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4.14 AGREEMENTS\Allied Universal—Security Guard Professional Services—RENEW-4-15-2024 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING RENEWAL OF SECURITY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH UNIVERSAL PROTECTION SERVICE, LP DB/A ALLIED UNIVERSAL SECURITY SERVICES RESOLUTION NO.: ,2024 INTRODUCED BY: WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board previously authorized engagement of Universal Protection Services, LP d/b/a Allied Universal Security Services (Allied) for professional unarmed security services at the Town Office Building, and WHEREAS, the Town wishes to renew its engagement of Allied for a period of three(3)years effective as of 04/01/2024 as generally set forth in Allied's Security Professional Service Agreement substantially in the form presented at this meeting, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes, directs and ratifies the Security Professional Service Agreement with Universal Protection Services, LP d/b/a Allied Universal Security Services (Allied) for professional unarmed security services for a period of three (3) years effective as of 04/01/2024 with such services to be paid for from the appropriate account(s) as may be determined appropriate by the Town Budget Officer, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to execute the Security Professional Service Agreement in substantially the form presented at this meeting and/or any other necessary documentation and the Town Supervisor and/or Town Budget Officer to take any other actions necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. Duly adopted this 15th day of April, 2024 by the following vote: AYES NOES ABSENT: itl6LIEDUNIVERSAL SECURITY PROTESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENT FULL. LEGAL NAME OF SECURITY PROVIDER ("Ruled Universal"): Universal Protection Service, LP d/Wa Allied Universal. Security Services. for itsel€and on behalf of its wholly-owned subsidiaries and affiliates which may provide service hereunder within certain states FULL t srr:ar- NAME OF CLIENT ("Client"): Town of Queensbury By signing below by their duly authorized representatives, Client and Allied Universal agree to be legally bound to the Agreement. Conotat Trues ,pad Conditions and Exhibits attached 'hereto, which form a binding and enforceable part of this Agreement as of the day and year first written below ("Commencement Date"). CLIE 43 Town of Queensbury UNIVERSAL PROTECTION SERVICE, LP dlWa AII4exI U A h a t J Name: �F3tlt� John F. S III By e u'ou�> TSacne: Jill asvi o Title �fudgatsctx Town Supervisor Tltla: Branch Manager Address fbr Notlaes: Address for'Notlocs: 742 Say Rd. Que nsbury, NY 12804 Sight Tower Hddge, 161 Washington Street Saida 04,Conshohocken, PA 19429 Email: JilLaausvillo@aus.corn GENERAL TEWvIS AND CONDITIONS Tic term of this Agreement Shan be for a period of three (3) years beginning an OQUI/2024 ("Commencemaet Data'') ("Initial Term"). This Agreement will automatically continue thereafter on a month to month basis unto terminated by either patty on thirty (30) days' written notice to tie other party. This Agrm mud may be terminated by either party for non-performance by the other party upon five (5) days written notice to the non-perfarming party. The con-performing party shall have the opportunity to cure the nonIxtrforneartoe within that five-day period. Either party may terminate dtIs Agreement at any time for any reason upon thirty (30) days' written notice to the other party. Allied Universal shall provide security professional services(the"Services") In the amount,for the tines and at the location(s) act forth In Exhibit A Client shall pay Allied universal for the performance of the Services and any other products and/or services provided by Allied Universal hereunder at the rates ("Billing Rates") and other charges act forth in Exhibit g or Wfretwise payable hereunder without deduction or met-off Client shall pay In PAU the amount of and will be damned to accept all Invoices submitted to Client via Allied Universal's current submission method within ten(I a) days ofthe Invoice date. The Billing Raters set forte in Exhibit B arc valid for the first twelve(12) months of titre Initial term dusceaRer they will be ireoreased annually, inflesctive as of due anniversary date of the Commencement Date, in an amount equal to the greater of(I) the percentage incrmasc deterrolned pursuant to Section C.3. below and (H) three percent (3%). Allied Universal will invoice Client on a weekly basis for all Services far the preceding weekly period (starting Friday and andirm the fallonft Thursday) and M other pE9ducft and/or services provided by Allied UniversaL A. Scope of Services Client. I. Allied Universal agrees to provide the Services In a professional and B3 IndepandentContractor{Personnel ! diligent manner. Allied Universal does not warrant or guarantee that the I. Allied Universal is responsible for the hiring, training and supervision of i Services constitute complete sccsrrity at Clicnt"s location(s) so as to prevent all security professionals assigned by Allied Universal to Client's location(s). any tneldont, loss, theft, damage or hijurry (Including death). Cliennt agrees that Should Client direct or supervise security officers or change the Instructions Allied Universal has not provided any consultation services regarding