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f + Y f✓ CERrnFICATE OF, OCCUPAMC.11V TOWN OF QUEENSSURY f WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK II Date June 29 19 89 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown lay Permit No._ 89-335 1 has been completed. j This structure rnaxbe occupied as a Mobile home Location R i�X �MM Rhode Island Avenue I Owner Carl A Naomi Bancroft By Order Town Board j TOWN OF QUEENSBURY I Director of Bldg. do Code Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT - '=04 x TOWN OF +QUEENSBURY No, 89-335 $ WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK w fv PERMISSION is hereby granted to Carl A Naomi Bancroft w OWNER of property located at Box 266 Rhode Island Avenue Street, Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a Mobile Rome at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1 . OWNER'S Address is �p A SAME h :Z7 'tl 2_ CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name �1 Todays Modern 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER 'S Address me 54-Route 9 Gansevoort , N . Y . 12831 4. ARCHITECT'S Name 5. ARCHITECT'S Address x 6_ TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by X? +Cn I I Wood Frame I I Masonry I } Steel I } Ch 7. PLANS and Specifications C CD No. 26 ' x 56 ' mobile home as per plot plan , specifications , and application _ ar a. Proposed Usedc ca. d Mobile Home C tD $ 65oOO PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES December 1 19 89 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date_) Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 09A Day of MaY 19 89 Cr fD SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury Buil and Zoning lnsgector TO DE COMPLETED BY nl..DC . DFP4%F. . uWit# u/ Q"ee sbury Application No. BUILDING me ZOr4iNCa DEPARTMa 1T FUrmit Issued,.+` I i TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Permit Expirem l9 RECEIVED 13ay and HariliAnd Load, A.Q. 1 Box £i9 zoning Dauignation Quuansoury, Nuw York 12801 Variance No., • MAY 8 1989 Site Plan R,avi�w N APPLICATION FOR Approved 1y . BLDG. & CODE DEPT. MOB I LE HOME � � F'U I LD I NG AND ZONING PERMIT . 6 low A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION . ANSWER ALL OF THE FOLLOWING . Th.3 underuigned hereby applies for al Building permit to do the following work which will !,e d0ne i+i accordancu with the description , plans and specifications UUb+uitted , and such j.;Peci.,l cO,nditiOns as+ u+ay be indicated an the Permit . ol'h� Owner of this property is : _ Cedf'L Mir- 4VM4 /JiY? V . U . Ad.lreals xQ CJ +C c 1vCo d�� G'� Property "Cations9t1 C?C3+� /1 '7 1. f ! �`'Te1 . _ Jy 5/ -Al-� C Tax Map No . !tr(=at a-un+bur or building lot nuurbur f."uLdlvisian name ( if applicable) 1111E 1'1:RSON RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPERVISION OF 'WORK AS REC&ARDS UUILDING CODES IS : + L Itn+uu Y. O. Ad4reaa r/ q Tul . Nov N:xA%.• of Installer /V100 _ fiTdresa ,� �+sc*f ►771� `7 To NuNU.� ul' f+l un+b+:r .�1j- :d Add ruuu Ttll . Neu. of uwion_ j2[C+ Ld _Sp'1ftCC] G� Aalctrass +Ut7rtYl+Frca , ,x � !_ u�c✓7�'iJE /?!? 64)SY-Tul . . "7!! £& f3s [� 7 MC7IiILE HOME INFORMATION ; ZONING INFORMATION « New llctiue Placement !I - A L M PLOT PAN UST BE PREPARED AND SUBMITTED, - '~Replacing existing Hama drawn reasonably to scale and attached horeto , i''J+� ,� • rwhowing cic:rrly+ and distinctly all buildings , Size of new Home �£ t }Cy� �t wt►tsther gxIating or proposu3 and indicate all Single w ' 1e Double w sat-back 411"unsions from property limas . Give - wide utreat and numl)ur or lot nuatbor and indicate Now of rooms ( excluding baths ) ' who t her interior or corner lot , show location No . of bedrooms Of WALOV supply and location :and configuration o£ septic dispos"I area . t3o . Of ba l�. un+ +s-_ - ► COMPLETO INFORMATION REQUIIWO nrL.OW . F• ireplace?