1989-533 +3e . is i ; 7 f +CERTI CA'TE OF COMPLIANCE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK L7ate,r., . 3!i !s 1�1 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Now has been completed. This structure may be occupied as a aboy Ground Pool - '!vocation Owner Robert Whitmore By Order Town Board TOWN OF QUEENS13URY IIZOZ0 42 — , Director of Bldg. & Code Enforcement x BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 89_ 533 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK t cA: PERMISSION is hereby granted to Robert Whi tmore r OWNER of property located at 10 Nathan Street Street, Road or Ave. cr in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a Above-Ground R941 Pool at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1 . OWNER'S Address is Same 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER 'S Name 'r= Self 3_ CONTRACTOR or BUILDER 'S Address m Same n 4, ARCHITECT'S Name ti C 5. ARCHITECT'S Address Q r_ P B, TYPE of Construction — (pleas* indicate by X) ti c l l wood Frame 11 Masonry ( I Steel ( i n n r 7. PLANS and Specifications No. 24 ' x 4 ' Above- Ground Po41 , steel /vinyl , as per plot plan and application . s. Proposed Use Above- Ground Pool 25 f]0 PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES Februar 1 79 90 ; (if a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the i town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) r Dated at the Town of Queensbury this Day of J 1 t 39 ---- SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury Buil ing and Zoning In ctor aTOVVtN4 OF QUEEN' URY owa•i u t�ysnsGsere 1 ,, , re R ;J DEPTawN OF QUEENSEURY BUILDING and ZONING OEPARTMrwNT B Li IL D � � • ••s �-� FiEC.Ef11EC1 Bay and Haviland Road, R. D. 1 Box 98 REV4 IvED EiY } oueensbury. New York 12801 JUL "( 19$9 DATE SWIMMING POOL PERMIT APPLICATION BLDG. & CODE DEPT. FEE PAID Owner ' s Name (� �.�' t 1 � `i� ��•_-- Tel . Location V ) I A ' LA f Type of Fool - - in -ground above -ground Size : Length _f t . - I,7idthtt . - DiameterK 't . - Depth y ft . Approximate water capacity �L" aIZons . Materials used in construction : ( circZe one ) 6eel /v;?.� Fibreglasa - - Guni. te - - Poured Concrete - - Other Con tractor/Tno to Z Zer. ``" r7 1� Tel Address - IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS : On a separate piece of ,paper , submit a diagram ; drawn to show ; PROPERTY LINES - EXISTING STRUCTURES - LOCATION OF PROPOSED SWIMMING POOL - Show all distances from lot lines to both the ,pool and the structures , as well as separations between . Application for Electrical Inspection is necessary . A copy of the applicapion is to be filed with this office . This office is to be notified upon completion of construction ; Including installation of fencing . A FINAL INSPECTION WILL BE MADE BEFORE USE OF THE POOL IS AUTHORIZEDo n Signature of Applicant.( u `e YC�' C� t- ` — Dace C U 02 / 86 m+d- vl Section 7 . 074 1locesaorr Structures and Urea 49 Private Swimming Pools . Private swimming pools . permanent and portable , which shall be accessory to u principal , non-commercial dwelling use shall be regulated as follows : except that these regulations shall not apply to portable swimming pools which shall be not more than three ( ) feet in height nor more than fifteen ( 1F ) feet in length . a ) May be _erected only on the same lot as the principal structure, b ) May be erected only in the rear ,yard of such structure and shall be of a distance not less than twenty ( 20 ) feet from the rear lot lines or buffer zone where appropriate nor less than ten ( 10 ) feet from the side lot line , or buffer zone where appropriate principal structure or attached or detached accessory structure , c ) Such use shall not adversely affect the character of the neighborhood . d ) All private swimming pools shall be enclosed by a permanent fence of durable material at least for ( 4 ) feet in height , e ) In the case where a lot fronts on two ( 2 ) or more public rights- of-wny , a ,private swimming pool shall be erected only on that portion of the said lot that is directly adjacent to that side of the principal building which is directly opposite the archi - tectural main entrance of said building and the neighboring side lot line . In no case shall the pool be any nearer to the lot lines abutting any public right-of-way than the required front setback for the principal building of the zoning district in which it is located . Furthermore , the pool shall be screened from the vied of the public right-of-way and the neighboring property by means of landscaping . ( 'See "Landscaping" ) $25 .00 Fee for Above Ground Swimming Pool $ 35 . 