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„ - :.• : y'`"r TWO i CER.TIFI A NOF ZJI''A►N + ” TO +N 00- QUEEN5BURY i WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK I Date September 27 19 89 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. 89- 480 I has been completed. � j I This structure may be occupied as a Eamily ne3-1 i I4g f�01 Peggy Ann Location [ masuZio Brothers j Owner By Order Town Board TOWN oF QUEMNSDURY l I Director of Bldg* do Code Enforcement i I ; x BUILDING PERMIT �= TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 89 $8o WARREN COUNTY, NEW YQR K � PERMISSION is hereby granted to 14Actf11 ino Rrotherc �csz OWNER of property located at 6,01 Reggy Ann Street. Road or Ave_ in the Town of Queensburyr To Construct or place a at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. t . OWNER'S Address is 3049 Broadway Schenectady , N . Y . 12306 r r-- c 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name cz7 —i Selfrri r3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER 'S Address t�^ Same 4_ ARCHITEGT'.S Name 5. ARCHITECT'S Address y rr C: c 6. TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by X1 -s )4X ) Wood Frame I 1 Masonry ( ) Steel I } 7. PLANS and Specitications No. 38 . 7 ' x 36 . 7 ' Single Family Dwelling as per plot plan , specifications , and application , including septic and two car garage . v 8. Proposed Use Single Family Dwelling r 1 4 $ 183 , 00 PERMIT FEE PAID — THISPERMiT 'EXPIRES . January1 19_ go r (if a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the r town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) 2 r r r Dated at the Town of Queensbury this to day o *� ne 1g89 's SIGNED BY ,," for the Town of Queensbury Building and ton Inspector "! I� Or. �11r10E1�1SI3 U]tY Ata1f I. I CAT i ON FOR BUILDING AND ZONING PERMIT Va.t t"- I . flee t ed TOWN OF ❑IIEENSBURY �f Rev a RECEIVEQ Fee gad ► JUN 2 3 1989 PU I LDI NO AND CODES Ut .1 'A1L1MMI r t�"e tdbLlLr d B�DG, & CODE DEPT. 11AY "nd 11AVILrIND POAPS PD I VON 98 y►pJuna[ t NQ . 'r Oro pUrFNSVVRYr ,grl,1 YDI;K 12004 Tel . (518 ) 797-503 ? rxt .204 A lflslllll 'r MUST 1111 ❑ IITAMED BEFORE OnGtNt1ING CONSTRUCTION * No INSP"CTI []NS H' t t. L t1L Atm U !4'-I' I L APPLICANT IIAS RhCi~ IVED A VALID I OILDINC 1aLIlI`IIT , I All DIfI7I iCE1t11C Sl1nCCS art t1lib, arplicatIO14 ltkilst bd collipleted nud the t !* e * t * r of * t1* e * :t > SI>t * i �t * t *m* sty apte � r �akA t. Ir% *eve* i e * ° *h+ir � * sloe* t � The owner of tl+ is t, roparty is : MAVL%LO Ma ANC. I• . o . Address 3y9 f 37lJ fQ�� ,�''' I laG_'1 , mt►x. MAP t+rl , ! / Property location � e r t yi , , as there been any sj'rlit or thie Praia yes If yes , Planning notfrd Ileview id LOT No , 1 t 1Ii�UIVI5IC� N IiAII I1' l+ PPLtCABLF The Person resPor+ sibia IEnr Supervision �+si` work bs ���� 'a Duild � g Codes is : l.LlJ .34 � >l W Cry Te rL 6 Nnt� � t' . �, �,�r / �llama of builder ,A,$f7ao C tOS. ciclre>It> Tel IV 1zzV 1#uine. of pluMber 11 }.cldlr+ti►±3is1 2- - / Tal 3 liame of Mason 1'!