-V wood stove? 1V O Site of property Z;;� Q f t x ft . foundation style and sloe : Eximting buildinStu ) Size�ft X ft . y s t JC1h"`h"3 " E .n.+ E 3- aaet' f 'Tfc7nl r - N5 . of Size- - ft x ft. ` "!"Ling building Jul uaa ..- Depth below grade Et . * we'll r_wyr2 0_PV�.,rC-.,r2 - - n n y F(XJNDATION Footing size *" X .. I'roposud builder!+x , diyLance from ro 4rt lino Front ft Rear wall material " Side yard yard �� ft yards > f t and y fit wall thickness " Height ft. + If on corner , sgWack from side atra:ut Total depth below grade £t . OCCUPANCY INFORMATION - Grade to Home floor level- bag . + PRIMARY BUII.p'IN'G '- It r is a w w a a * s • n Is a • w Is • w r .o' one rawiiy dwelling Two faulily dwell ing Proposed date of piacement�y?/ �� y Multlplu dwelling / Number of units Aprox . Value. of !tome $ a 1 j (20 (,0 _ • Permanent occupancy 'rranbient Occupancy Water supply -- Well Municipal-2L. jr Business Septic Permit required? /✓© Industrial r. OLher 3 --%4 .frLso Cat L? w If ,additioike wlwt will usa but? FURTHER INFORMATION REQUESTED 04 , " ACCESSORY BUILDING- ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS SHEET . * DQtached garage,�one car/ two car/ car " Attached garage/one car/ two car 'Private storage building " Other r Farm bill P 5/ 86 md - vl APPLICATION FOR MOBILE HOME PERMIT, ( CONTINUED) State of New York Division of Housing and Community Renewal INSIGNIA OF APPROVAL OF THE STATE BUILDING CODE 1 . Is INSIGNIA SERIAL NUMBER 2 . NAME OF MANUFACTURER L, (. 1AJ 3 . PLAN APPROVAL NUMBER 4 NN MODEL OR COMPONENT DESIGNATION S . MANUFACTURER ' SiSERIAL NUMBER G . DATE OF MANUFACTURE All the above information is to be found on a pZate or sticker which aho " Id be affixed to the Mobile Nome . Complete. -above "th that infoyw=tion. * # # 4 rt rt 1 # +! { # 4 rt 4 # 4 A { # AN { - { +! A wl 4 A { 4 4 # # Town Of Queensbury County of warren A F F I D A V . I T STATE OF NEW YORx I swear that to the best of my ,knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application , together with the plans and specifications submitted , are a true and cornnlcte ntatelftent of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all ,Proviaionu of the NUlLOINC CODS; , THE ZONING ORDINANCE , and all other lawn partaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether apucified or not, and that such work is auchOrizud by the ownere Signature _ __ _ �4" _e� w ___ _i__... er , q er • 191 agent , rcnite t . contractor Id ■ r r r r r r r * rt r r s w w * t ♦ • , s r y ♦ w w r r w r r w w • w r w w r r w r r r r • SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT : TO�vN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND EW YORK ] 280s� QUEENS,BURY. 5 83 792-5832 TELEPHONE f BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME Lv LOCATION PERMIT # DATE — APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/PIERS ORMS MONOLITHIC POUp_ OOFING FOUNDATIONAIPPROVAL BACICFILL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH—IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALS ILING INAL .INSPECTION -* CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SILTING EXTERNAL PORCHES/ TS --- + ,STAIRS—CLEA7`vANCE.F RAIL"'S--�— PLUMBING FIXTURWSI RCYI EF VALVE INTERIOR TRIMIt RS FINISHED Fik)4S GARAGE FXREP�OOFXN' DOOR CLOSERS) SMOKE DETEgGTORS FINAL ELECTR*tCAL INSPECTION FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION OF A SIGNED I I ATE�ITHE �CUPANCY MUST BE DEPARTMENT BEFORE OBTAINED FROM THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED!' REMARKS * ///// T r� INSPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT t BAY & HAVILAND ROADS . QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 1280& TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 f-- - BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME r.