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'LJ r I r' ER.T3 I C A�' T`E OF C�►+�:C�LTL�'A�N+CY 1 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YtJRK � Date_ �� r� eZ� -f 14 - 300[ - - 1 - � 2. 'Phis is to certify that work requested to be done as showta by Permit No, �, - `� ' U has been completed. � STORAGE SITED ' Thia strucivrc may be occupied as a ` BIG BAY ROAD i,.00cation Rbsernary 'lrHIRew Owner By Order Town Board 'I'O'WN G]F QUEENSBUFLY Director of Bldg• do Code Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT PIP TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. $ -410 B WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK z O Y--n PERMISSION is hereby granted to RCICFMARY THRFW w ra k OWNER of property located at RR4 Box S7 6 Big y Toad Street, Road or Ave. -3 c.a in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a SrrQR A CIF. SHED at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. x t . OWNER'S Address is r�1 CrJ same PU 0 2. CONTRACTOR or BUI LDE R'S Name fb m •x 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER 'S Address Cz1 U4 1 d_ ARCHITECT`S Name W VD 4 Lr+ 5. ARCHtTECVS Address 69 TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by Xi X Wood Frame [ I Masonry (X) Steel ( ! 7. PLANS and Specifications No. 2540 Sq. ft. Storage building as per plot plants, specifications and application Q m Cb ro S. Proposed Use cn Storage shed to include repair of equipment C. 1 $ 95p nn PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES October 4 tlf a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of oueensbury before the expiration date.} Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 4th pay SIGNED BY — ` - � ZALL Ssu-� for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Inspector !f _�ara+ir t►� �rir-errs �erry �'+l9WN OF 4UEEN8 3n���� , f1u1LCFktVC. :onai 2C3NiNG l]EPAriTiri&NT R�CElVED . 'r.a'1 + . am . Day arxo rla+riiand road, R.D. I sax JB rc ;. Cluaensbury. Now York I2601 JUN .: 1989 � . � . dK AporQvqd APPLICATION � Of L . - •t & CODE �1��,� GL � BU I LLD I NG AND ZONING PERM IT x * * * * * * ,r *. ♦ .r r[ ,r * ,r w► .r ,r �► s ' r ,. ,rr rr .t �► .r * :aria _- . A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION . ANSWER ALL OF THE FOLLOWING . . - =n? k . °rhe undersigned hereby applies for ,a building permit to do the following work which will bid; dona in uccordanc%, with the descriptian, plans and specifications submitted, and such :q)4+4 :i"L conditions "a Laay be indicated on the Permit . � : Add Th,an owasur of this ypL.r�op&:Fcy is : -- 4kA � . P . D . Addtoz;s Afa 'kql . i 'roperty Locations PIlr'd '�u y �� �'" M:Ij� Nam' { 2. Scr.a.:c number or building lot number suk4divi:;ion name (if applicabla) r^ • �«: .. '1`IiE IIILASU" RESPONSIBLE POR SUPERVISION OF WORK AS f=ARDS 6UILD1140 COD" . , . e... ..,.,... .. P. O. Addrusa dr z. _... . 'wi . dd` No :N S ! i . is e ` Hama: of builder /GL �'yi�� y6•" Address "J/1 yr� 13�.�x .4•"efe ! G'_„ g x'el /�. �«. 1 Id - I'SaMur ai P110- r �1 i Address .