what or supervision given to the security prolyasslonals by Allied Universal, may or may not be the proper levels of security ateffmg, or the methods of including but not belted to including requiring Allied Universal personnel to security provided, use force and/or restraints and/or Instructions related to Legally Mandated 2. Client may request a change In the Services. Such requested changes BreskPariods(as defined herein), Client will be responsible for any damages, will be communicated In writing and will be offtotiva only upon Allied liabilities, claims or other consequences that may result. Universal's written approval which Allied Universal will not unreasonably 2. In addition to the Services set forth In Exhibit AA attached hereto, and irk decline. However, In no event will a reftisal by Allied Universal to approve addition to any general or routine training provided by Allied Universal to Its requested changes conathutc a breach of this Agreement or otherwise security professionals, Allied Universal shall provide each of Its employees : constitute noriVorfortru mcc by Allied Universal of this Agreement. Tyne assigned to Cliont'a Iccadon(s) with Client requested additional training atthe parties acknowledge and agree that Exhibit A solely governs Allied costs sot farts In Exhibit 0. t.inivcrsml's duties at Client's locaton(s). 3. Allied Universal shall provide uniforms for all assigned personnel. 3. The purpose ofany Inspection at Client's location(a)by Allied Universal Allied Unlvexsal will maintain these uniforms in good condition at Allied Is solely to assist Client with its loss control program. The safe maintenance Universal's sole coat and expense unless othwwfw provided In EsSrhiLeitB. of Client's premises and operations and equipment on those premises and the Equipment and nonstandard untfmas roquircd by Client will be provided as avoidance of unsafe conditions and practices is the vote responsibility of mutually agreed upon and eta cost mutually agreed upon in wrlting. Allied P. LUEBUNIVESSAL t Universal's personnel will not be required to carry weapons of any kind. Allied Universal with either a valid and current tax exemption certificate ar unless otherwise expressly set forth herein. direct pay certificate, authorized by the appropriate taxing authority, 4. Security professionals assigned to CI€ent's location(s) are employees of 7. Client agrees to pay Allied Universal one and one-half percent (1.5 %) Allied Universal, which is acting as an independent contractor. Allied per month interest or such maximum amount as pemmltted by law. whichever Universal will pay all compensation due and owing to Its employees and all is Icss, on any Invoice not paid by its due, data In the event that legal action required payroll taxes and withholdings. Is required to cottect on any past-due invoiced amount owed to Allied 5, Allied Universal Is entitled to assign personnel to Client's Iecation(s) in Universal by Client under this Agreement, Client agrees to pay to Allied fell compliance with applicable equal opportunity, civil rights and other Universal the costs and attorneys' fees incurred by Allied Universal in such employment laws/regulations. Upon reasonable written notice, Client shall action. have the right to request in writing that any of AtIled Universal's employees D. Physical and intellectual Property whose performance it Einds to be unacceptable be removed from its 1. Client recognizes and acknowledges that in performing Its duties under location(s); provided reasons for such request do not violate applicable law. this Agreement, Allied Universal may install and/or utilize proprietary 6. Client acknowledges that Allied Universal has spent considerable time software (hereinafter "Proprietary SoflwareTM), a valuablc, special and unique and expense in recruiting and training its employees_ As such, Client agrees asset of Allied Universal and/or third pantie& This Proprietary Software Is and that It will not employ, as a security professional or in any related capacity, will remain the sole and exclusive property of Allied Universal and/or those directly or indirectly, including employment through a successor security applicable third parties. contractor, any person who has been employed by Allied Universal In a 2. Client further agrees that materials developed, generated, or produced supervisory capacity and assigned to Client's location for a period of one pursuant to this Agroemen% Including but not limited to Post Orders, security hundred and eighty (180) days following the last date of that person's plans, emergency plans, diagrams, reports, and wrltings, both internal and employment with Allied Universal. In the event of a breach of this provision, external (hereinafter codlectively, "Work P'roducV1 may include the Client shall pay Allied Universal the average weekly billing for such proprietary information of Allied Universal and will remain the sole and employee for four (4) months as liqu€4ated damages together with all legal exclusive property of Allied Universal. Client and Client's personnel will fees and other costs arising from the breach of this provision. have no proprietary interest in the Work Product. Client acknowledges that it C. Billing will not share such Work Product with any third party and any Work Product 1. The Billing Rates do not include the direct bill items ("Direct Bill in Client's possession shall be returned to Allied Universal upon termination Itern(s)") identified In F..xhibIt B. which shall be invoiced and paid by Client or expiration of this Agreement. to' Allied Universal In accordance with the payment terms hercia. 