(t1 E F dclrean �✓ 14AIUR1E OF ppRo o3 ED LRAM : ZONING I NFORFiIi'1' 1014 WrI ce use only ) -x-ronNtructicfr, of u nesw buildinti ' ZONING DESICUATION OF PROPERTY Acid itian to a lariilalin4 � iaEPHI'ME!] PAINICIPIIL Pk: tmITTED ACCESSORY AL tur;st ion to 1# LOU i 1 d in*l . REi7tkrlrf RRQuimb - PLh""ING BOAPEI ZONING lIOARD lrto clr.tnq.: to afkt ., rior eliracntliansl SITE k'LAlf h6VtI~N 1►PPF;OVE13 chic other wort: Ide0crib0 r * VAkl114#JCN ���,�_ 11PP1t[]VED 'DATE >.: ItGf35 AktIL•:h o1' i� llC,t1' Q `: t: i]. !S "!' iellC'Cll It � * �enrarks ! ' I s t Floor C/Yi`." '] s q f l: • r� * ? nd rloor 440 __. .�sq - 1dIMCOMi L A'I'iON 1t1:r1iII1tEt7 pl lr[a41 . Sir of prrotftfrty ft X ft . other Fiaors sal ft C � ♦ L!xlsttiretl Iau11c111lg1esl Si•-u Inot collar or b2rs// oTnisntl r► TOTAL FLOOR AREA /��� sq few ' k:Kix:tlilej buildlntlla Uud � y' ixu rat' "Ou :ftructur.a r� ...ft Xi, . fC * „di,ut:lners [ roll trr,aliutty llnrai I'tfuerdatori-pier/alal ,/criswl /laartl:ti/ full Yropot3tsd Aulldinge , tcirell. orft, l * Piro nt •Yard f t haar yakdwIw Et 1106 of atoriel3 #Iluifit:.hira !. cn1 ft ,_ s iraltdr_ —l' t �►nd !Ft 11t.I Itflradd to rtdry� I *~I' a Ix! an corner- tlus:back row Side eI rtslst if reuidentlal , nrat of fwrnilies ,� OCCUI'ANi:Y INFOIttMTlt�N Ito . of roomfl lexeludin� butlf sl Ito. of budrooles ptilHhRY fiUlLDlt#E3 * 1115 Ito * of. ithltr b -oafn3 beta family dwelli►fg Primary, Iruatilty wputvlu 10 � e '1'vo fttilnilY dwelling TY110 of fuel ll_ Nultilsl3 dwallihq / NuiNsar of unite tlo . of lireplac4a: to ,x inzotalieck la * isr�truwntttit bct:ulLUIcy 0111 a lraatsrl stove bt irfstalfucl7 TrunisiLont +taccullurrtsy CL216trul Air' c(3nditioni.r1c)? A * 1ltliiinfslls3 tIvILDING STYLE, f R1PAlly S R11CILOW * l#rditstxit+l -•--- j other Itairch aeltuN,4Yfarr,ry .x cabin » if erdditioe�r wktut will uuo ba? tc_eissed ranch dul,ick t1plit levol Old utyl` 11u11cl" low C .1fu Cod Catt:sq.± otlr.sr * �yrCCC$SORY k1UILDINC- car C'oiotefal noel Ynue+ House ` Uutachad tamale/one car/ two cart r• * Attached rlteractu/and Isar/ two car/ cur CIRCLV ot1i. I' [ H rl; l ■ r, ■ ■ w • • ■ ♦ . • i + larivutte l3teerlegt3 leuildlnrl > � '1` IMA"1'I: ty FIARY. i 'I' ,V�j,,!ry► I.IfI: or • ��4tbrer CON !:'1' ItUC 'I' IuN T �L/C/ G�'G� � r 31I1`csT tAriON Otl tltlikffi !#C E1�ICTI' TC74TIt7144S ON p". Enan SIDIi OF TIIIS MUCTo •1'O ne COW LVVCDI r•orm VPA 10/66 VI , SUIL01"O PERMIT AI'M ICATION CONTINUED - BUILDING SPECiF1CA1R06 : . Type of construction , wood rrame , 4"I' e 'c. VYT Will any secohd-hand Or ungraded lumber a Used? 1f • eo► for what ? Foundatioaa wall rnaLertalamflyORAZIF K'talckness 15 � r Depth of foundation below grade ( to bottom of footing ) /"00 Will there be a cellar ? W,5 Heated or tniheated? 1/llll�f _ Floor sq. footage eq ft Will therd be a basement? Will anyt portion be used as living #pace? ( If not what partiott ? _sq . ftt - Type of Uaoa . Type of roof o e flat/"hed/o Cher_ Material of roof O 40 Size , wood studs�� ," X 6 �' spacing / "o . r . length $ ' ft « lfEI- .Ioistsffloor beams ) 'lst : floor "]C ja' a epeclaig . I 'dam'•"o'sc , "pan ft . clotsts ( floor beams ) 2)ar1 . float `� "X�7tT"� spauing hPI oo . c , "pan . ft4 overlays fcetling kzranr.. ) "x " spacing "o . c « span ft : Roof rafters •' xisspacing b . o , spa ft . ' Poor trusses (pre-e glrieered) spacing 2d 'io . at "Pa h ft . Exterior wall f tni sh tow .S' 1D1#16 Of wha t mat rial? VI VYL Interior wall finis), � '► a ardge is to be