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.-gam....;.__ ., - - ' MOM CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANC x' TOWN OF 4UEENSSURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Date AUGUST 19 ,iq 91 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. 89-449 has been completed. This structure may be occupied as a _ Sing le Family Dwe f l i n g Irocation _ '� Al gonpui n Drive - Mona Lisa Varano Owner Sy Order Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSSURY Director of Bldg. & Code Enforcement -1 w -� BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEEN5BURY No. 89- 449 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK h7 PERMISSION is hereby granted to MONA LISA VARANO �+ OWNER of property located at LOT 163 ALGONQU IN DRIVE Street, Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. Oct 3�" 1 . OWNER'S Address is 22B CAMPAGNA DRIVE ALBANY , N . Y . 12205 CD 2_ CONTRACTOR or BUI LOER 'S Name JIM VARANO i 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address SAME 4. ARCHITECT'S Name r— C1 F� 5. ARCHITECTS Address Owl w 3= r— G's 6_ TYPE of Construction — {Please indicate by X} C &X)4 wood Frame f } Masonry ,' } Steel ( 1 C7 ti 7, PLANS and Specifications 'CC rM No. 30 ' x 79 ' Single family dwelling as per plot plan , specifications , and application , including septic , attached two car garage , and driveway . B_ Proposed Use SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING r m $ 157 nn PERMIT FEE PAIL? - THIS PERMIT EXPIRES JANUARY 1 19 90 A (lf a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the au1Iding and Zoning inspector of the " town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) -'—c Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 1 Day of June 19 89 SIGNED BY ' r for the Town of Queensbury cox Building and Zoning Inspector 5 , F� �V.'\I' �rEE�iSl'} L: Ti Y 1 ' ni t � .t• rr � 1: r r � UIr nr `! C � Nrk = �� ^NC, V R LT F �'Gs.klv eWs '3C? =i `;;A Q ev.tF Fee PaZ 1:UI LDI NC AND CODES LA .PARTPT-NT Ua.te I4.6ued ::16 Y and H;t V,r Ls ND ROADS RD 1 BOX 9a nuEENSBi1RY , Nzw YORK .I2dO4 PeAtm-+st NO , _ TeI . ( 51. 8 ) 702-54332 Exc 204 a a a a a * a a : * a * Is a a a a a ■ a a a a ■ a a a a • a i a ♦ a ■ a a A PERMT MUST DO OBTAINED BEFORE LECINNINC CONSTRUCTION . NO INSPECTIONS LL 13L NIAIJr UNTIL APPLICANT HAS T.LCrIVED A VALID BUILDING PERMIT , All applicable spaces on this . application must be cOnlrletcd and the + r* >xature of the applicant must appear on the reverse silk o £ this � hcet . A: * k A * 'A * Af � ism * * * * * The owner of this property is : ' P . 0 Address e .2 cs TEL » Y � a • .So1S" od it roperty locationTAX MAP NO . !,' r oas there been any split a ? this property since t er 1 , 19BB ? « yes no = ` yes , Planning Board Review is necessary . wUBDJVISION [1AME , IV APPLTC1*DL ' a LOT PIG , 111'e`a3� litre person responsib� ie for supurvision of work as 14 regards Building Codes is " �lzt.�Z�ps ) 4'' 8' .2, AMi F . G . ADDRESS K* TEL NO . Tel iaume of builder Address Tel (i;,ma of Plumber J.ddress is Name of Mason T. \10 /tOl r- tiddress �C ' ce rs-, may ' �x Tel `{ Y S 6 ii,lTuRt~ Or 0P.GrOSCO WJJZ. : ZONING iNJ � OW'II TIONI ( Office use only ) V C:nrywts't�ccior& of a �suw Y�uilc3ir�7 s ZONING DUSICNA':ION CF PROPERTY Addition to " 1juil .3ii19 PERMITTED PRINCIPAL PERMITTED ACCESSORY �AltuC"Lion to .A L+uildtng - trio clL.a, s] � to . Xt . rior cliinon� i4ns1 REVIEW REQUIRED — PLANNING BOARD ZONING ISOARD� QCh%: r work (ae.ncr .LLt.-. ) ' SITE PLAN REVIEW S APPROVED DATE VRRIRiyCE 0 RPPRGVED DATE � kOSS ARLA Ol' PROPOSGD_ t; 'rFtUC. 'rUR9: " rd' Re[n �rks : � �`, sq f t . Jc7 r -- nd Floor /�' 1. d sq f t 13 cGi•tPf L'`1'!: Ipll'af.iwn'1'14N Sri E�uI1cLLl laL' LLAtr . 