING BACKFILL APPROVAL L—R UGH PLUMBING FRAMING pp ELECTRICAL ROUGH— INSULATION: FOUNDATION t FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: 1s CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING .SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/S BPS .STAIRS—CLEARANCE RAILS PLUMBING FIXTURE /RELIEF VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/P VACY DOORS FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIREPR ING DOOR CLOSERS) SMOKE DETECTO FINAL ELECTRICA INSPECTION FINAL APPROVAL F CONSTRUCTION a A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT ,BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED. REMARKS: INSPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT my & HAVILAND ROADS -1 (, UEEN.SBURYr NEW YORK 12804 - TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECT.Z�r+-0N RECEIVED NAME LOCATION DATE - } _ PERMITj . APPROVED YES INO FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATION/DAMP-PROOFING BACKFILL APPRgVAL ROUGH PLUMBING ' FRAMING ,.ELECTRICAL ROU IN d ULATION: INFOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING f FINAL INSPECTION : r' CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING ,SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHttSIST&PS STAIRSIFS CE & RxAILS PLUMBIFTRES/REIEF VALVE INTERIPRIVACY'-:.DOORS FINISHOR rp GARAGEOFING DOOR C )MOKESFINAL EL INSPECTIONFINAL APOF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE .BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS: INSPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAy & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBUpyTELEPHONE ' (� 518)NEW y oRK 0� 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED 2-h NAME LOCATION DATE �/ _ PERMIT ## � -- - APPROVED YES DLO FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATXON/DAMP-PROOFING BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ,ELECTRIC ROUGH-IN INSULATIO f' FOUNDATIOlk FLOORS WALLS r CEILING FINAL INSPECTION : `-_ j CHIMNEY HEIGHT dd ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCH% S/ST STAIRS-CLEARA#±CE & RAXL5�-- PLUMBING FIXAURESIRELIr,�F VALVE INTERIOR T M/PRXVACY DOORS FINISHED FAORS - - GARAGE FIJEPROOFING DOOR CLO.�ER (S) -.�-�- SMOKE DETECTORS FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTION FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST HE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE' THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED± REMARKS: - INSPECTOR CERTIFICATEOF INSURANCE ISSUE DATE (MM7DO7YY) 10/3/88 PRODUCER I'WQueZaboUrg AgeT.1Cyi Ina THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS 121 Wall St NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, P Q 953 EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW BODCSahenectadys NY 123013 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE 372-5641 LE ITERNY A The 1,utomobi 7 e Insurance Coo Of Hartfards ` CODE 33},�Q $uB-CODE INSURED LETTERNY R The Aetna Casualty & Surety Co • ` w er Bu lder,$ i Im • LETTER COMPANY �w 119 Duinn1mg Street COMPAN Aston' Spat NY 12020 LETTER Y D COMPANY E LETTER COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT Oq OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION ALL LIMITS IN THC7USANOS TR DATE (MM)DDfYY) DATE (MMMOlYY) GENERAL LIABILITY Renewal of GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2i '�, 0 i A Z COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 00236924 IQ/IA8 I,0/3,/89 PRODUCTS•COMP1OPS AGGREGATE $ 2i WOO CLAIMS MADE OCCUR. PERSONAL & ADVERTISING INJURY $ impow" i OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT. EACH OCCURRENCE $ 120wi FIRE DAMAGE (Any one fire) $ IQQi MEDICAL EXPENSE (Any one person) $ ' �L yArUTOMOBILE LIABILITY �newal Or COMBINED A i ANY AUTO FJ390995 10 /-1 W ryrn,/-1 „ 