attached , describe matbria s to be used for FIRS SEPARATION ! Is there to be an Venir,g between garage and dwelling? '"E If an will a Fire-rated door , enclosure * ahcl self-closing device be provided? � S� Will a flue- lined c1dinnoy be installed? Height above roof 2 ft:. Depth of chimney fot,ridat ion below grade ft . k Depth of fireplace he�strt- h ft . .fano r Water supply Huai irl pal. 0r private well_ I`�ll�►Ill�lx'�L SEPTIC SV8TEM Dist. aiice from ANY pkf4hte *1011 ( including adjoiriirlg properties rt . (A separate applicatAnrr is necessary t`bX ahy " tap&Ik of new installation of septic system) L) 1; CLARAT10 To live besf of any knowledge and belief the statements contahved Jai this application, togrlher with the €mans and specifications submitted, are a ttue and conipletL stnteineitt of shil pa*oposed wdrk to bei done on the described premises and that all proVisionct of the BUILDING C00139 T1413 ZOMINO 0110114ANCHt and all other laws pertnitiing to the p)•aposed work shall be compiled with, Whether 'specified or not, and , that sucli work i§ authorized by the oWNet't Signature "►'f• �►�'��� Owner, owners agent, architect, contractor A * A * # ,! k A • k +. i * ►, * * # A +! * # # # ! # # # * # 1F #e # A A A A A A I • • SPECIAL CONDITIONS or '1'111; PERHIT : l 41 foss' A001 10VAC VOR/r, 19. F11V131J1 V6 Ooo— L3/4 M, ,,._s 01V FWAV69 A P FA 00f-.5 410T FA11- 0410*z�V M AS MU O AVON 4akpi p dui��1t iC olLolv6 �ii " sm A MPE44TAteIW7-- 4- ►►hasr Q4- &'6Se005-0 Tc AW_404W" 70 , } by ......... TOW" or QUERNSDURY WARREN COUNTYP New YORK Application fors BUILDING PERMIT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE NEW YORK !STATE ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE A permit must be obtained before beginning work . ANSWER ALL of the 'follow/ingt i 10 Gross floor area / D zo- Se 2 . Type of heat Electric fient !NM 3m is the building mechanically cooled ?� ygs 4 . Percentage of area of windows and doors 1470 A . over 16 % only 1 . Uo value of gross area of walls , roof/ceiling and floors exposed to ambient conditions S,ee _ Atknehed 2 . Floor over heated spaces YES No a . Are foundation walls insulated ? YES No 1 . if YEs , what is the R value ? R- 13 3 . Slab on grade yes 49) a . if YEs , what is the R value of insulation around perimeter of floorl • 49 is basement heated ? YES NO a . R value of insulation 50 Type of insulation Fibgralsas S . Under 16 % only 1. R value of roof and floors exposed to ambient conditions 2 . R value of exterior walls 3 . R value of glazed area 4 . _ R value of doors 50 n value of floors over unheated " pace " 6 . R value of slab edge insulation - unheated slab 7 . R value of slab insulation - heated slab 6 . R value of heated basement/cellar walls ( above grade ) g . R value of heated basement/cellar walls ( below grade ) 100 Type of insulation C , Controls 10 Thermostat maximum heat setting 900 Do Duct systems 1 , is duct system installed in unheated spaces ? YES No n . If Yes , P. value of duct installation b . R value of duct in other areas E . Piping Insulation ] . size of hot water or cooling carrying agent pipe !1"" 4 Co 2 . R value of pipe insulatioO W Per ro service Water Heat ." 