^._ ! / 'L"e dd I ---,=, k, , W auw of Address ivATuRr OF PROPOS ' WORK1 #* 7ON I MG I NFORMAT Qk+l �ED Ca ruction of a new building �► TWO PLOT PLANS MUST BE . PREPARED AND SUBMITTED06" ;' - , i'; dciiclon to a building ' drawn reasonably to scale tu'►d attuchoa hur"co Alt+�trwtion to a building " showing ola4rly and riirstinatly all twildinga. . — ( no ChUR100 to axt.arior diA*nai.ons)' " whether exiting or 13ri;aposod and ir;:]icairC all 44 Other work (describe) " sat-back dimensions from Waporty lines , Ciao . - ' street and number- or lot number- und, indicato a a-i:A , " whether interior or - eorrner lot . :horn location : ' ��s= . •.. i'OIi ALMOLI'L' ION Pl.RMI'r, S't'AiL`L: SIZE Ai1A . of water supply and location "and configuration PW "X�' LGCATLGN OL ST rUIU;S Ar4FCC"'i'C of septic disposal area • COMPLETE INFOfu44rION REQUIRED BELOW r. " Size of prapclrtyi' 2G r ko Ft x ar4' ft . Existing buildii►g ( : Ie9D ft x �� 2 ft • Y * +s idN. : !°RC. POSM RU( LDt ANC] USE : * Existing building(: Us,r f .iza of now ucturs G. 9 ft x ft * +✓ r'owidatia - ,e /slab/crawl/pasrt.ia /full " Proposed building, 3iatancu Prow property ling rA (circle anal * Front and 1 �LG� `ft Rear No • of stories (habitable space) y yard ( fie. ft ,. Side yards 'z ft and Height ( grade to ridg3) `719 ft. * If on corner , sutback From aide street � �ft If reaidantial, no. of families No . of roans (excluding bzLrhs) * OCCUPANCY INFORMATION moo of bedrooms fVl!:� A-1 * PRIMARY SUILDINC Mod No• of bathroomsWPM ,44,% A One family dwelling Primary hoating sysstQ&U- z�# / r Two family dwelling `�1`yYxs cif f uel- n—�--/— Mult dwelling •/ hupaber or units No .. of fireplaces to be installed 000000mapermarierlt occupancy r s' will :a wane! ,stove kx3 in5tall4:42 e47, Onoonnow Tra "aunt occupar4cy Cantrul Air conditioning's J4de a as , 13UILDING STYLE, PRIMARY STRUCTURE * ' ndustrial t ;;, . other Fcanah Cantc3nkporary Log cabin ' if addition , whist will. uuo ba? rraised ranch Mansion taul�lctx ,# t-, d Split level Old scylc Bungalow .�". Cape Cod Cottaga Oc * ACCESSORY SUILDINCw F Colonial LRow 11+awn House * Detached gwruge/one car/ two car/..car WWWWWWWWO ( CIRCLE ONE PLEASE ) " At Achu:d garage/one car/ two car/ cae• '; t s • s w • ri , . A - a Y' x * • • ' ' twate storage building ESTIMATED MA5XtT VALUE OF * Otherlow CONSTRUCTION iNPORMATION ON BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS, . OW—iikEvIzRSE SIDE OF THIS SHEET, TO RE COMYLOTCA ! Perm UPA 4/86 -rrl 4lowplow, . 77 --- .,- -_ 3, r � ulrnlarc �er� �Im J6PPLYch4r10t1 COUTIrMED W { LDrNG SMCkFiCATIONS : Typo Of construction. woad fraglcs fire s&f3. etc .-„__„__-,,,�� will wr,y ::acaad-hiand ar ungrµd.sd lumber be - used? If so, tar whist? Foundat ion wall a aterial^, Cc /EfG� t" T a 'fhicicn+a:i:+ f Depth of faundetiou ]0lpw ,.gr&40 Ica bottaw of tooting) i t will th•sru be a ca11ar7�,Ll� # rL ax urYh,sat,ad7 _�'V oar aq. faotxwgrr = I will thove be a bay[ sm nt? 6 d P any portion bps .uu"d as liviatig apaco?; { IL so, whet prsxt3+ari? ----setts • - - Type of use? � Type ox roof - slapac}i'f1ar. shsscl ather� ia1a►teartui. isf roof ` y ' Sis•.ia , wood studs _"Y -► " spascing ...