1990-243 , - BUILDING PERMIT - x TOWN OF QUEEN•SBURY . -. . - No. 90-243 - WARRE_N COUNTY, NEW YORK • o 00 , 1 N'- -.\ -C2c- - ' ' ' ' c,.., PERMISSION is hereby.granted-to MICHAFT, .T: DEVT,TN !f c;, OWNER ofpro property located at !' P P Y �� r Avigticin Rd I Street, Road or Ave. 11 in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a Demolition of residence at the above location -in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and' approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 13 - - t7 1. OWNER'S Address is ° L� 4 Sherwood Drive. - . - - Queensbury NY 12804 ( z 2. CONTRACTOR or BUI LDER'S Name ! n 11 1! Po Batease,ExcavationIi c 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address 11, - h RD#1 Box 327-A 1, Queensbury NY 12804 _ . , 4. ARCHITECT'S Name 3 - - V' �' ili ,) C . �' 5. ARCHITECT'S Address . , 0 II I! a 6. TYPE of Construction-(Please indicate by X) 1; , li ( )Wood Frame" ( ) Masonry. ( )Steel ( ) 11 - - ?I - - 7. PLANS and Specifications _ - 1 . " • O ' No. Demolition of 43'x25' residence as per declaration by Town Board. o 1! 1 O 8. Proposed Use - C! O Demolition of unsafe and dangerous building. 11. ii . - 4 CD I, o, 0 $ 20.00 PERMIT FEE PAID —THIS PERMIT EXPIRES ,! November 2 19 90 a. (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) -. . Dated at the Town of Queensbury this Day-of'_ , May 19 90 - - SIGNED BY 07 for the Town of Queensbury Buildindand Zoning Ins actor ' - I. I _ !, TOWN OF QUEENSBURY APPLICATION FOR sp • 'y c (.,AIN OF QUEE\ �- DEMOLITION PERMIT - i'J OUP DATED —� Div FEE PAID �c �° MAY -11990 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION. 1. & CODE DEPT. 1. All applicable spaces are to be completed. 2. TWO Plot Plans are to be submitted, drawn to scale, showing: a. Lot boundaries with dimensions and adjacent roads & streets b. All existing structures, with indications as to those to be removed c. Location of all utilities 3. Fee submitted per current Fee Schedule, payable to "Town of Queensbury". THE OWNER OF THIS PROPERTY IS: / v IIL�OG�/l.�-e 6erli44 P.O. Address: `71 chW VOcd, L . dke,vAs tocury Al `/' TEL. 7` 3 - "fr`-1' Property Location: U) 171 i1upLi071 5loc1+" 2 /of S Tax Map No.23 / 2/ S /' treet number or building lot number Person Responsible for work E q eC( g-e x C„cttrct. (Poe,/ — 1'1 Address (Z ( )o X 3 2.7 /4 S-R yuh1 Sig Telephone 7 q'Z- 77S 7 The following building(s), located on the property described above, are to be removed from that property. Oer` I' 4_ CT/144 03 REASON FOR REMOVAL �`�� - l/l/!/1 Scii l�ir�C1G(is Previous use of building (circle one) Y Residence - arage - Storage - Business - Other / - all utilities been disconnected? Gas Electric V I Propane Water V Size of buildings) , 1 . 91 ft. x z,S ft. Location on property / -f 4 go , � 2. ft. x ft. S2 n 41- pC/ 1 3. No. of Stories 4. Foundation type (circle one). full cellar crawl spa slab. Foundation will remain -be remo 5. Another structure will will not , replace this building. Replacement of structure will require application for Building Permit. SPECIAL NOTES: r L'0 l 7`/0 ac,d4r, SIGNATURE r �J Owner, ner's age t, chic ct Contractor TOWN OF QUEENSBURY/ BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12801. TELEPHONE (518)' 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR'S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED �f//� NAME ikt6h A }� 11&t ^ i LOCATION�,{ 7.��a DATE ,5, 9.s ? PERMIT # 9D r2�� APPROVED YES NO / FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS r„ FOUNDATION/DAMP-PROyFING .1 BACKFILL APPROVAL 1,, f ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING 'il I ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN )A INSULATION: l FOUNDATION I FLOORS . ‘ WALLS CEILING . A j FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING ; A SIDING / 1 EXTERNAL PORCHES/ST17PSx STAIRS-CLEARANCE & RAILS PLUMBING FIXTURES/1lELIEA VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/PRIVACY DORS FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIREPROOFIIp DOOR CLOSER(S) 1 SMOKE DETECTORS I j. FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTION FINAL APPROVAL OF IN CONSTRUCTION d. A SIGNED CERTIFI ATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS: l rCG`w - `v - ? r *Pi -S/7 / I PECTOR ' , • •- - , .: ,.::„ ,,,,,,,,,,,, . , , . .. ...--- ----. — __,... ._.„..,_. AO• k . ''' '' OF QUEB\_. ..,. F' Ig. '..,-Irf,L.-:_'.:,••:' ' '''',,, ' `,.'• e ., ' --4 -,i '.r•• T " • ,. y ' 7'0 V/2\7 OF -(2W:17:Ns a URI In 0 Vi LEH i j : • , . , i j ',. :6'h..g.-r.'- :l''',.0 _,,.-- Bay arHaviland F?riad, Queensbury, NY 72804.9725.-518-792-58 .$, --W _A ,,,,,,,,,aist# . • ' PAY -11990 ' BO ,414G & CODE DE;'T. April 1.0, 1990 Mr. Michael Devlin 4 Sherwood Drive Qucenebury, New York 12804 1E; Tax Map Number 83-2-5 Dear Mr. Devlin: In October of 1980 the Que;L;Tsbury Town I3oard, upon my recommendation, declared the building located on the above noted tax map location, "unsafe and dangerous." At that time the property was owned by "Joey" Ricketts. A public hearing was scheduled for November 6., 1989 to either have Mr. Ricketts remove the building or to have the town remove the building and place the cost of doing so as a lien on the tax roles, This public hearing was never held because Mr. Ricketts told us that when he --:01.(1 the property, he would have the new owner remove the building. As the new owner, the town is now looking for you to take the necessary steps to remove or have removed, this "unsafe and dangerous" building. A demolition permit is required. New legal procedures will be initiated by this department by May 10, 1.990 if the above mentioned building i8 still standing as of May 10, 1990. Should you have any questions concerning the above, please feel free to call. Yours truly . BUILDINGS & CODE DEP AIKIN ENT .., /7 , \''..- .47f./41:' ,•,,''Ai -. Bert Martin ... Code Enforcement Officer BM:im CC: Stephen Borges, Supervisor David Hatin, Director, Buildings & Code Department ' HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY. . A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE' SETTLED 7763 y 5 7 /8S a of o 8 el 040 vi e.,------.;----' • . .• . °q 2`,v. s, il :: (11 Co F--1 �J Cr, O r J V) yY G'") itec - OWN OF QUEEIN:;.... • IM M [.. 11 T i.. 11 . 10 MAY -11990 BUILDING & COL. ''.;,..