3ir.0 of L)COV : rty other Floors sq ft���, lixiz.cii4cJ L:uilli � ��] ( � ) Si . .: l' L X rc . ( nnc cellar or b ;as .ament ) r TOTAL FLOOR AREA awp sq f t L xasG ac�g G`. L 1.1ar5.) ( + ) CJa�a i ,u tj a nc w !.;tructuru .30 f t k 7q f 1'sl�,d + tion-pier/ :.1a1+/cruwl/i�arta�al ull r9014oL:ea boil lars9 da� c:+nou iroux VxQpuf cy lino ( circle one ) # rront yurd_ ( G i t Rear y:Ard 7j2 S9 - ft Ns : of stories ( h"b! c:Abl.: ULywce ) A2 _ Silo yairdu f t -And _ � rt 9ll.a.ighc ( c1radta to rid(j.: ) % Ec . It on corner . :.ur.UA%:K Srola sick: . cr"uc r' c 1i rasicluntial � e �� a f r • , 'or tto » of rooms ( a ch .> ! , �YOC` TP'A � A ( r - . ,.. . tlo . of bradroom5 � t" WE* „ pki„I1�iIti.Ft"Y"a�y�IsU ;LaiNC No * of ta:aclxro W �r �0 I "►�,��J' °. ++. +� '•► a vriaa. ry 1►w•► eiiksy u *# 1tiw4 .e11LY y dwae ling Typ" Of fuel M lti �l" .1wu ng / Nu! its�,yr t+o . of firuL�lac+::: to li.r..,}n3ar.:.l f 8QK. i'4h#. / 'd • �fJK wall :► ►wawl c!? 1'tiari:.luc�C erucul'+A'&Cy t:uncrwl Air Coc�riiiiur►�cq: � 13usinwss fIu1LDIWG STYLE, PRIMARY STR ' TURE Industrial '+ Ocher scu<<ch Cotxtwrlc.r-sy L.[,g le:Alain It .Addition , W14"t will usi.s boss? l:iAiaA:d rariclty M:►nscir..�A Dulal+sx apxAsc lwvi:i Old ycylQ UUjkt].+ law " Cod Catt"q%: Octwr ACCL•»SSOAY UUILDINCw (:tAloni.Al ` lcov 1'Owr� House a Li.:tachad 4.Ari4go/ono cur/ two C:Ar/ C:ar ( CIILCLL: Ottl: pLtAf.E ) ' Ae"ActnCnuLl tj"r1sa]u/0414 Car/ cw0 Car/y+ _Cue' ■ a a a a s a a a a Nr * ■ a i priv" cu 5cor"ga building �rA LST114ATI' D MARKET VALUE' OF A LONS:'1` itUC L IG7N ( q 00w oati • INPORI+lATION ON DUILDINC SpRCIFICATIONS , ON ItEVCRSE SJOC OF TtiTS SttUCTA 'I'p Be COMPLCTUDI Form BPA 10188 vl dolls BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIe"N C - NTI ,$(,; E _ y �' .y d� BUILDING SPEC I F I CAT PDNS : �• ., §S; -ype of construction . woad (rare fire sa € G , etc . y. Will any second-hand or ungraded 16. mher be used ? If so , for what ? u , ndation wall material C_,p.I to We I rp " Tt-, i.ckr.ess .f n -ptt-h of foundation below grade ( to bottom of footing ) Will there be a cellar ? Yc3 Heated or unheated? i•Fc. at`cc � Floor sq . foctac} e_ �� p�sq et will there be a basement ' ,b & Will any portion he used as living space ? w G ( If so , what portion? sq , ft , - - Type of use ? i r4rpe opeflat/shed/ot Material oof h roof S zL G S 5itz , wand studs 40 spacing C " o . c . length Taft , Joists ( loaf beams } 1st . floor e. " X rp IN spacing 14 " o , c . span *&' ft . Joists ( flour beams ) 2nd . floor dO _^ X�' spacing s+ o . c , span�,T_ft . . overlays ( ceiling beams ) "" x spacing '"o . c . span ft . Roof rafters " X aQ spacing 2* c7 . c . span .2 L ft , Roof trusses ( pre- engineer d ) snaring 4v " o . c , span .32 ft , Exterior wall finish �+^�+ S*' Of what material ? Interior wall finish y if a garage is to be attachede describ ater or SEPA RAT I0r3 : — Is there to be an opening between garage and dwZrTVjng . C 5 If so will a re- raeed -- door , enclosure , and self-closing device be provided? ep will a flue- lined chimney be instal3eci? 5 Height above roof " Et . { Depth of chimney foundation below grade ft . Depth of fireplace hearth j � ft , Y "in . Water supply - Municipal or private well SEPTIC SYSTEM _ Distance. from ANY private weli ( including adj ining properties Tjsy -G f fA separate application is necessary for any repair or new installation of septic syst m ) p� DECLAft ATION To the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted , are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all, provisions of the BUILDING CODE, THE 'ZONING ORDINANCE, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with , whether specified or not, and that such work is authorized by the owner . Signature V Owner, ner's agent, architect , contractors # x iF R YF ik R X * ! * • lY 4 R '* * 1k 1r 1M '1M * 1t z /t '4 # ik * '!f 'k '* ik ik 14 14 ik +4 * ♦ # !r R ♦ 3 * SPECIAL OF THE PERMIT : ,, .fir AiRe �l,�r+c� , 6AV'r " By TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY , NEW YORK Application for : BUILDING 'PERMIT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE NEW YORK STATE ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE A permit must be obtained before beginning work . ANSWER ALL of the following : 1 . Gross floor area .2 ; -d4 4 -¢'� • 2 . Type of heat �T 3 . is the building mechanically cooled ? NC1 4 , Percentage of area of windows and doors A . Over J, 6 % Only 1 . Uo value of gross area of walls , roof / ceiling and floors exposed to ambient conditions 2 , Floor over heated spaces YES NO a . Are foundation walls insulated ? YES NO 1 . If YES , what is the R value ? 3 . Slab on grade YES NO a . if YES , what is the R value of insulation around perimeter of floor ? 4 . Is basement heated ? YES No a . R value of insulation 5 , Type of insulation B . Under 16 % only 1 . R value of roof and floors exposed to ambient conditions . f 2 . R value of exterior walls 3 . R value of glazed area � . 4 . R value of doors r • 6 �� • 5 , R value of floors over unheated spaces 6 . R value of slab edge insulation - unheated slab� (� �I� 7 . R value of slab insulation - heated slab NO N #= S . R value of heated basement / cellar walls ( above grade ) LOP x 9 . R value of heated basement /cellar walls ( below grade ) 10 , Type of insulation, Co Controls (-13� Thermostat maximum heat setting eg S 11 D . Duct Systems 1 . Is duct system installed in unheated spaces ? YES NO a . If . YES , R value of duct installation b . R value of duct in other areas E . Piping Insulation g agent pipe- I`" 2 . 1 R1value ofze of t ipeeinsulationng Carr ann ` X F . rvice Water Heating S? G� � Performance efficiency LU7 21 Temperature control sett in axi x G . For Swimmin Pool Only 1 . Maximum heating Telephone No . _ ft"y � jy/f,Y ( plicant ' s signature ) I - TOWN OF Qv,EE- NSB LIP, Y APPLICATION FOR. v } SEPTIC DISPOSAL PER.MPI' DATE LOCATION OF PROPERTY FOR/INSTALLATION , - Owner's Name: [ -`�-w Y Telephone: Address: Installer's Name: / Telephone: Number of bedrooms (residential only) Total daily flow {compute (a 150 gal per bedroom ) � t . Topography: Circle one: Flat Rolling Steep Slope % of Slope Soil Nature: Circle one Sand Loam Clay Other. /Depth : C,>V( r" Feet Ground Water : At what depth ? 0\/ t y' ; Z,6 Feet Bedrock or Impervious Material: At what depth? Qyfr- Feet Percolation test: Circle one: not required required rate Amin. inch. Domestic water supply: circle one: Municipal Well Other If domestic water supply is a well: Separation: Water supply from septic absorption ,:-- feet PROPOSED SYSTEM: Septic Tank rl� © U regal. ( minimum size: 1 . 000 gal. ) TILE FIELD : Each Trench feet/Total system length feet SEEPAGE PIT(S): Number of / Size e feet by feet Size of stone to be used # 3 /Depth or Thickness je feet I have read the regulation on the reverse side of this sheet and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary SewalZre Disposal Ordinance. SIGNATURE 7,11" YAO RESPONSIBLE PERSON: DATE: G OVER Septic System Inspections : A . All applications for septic system xnstallationy alteration or repair , as required by the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Ordinance , shall be submitted to the Building Department at least 24 hours before start of construction and shall include a plot plan showing : l . ) the proposed location of the system 2 . ) location and distance to lot lines 3 . ) location and distance to structures 4 . ) location and distance to any water supply 5 . ) size and dimensions of all tanks , distribution boxes , rile fields and / or drywells B . No system shall be covered before inspection and approval by the lsui.lding . lnspector . Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the uncoverin6 of the system by the installer and a fine of up to $ 250 . 