1 . Performance efficiency 2 _ Temperature control setting maximum G . FQr Swimming Pool only 1 . Maximum heating AAh Al Telephone No . 370-1058 RA ( applicant " s signature ) APPUCATION FOR SEPTIC DISPOSAL PERMIT DATE t7 4?e I aq ; LOCATION OF PROPERTY FOR INSTALLATION 60 /2600 �r,�ry'+'x IIU�'rf'�.`• Owner's Names Jj !r 1 / Ilv�r Telephones Address: jr ,l�lJi�4l,�' ) VAI c // Installer's Nasnes Telephone d /y 003 Number' of bedrooms (residential only) Total daily flow (compute @ 150 gal per bedroom) Tep W phy: circle ones Ia Roiling Steep Slope 46 of slope Soil Nature: circle ones San Loam Clay . Other / Depths _ feet Ground Waters At what depth? feet Bedrock or impervious Materialt At what depth? feet Percolation test: circle one: of required required / rate min. inch. Domestic water supply: circle osier Municipal Well Other .... IF domestic water supply is a Went Separations Watersupply from Septic absorption feet PROPOSED SYSTEM: Septic Tank IQ 49. gal. (minimum sizes 1 ,000 gal,) TILE FIELD: Each Trench L9 feet / Total system length A) feet SEEPAGE VMS): Number of / Size each feet by feet Size of stone to be used # � t,7 _ _ I Depth or Thickness _ feet IMPORTANT ...Please...UST NEW ROUIPM$NT TO BE INSTALLED (over) Section II Septic System Inspectionst A. All applications for septic system installation, alteration or repair, a:s required by the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewalge Ordinance, shall be submitted to the Building Department at least Z4 hours before start of construction and shall include a plot plan showing: 1 .) the proposed location of the system Z.) location and distance to lot lines 3.) location and distance to structures 4.) location and distance to any water supply 5.) size and dimensions of all tanks, distribution boxes, the fields and/or drywells B. No system shall be covered before inspection and approval by the building Inspector. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the uncovering of the system by the Installer and a fine of up to $Z50.00. co An approved copy of the plot plan small be available on the construction site. Failure to produce said plot plan at time of inspection may result in an immediate work stoppage. D. Should unforeseen problems during construction prevent proper installation, alteration or repair of an. approved system, a new proposal must be submitted to the Queensbury Building Department before further construction. 1 have react the regulations abovw_ and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage DisFasal finance. Signf,ture of responsible persont 0' • . Town ©f QueensburyBuilding and Code Department Bay at liaviland Road Qtisensbury, New York 1 Z8o 1 (518) 79Z-5832 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY < BUILDING AND CC?DES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS 1280k QUEENSBURYr NEW PORK TELEPHONE (5I8 ) 79215832 miLDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT RE�7UEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME LOCATION If IIII- I, IT # -- DATE 1 �t APPROVED YES NO F,OOTINGJPIERS�UR FORMS MONOLITHIC P_pROOFING FOUNDATIONo OVAL BAc,KFILL, ROUGH PLUMBIATO pRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN r INSULATION : FOUNDATION FLOORS de WALLS CEILING 14eZXNAL INSPECTION : CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING STEPS ,------ EXTERNAL PORCH J --� E & RAILS STAIRS-CLEARA ,g EF y LVE PLUMBING TRI .7` PRIGACY DOO INTERIOR FINISHED F RS GARAGE FIRE ROOFING DOOR CLOSE (S) SMOKE DET TORS INSPECTION FINAL ELECT ACAL L OF CONSTRUCTION FINAL APPR A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROMSTHE OCCUPIED +EPp1RTpfENT BEFORE Bol THIS REMARKS : r e. INSPEC R flown of Queensil ury BUILDING and ZONING C)E fl RTME 9$ Bay and Hawilanti New RII ork 12801 ©ueensbury, iNSPECTIflN SEPTIC LIISPDSRL SYSTEM �+ NAME LOCAT IOh3:OiT PERMIT NQ - •[ clay SOIL TYPE - Sand - Loam YES- � NO Percolation Test Requi-red? Y Percolation, rate - "in/inch - TYPE Of SYSTE14z total 1en131Gh '/r � Absorption f field e Length of each trench T, Depth of trenches Size of gravel er cif) SEEPAGFE PITS ET3umks ft 1 41, Size- ft- X Gravel size Size 'TYPe PIPINGG : r- Bldg - to tan]c Tank to disc . box to f ie1 Pit Nd Partial gist. x sealed? YES Cypening SETxARA 50135 : ZOCp.TZ / ank Foundation tp sorptionf t . Foundation It d lt- PiDsorption to lot line ft. Separation o YSi s TEK ON PR4PE (circle one LOCATION OF S,- Left side eight side Front, CCMKENTS - SYSTEM USE APPR.DVE'D( YE KQ f Hui16 ing inspector dl f'86 and vl TONS OF Q{3EE'hDES D TMENT � � BUILDING AND CODES DEPAR !f BAY & HAVII.AND ROADS 3280� QUEENSBURY, NEW YQRK TELEPHONE f5x817921111115832 R S REPORT INSPECTOR REQUEST FOR jXSPECTION RECEIVED NAME LOCATION P T # 51�---_. DATE APPROVED yes NO FOOTTNGI F I' ---- MONOLITHIC POUR FPOROONG�----� FOUNDAILL APPROVAL BA OUGH PLUMBING �RA,MING ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FICHIMNEY HEIGHT• ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHESISRAILS_-�-- _�-_- EPS STAIRS�CLEARANCE :' _ LVE PLUMBING TRIMIIVACY DOORS INTERIOR PR FINISHED FLII GARAGE FIREPROOFING DOOR CLOSER(S) - SMOKE DETECTORSITION FINAL ELECTR OF NSPECCCJN5TTTOT.TQN_ FrNAL APPROVAL JI A SIGNED CERTI THE BUILD NG DEPARTMENT XcATS OF OCCUPANCY BEFORE OBTAINED FROM OCCUPIED! THESE PREMISES ARE REMARKS : " ' ay � - I SPECTOR RY .LOWS pE Q[3EEAI)ES DE BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT OADS BAY & HAVILAOW PORK 1280 IOUEENSBURY . 518 ) 792 -5832 TELEPHONE � BU I T -ING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECOIVED -- ,--- NAM E LOCATION �r ,DATE APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC pOUR FORMS FOUNDATION/D P-PROOFING �- BACXFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGHt-IN LIlTIQN : V' •' FOUNDATION r FLOORS WALLS CEILING TIQN : FINAL INSPEC > CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING TEPS EXTERNAL PORCHES STAIRS-CLEARANCp & RAILS _VALVE PLUMBING FXX71 SIRELIEF VALLVE INTERIOR TRIM/ RIVACY DOORS - FINISHED FLOO S GARAGE FIREP OQFING DOOR CLOSER ( ) SMOKE DETEC OR INSPECTION FINAL OLOCTR OF ,CONSTRVCTION__-,---� FINAL APPRO L UPANCY MUST BE A SIGNED CERTIFICATE IFCATE OF OCC OBTAINED FROM THE BUILUIINGD EPARTMENT BEFORE THOSE PREMISES ARE REMARKS : INSPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSEURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12809, TELEPHONE (518 ) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME LOCATION 4D DATE _ /° PE IT # 3 ! APPROVED YES NO FOOTINGIPIERS MO LITHIC POUR FORMS Lr�CUNDATION/DAMP-PROOFING BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH-XN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOURS WALLS 1 CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHE STEPS STAIRS-CLEARAN & RAILS PLUMBING FIXTU ES/RELIEF VA)fVE INTERIOR TRIM PRIVACY DOORS_ _ FINISHED F RS GARAGE FIRE OOFING DOOR CLOSER S) SMOKE DETE TORS FINAL ELECT CAL INSPECTION FINAL APPRO AL OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED? REMARKS: INSPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURYr NEW YORK 128011 TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME 0 LOCATION �r DATE IT # APPROVED YES No PCS0TXNGIPXERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATION/DAMP-.PROOFING BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH-XN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL XNSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SXDXNG EXTERNAL PORCHESISTEPSf STAXRS-CLEARANa�4 PLUMBING FIXTULVE 41, INTERIOR TRIM/ FINISHED FLOOR GARAGE FIREPRO DOOR CLOSERS) SMOKE DETECTOR FINAL ELECTRICALFINAL APPROVAL ON A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS: XNSPECTOR ` Y i�11iT TOWN OF GUEENSBUF Zoning 40 n , Ir 4- ipEs� t5,4 � I to i j WI M VO R STATI= E {'%.IERGY C014SElIVATIO14 CONSTRUCTION CODE PACT G WOhKSNEET THERNIAL IIAT114G ME!-1400 ONE- AND TIRO&MMILY BUILDINGS E3LI LU11dG GROSS VLOOR AREA f +AEi[)i2ESfi NUMBER OF STORMS DEGREE DAYS I � COUIRAC Fill' . ARCHITECT OR tWGINEUt ►4'1 .IlL� �. t6//Z&Z)e: Llm/e TELEPHONE ? xn rle i It r. E,r 110 1d i r.o d ". es not inb@t the toi lowing •pv6--qua 1 i f3+ ing towlitionS4 Part G Of the Eher§y Code mby not be used . 'rE � fd0 • Building it ohe- or two- f6mily residential . Bui Ming it d@Lathed . Building it l6ki than 5 * 000 Oros % square feet . Nuildlhy it thhi*a 3tot- ies or less in height . Eh{.rehcb dot►v-S 6vo 4 storm dooh _ or certified 0 valua of . 40 ot- lets . Glating +brae/Vrcts§ wall area is equal to or less thehi + 242 if 5sOOO degree days 932 if 6+ 000 degroo days ; 1201 If 14000 degrdo days i RAC It 13 a00 deor@@ days i6l If 94000 degr. eg days 1I all of the above tonditibht 04 hot mete +either PART 3s i PART 4 or PART 5 of the thekoy Cad6 mutt be Uteda � r Ui lt! Cl i UfJ5 For eaclt cb+n00036nt of the prbpoted bu i 1 d i hg design enter the de % i �yn itofvr "in tion req"e§ tld tuck at Air @At & 1108' trr t'fttr Valuet # Add i t i bna l l 1 ttet t re p1rov ided for de+64 gns With Mo a kh8n one toinponeht ronstructloll typel bbtaio thermal Patlhg3 for each it m by consulting the approprinte lables . A. Roar /CEILING obtain lher-mal itntirtgs tfrom ibble 6- 1 . 6-94 6- 1t bt4 5-ltt depending upon degree days and 1et!dt4hrj type . Brea + � V U--Value ! • r/l 'i err+, ► i-7T t o T tel ertna e t tog il-Value ! _ ,r11no r. T1 . to +n+fir t 1"tating R . litl 1141. 5 Obtain thei-mil kating is from table 6- 1 or 6- iL dppehdiOo UpbH it atirtg type . _ 4` 1 _ S1alrrre l t . Yirlr.1% atittg 5gtt +re f t . iermiVRatifig Note ! Wet l:a l l Area Ghns3 Wat i At-Oa m1hut HasemehtCCel iah V 11s + G1r. z Ing Arpog and boor At-east 1; CLAI1101 Obteiri thei bf itbting s #' rbM table 6-3 ctr 6-3t dep@hd ihO Uptsn itea'i t iftg type . 