•. *'a . c . length .. tt • "x ��" spacing e— "o . c . spun ft + Joi:itz jfloor bSi3s+►i` } lot. flier �..._, .• , � L, r Joists ( floor boaaras) 2nd . floor "x spacing r--•"o . c. t3pazrt�,�"�"""Z't• ov+ariayta (cc,iIing bwauwa }�.,,s4x�.M spacing ..r "�a. c. span ifs. .' .. , _ . .,.: 594 i uoof' rafterar rcoof xrutiai�aa {pr+t-enginarrsrad? spacing _"a. c. span ( i,�„ft• � - L�oxt4FiaF wall fin3•aRx► of ghat m&cmrial?� N7 � 7 dL: Lwar. Intarior wall finish If a garage is to be a►t"v &hsd , dascxibe aaataria3a to b.s usad for Flri S PJ►RA"1�IOMs � . Is tha:ra to be an apaniag b4tvau& : gsxaag0 and dwelling? •--4 so will eta flirbc xatui door, a,�nclasuFee And 4%j;lf-4losing davic�s be isravidad? A`. . will a tluQc Ilnad chiswaay be lnstslled? Haight above; roof pcpth of chimney foundation bcnlow gradet • D,spth of firpl tls----� :. H.. tr�x eupplY t{ur►iGi or pr j.v&ta wall k. S[:P'r•YC SYS9'i:K staaaae >froua ANY prtvata wall (including adjoining properties r s {A separate application is nac"a;Uaary tar &qy, repair or ncsw inytnllatian of :rui�tic s:yssttsmj ; ��• : . •roan of nuaenubury A F F :1 D A V I np YQE G County or Warrcn ' I swaar that to the best of NLY knowledge and balief the �stat&"z; tm contai in this application# togathar .Wich the plans and siociticationa oubaodttlads &rQ a trura and m 9 r. ;. . cr�wnl sta staceuus�tt of all p�-oj �psad work to be dane on the d.:sc3ribcsd �sreraiseas :srt4t tt►�►t +t►� } . , prov.iaions of th& WILDING COOP # '11iG ZQWZt4 .CWJ)Xt�1NGL:, and all athaar lwtrs pc GuChiwo to a thy: israposad work slwil bu c014pli,4d with: whasthox speci�fi►'sd or rote and Chat cuct� work is s:Kt authcsri::.:d by tlta, own4r . • '' ?''3? Xq .r t;wrUrur TO uEr ores arm 'mill 5 signature_ ownera ownelc • s :.q4nta 4xcliltact. coat ractar .. d:sy of . .` J tiota.ry Public * W:arr an Co" atye N. Y . t.... wt 'w a i 1 v i[ x • • to * R i 'k t U 1e • s • es tt is ■ Yi � _ . pECIAL CON13ITIONS OF THU PEMIT = � ? 1A: , ' 4 d .;Ajbo' • s : • ���.�r+r�l.�nr�._.�.r��w__�r__wr.1_�rn_r+r•n_S__.rrwnl�.Y� ' .Y°:! W TONMN OF QUEEIISSMY at BUILDING MEN 531D BAY ROAD COES PA 1T2B04 QUEENSBURY , NEW YORK fE SSU KE ( 518} 792- 5832 T BUIlD M6ECTId1 RECEIVED REQUEST FOR I ME L�TIo� WE�,�-� gig p�MIT r TYPE OF STRUCTURE APPROVED N/A YES NO RECHECK 00 NGS/ ER _ MONOLITHIC POUR REINFORCEMENT IS REST L ~ FOR FROM PRUYTHE �NG pRUTE�I FON-LOWING FREEZING FOR 8 TtiE CNyNCRETEa THE THTE LA�OR PHIS pIIRPOSE ON SITE FpUNDATIONIWALL POUR REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE FOUNDATION/DAMPROOFING� - BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING L E�� PLUMBING VENT/VFN I PLUMBING UNDFR SLAB FRAMING : H DERS JACK STUDSI BRACING/BRIDGING JOIST HANGERS JACK POSTS /MAIN BEAM FIRES TO PP ING WALLS CEILING FIREWALLS UGH- N HEATING R I {VSULATION: AL LS IN E NORFOFOUUNDATION WALLS E%T ERIOR R-� R- F LOORS - WALLS R- CEILIN ING N N14EA ED DUCT WORK 0 PI SPACE'S ,, Q , ,. ,r P G- REMARKS : � co d.