00 . C . An approved copy of the plot plan shall be available on the construction site . Failure to produce said plot plan at time of inspection may result in an immediate work stoppage . D . Should unforeseen problems during construction prevent proper installa— tion , alteration or repair of an approved system , a new proposal must E, e submitted to the Queensbury Building Department before further coitt: truction . Town of Queensbury BUILDING and CODES DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland goads Queensbury , New York 12804 hyni:arks : . `3 " A TOWN OF QUEENSBYa.ivJw Bay at Haviland Flcads, ioueenebury, N.Y. 12801-9725 APPLICATION FOR SOLID-FUEL BURNING APPLIANCES AND FIREPLACES Date �J �."� C 19 Permit No. 0 1 APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of<t Building and Use Turn-tit pursuant to the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code. The applicant or owner agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations and all conditions that are partof these requirements and also wiii allow all inspectors to eater premises for the required inspections. Applicant 's Name �� � { ,f -mod APPLIANCE TYPE Stove Coal Wood Address . Fu ale . at.A' r Ril .r:. Irl Lean Clearance irca Gting Unit zip f 2 Phone If � QSt� e if Non�-iVias%T 0**Ynerrs Name ��/ 'P Y1 Tr .» ' i ,w Man keturer .. Address Z `1- At.. ` o ti- tic� u.,i ,► - �' a Mod l-:� --- - - ,Qakjet SI&& z,M - G/ List ] ct,4y Number P Bone 7 2" ' tfc7 61 3= 1 ,� n CHI EY. TYPE _rl }r e M ; a rye Block ` Brick Stolle Property loc.aiion of proposed construction ,Flue: Tile J� Steel Size: 1�a`c"if °g Manufacturer Model .> 'Size COPY OF MANUFACTURER SPECII ATIONS IS Height Listed Byr. Number REQUIRED FOR FACTORY-BUILT APPLIANCES hype: Double Wall ffriple Wall AND CffIMNEYS. MUST BE INSTALLED 1�nSulate,d ACCORDING TO SPECIFICATIONS. COPY OF Estimated Cost $ CONSTRUCTION DETAIL REQUIRED FOR MA- Fee $ S()N1tY I+1REP .A►CES ANI], ILNEY$, x _ . � „a .; : . . . . . r . . CASHIERrs DEPARTMENT TOWN OF QUEENSBuRY,, NEW YORK Dcn:arlment: -F1re Marshal d Amount Collected Amount Refunded CodC Number Title d. A 173 3389 (190) public Safety T A233 2655 (230) Minor Sales l c c�stlLcctecl�ritna efunded to: Oda S Addretis• t).atrd: . 000, Town Clerk ar Deputy c=J While. Apptieaas Yef ow and kink: Qrshser's Depa •+f Ga[de+rrad: Fire AiarMal BLDG. PERMIT NO. 89- 449 APPLICATION FOR A TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY A TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY is hereby requested for the property located at; 163 Algonquin Drive for the following uses: Single Fami 1 y Duelling DAT61 ATURE OF APPLICANT TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY The TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY is hereby OQAPPROVED ( )DISAPPROVED with the following conditions: No use of the garage and to be completed within 30 Days TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FEF�.s 1 SOU DE OS T 0 .00 received on July 22 , 1991 Date of Issuance Director of Bldg. & ode Enforcement THIS TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY EXPIRES 30 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUANCE. NOTE: This Certificate is NOT VALID unless signed by the Director of Bldg, & Code Enforcement or his designee. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 531 BAY ROAD V QUEENSBURY , NEW YORK 12804 TELEPHONE ( 518 ) 745- 4447 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT FINAL INSPECTION REST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED'__NAME LOCATION t v DATE ij E PERMIT# '- TYPE OF STRUCTURE RECHECK RECHECK FIRE MARSHAL APPROVAL ( COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE ) FOOTING FOUNDATION BACKFILL FRAMING .ROUGH PLUMBING FINAL ELECTRICAL' SIiPTIC INSULATION _WOODSTOVE/FIREPLACE -J, REMARKS / PPROVAL CHIMNEY HEIGHT/LOCAT ON Af YES ' NO 8 VENT/LOCATION PLUMBING VENT ROOFING SIDING DECK/PORCHJS EPSJRAI INGS RELIEF VALVES FURNACE/HOT WA ER OP R IN BASEMENT INSULATION/ UCTWO INTERIOR TRIM/PRIVAC DOO FINISH