3. Any property, equipment or supplies furnished by Allied Universal to Its Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, Allied Universal personnel In performance of the Services described in this Agreement shall may pass through any increase In any and all of the costs of any and at Direct remain the property of Allied Universal and shall be returned to Allied Bill Items wben incurred or accrued, and Client shall reimburse Allied Universal promptly at the expiration or termination of this Agreement. Universal for such costs. I. Insurance and Indamalfrcation 2, The parties agree any wage rates, annual/monthly/weekly billing 1. Allied Universal shall maintain Workers' Compensation coverage for Its estimates. or wage estimates included in Exhibit B. any other addenda. any security professionals and personnel assigned to Client's location(s) at limits pricing sheet, RFP submissl on, and/or other document arc for demonstration imposed by stamta, Including Employer Liability coverage, purposes only and will not have any Impact on the Billing Rates, the amount 2. Allied Universal shall maintain for its own protection and benefit various Client agrees to pay, or on the wages Allied Universal pays its amployecs. otter policies ofinsurance, including Commercial General Liability overage, 3. In the event that Allied Universal experiences an increase In its costs for Its performance of the Services at Client`s Iocation(s). resulting from any change, whether or not anticipated, In. (1) Federal, state, 3. Allied Universal shall maintain Automobile Liability insurance for its provincial, territorial, or local taxes, levies, or required withholdings Imposed employees' operation of Allied Universal's owned, leased and non-owned or assessed on amounts payable to and/or by Allied Universal hereunder or vehicles. However, to the extent that Client requires Allied Universe. by or in respect of Allied Universal to its personnel; (2) federal, state, employees to drive Client's vehicles in performanco of the Scrvlces, Client provincial, territorial, or local minimum wage rates, mandated paid time off agrees to carry Automobile Liability insurance for those vehicles with bodily and/or sick leave, changes In overtime wage regulations, uniform Injury and property damage limits of One Million Dollars ($1,000.000.00). maintenance expenses or other required employee allowances, licensing fees Such insurance will be primary for say loss or damage occurring to Client and/or requirements or wage, medical, welfare and other benefit costs under vehicles operated by Allied Universal employees in performance of the collective bargaining agreements; (3) costs related to Insurance and/or Services. and under no circumstances shall Allied Universal indemnify or workers' compensation; andler (4) costs related to medical and/or welfare defend Client or Client's insurer for losses that occur or arise out of Allied benefits and other requirements. Including without limitation costs Incurred Universal's operation of Client-owned vehicles. by Allied Universal pursuant to applicable federal, state and/or local law, 4. Client agrees that Allied Universal is not an insurer of Client's Including, without limitation "Healthcare Reform Legislation Costs" (as operations, personnel or facilities. Except as provided elsewhere In this ; defined below), the Billing Rates shad€ be increased by a percentage equal to Agreement, Client assumes all risk of loss, physical damage and personal the ,percentage Increase In Allied Universal's costs resulting from the items "ury at its operations, to its personnel and/or facilities or any other property set forth in this paragraph. Allied Universal will provide Client notice of such resulting from fire. theft or other casualty, and Client waives any right of change in the Billing Rates. recovery and Its insurers' right of subrogation against Allied Universal for 4. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary, any loss or damage resulting from any such occurrence.. Allied Universal may pass through the costs act forth in Section C(3) to Client 5. Allied Universal will protect, defend, hold harmless and indemnify I as Incurred or accrued and Client shall pay Allied Universal for such costs. Client Its directors, professionals and employees from and against all claims, S. "Healthcare Reform Legislation Costs" mcens the costs and/or actions, liahllitiess damages, losses, costs and expenses (including reasonable assessments Incurred by Allied Universal to respect of otnployee medical attorney's fees) (the "Losses") asserted against Client and directly resulting € and/or wel&m benefits and other requirements under the applicable from the performance of the Services expressly required under this ; Provincial, federal or local statutes and/or regulations. Agreement, provided such Losses (1) are caused solely by the grossly 6. Unless otherwise expressly stated herein, Allied Universal's foes and negligent fallum of Allied Universe€ to perform the Services, or by other charges do not include any sales, use,, excise or similar taxes, levies or duties grossly negligent actions or omissions In the performance of the