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_ -wt-. -'? ':� ; .fi <- "�:hdt 'f•,Y�"if1�!x•:.,f..��T,. may.-.i{- :':. r �.r.g. .•;Nr. u t r 9r-_ .. , , -7 'CERTIFICATE +CJF 1+ (J1'�+'�FLIATC t TOWN OF QUEENSBURY I, WARREN COUNTY, N9W YORK I Date February 8 1480 I `��ryry i 1 1 `yr 9 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. i has been completed. This structure may be occupied as a _- Two Car Garage & 5tn ra g.�he d rid 810 "no Road Location f [Omer Ronald & Sharon Robillard 1 By Order Town Hoard TOWN OF QUEENSSURY Director of H1dgm & Code Enforcement i I l BUILDING PERMIT x TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. f39- 500 0 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK .d CID PERMISSION is hereby granted to Ronald P. Sharon Robi i 1 and ".t OWNER of property located at RI];I` 4 Fix fiC1€3-A 131 a Boom Road _ Street, Road or Ave. sm in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a Two car adrage & storage shed 'at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury 'Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1 . OWNER'S Address is Same c� 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER 'S Nama CKY r Self w 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address O Same J nL 4. ARCHITECT'S Name vr� cra c+s "5 5. ARCHITECT'S Address C� Q S. TYPE of Construction — iPloose indicate by XY C's f l VVood Frame f 1 Masonry f Y Steel Dr- 7. PLANS and Specifications a~' un Na_ 40 ' x 26 ' Two car garage and storage shed as per plot plan , tv specifications , and application . a B. Proposed Use ' a Two car garage & storage shed cs. —I C $ SO 00 PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES February I 1990 � {If a longer per Fad is required an application for an axtension must be made to the Baildi a'ng and ''coning inspector of the —f town of Queensbury before the expiration data,) Q0 Qa Dated at the Town of Queensbury thi th pay of _ _July 19`89 nr ._ uq m SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury s , Building and Zonlrd Inspector rS- O pa sGe rn to a a 17 T I !"� F 1: 1 . :�, y T ". I r N TOWN OF QF EE:tiSBL' I2Y 1'w Cam - A 4LJW F`s RECEI�,E�j"(�+Lllgk' F e e Fai d t Z22 1'jUILDrNG AND CURES Lji ,P RI" T. data Iaoued JE/ 8 ]g8g AY r1UEENSfiVRYnd NDIEWOYORK 1 ?d04 93 PGA Mj't Nov _ LD� & Cot) � Tel ( 518 ) 792- 5d32 Exe 204 New A 1 EAWIT MUST C11 OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION . N4 INSPECTIONS VI LL BE MADE UNTIL APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED A VALID BL; I LDINC PERMITS All applieabl %: spaces on this application must be completed and the ir* nature of the applicant must appear on the reverse side of this sheet . R * N k A % h * * 7% x k k * 1 A * * * * * In x a t * a ■C * * * * x * * * x r' ii a owner of this property i s ; y [�lyl� �L b >` a�iyf} h'!7/Ilr ./l tflz.f/mdb [l , O . Address A AQX / I'1� 19 !' f1 n14 /JJs� .f 1 ,+ ,�,!,,� c WWWWWWWww T E L . 3 - Zl; 5�Y rroperty location A3 le t ]rnrn A0A..rs rAx MAP NO . iias there been any split of this property since October 1 , 1988 ? yew n0 If yes , Planning Board Review is necessary . �: UBDIVI5ION 14AME , IF APPLTCA3LE LOT NO . •i- he person responsible for supervision of work as regards Building Codes is : `^ — NAtrE P ZD ADDRESS + TEL . NA4 ts.amt of builderei Aj Oj A -AAA Address Tel rl'"Me of Plumber t 1.ddress 'Tel rieirne of Mason 9/3 Ato4AA AOA144Aooth Tel 4ATuRE Or PROPOS.LZD 4r<:)Rr: ; ZONING ilk ! 