�..A" LOCAT ION �c ► ^ '� DATE �2 PERMIT # APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/PI$RS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATION/MMP-PROOFING BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING ,.,,,/P7NAL -INSPECTION.: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHESZSTEPS STAIRS-CLEARANCE .& RAILS _ PLUMBING FIXTU,i2ES/RELIEF LVE INTERIOR TRIM/PRIVACY DOORS` FINISHED FLOC�?S _ GARAGE FIRED OOFING DOOR CLOSER ( ) SMOKE DETECTORS FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTION FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIEDf REMARKS: 4 INSPECTOR MIDDLE DEPART F,IYT�"i1S }IV AGENCY. INC. L — 3 �7, 9va. FYa lun,_c a Mr S:"osiaa June23 , 1985 Ccrtifi that ti ", ' ! Oectncal equipment listed has-been examined and is approved as being in accord 11 with the National Electricl Code', applicable governmental, utility and Agency rules. Owner., :Naomi Bancrofe, pccupanc,y Dx.re 13 i n g cfrY Occupant: Same d �, Fi Y V.� ,,. Location. 266 Rhode Is 3:and A Vertu , Quti nsbel fr y '(LtTrs rkrers craa cp cse drna era tha electrical 'y date. IF eddile cotional epuopmeni Shoulequipment and co is sta liaon ins d oecl e th:s (t' d be introduced or alterations made to "p4 eknsting system this certificate shlN be null and void, and application for Equipment: 100 Amp Service - _ nSpfKtion should be suhmiltaid pr4e7Plly to tills Agency. ,Holdef Of IMIS CerlifiGale should PT4sant lame 10 his property insurance carrier (a ge n it or co m pan y) a s evi dar+c a of cert i hcahon of electrical "u i pment pip p roved i� ae aPec�}ied r 71 r =ail2iam Colema y .. Applicant. Po Box 512 No . I5 - 024931 Hudson Falls , NY 1283 R F Rarer No, 70S EL 1 as TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT HAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK I2804- TELEPHONE (SIB) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED- NAME vel LOCATION DATE ILA.....-.��- CS PERMIT # / APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/PIER$ 4,*IONOLISTHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATION/DAMP-PROOFING BACKFILL APP VAL ROUGH PLUMRIN FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROU -IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHE /STE STAIRS-CLEARANC & RA PLUMBING FIXTU ES/RELI F VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/ RIVACY ORS FINISHED FLOO S _ GARAGE FIRED oOFING DOOR CLOSER ) SMOKE DETEC ORS FINAL ELECTR CAL INSPECTION FINAL APPRO L OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED C RTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY T BE OBTAINED OM THE .BUILDING DEPARTMEN BEFORE THESE PRE ISES ARE OCCUPIED ! REMARKS : FgK1 _ -0� umo)l j! A4ja4 NSPECTOR SELECT BUSINESS FORMS (609) S48-5203 APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION PLEASE BEAR DOWN YOU ARE MAILING (4) COPIES MIDDLE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION AGENCY, INC, f * National Headquarters -`` 900 Haddon Ave., Collingswood, N_J- 08108 r r Dater r City, Town or Township. III!c —.> County �±1 A,ct rZ W wI State Location/Address C' + ( If Located in Rural Area • Please At ch Directions) Pole sF_ Owner / - ,'^ ./'1'1'/ G7 t�. + +'9'/2 Permit # . Occupied As tQr frw Building : NewEO Old M Occupant Work Area in Building Floor #, etc. ) : "[Z"S + 1.7 0, f"A +G. A for: Wiring0 Service or: Ready for inspection : r Fee Remitted - $ Cash Check M.O. M ke ayable To: M.D. I.A. 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2060 2250 2500 2750 3000 Number of Rough Wiring Outlets Elect. 'Heat SOO Switches /� Amp_ Service Surface Unit � Dishwasher Range Lighting ` �..