Services by ('Taxes"). Client is responsible for paying for all such Taxes In respect of Allied Universal, or through the willful misconduct or unlawful activity of Allied Universal'a Services or In respect of amounts payable by Client Allied Universal; (2) are not caused In any way through thenagligeace, willful hereunder. If Allied Universal has the legal obligation to pay or collect Taxes misconduct or unlawful activity of Client or otherwise resulting from Allied for which Client Is responsible under this section, the appropriate amount Universal's compliance with specific direction from Client; and/or, (3) do not shall be promptly paid by Client to Allied Universal unless Client provides actually or allegedly arise out of a Legally Mandated Coverage Brealo(sL(as <ALHEIIUNIVEItSAL p. 2 defmad herein). Allied Universal's obligations under this paragraph shall not Workers' Compensation tin[ins or for fulfilling independent statutory duties extend to fust party losses sustained by Client, or other benefls or insurance Client owes to third parties or its employees. provided by client to its employees, including but not limited to medical, rG, Miscellaneous disability, and workers compensation benefits I, This Agreement represents the entire agreement and understanding of 6. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary, the parties concerning the subject matter herein and replaocs any and all should Allied Universal be found liable for any Losses hereunder for any previous agmetnents, understandings, representations, discussions or offers, reason, the sole and exclusive remedy of Client in any situation, whether in No modification to this Agreement shall be effective unless in writing and contract or tort, or otherwise, shall be limited to Client's actual and direct executed by both parties and delivered to each respective party hereto. damages, and shall ha no event exceed the amounts invoiced over the previous 2. A written waiver by either party of any of the terms or conditions of this twelve (12) month period and paid by Client to Allied Universal, such Agreement shall not be deemed or construed to be a walver of such tern or amounts to be, inclusive of any defense costs. condition for the future or of any subsequent breach of the Agreement. The 7, Client shall protect, defend, hold harmless and Indemnify Allied failure to erhforcc a particular provision of this Agreement Sha11 not constitute Universal, its respeotive successors and assigns, and Its directors, a waiver ofsueh provision or otherwise prejudice Allied Universal's right to professionals and employees front and against all T osscs asserted against enforce such provision at a later time. Allied Universal arising out of incidents or occurrences taking place or arising, 3. This Agreement is entered into safety for the mutual benefit of the parties at Client's location provided that any such Lasses: a) occur due to Allied hereto and no benefits, rights, duties or obligations arc intended or created by Universal's compliance with Client's directions and requests (including but this Agreement as to any third parties. not limited to directions and requests In Section 13.1 and Section B.S),b) occur 4. Each party ibrther warrants and represents that this Agreement has been during. Legally Mandated Coverage Break(s)Land/or, c) are: (1) attributable executed by a duly authorized individual. to bodily tgryry, sickness, disease or death or to damage to tangible property, S. This Agreement and all matters collateral hereto shall by governed by and, (2) arc not caused in any way through the negligence, willful misconduct the laws of the state or province wherein the Services are to be provided or unlawful act]vity of Allied Universal, or the failure of Allied Universal to without reference to its choice of law provisions. perform the Services. 6. If any of the terms or provisions of this Agreement arc ruled to be invalid B. Under no circumstances will Allied Universal be liable to Client, or any or inoperative, all the remaining terms and provisions shall remain In full other person or entity, for consequential, incidental, indirect or punitive force and effect daansges, or for lost profits, 7. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of 9. Client shall give written notice to Allied Universal of any of its Losses which shall constitute one and the same Agreement. The parties agree that or potential Losses arising out of the Services within thirty (30) days this Agreement will be considered signed when the signature of a party is fallowing notification of the occurrence giving rise to such Losses or potential delivered by facsimile transmission or delivered by scanned image (e,g. .pdf Losses.No action to recover any Loss shall be Instituted or maintained against or .tiff file) as an attachment to email. Allied Universal unless notice of such Loss shall have been given by Client a. Allied Universal shelf not be responsible for additionst expenses and to Allied Universal In the manner and form met forth herein. No action to costs incurred by it or Cticnt to provide Services pursuant to this Agreement recover for any Loss shall be instituted or maintained against Allied Universal as a result of unusual circumstances including, but not limited to, strikes, riots, unless Instituted not later titan twelve (12) months following notification of revolutions, wars, military