FLOORS : BATH/KITCHEN WATER IG OTHER FLOORS SWEEP B OTHER FLOORS CARPE E STAIR CLEARANCE/RAIL S HANDICAPPED ACCESS SMOKE DETECTORS BATHROOM FANS/WHO L E FANS ALL PLUMBING FI%TU S, OPERATI G GARAGE FIRE PROOF G DOOR CLOSERS OTHER FIRE SEPAR I Nz FIRE/DEMISE WAL DUMPS TER SITE PLAN/V I N E E UIREMENTS FINAL ELECTRI AL OK TO ISSUE /0 OR C/C r COMMENTS : dell ARRIVE f U DEPAR61 T INSPECTqR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY FIRE MARSHAL QUEENSBURY , NEW YORK 12804 TELEPHONE ( 518 ) 792- 5832 FIRE MARSHAL INSPECTION REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPfECTION RECEIVED NAME_______ II 1 c 7 LOCATION_ N , C DATE�E//f 1qj PERMIT# Ig'44laf APPROVED N/A YES NO EXITS AISLE WIDTHS EXIT SIGNS EMERGENCY LIGHTING FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AUTO . EXTINGUISHING SYSTOM HOOD INSTALLATION AUTO . SPRINKLER SYS�- ALARM SYSTEM" INTERIOR FINISHES STORAGE : CLEARANCE TO SPRINKLERS CLEARANCE TO HEATING UN REQUIRED SIGNAGE 3 CHIMNEY WOODSTOYE FIREPLACE- FIREPLACE-FACTORY BU T REMARKS : V�" ARRIVE DEPART INSPECTOR r. t TOYM OF QUEENSBURY 531 SAY ROAD QUEENSBURY , HEW YORK 12804 TELEPHONE { 518 } 745- 4447 BUILDIflG INSPECTOR` S REPORT FINAL INSPECTION REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED �v MANE Y t LOCATION , DATE �Y` PERMIT# TYPE OF STRU TURF RECHECK FIRE MARSHAL APPROVAL ( COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE ) _FOOTING FOUNDATION SA KFILL FRAMING ROUGH PLUMBING FINAi. E CTRICAL��SEPTIC INSULATION �WOODSTOVE/Fl REPLACE REMARKS r' r APPR AL N/A S ' NO CHIMNEY HEIGHT/LOCATION B VENT/LOCATION PLUMBING VENT ROOFING SIDING DECK/PORCH/ TEPS/RAILINGS_ _ - RELIEF VALVES FURNACE/ HOT WA ER OPERA IN -- BASEMENT INSULATION/DUCTWO INTERIOR TRIM/ PRIVACY DOOR FINISH FLOORS : I BATH/KITCHEN WATERTIGH OTHER FLOORS SWEEPABL Li OTHER FLOORS CARPETE STAIR CLEARANCE/RAILI S HANDICAPPED ACCESS SMOKE DETECTORS BATHROOM FANS/WH L U E F NS_ ALL PLUMBING FIXT ES OPER TING GARAGE FIRE PROOF NG _ DOOR CLOSERS _ OTHER FIRE SEP A ON FIRE/DEMISE W LS DUMPSTER SITE PLAN V I NC REQUIR ENTS_ FINAL ELEC ICAL OK TO ISS C/O OR /C, COMMEN S : ARRIVEr� DEPART. I NS TO OF QUEENSBURY 531 BAY ROAD QUEENSBURY , NEW YORK 12804 TELEPHONE ( 518 ) 745- 4447 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED(/ NA"E LOCATION nArE�p/, TYPE OF STRUCTURE REClfFCx FIRE MARSHAL APPROVAL ( COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE ) FOOTING FOUNDATION BACKFILL ROUGH PLUMBING FINAL ELECTRICAL�FRAIMING � INSULATION �WOODSTOVE/FIREPLACE . SEPTIC REMARKS 9 APPROVAL CHIMNEY HEIGHT/LOCATION /A YES NO B VENT/LOCATION PLUMBING VENT ROOFING SIDING DECK/PORCH/STEPS/RAILINGS RELIEF VALVES FURNACE/HOT WATER OPERA G BASEMENT INSULATION/OUC ORK INTERIOR TRIM/ PRIVACY OORS - FINISH FLOORS : BATH/KITCHEN WATE IGHT OTHER FLOORS SWEE RBLE OTHER FLOORS CAR TED STAIR CLEARANCE/R4flLING5 HANDICAPPED ACCESS SMOKE DETECTORS ! BATHROOM FANS/W LEHOU E ANYS ALL PLUMBING FI TURES OPERATIN , GARAGE FIRE PROOFING --- DOOR CLOSERS ----�_ OTHER FIRE SEPARA ION FIRE/DEMISE WALLS DUMPSTER SITE PLAN/ VARIANCE REQUIREMENTS FINAL ELECTRICAL OK TO ISSUE C/O OR C/C C OMMMMEE�NT�S . ARRIVE 41 d DEPART / J INS THE NEW yORK g'OARD► UREAr. © OF FIRE rHfS r7ate L1` _ aT sTAre REE.0 A�ejeL.IFcTRtcirY uND' ERWRITERS IC sT 'wily the fect's ISS THAT I tiJ1J1 `4ppiiration V0. on jj4f�r$W YORK 12207 PAGE 1 +►�sctZ? rtcgl s,y►ttSpn+eets.e ea efeacribed[ ?YR IV }, beE°*Q 'v`dsi.s^o+ setwrbY the 056208 in the -A LG47:V 1 .- r n.tned,a,� a/Y,e, abu+re JollewIng locetiw.; 'R IvE • Qj, y •P UI+�W on waa etatni�d ;imsernen t lar Fl, �i - St'F.'tt T`GLE 1T S +Wt+rsl►er in the pretiy+ew aJ an ,IUi:I' 18 e 1 991 2nd Fl, YA LLS , nU . 