& ARRIVE DEPART � N PECTOR ~���� Tar n )IFQUEENSBURY V1. " ( ROAD SBURY > NEW TOR, I _S()4 QUEEN ( 518) 745_ 4447 eL TELEPxQNF ` S REPORT guILUIN6 I115PECTaR FINAL INSPECTION REQUEST FOR INSPECTIONWil RECEIVED NNME LaCATI[ m / Q DATE_____` �sv ! PERMIT i TYPE Of STRUCTURE_ RECHECK STRUCTURE) BACKFILL FRAMING FIRE MAR4SHADATOION ( COMMERCI SEPTIC � DTING FINAL ELECTRICAL _ ROUGH PLUMBINGWOODSTOVE/ FIREPLACE ? \ ` INSULATION /} REMARKS APPROVAL NO N ! A YES cx IMNEY HEIGHT/LOCATION_. ._--.-- -- -- B VENT /LOCATION PLUMBING VE"T ROOFING SIDING DECK/PORCH/ STEPS lRAILING51 .� RELIEF VALVES ALV EtioNW ER~-OPERA ING laASEMEtAFT IN ItJTERIOR TRISA/ PRIG ACLATIN/�U DOdRSK~ FINISH FLOORS BATH/KITCHEN WATERTIGHT OTHER FLOORS SWEEPRBLE OTHER FLOORS CARPETED STAIR CLEARANCE/ RAILINGS }{ANDICAPPED ACCESS NS SMOKE DETECTORS RATING BATHROOM/ FANS/WHOL H USE AT ALL ING F GARAGE FBIRE PROOFING 0 DOOR CLOSERS OTHER FIRE SEPARA I N FIRE/DEt4ISE WALLS kfIRFI�EN S� DUMPSTER SITE PLAN/VA IANCE REQ FINAL ISSU ICALCID O C / OK Td CdM 4yT5 eo zxr _ + �-'^� OEPART�------- INSP D OF Y� �rT OUEENSB 2qi IRY rrQ W R "�"� oad ' e 0 -?25w— 18 732 5632 say at g ir►g & Code s © INSPECTOR ` S ggp(7RT I9 `l Rai ERT� TJOJ CYWpEg OR TENANT sTGN oT -ILDI �a� �a � i ��,Rxcs CON TP.CT THIS , PpTCE 'kdITH�N Y ECTOR HpME Cif NATuSAL BEAUTY , A GC10p PLACE 70 LIVE*. SETTLED 1763 TOtiVt3 C3F QLIE 'NSBURY 40111 BL7ILDIN6 AND COD N ROADS SpARTMENT J�ujy . HAVILA YORK I2gOg QuEENSBURY, N 792- 5832 TELEPHONE ( 5I ORT BUILD I3G iT3SP'EGTbR' S ' D REQUrST FOR INS BCTION RECEIVE NAME LOCATION DATE l� ! PERM ,APPROVED YES NO FOOTINGIPC Up ORMS_ MONOLITHIC ROOFING OuNPATIDNIP P^ �— BACKFILL PLUMBING AppROVA ROUGH FRAMING L ROUGH IN ELECTRICA INSULATION . FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING TXON : FINAL INSPEC CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SITTING PORCHE STEPS EXTERNAL & RAILS STAIRS�CLEARANC I,RELIEF VALVE PLUMBING FIXTtT R VACY DOORS INTERIOR TRIMI FINISHED FLO FI G GARAGE FXREPR DOOR CLOSER ( SMOKE DETECT LS INS EC�nION_��_-.---- FINAL ELECTRI OF CO TRi1CTION�_� _-- . FINAL ,AP,pROVA O OR C OK To ISSZ3E ST BE F OCCUPANCY MU A SIGNED CE M THE TIFICATE BUX ING DEPARTMENT BEFORE OBTAINED F PIED ( THESE PREM 5ES ARE OCC REMARKS : Y "J DEpAR R INSPECTOR Tal'�N aF gUEENSBJ"'y gtTILpING AND CODES DEPARTMENT H y280t" ' BAY & AVILANn ROADS law YORK 5832 tVEEN5HL7RX, ( 528 ) 792" ,TELEPHONE �.I�I� YNspEc�raR RFC'' aR R INSPECTION RECEI REQUEST NAME LOCATION PERM T # APPROVED DATE YES NO Y FOOT1N+G/PIE FORS - --� /^ MOrjOLITHSC �' UP_�OOFING FOUri7DATIONID BACYIP'L ' APP VALE_ ROUGH PLVMBIN FRAMING O H -IN BLECTRICAL INSULATION-0 FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEIL n ECTIO FINAL i,, I3EIGHT CHIMNB .ROOFING �--� SIDING pORCHE S SPS LS EXTERNA CLEARANC & RAJ EF V �~~ STAIRS FIXTDR Cy DOORS PLUMBING TRIMIF'R INTERIOR �� -- FINISHED FTAORS FI GARAGE FIREPROO DOOR CLOSERS ? SMOKE DETECTORS CTIDN��--- IC I S TrON��--� FINAL ELECTR gTRUC FINAL AFPROVAL OF O CI bK 10 ISSUE C/o © CUFA DEPARTMENT B NCy MUST E Na P(}RE TE O A SIGNED CERTIFIC BUI OBTAINED FROM THE OCCU LED ! THESE PREMISES AM REMARKS : to t� ]( pFtRIVE2 DEF'A'R'L.r�� INSPECTOR Of , ! ;NL l 7 MMII MIIL 41 N •4v i;' ice„ . _ j 0 te TOWN OF 44)uEJ:Nk�)buHy Zoning Administrator nf — — v ( t y � 0 r