0101 +.'PiC1t1 ; c� rtica usC arllyl _ :nnsiructicr of a ire++ b1jila3' n7 ZONINC, DL•'SIGNATION OF PROPERTY Aci.liti.on to a buililing # PERMITTED PRINCIPAL. PERMITTED ACCESSORY Alt .: r. Lion to " 1.uilding � ( 114 CIL.+I ,kj � to +:xcezri,or caimcngiona ) ■ REVIEW REQUIRED we PLANNING BOARD ZONING BOARD Otlsur I„arl�; (JQa criUml ' SITE PLAN REVIEW N APPROVED DATE RQSS ARL` .1 OV praOPOSL' D. ;: TAUCTURZ * VARIANCE N APPROVED DATE Ist Floor _ sq ft Remarks : C! n d Floor s q t t GOcaPL1:T4 INVOI.MATION LcLQU L 1cL:D IAL' L 4AJ r Other Floors /ry _sq Ft * of F)rol,� rty rc x c %S ft . lnot cellar or b ,asemantl I:x}�Lr' el L' uii+Sic,.� lal 5i �u I' ti x Sew, re . r _ TOTAL FLOOR AREA,,, 3 st! f C * Lxia6siig Ar. . 1 lirr+J t :. ) U ❑#4 i :c +: of ns:w :: tructurw eft x ft L-'ouu6d.. t1on -riier sla cr.a.wl/parti"i/ full ' yrof�o::xa buala ,.ng , di�& c.anaW iroua L,r.al)urty 116r14 (r: irclu +o`na1 L'ront yard_• JL ✓� i t Ra:ar yur. d /Ul3 ft NJ , of ovaries (kwaluit:.hle ;lace ) l Side y S'� et .anci i,: rdla J 15 rc kigric ( yra to vidq.: ) _ 1-1-1ft . . cQrn IC ra: :: ic3S.ntial , now of f:,milin : �'� . Lr on cUrn.: r , ter: W.ack from Sickt: ::trui:c r c Now of roomx ( Qxcluding btacha ) d OCCUPANCY IhlFai'.MP►T1ClV rs4w of brsdroQiau ■ PRIXARY LUILDINC: aw Noe or bat1krooswzi * '�Qnp ramily dwelling tlrina w ary 1c ► ci <,� sx. yu .:tuh A f/7A { i1■Q C"M-r.ly dw"lliny TYlaw of fu.: l AJn11,4, Multa.pl+s Uwulling / Nusabor of units_ , ,•� NQ , of firep1g1Q"4 to 1a4 A.n�e:.11eci A r414. accupwkcy r04611. .a WQQ%4 ULQva3 ><■.: iek:: t:. 11wri?,tJf7 ` s•r:.nsi4e+t ca4C4;s:ar,cy Luntr.al Air CQs+clitiunissq? A __ = 13ysincss�t UU1LD1NG STYLC, PR1M+412Y STRUCTURE ,. Tnclustriai l..a+sC1ti Cont%jaq:•ori ry L4n, c:&bin Othar ranch K.anUA0404k DuJ, lLWX . IC .adaitiun , ri .at wi11 u::.s b.s? Jl]lsc luv,al Old scylQ Uu, My.alow * r Ce^tau Cad Catt"gw, Octwr • ACCLSSoi y buxlooINC•a C;raioni..l lbw 'fowl & F14►lSe ■' �" Cachau 9"r4-49Ctone cur/ t a C:A a.ar ( CIACLU C"a PLKAZE ) ; Art&Qhu" ccj .ariagas/Q+►a Cwr/ two L'.ir/ ccia • • r r s s s • ■ A r ■ ■ r ■ * ■ 's V11r .iv.atri stor" 0 buJolUing LS *rIM ^4%*V. 0 KhRl4r010 VALUL OP CON :.;'P %UC'1' IUN INFORMATION ON BUILDING SPncIF+ ICATIONs , ON REVERSE: sxnr_ OF THIS £!IL•iXTO q'o SC COMPLCTLGI Formal DPA 10/88 V1 Et L L "I P = F.M17 APPLICA`: W - .d _ _ . . . _ `i= - 5U [ � _^,, ING SPECIFICATIONS), ',ca :ram construction , wood fr3:-.e , _ Lre .s .3fc , ec - . Wii . any second- hand or ungraded 1 .:.:wer ce used : of ao , for what ? Foundation wall material t%6./)24 ,V7' Thickness /4r ,� Depth of foundation below grads ( tc bottom of foot :.ng ) �� a Will there be a cellar7A/a ted or nheated . Floor sq . footage_ jQyp sq ft Will there be a basement ? 6L will any portion be used as living space ? lif so , what portion ? sq . ft . - - Type of use ? ' ape cat roof - sloped/ flat/shed/oti:er a'Lo00 l"� ^iaterial of roof I wood studs" x_�' " spacing��" o . c . length ff �ft . Joists ( floor beams ) lst . floor d4x " spacing "o . c . span ft . Joists ( floor beams ) 2nd . .floor " x NO, spacing "o . c * span ft , � verlays ( ceiling beams ) "x spacing o . cl span ft . Boor" rafters o2 ' " x ON spacing c . c . span _ft o Roof" trusses ( pre-engineered) spacirq ,P " o . c . s :an ,Z ft . Exterior wall finish S/ 4 / N40 Of what