1" . FIX"A r< end fOGt, ro G A R OuTL"s ACLts nvlrCit[s be incopnvlienee t r $'look Ff)CT1fRBs with the regasrerieenta o loot i C 65 �~CK'MDE3CENr fGLI(�tr�E� GTH Eli � f this u�pp�. DRYERS -4 7 G A""r K. w- Awr_ dicks VBlyg oisH WA Aµr, K Wy tL1RNACE M0TC♦Rg j Aarr, x.w. +Mr SffERS EJCHAVST Fw r. GAS R1rva AMLiA1rCE rJ K- „'- AMr- It r �a�t J H, P. ArKr. LA'S ' pAL REC'pT CLOCKS '�t10E DMSC,pKN ,T AIO. DI T. AMft re,&Ns NNirT isE XTMs MLSys "Zr _ " # wArls 1 `}L $ Qywjt AMT.r. UPP l .r rw i 1 sw a .r 3%V a i .ew No. a Rc, eaNn. Y + i10. tEET OTH" APPARATUS; I 1 or ' cG ro. NO. OF Mr-rrc CA. w � 600 fit Fah' 1 /0 �or H+.LEc NO- OF NEurkAGs i�EunOiwG - G F ' C . I : - 11 1 q/0 SMOKE E UETECTCIR . - .1 -�h3NCl C#-s -uVARANoT'Ri.IC'TI [] —' ALGt3lNo t--, N rlRI }'E QUEEj'VS$uRl Nl- - This certificate �r must not be altered in on ARA14cpf MAiVAGeR Y manner:. return to the Office of the Board if incor 39 y COPy iF[�Ri BIII�-DlNG .Ptr DEPARTMENT. THIS CQ1PY QF Tact, inspectors Gnay be identified b CERTI ICA E 5T N` T Y tlroir credentiak- _.� �- - SE ALTERED IN ANY rrfelu,.tE. 4u��Nsst��� ays r'� ria�rr E ONE RE r FINALI� x G $�ft3Z NAME Iftpiaj� wrtr 71PE OF p To REc►�cK, �7���� �'�„� —FIRE +KARS FoorrNR ► AL APPRQV, INS r��INGAArIP7 L g ERCIAL sr 3`7rN 1 LF KPILL RO�?WRE) PLAN/ NRTL" 1 RF Rx ��4tii IFIvr FACE L S rxc No y�yy.. 1 e�mNEr NEIGPL IL Nr INGO�Arxf?NLOCArION ING VENT NO SIDING REL I PliRNAC VALVES BASEMEN/RIN3 F jyIESN O R FRIt4/pat /L�UC BAry/k, Ooks S pTy ER PL FLOORS � .ERrI r �- STAIR t R FLOORS A EPAB RP �1E aF PEED ACEES AI l G A a rH o opt Fans°Rs a4RAPLtjmarir / DOOR G L05 RE ;i Fj S 'ERq TI -._ OrNER ERS G SE O IRE/D PI RE S F111A SrLrR kALL -�-� ~-- �- ox ro IssuJe --_ ARRIVE ���' QUEENSTg��Y��' TELEPHONE r ESIS YORK I2804 �+vr�r r s a- S2 RJEQ(fj.:ST j:W r &qL i#.Sp +orrr !" " LorArraNr DATE ,, ERTYPE OF RrrrRECHECK _,_FIRE MARSHAL APP �TING +� VAL (COMMERCIAL IN5UF1 P1, gNGD�4TZ NA�CKF LLL STRUCTURE) 3`?rE pU#rzON frlQ STOVLE/ "FCTRICAL[ AN/VARI N REQUIR Ts SCE RE►'�ARKS YES No 8 II�%L H�EIGNT/! 0 PLUMB ING OCA TION CRT O N/A YES NO VENT �'`� SIDING DECK/p RELIEF VALVES FURNACE/HOTsAs W INTERIOR E IREtir IOO NSULA TI /pI1C� — —~ FINISHF TRIM/pRI ARSw BA TH/KITCNfN CY WAS OTHER FLOORS ERTIGHT STAIR ER FLOORS EPABLE CLEARANC R/4RILI6 "~-- HANbIETED CAppED AC SMOKE DETECTO ESS -�� BA T1{RO M FANS Goa RAGE FI E G FrxrURES opERA BOOR CLOSE RGOFING rI OTHER FIRE s — -- ---_� FIRE/D'VA" OUMPSTE +�ALLs ---- -_. FINAL OKTo ssuE C/o ARRIVE/r DEPART y � 1 i TOIYN OF Q 6G A V.D CODRS u Y Ep S N R R.DS-&PAR2'.'�!'RNT ZV HOAr4 {'52 8} Cgs 5 1280 1 R8'.PU'Es �I�7� 7NSPEO�R ? , pORx `' IZEOR7' NS,� ZAOCA BATE �''Rli1' treoi NN( r,-rr. T ERS `4`e RO V,& J Pore HTC F pGU YE's NO Q ByC 'T A /'7 �y ' Pi*` rNG RCJl1GF,r pt; "RoVAzz F'R.2IMTNG N NG ON; x'C:t1Nlly 2'IDhr } 4PZOQR$ _ WAZZ. T - - CE'xLxNG RCJC7FTn G HSTGffr S AXIRS CL p`�RC!''ES1s Ps _r LXlvrzR.7'NG ,F'x�/ 5 ., T ry'is `"-�. '-------__ G'ARAGR fiT�Rs/ Vr! ADOR.Sl9 �j8 SNGlfHCD�cR RtNAZ AP RCTRC�f Z sX -----__ xo ROTrA,4 pF, pSCT N A OFtTN6I7 fi RIFE `-- 7h+ SIRE l3tlx tJlOC L7E'pANCy s RLcit �" aCCOpT2 , `3 RT1yENT sH Xs: (jo rr" je Y f i NSpBCrpR, scrxz'�Nc DUFFNSBURY BENS Ht�j l IAFAD Ro.4,OS Rp `'2'dJEr4* s^Er�pHON 'rs.re xo�R.� stI R t, sr "NSPI eV�E a4 ?N,S'py�,l`1'O s �'o�i�' RCN 41 Z [1 PE+I,tly�?, III I AA� ROjF�x APPRCJ� NCJ X FUAfZI �rZNG A C F,r��ATxaN WAL RC7pF'1NG h'E tGH42+ S rbSNG ZlTAJ�l1yG R.3fl►rC , G,yRA� F VACy ZVE xry zaK 4DZ21Ic 40 S1GN�,tJ G'#0 0 d � TRLT QN 2,H S-VA pR "I "Z ZCrlT O2 E P4R ENLr4 rS ARE HC+'.2 ZAD �PANCy Fs'PAR2",ry,�+N2, .r.11r 4VC rOR Bt1itDING ^� � Qf►+E�Sf1R► OF 531 BAY ROAD AND CODES DEPARTMENT QNSBURY TEL pHON EPHON 9 NEW YORK E (518 04 BUILDING , � �9'�_58� NSpECT0R Is REQwsr FDR INSPECT �Rr xON RECEIVED ,ice . LOCArraw DATE �--_ TYPE 0 ST PERMIT RECHECK '� --•''� �. C TURF �^ FOOTING5�y~~~��`��- IER MONOLITHIC POUR ~" PPROYEU REINFORCEMEN TUR 0 /A YES NO fiDR THE C RACTDR 14 PLA CF PRDVI,DI►ft p�TCT BL �- FRE PLACEMENT O NODRS F(?I L, THE zi +"1ATERIALS FOR THIS FO NDA TION/WALL rHPURP E (7RCEMENT POUR TE FOUNDATITO DAMP OOF C BACKFILL APPROVAL PL M& P�LUj4BINGING --� PLUMBING UEN7/V --�- �JCFRAMING; NDER ,LAB iN JACK BRACING/BRIDGING A JOIST HANGERS JACK POST$/Atq r LATI ROUGH_ IN B (?UND DN; F UNDA TI°N L I FL00RS aN WALLS E WALLS TERIOR CEILING DUC T R SPACES K I NG i UN E EMA K E ARRIVE 71 DEPART~~�� r xNS ECTO BUILDING HOOF' cDaEs DEP Q[1££NS RV BA ROAD ARTM£NT BURY lee BUIL+�II'V N( $8) a 92_ 5832 4 ReQ1!