1•: 114u1. WS /`�j llr6a . b1' Glat ingi / �l-VAI Oft: —T k-/' _ Thermal fia' i ny Area of Glazinge U-VbiUe : _ Square 3 ►er m VStirtg $KY'L1GIIis Are $ of Glazing ± b-Ve1Ub! f � *�q�t� rTe Fes, i er�mel- il� ttng ; U1 . rLums Obtain thevwhi Ratings tromilable 6- 14 6-lE ot- fi At depehding UpoH degree days End hoati hg tyPe. F lour 11► er. : _ U-Value: M I - � Derma l a t i ng 02 , BMt-1.10 -1 /CELLAR WALL' Obtain thermal • Ratings from tablo 6-4 . 6-5 # 6-6 or 6- 5E depb hdihg Upon degree days bad heating type . 1;'a1l Per ; �reLer• t � . Linear rieia Lxpasvre Above Grade : • . J - eet U- value of 14r 11 : r o Depth or UnIl U-Value Below Gracir. : -- n Tc e3 ermal Rating vote , Use 1- I,e above grade U-Vaiue bt the w+I M The Thermal Rating iablas have been desighed to take itito accooht the ihsUldtir,g effect of the earth. 03 : §LAa 1140SULATIOR obtain ifierinal hatings froth Table 6-1 ok, 6-6t dapohdiho Upon heiting type . Slab perimeter : I Meet t�� lnsul6tic,r+ R-Va1Ue : TEet•m ating tr WrlLl MIUN CaNOUL Obtbih Thermal Rating+it # tom fable 6-8 at fi=7t . depehdit*g upon heating type . If the building does not Meet the #bilbwing conditions . enter NA ( lict Applicable ) for thbrmel Rating . i 1rt5 NO All windows have an Air leakage rate of 0. 35 cfm or lest per lihear toot of operable Lash crack ; All ►wet wall hrent have an infiltrt,tion barrier ; and A heat recovery vt'nt: ii ,Ator; which trrlrit:fers heat bet.wtto the Outgoing blettr"tm And the Alrstf•eam ehl.ef- iffy from thu butt4des is ihxtetled . Covet i t i caked floor Area ! ( Shall not include Squat. "Srm dating baserF,entltelInv floor Area ) t . SOU111 FAC11+4G GWING Obtalh th+eri,ial Ratings from Table 6-9 or 6-48t depbading Upon heating type . i r - i l:n 1 •u i iding cees trot Meet the tol losing t onditlons , 4�htbr 14A ( Not Applicable ) toIA thermal ktating . YES lau _ the building is ho less thah 1 . 250 square feet in cor►ditionod tiooe areAt At least 45 percent, of fill glazing faces withih A d@gvb t of true tbutht i a, . All glazed areas lh hoiidihyt are no more than Sout1► fat ing g1sted Areas Are free tut any site . obstl^uctlo"t dUHhd the heat4ng teattlnt and An area bt toUv� 4hch thick Cohcret* or Masonry It expothd ttl d i "t:t *U l 40lit tram 9buth tac i ng giAtings the 111 -06 bt thil tohcl^116t? or lnasohry shA11 be hh 1e0s WH thrp+A tiaret the 8te8 bf- touth fating g1iA14hd4 toad i t4oned South !lInssllotal Glettt Area ! Square rt, ( She Above ) 1 �Q Glass Ar-Qa/GI•bst Well Areas 1i erma I ating s LJM1v;Ah Y OP4 T01FAL THERMAL RATING I f the l oth i -thermal Wing i 3 ,twists ( Q ) aor grbetetH;'`.the propo]gied design for the build4hg *hv#1opE toMpli #s with the tl: hergy Cod . THM4AL TAAAREA U- VALUL RAt2NG US A . f100110EILING Type t CJ #Z Type 2 q�c go 14ET WALLS Type, 1 �� � *6f '� � 64 . type 2 Co GLAZ IfJG D window type 1 ©— , 141ndow Type 2 Skylights DI FLOOPS NA U2 . BASEIiENT/ CELLAR WALLS Wa11 Perimeter Llet I r. [ O541f'e AbcVe Gt- zde feet ' I.4ta11 U-VIl1uf2 bepLh of W611 1j-Valu6 Below Grade fhC69 lu3 : SLAB llti+ sVLAttON Slab Ppr6ieLe e@t Insulatiat4ono" k—�►efut` _�!1`l E I14FILTRAtION CONT OL + Jy� Cortd i ti otred Floor At-6e t t, fIN L .� I SOUTH FAGiNG GLAZING South GI -hsS /#othl 616tt at'hc�nt d l . Area/GVosS lull A1-es 061 tent � Conti' i t i ori+ed r loor Ar•ee q � t � A i TOTAI TH SAL WfNG ..