material ? Interior wail finish A,IL'Nf. If a garage is to be attached , describe materials to be used for FIRE SEPARATION : Is there to be an opening "between garage and dwelling? Al if so will a Fire- rated door , enclosure , and self- closing device be provid,aci`' Will a flue- lined chimney be installed? Ald Height above roof ft . Depth of chimney foundation below grade ft . Depth of fireplace hearth ft . in , water supply - Municipal or ,private well_re)UJA4 F,,,4 ,w A SEPTIC SYSTEM _ Distance from ANY private well ( including adjoining properties ft . ( A separate application is necessary for any repair or new installation of septic system ) D E C L A R A T 1 0 Y To the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted , are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUILDING CODE, THE ZONING ORDINANCE , and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or not, and that such work is authorized by the owner . Signature_ � .?7i'r' A,7/ Owner, owner's a2oent , architect , contractor Not SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PEF14IT : Member N. & O.A. .1. E ec trica( Certificate �� -. ATLANTIC - INLANDD,, INC, j,NEW YQRK Electrical and Fire Inspection-Enforcing 8 Consulting Service 997 McLean Road, Cortland, NY 13045 }"'rr=� . �:; DATE: ' ' CERTIFICATE NO. : OWNER: AS APPROVED FOR : ADDRESS: ELECTRICIAN: 'l ici 1 i ADDRESS: 'UY 1.<.f . v4 The conditions following governed the issuance of this cartficate. and any cerldicale previously issued is cancelled- This aertiticale only covers the electrical equipment listed and installation condiliong as at date- Upon the inlroduction of additional equipment or alteralions. applicaiion shall he promptly made for inspection inspectors ars of this Company shall have the is privilege of making ins pedions al any lime, and if its rules Fly are vwlaled. [he Gompany shall havetherigho to revoke this certificate. V Al 27 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUrLDING AND CODES DRPARTMRNT .BAY & HAVILAND ROADS C)URENSBURYe NEW YORK 2280& TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTORIS R.EpORT RRQUE� P Sa G TSON RECEIVIJ le 11 �s ZwOCATrON DATE p -�- APPROVED FOOTING/PIE'RS YES NO MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDA 2"ICJN/DAMP-PROOF2NG BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING RLECTRICAL ROUGJV-TN INSULATrON: FOUNDATION FIRS WALLS CEILING FINAL rNSPECTTON.: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING r` SIDING Eh'TERNAL PO,RCHESfST PS . STAIRS-CLEARANCE ,' RAIL- PLUMBING F'rXTURE, %'RELIEF VALVE','INTERrOI2 'TRIM/P f VACY DOORS FINISHED FLOORS/ GARAGE FXREPROPFXIVG DOOR CLOSER (S17 - .SMOKE DRTECTQP S FrNAL RLEC2•R2-CAT, INSPECT_rON FINAL .APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCT _rO�y��`- -_ A .S-rCNED CERTIF2CA OBTAINED FROM THE' T TE R OF OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE THESE PREMISES ARE ArC 2'EPARTMEN2' BEFORE OCCUPIED; RRMARKS, INSPECTOR _�.._ TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT /J BAY & HAV2"LAND ROADS L)UEENSBURY, NEW YORK 1280k TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEXVED 7_ NAME LOCATION p'"' DATE _ % - /j� - PERMIT v``1� 5C� n APPROVED ct._.. YES rNo �aOTZNG/PZE.RS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATION/DAMP-PROOFING BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN 2NSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT } ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHESf E S STAIRS-CLEARANCE & ILS PLUMBING FIXTURES/ IEF VALVE INTERIOR TRSM/PRIVACk DOORS FINISHED FLOORS � L. GARAGE FIREPROOF •NG - DOOR CLOSER (s)_ SMOKE DETECTORS FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTION FINAL APPROVAL CONSTRUCTIO A SIGNED C'ERTI ;,1CAPE OF OCCUPANC MUST BE OBTAIN$D FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISESARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS: rt INSPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT �� BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK I2804- TELEPHONE (518) 79.2-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION REC �I9VE,rtDfj_� -/ NAME LOCATION Z22 - DATE :? PERMIT # APPROVED YE5 �OTING/ a ERS MONOLITHI POUR FORMS jw FOUNDATION —PROOFING BACKFXLL AP VAL ROUGH PLUMBI FRAMING ELECTRICAL RO H—rN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/ EP STAIRS—CLEARANCE RAI PLUMBING FIXTUR /BELIE VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/ IVACY DO S FINISHED FLOOR _ GARAGE FIREPR FIND DOOR CLOSER ( ) SMOKE DETECTnRS FINAL ELECTRI f L INSPECTION FINAL APPRdVAOF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS ,7 Ole h 4XSPE�CT6R r� M DO16E DEPARTMENT INSPECTION ASENCY, IVational Headquarters r 9OU Haddon Ave., Collingswood, J, oatOB ` r , , a ,.+ City, Town or Township < �� County �` �* �^� Sty of Locati I Address o M " '�'f { If Located in Rural A Please Attach Directions) Pole ., _ Owner— Occupied c� � . *piG e+ .�`�� r . ..,� r Permit# .. L �r Occupied As Building.: . Now Older Occupant Work Area in Buildin floor #, etc. ): App. for: Wiring �` Service or- Ready for Inspection . Fee Remitted • $ Cash Check E:1 M.O. Make Payable To: M.D. I.A. 3a0 750 16sa 125a 15aa 173a 200a 225a 25aa 2759 " Number of Rough Wiring Outlets Elect. Heat Switches Amp. Service " SuFface Unit —Dishwasher Range Lighting Water Heater Air Conditioner Dryer Pump Receptacles ,Oven . Garbage Disposal Wiring and Controls for Burner , Plumber of Fixtures., Amp. ReeeptacIft Fractional H.P. Vent Fans Other Equipment: MOTORS H.P. 1/201/12 1/10 1/8 1/6 1/4 1/3 1/2 3/4 1 1.We 2 4 5 7Y2 10 15 20 25 : 40 40 50 75 100 Mark Number of Each Size ' 11 , APFSIIcant's Signature License # Permit # T/A Utility .: Q Applicant's Address: « . rr� - ' ,r c7 / E ICE L T1 N . (Cityl (State] ,w^ - (Zip] t''r ''r Service Request # Phone * ! Electrician : S ti . alibiPATE RECEIVED: BATE INSPECTED: 3. Correct Location : 'Same as Above [] or: Red Notice Label Rough Wiring Outlets Surface Unit . Oven Switches Range Garbage,Dltpt�aal Receptacles Water Heater . Eishwasher Fixtures Air Conditioner Dryer •.;x Amp. Service Equipment Burner, Wiring & Controls for Amp. Receptacle Amp. Service Conductors Pump L I I Vent Fans MOTORS H.P. 1/� .1/i2 1/30 1/8 l/6 1/A 1/3 1/2 3/4 1 . 1W2 2 a 5- 7Ws 10 15 20 25 30 ' 44 150 175 1 '100 Mark Number t -_ of Each Size eoo .7so 1e00 1250 1500 1750 saga 22aa 25aa 2750 3000 Elect. Heat 0 RW Progress: Inc. O LKD Contractors Q CFT Violation : Work Comp. E . Inc. F CASH © L/A Owner Fee CHIK # 0 Due o IPA Municipal N,V # Applicant E3 Date: Other Side Utility Owner Cut in Card Temp # Date PECTORS SIGNATURE [] Final # Date APPLICATION FORM NO. 250 EL 11/86 M17190Y fl��NS Q�7�,Nvy 9y�g 110NOW t go XON13J-o SxA,e©ti X0&LLAXi Rh o-'/, 6,ox 6a? A QUA 611.5 B Uk y , N Y.