£Sr FUR Fksp £crO,R •s NMEecrF0,y RFCEIYf'URT ED LUcArrox �4TE ~~ � PERM T 0 TYPE OF STRUCTURE "`�-- --� � •� q d RECHECK FOOTINGS fPIRS MONOLITHIC ERS -� APPROVED REINFORCEMENT FORM N/R YES NO THE CU I N PLAC�� FUR PROy O CT R IS jZES FREEZ FROTECT+ 3NI LE THE Ih8 FUR ON FIZOMy ~~ MA ER Ip L S�F�� �x�� Fa1 C01rfFly FOUNDATIONIWRLL POU PU £ CONCR REINFORCEMENT IN R RPOSE {yN Ire FOUNDATIOIVIDAMP PLACE AACKFILL APPRC) OOFING UGH PLUMBING VA L PLUMB rNG VENr,.+v£Nrs FRA M NG UNDER SLAB ,AFRAMIPJG : L C JACK S TUDSIH BRACING/BR I[lG ING RS JOIST HANGERS JRCK POS FIRES raPPI TS BE NG ''�MAIN AM WALLS CEILING FIREWALHEA TINGLS INSULA T�N UGH- rN FFOUNDATION WALLS INTER LOORDArrc�N WA WALLS WALLS ExrE OR R� CELL IN R_ DUCT WORK R- SPACES OR PI I iN U R- NHEq D RARKS ; )Vi /01 ARRIVE 72: 7 } DEPART- Sp TOWN OF QUEENS,BURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT 531 BAY ROAD QUEEIVSBURY , NEW YORK 12804 TELEPHONE ( 518 ) 792- 5832 BUILDING IXSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME ff � QPJ �4 ,U p Al( v v.4- LOCATION '7 17u0.i'E - PEltlflT # TYPE OF STRUCTURE RECHECK APPROVED FOO NGS/PIERS NIA YESI NO MONOLITHIC POUR FORM REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPOIIf OLE FOR PROVIDING PROTECTION FROM FREEZING FOR 48 HOURS FOLLOWING THE PLACEMENT OF THE CONCRETE, MATERIALS FOR THIS PURPOSE ON SITE FOUNDATION/WALL POUR REINFORCEMENT IN PLACE FOUNDATION/DAMPROOFING BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING PLUMBING VENT/VENT IN PLACE PLUMBING UNDER SLAB FRAMING : JACK S. S/HEAD BRACING/BRIDGING JOIST HANGERS -- JACK POSTS/MAI B A HEATING ROUGH- IN INSULATION : FOUNDATION WU7L N E 0 FOUNDATION WALLS EXTE OR R- FLOORS WALLS R- CEILING R- DUCT WORK R I I G N U HEA ED SPACEFAST- ARRIVE DEPART INSPE TOR ---MMs11r BUILDING e�!nd Z Qeenjr VBayaZONING nd Haviland Road LF7� T , R.D. q Box 98 Oueensbury, New York 128Qf SEPTIC DISPOSAL srsTay rrvsr'EC TI4N IE� ,r. A LIOCATT()N �4 PERIM4 Now SOIL TYPE - Sand Percolation Test Loam lay M1 Percolation rate Required YES �- Min/In No TYPE Abpor F�; of SYST Ption fieldtotal 1 Length of each trench th Pth of trenches Size of gravel SEEPAGE PTTs%fiq mber of} Gravel���zeww fit. X ft. _ PXPING ; size �R, ' to tank Sjz Ty- e istank to list. box Open w box to field/Pit 9s sealed ? YES Partial LOCATrrN./sEPApATIONs P0undat3on to tank -Foundation to tank an Absor f t, Ption to lot ft . Separation of pits lx a ft. LOCATION of SYST ft. Front - of E PR TY (circle one) cEh]TS : _ Lef side ght side SYST'�Zy USE APP ROV]Eb YERYNO sing I actor 01/86 ind v1 �ousrr o� �ueenshetre� BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Havfland Road, R. D. i Box 98 Queensbury, New York 12801 SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION NAME ra►rt rye_ �y LOCAT ION DATE _� / PERM IT NO. -- _GEC SOIL TYPE an Loam - C,lay - Percolation Required? . YES - Kji Percolation rat - Min/in TYPE Of SYSTEM: ` Absorption field, total ength c;21b Length of each tr ch p 1 Depth of trenches ' S��e of gravel_ SEEPAGE PITs4wuimber o } Size- ft, X Gravel size PIPING : 5i2e Bldgu to tank . Tank to dist, box D'St, box to fiel pit t Openings sealed? YES NO Partial LOCATION/SEP•ARAT ONS Foundation to t k Foundation to /O ft` Absorption to otolineon ft. Separation of pits ft"ft . LOCATION OF STEM CST pROpE Y (circle one) Front - Rear - Left side -CCVIMENR TS : M.Q _ � 3.ht $� SYSTEM USE AppROVED YES NO Bui ing In ector 01/86 and vl 1 is HAir1 Houct 25Zo�� ltl5lN+fS( 312.4.p. t T t ro qj it Oct COOP _ x tZS-00, PKMOtK7Y LINej AA !! �} HL60HoU