actions, fines, floods, droughts, natural disasters, the occurrence giving rise to such Loss. pandemics, active shooter events, snow storms, blizzards or other inclement F. Compliance with Laws weather, accidents, Insurreotlons, lockouts or other acts ofood, perils of the 1, Some or all of the physical security guard services identified in this sea, stoppage of labor, or other events considered as "Force Majeure", or by Agreement could be designated as a Qualified Antf-terrorism Technology any other unavoidable cause beyond Allied Universal's reasonable control, ("QATT") under the support Anti-terrorism by Effective Technologies All such additional expenses shall be the responsibility of Client as an (SAFETY") Act of 2002, 6 U.S.C. f f 441-444, as amended, Where this additional charge invoiced and paid by Client as it Is ingurred, pursuant to the QATT has been deployed In defense against, response or recovery from an terms of the Billing section set forth above. Additionally, to the extent that met of terrorism, as that letter term is defined under the SAFETY Act (as Allied Universal Is unable to perform, or Is delayed In perfmm€ng, the herein defined), Allied Universal and Client agree to waive all claims against services due to a Force Majeure event, such nonperformance or delayed each other, including their professionals, directors, agents or other performance It not a breach of this Agreement nor cause for Client's representatives, arising out of the manufaeture, salt, use or operation of the tcrmioalion of this Agreement. QATT, and further agree that each Is responsible for losses, including 9. Either party may assign this Agreement to an affiliate weaning an entity business interruption losses, that Its sustains, or for losses sustained by its own controlling, controlled by or under common control with the party. Except as employees resulting from an activity arising out of such act of terrorism. This permitted in this section, Client may not assign, delegate or subcontract this provision shall apply throughout the term of this Agreement, regardtess of Agreement without the prior written consent of Allied Universal. whether Allied Universal should cease to have SAFETY Act coverage for Notwithstanding the foregoiin& in the event Client assigns this Agreement, it these Services for any reason. shelf rims In liable hereunder after such assignment. 2. Client shall, at its own cost and expense, comply in full with all to. Any notice required or permitted hereunder ahall be in writing and shall applicable federal, state, provincial, and local statutes, laws, ordinances, rulas be delivered either in person, by nationally recognized overnight delivery regulations, orders, licenses, permits or fees ("Governmental Regulations") service or by certified or registered maI4 postage prepaid, addressed to the applicable to Its operations and Its performance under this Agreement, parties at the address shown in the opening paragraph (or as may be directed Including without limitation, (I) environmental haws, (11) laws relating to by a party In the future by written notice). l accessibility by and accommodation of handicapped persons, and (fit) laws 11. In connection Wilk ilia negotiation, execution and performance of this relating to discxs"mination of any type of manner. Client shall notify Allied Agreement, each party acknowledges that It has been and will be provided l Universal In writing within forty-eight (43) hours of any inquiry, notice, with confidential business Infmrwalion of the other party rConfdentiat subpoena, lawsuit, or other evidence of an investigation by any public agency Information"). Each party will exercise reasonable commercial efforts to or the commencement of any judicial or administrative litigation, or protect and preserve the confidentiality arConfidential Information, including arbitration proceedings with respect to Allied Universal's operations at the at a minimum those methods and procedures It uses to protect its own property and/or perfommance under this Agreement, Should Allied Universal confidential Inttntttation. A party shall not be required to preserve the be Issued a citation or other sanction because of conditions an the premises confidentiality of Confidential Information to the extent it becomes public created by others, Client shall pay and will be responsible Her the fine. The other than through the motion or inaction of the panty, or disclosure Is required foregoing shall include, but not be limited to, all applicable heatth, safety, and by law. if Allied Universal Is required to disclose information belonging to labor standards. Clico% Client shall OWernnW Allied Universal, Its respective successors and 3. Under no circumstances will Allied Universal indemnify Client for assigns, and its directors, professionals, and employees from and against all �- AlNEDI IIIVEILSAL P. 3 Losses asserted against Allied Universal arising out of said disclosure, expand tic liabilities of the partics toward each other or any third party M The parties further acknowledge and agree that to the extent Allied 14, Client acknowledges and agrees that the continuity of Services Is subject Universal has assumed Insurance, defense and indemnification obligations to interruption for mandatory, paid rest periods or unpaid meal periods or hereunder, such obligations shall not apply to any work performed by Allied other breaks as required by