89 LIMITSINGLE $ 1i Sys ALL OWNED AUTOS W -V �'^`� .I.V i✓ L BODILY Vw INJURY S SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) HIRED AUTOS BODILY NON-OWNED AUTOS INJURY $ )Par accident) GARAGE LIABILITY PROPERTY $ DAMAGE EXCESS LIABILITY Renewal of EACH AGGREGATE CCVB x UNIBRELLk XS475556 10/1/88 10/2/89 3 5P000.9 $ 5i WOi OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM WORKER'S COMPENSATION Renewal of STATUTORY A AND 379 1013 8 1013,189 $ lW'q (EACH ACCIDENT) EMPLOYERS" LIABILITY $ „5' W v (DISEASE—POLICY LIMIT) S lQQi (DISEASE—EACH EMPLOYEE OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIC SILOCATIONSIVEHIC -EWRESTRICTIONSISPECIAL ITEMS CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION Building & Zon1 g Dept. SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBERS POLICIESBE CANCELLED BEFORE THE Town Of Queen,sbury CXPIR&T1ON DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO Bay & Havl1and Road MAIL X(y DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE KD #12 Box 98 LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR Queeysburyi NY 12801 LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 2" (31") TlF3N 19" SELECT BVS(NESS FORMS (609) 548-5203 APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION PLEASE BEAR DOWN YOU ARE MAKING (4) COPIES MIDDLE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION AGENCY, INC, National Headquarters +d 900 Haddon Ave., Collingswood, N,J, 08108 • ' • kTA I M a= • Date : S 'h ](XL Town orMEKM$. _ Oleenssbury County _ Warren State NY Location/Address 31 Queen Mary Drive Cif Located in Rural Area - Please Attach Directions) Pole # Owner GUYS BUILDERS , INC • Permit ## �r - - Occupied As Building : Newn Old F7 Occupant Work Area in Building Floor 0. etc, ) : App. for- Wiring Service [] or: Ready for Inspection : Fee Remitted - $ Cash 0 Check 0 1A_0_ = Make Payable To : M.D. I.A. SOD 750 1 000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 Number of Rough Wiring Outlets Elect, }-lest Switches Lighting Amp. Service Surface Unit Dishwasher Range Receptacles Water Heater Air Conditioner Dryer Pump Number of Fixtures Oven Garbage Disposai Wiring and Controls for Burner Amp. Receptacles Fractional H.P. Vent Fans Other Equipment: MOTORS H.P.. 1/2 1/12 1/10 1/8 1/6 1 1/4 1/3 1 112 1 3/4 11 1 1 1112 1 2 1 3 1 5 1 7V2 10 1 15 1 20 1 25 30 4d 50 1 75 LOO Mark Number of Each Size Applicant"s Signature License # Permit # T/A Gi1YT:R igumn'FT3:Sr--1 - Utility : Applicant's Address: 119 DL1TmixX%Z Street (NAME WFFICE LOCATION Spa(City)—Ballston Sp (State ) NY (Zip) 19020 Service Re uest # Phone # 899-9161 Electrician : GUYER B�3ILDERSS INc . • DATE RECEIVED: DATE INSPECTED : Correct Location : Same as Above [ or: Red Notice Label 0 Rough Wiring Outlets Surface Unit Oven Switches Range Garbage Disposal Receptacles Water Heater Dishwasher Fixtures Air Conditioner Dryer Amp, Service Equipment - Burnet, Wiring & Controls for Amp. Receptacie Amp, Service Conductors Pump Vent Fans MOTORS H P 1/20 1/12 1/10 1/8 1 1/6 11 /4 1 1/3 1/2 3/0. 1 1 lYh 1 2 1 3 1 5 1 7t1x 1 5 30 40 50 1 75 1100 Mark Number of Each Size Elect. Heat 500 1 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 1000 USE FOR INITIAL ViSEY_-OHL+Ir NOTIFIED DATE DDFEEDT FEE PAID Q RW Progress : Inc. 0 LKD Contractor CFT Violation : Work Comp. Inc, L/A Owner CASH El 0 L/A Fee CH K # Due MID # '� IPA Municipal INV # Date: Other Side 0 Utility Applicant Owner Cut in Card Temp # Date QUIT VICTORIA'S GRANT QUEEN MARY DRIVE REFERENCE DRAWINGS: 5 SITE UTILITIES SEPTIC & WATER VQnDUSEN & STEVES SURVEY PLAN Q—MODEL ROOF PLAN WILL VARY ACCORDING TO SALE, DRAWING SHOWS ONE STYLE ONLY 2000 gal MODEL : 25,27,29,31,33,35 QUEEN MARY DRIVE PLOT PLAN do SEPTIC SYSTEM GVYER BUII=, Inc. drawn: KW 5/24/89 1 Scale: 1" = 20'-0