I N V Rj E d�N �, 1999 G Jill TOWN OF gUEENSBURY �� BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT $AY & HAVSLAN OADS ] 2$Q!E QUEENSBUR r YORK 128r TELEPHONE ( SIB ) 79211111115832 BUILDING INSPEC-rOR' S }EpORT REQUEST FOR INSP IEECT N ilk) RECEIVED NAMEJill CATION PERMIT # DATE r APPROVED YES N0 FOOTINGIPIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS OUNDATIONIDAMP-PROOFING___��_�- )kgACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PMBSNG FRAMING \" ELECTRICAL R1�TGH -IN 1 INSULATION : �-- FOUNDATION - FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL .INSP&CTION : CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EPS EXTERNAL PORCHES ILS�-� STAIRS.CLEARANRESIR EF VALVE INTERIOR TR P FIX IPRIVA+C DOORS��- TE IRS F PROOFING GARAGE FIX DOOR CLOR (S) SMOKE D ECTORS��_�� -- FINAL FL TRICAL rNSPECTIo �- FINAL APPROVALOF OF CONSTRUCTION I.7pANCy MUST BE FIC TV A SIGNED CERTXFROM THE ABUIJ XNG DEPARTMENT $EFORE OBTAIN BUILD TEDI THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUP REMARKS : 3 �S- � •� INs R MAIN OFFICE 997 McLean Rd, ATLANTIC-INLAND, INC. Cortland, New York 13045 - NEW YORK Phone: (607) 753-71 18 MEMBER OF N.F.P.A. AND I.A.F=.f (607) 753- 7809 FIRE UNDERWRITERS �"'� (607) 753-1396 (Electrical and Fire Inspection-Enforcing and Consulting Service) V 54820 (incorporated in the State of New York) inspection service[inafccord with chedule of Charges.tcation is made for inspection of electrigal installation in the Premises d4scribad below- On demand ap plicant agrees to pay for APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION — PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE �Y � � THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT CITY. TOWN. VILLAGE DATE OF APPLICATION C � L STREET A COUNTY ADDRESS I� / r STATE W RURAL H u. or DIRECTIONS A4 DIALOG, NO. OWNER'S NAME 6I / „ Q 1111 POLE Na OCCUPANT OCCUPIED AS OWNERS P.O. BUILDING — New [ DW ❑ADDRESS WORK — New ❑ Additional ❑ dx � APP. FOR — ROUGH WIRING ❑ FIXTURES L7 OR READY FOR INSPECTION FEE REMITTED — S BY CHECK ❑ CASH El MONEY ORDER ❑ MAKE PAYASLE T4 ATLANTIC-INLAND, INC — NELA YORK 79 Number of Rough Wiring Outlats Fixtures Swtch Li Ina Recap. KW Add Installation Heat R so Fluor. Soo 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 25M 2750 3000 Elect Ha9F Amp. Service Water HU. Burner Air Cond- Surface Unit Oven Range Gr. Oisp- Dish W- Dr`er H.P. Pump Ex. Fan Hood EQUIPMENT (Specify Type 6 Capacitwg} TYPE OF WIRING SIZE OF SUB OPEN CI CONCEALED 0OTHER MAIN MAIN &RANCHES NO. OF ONE" APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE CIRCUITS III "IlleIIIIIIII�APPLICANT'S LICENSE a ADDRESS 071111 NAME OF PERMIT a uTIUTY STATESK4 OFFICE TO Zip CODE A iron BE NOTIFIED ROUGH WIRING OUTLETS AMP SERVICE EQUIPMENT SWITCHES K-W. SURFACE - AMP SERVICE UNIT CONDUCTORS K.W. OVEN RECEPTACLES H-P- PUMP H-P.GARBAGE MEDIUM BASE DISPOSAL UNIT FI%TUBES MOGUL BASE K.W. DRYER K.W. FIXTURES K.W. WATER DISHWASHER FLUORESCENT HEATER Fl%TYRES H-P, AIR II RANGE MERGUAY VAPOR OR COIJOfTIONEfl AMP. RECEPTACLES QUARTZ FIXTURES WIRING s CONTROLS FOR BURNER SMOKE MOTORS, H.P. QETECTORS FRAC. HP, MARK NUMBER 1l20 1l12 1l10 1 !a 7!6 7!4 113 f/2 3!4 1 1Ye 2 3 VENTFANS OF EACH SIZE 5 TDi is 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 1qq APPARATUS "0 750 1000 1250 1SW 7750 20M 2250 25W 2750 3000 MISc, INFO- Elect- Heat Received Impacted FEE PI +C7LGdf2Lt�'.,'I� !Y/LZ�Q ❑ PROGRESS d DEFECTIVE TOTAL $ 60 O Rough Wiring Cerlyficate Check No- 'q ' T . /Ir• y, : +�-C�.y L7 Temporary Service Money Order Mon.,Fri, 6'7:30A. M: Q FINAL CERTIFICATE 518-692-9295 ❑ Cup. can. Ray. Cash 518.638.6339 © MUNFGPAL Charge MUN- ADDRESS nrrrd. 1 pow z lk It I HAIN FlOily f�. Z"S�oa►� 1lDr,�MSY 31tap. ftg` ia' �fdjoll � l }14 Co axtio f - - - � z,o,3zz.�rsa3�. i 1215.0o' awe ww l�bS ly LILAC GAL- 11 tfpn S � _ i e5 ` LoT 4,b. tip. tGlr�id d* 4u1