applicable law, during which time security Unlversal at the direction of Client, or work porformed by Allied Universal professionals must be relieved of all duties, including without limitation to, that is not specifically set forth on Exhibit A. Notwithstanding anything to the requirement to remain "on call" ("Legally Mandated Break Perlod(sy). the contrary provided herein or In any other direction (oral or written), Allied Servioes at the locations act forth in Exhlbit A will be Interrupted and such Universal and Client agree that In no event shall Allied universal employees locations will not be secured during such time that security professionals are be required to undertake any duty which could potentially expose themselves on Legally Mandated Break Periods and Client has not agreed to pay for to unreasonable risk or harm. At all times, Client represents and warrants that sufficient relief coverage ("Legally Mandated Coverage Break(s))"). the policies and requirements Allied Universal and its employees are 15. The duties and responsibilities of Allied Universal arc Specifically set requested and/or required to adhere to by Client are lawful. forth herein. Client acknowledges that Client alone has chosen the number of 13. For the avoidance of doubt, any duties contrary to and/or In excess of the security profcasionals and typo of servlocs, e,g., armed, unarmed, to be Services, shall be agreed upon by the parties in writing. in the event that there provided under the Agreement. that Allied Universal has informed Client that are any past orders, directives, or other specification documents of any type . additional security professionals and/or services are available at an additional ('°`Post Orders"), they shall not form any part of this Agroement, they are not cost; and that Client has elected not to avall Itself of additional security Incorporated into this Agreement and are not a novation or modification or professionals or services at this time unless mutually agreed upon In writing, expansion of the duties set forth in this AgrecracaL Further, if there is any 16. The ral[owing provisions shall survive expiration or termination of this conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and any other documents, Agreement for any reason. A.1; A.3; 8.1: B.4; B.5; 13.6; C: D; E; P and 0. this Agreement shall control. Under no circumstances shall the Post Orders I 1 1 ,11!�ILWE DUN IYERSAL p. d EXHIBIT "A" to Agreement Between Allied Universal And Town of Qrueensbury LOCATIONS FOR SECURITY SERVICES PROVIDE13 BY Allied Universal 4 Pine West Plaza Phone 518-724-0527 Fax 518-250-5454 JiI1.Sausv111e(§aus.cotn Specify for Location each ySchedute of Coveraze_ Ronrs location: r ed Unarmed 742 Say Rd Unarmed M-F go-4: 15p 41.25 Queensbury, NY 12804 Description of Services: The Services Allied Universal will provido Client pursuant to this Agreement arc: Security professional Is to perform assigned duties of patrolling and observing the above location(s) as directed by Client. • Any unusual incidents detected or reported will be reported to Client via the designated Client contact. An incident sxport will be ,filled out and a copy will be forwarded to Client. The Security profcsslonai creating the report will be available to explaln the incident report during their shift, The Security professional will also report criminal activity and/or visible hazards observed and/or reported while on past The location(s), days) and time(s) listed in this Exhibit A may not be altered by Client, unless mutually agreed upon In writing and signed by the parties. The scope of services does not include any structures, parking lots, appurtenances, or nearby areas not specifically listed in heroin. l Exhibit A p.l e.I.NEDUHIVERSAL e EXHMIT "B" to Agreement Between Allied Universal And Town of+Queensbury LOCATIONS FOR SECURITY SERVHCES PROVIDED BY Allied Universal 742 Bay Rd 4ueensbury lYY 128©4 Billing Rates for the Services. 4/1/24 - 7/01/24 Rank Regular Bill Rate Hnllcia Rate Overtime Rate Wage $22.82 (includes supplemental _ rate of $2.19 Security Officer $32,33 $47.65 $47.65 per hour) 41 *Yearly wage and billing increases will be based on the yearly prevailing wage and supplemental rages issued by NYS on July 1 of each year. 1. T . Additional service requests will be billed at the supplemweal deployment rate which shall not below than the overtime bill rate. The supplemental deployment rate for such additional services will continue to apply until this Agreement is amended in writing to provide for the Increase in base hours. 2. The holiday billing rate shall be used for all work performed on New Year's Day, presidents Day, Memorial Day, independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day or by applicable collective bargaining agreaanent. 3. Allied Universal shall be compensated for all time including preparation, travel toMom, and actual time spent In any court of law.judicial, quaslAudicial or other proceeding, mediation, deposition. arbitration to which Allied Universal is subpoenaed or agrees to appear, arising out of. or relating to, this Agreement at the rate of. S125.00 per hour, for director or manager and $65.00 per hour for all other employees in addition to reasonable costs and expenses incurred. This paragraph will survive the termination of this Agreement. 4. Training will be billed at regular officer rate. Exhibit B p.2 fF rE UN E p A■