� —�'1"-s' -_ �f tT Water Heater _+ Air Conditioner k!! Dryer Pump Receptacles Number of Fixtures Oven Garbage Disposal Wiring and Controls for 6 f` f_. Burner Amp. Receptacles Fractional H_P- Vent Fans Other Equipment: IA-Z�IlrsAir-w At. MOTOR'S H.P. 1/2 1/12 1/10 1/11 1/6 1 1/4 1/3 1 1/2 3/4 11 1 1 lVIr 1 2 1 3 5 711 10 1 15 1 20 25 30 1 40 .50 75 100 Mark Number of Each Sire T7 Applicant's Signature —y f *r License # Permit # T/A Utility : Applicant's Address :,o -I At Jre {NA (OFFICE ATIU (City ) (State)—.tt�.�_„-�� (Zip) � �loF Service Request # ► Phone # {'r �� �` - II a !V-5 Electrician A r DATE RECEIVED: DATE INSPECTED: Correct Location : Same as Above © or: Red Notice Label Q Rough Wiring Outlets Surface Unit Oven Switches Range Garbage Disposal Receptacles Water Heater Dishwasher Fixtures Air Conditioner Dryer Amp. Service Equipment Burner, Wiring & Controls for Amp. Receptacle Amp, Service Conductors Pump Vent Fans MOTORS H.P, 1120 1/12 1/10 1/0 1 1/6 1/4 1/3 1/2 3/4 1 1 11/2 Z 3 1 5 1 7112 10 15 24 25 30 40 1 50 75 1[30 Mark Number of Each Size Soo 750 1004 1250 2 t7 1500 1750 2000 2250 500 275 3000 gFil _ pat )eat� � � �ReYSW jj_ 81 CERTIFICATIONS J USE. FOR INITIAL VISIT ONLY NOTIFIED DATE COFE19RRE FEE PAID 0 RW Progress- Inc. 0 LKD [73 Contractor F-1 CFT Violation - Work Comp. F Inc. 0 CASH [] L/A Owner Fee L/A Due MID ## 0 IPA Municipal I NV # Applicant Date-. Other SideO Utility Owner Cut in Card 0 Temp # Date Ib" i IF I n:t ko VIM ape lar C AFL1�'� � y`a r _}� . . :. k .J� ' 8•t� ��(�..�� Si . , .W, . i r Irk 4 IF 4 IF 00 ti,t , ram. W IF , NORTHWAY , C� �� � < co mQri t Ay E- Z -J a � A ..I FF. ': 3 VQt U ett y ; N W:: .; D Ssat t+d A� W # a ode kilc a Ay tL fi�ec FIFFIFFI ,s0 co O �Y1LL Qa�2 Ay �40 LL lu 2 t�dt g it►e �°t a Ay z cm ILK% 5 tt+ Ay Ay J t C% yi15COfl f�tt t) �e5t e5pt3 Mgt ' .• �i at f st •* ' f Pal Y fl ; j Y 1 � 40 IZEC Z . Q: Q Q .[ tret`4 x ett COc = (AS a � `I G % NMIN Rd Car�ipr a j 13 ( 3 a ( #4 a ( 262 ) 7 AM tz � ► ) 1 n{(q .� ) '0 a act 4 Cn 12 100379 ( 342 i263 ) { 226 ) 6 { 3aur 4 t 41 ( 264 ) a 100 100 1 ' 5 . 0*� se 1r5. 05 Ljj ( ' 91 } ( 340 ) ( 265 ) Z4 � : . ( 382 ) r + © ( 339 ) ( 286 ) ma J ' Q { 3B3 1 ( 338 ) 2 ( 267 ) ' +^ 222 ) =: i { 384110 f337 ) m ( 268 ) 1 � f ( 385 ) 12 ( 336 ) ( 260 ) ( 220 ,r ( 366 ) ( 3 .] 5 �y ( 270j ( 219 ) 3 r 3a7 1 { .' 34 ) ( 271 Qa (� 218 ) { 388 ) 11 ( 333 ) ( 272 ) • . loci a ( 273 � '� � ( 390 ) ( ' : 1 �yr ( 274 } 100 1 Do A. ( 391 ) ( 330 ) ( 275 ) ( 392 ) ( 329 ) ( 2761 > ig r N ( 3937 1� `; { 328 ) ] { 277 ) g ( J94a _ ( 327 ) 31 ( 278 ) , 00 U 11 ( 296 ) '( 325 ) Lai LAJ ( 280 100 CD ++ 0 397 ; C - 2a ) CC= S : ) �i6o { 37�3 ) i2 � ? 1r Pr SOUT11 AVE . i283 ) 7400 100 - f ( 32 ] ) . 284 ( 401 ) 1 ( 320 ) ��, a' ( 28b ) { 402 ) ( :3 , 8 ) Y00 3o ( 286 ) .? ' a' coca ( 403 ) 1J `�' , 31 B7 ( 2B " ) ` 1 fl❑ A C404 ) 1 ¢ { 317 { 28Pa 10 100 r u o i 40a ] 13 { 2 £ : 40if; I 4 ( 31 5 } ( 29 0 ) yo PoL� -- Tn WN OF QUEENSBUA'Y I i n WA-t�ft. I� i Exr5ri4G sEP11c Zoning Admiristrat9+ ItOOO GA(-. WI z 1+ ' PER CusTUM 6k i . tav SE E5 11XEX _ — -J 00 L_ ry tiefZ LJL-1 r . r g bR. I DINING {It UTILITY 00QR BEDROOM 10 ROOM ii r W'2 10' 0" i . EXEX S 10, 7813 * 6028 _ >rEn 3 BEDROOM• CENTER i �;zBEN KITCHEN • SNACK BAR • 2 — BATHS • GARDEN 26 ,,. ,ao„ TUB • CATHEDRAL ; XnEwa — CEILING ( 1 ,456 SQ, FT,) MASTER LIVING ROOM BEDROOM 18'• 8" I 'c eu DEN BEUROOM No. 1 'um 12'-0.. No, 3 13' 4" 1 12 0" ar � FWKW !rt 19C YT " Af y� (� TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING DEPT. PROPER' Y METHOD FOR SUPPORTING A MOBILE HOME ,,Av �a� SHOWN FOR USE WITH A SINGLE WIDE MOBILE HOME ONLY FOR USE WITH A DOUBLE WIDE USE SAME METHOD UNDER EACH SIDE TRAILER BODY TRAILER FRAME TRAILS -1 .REAM -- - WOOD FLOCKING } CEMENT BLOCKS � THICK_-SLAB--- - -- FINISH GRADE REINFORCEMENT ROD 6-6-I0 WIRE MESH REINFORCEMENT ROD AND MESH AS PER CONDITIONS SLAB TO RUN FULL LENGTH OF THE TRAILER AS SHOWN