00 Fee for In-Ground Swimming Pool NOTE: ALL POOL, PERMIT APPLICATIONS MUST 'STATE MATERIAL TO BE USED. Member N.F.P.A. a 1.A.E_1- -1�-- Ei-ec L7 Lca+- Certificate i-cato ATLANTIC - INLAND, INC. - NEW YORK JJ Elec tric a l an d Fire lnapec GO"-E"IcfCOW Cpna Ulf trig Servic a 997 McLean Road, Cortland. NY 13045 DATE. _ , � _ CERTIFICATE NO. : OWNER: „t.. ;,� # l s- i; . t :. AS APPROVED FOR: ADDRESS: t.: c � x. s_ .f + : ; :,[ Jrs s: 2i .: Y. '. kE. r ' t' :. 1 : -E - �.: Y tc?.5 : -E +": L i . i ". '.. E+ ' + i - - t:l •J Y . ; 3 '/ • .. i L.<LS.. °- R'I 1 ! .ai- � _. ! '� �'-l : ..c ," C: ''Le ' v ELECTRICIAN : t ,: J ,:• : c: ,,,n : re. 1 • c ... il. i r. : ADDRESS: IYarte' Tne conditions following governed the .ssuarce of this certdicale. and any cert6licate previously Issue is cancelled: Th s certillcate only covers the electrical equipment listed and Insfallatron conditions as of date. Upo the Introduction of additional egwpmenl or alterations. application shall be promptly made for inspection Fly Inspectors of this any Shall shall nave the trevprivilege of is eing inspections a7 any timeo and if its ru'e are violated. the Company Shall have the right :O revoke this tern f.ca[e. Al 27 TOWN OF QUEENSBUR.Y ,BUILDING AND CODES ,DEPARTMENT BAy & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURy, NEW YORK -12804" TELEPHONE (5I8 792-5832 BUTUING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR IN PECTION RECEIVED NAME LOCATION d DATE L� PERMIT # f Chi APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/PIERS FORMS MONOLITHIC POU PROOFING FOUNDATION/DAM BACKFILL APPRO L ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUG -XN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING TEPS EXTERNAL PORCHE !� -��--- STAIRS-CLEARANC RAILS PLUMBING FXXTUR /RELIEF VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/P VACY DOORS - FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIREPROO NG DOOR CLOSERS) SMOKE DETECTOR FINAL ELECTRICA I �PECTION - - FINAL APPROVAL F NSTRUCTION OK TO ISSUE C/ 4R /C A SIGNED CERTI. ICAT OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE B LDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISE Aa�RE0[ CUPIED ( REMARKS: for ��� �� " H oAcf 'IBv1LoICAP ARRIVE r DE:PpiR� -- I SPECTOR MAIN OFFICE ATLANTIC4NLANDr INC. 997 McLean Rd. r} Lit a ✓✓✓ NEW YORK Cortland, New York 13045 MEMBER OF NF.PA. AND IA.E I. Pr,D (607) 753-711$ FIRE UNDERWRITERS (607) 753-7809 {Electrical anti Fire Inspection-Enforcing and Consulting Service) C 52167 € (607) TS3-1396 pncorporated In the State of New York) 4 Deairing Certificate of Approval, application is made for inapoWion of electrical installe0on in the premises described below. On demand applicant agrees to pay for Il inspection service in accord with schedule W charges. APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION — PLEASE,PRINT OR TYPE THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT DATE OF APPLICATION I t Cl LIJiGE Q--)e COUNTY C14 STATEST ADDRESS ti-+i SUILDG. N+O. , RURAL DIRECTIONS POLE NO. j DWNER'S NAME OCC4JPFED AS OCCUPANT _ ; ,, �' BUILDING — New O Old tiir'7�WDRK— Nsw Q'Addigonal ❑ OWNERS P.O. ADDRESS I APP. FOR — ROUGH WIRING a FIXTURES O OR READY FOR INSPECTION z""' � ..�' f� ` 19 I a FEE REMITTED— $ BY CHECK 0 CASH ❑ MONEY ORDER ❑ MAKE PAYABLE TO ATLANTIC-INLAND, INC -- NEW YORK Number of Rough Wiring Oufists Fbdurea Add InstaNstion Swich UTng Reeep, KW Mod. MOOUI Fluor. SOD 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2fiA0 2T50 3000 Heat Baas Bane r Elsar. Hant 4 _ ?+ �• Amp. Service water Hir. Burner Air COrx1. ik Surface Unit Oven 1' Range Gr. Disp. Diah W. I ~..%/�Dryer H.P, Pump Ex Fan Hood I � r OTHER POUIPMENT CBpec y Type.A, CaP&CMea) �1!'` '�' §'k- -} •. ;; }{.+.��r {hl "�-dlJLt i e'�'i,� t'3?. '} ('�"r i 1 Y*R 4.f FI G-ry - T . . IJ TYPE OF r . k i I'j � I' ..+` r- CIF 9- BRANCHES NO- OF "FONG OPEN ❑ CONCEALED G,7- OTHER N CIRCUITS S APPLI _ - �� SIGNATU �. f :+ --L• is=+ �.C..- / -�_ .. UCENSEN PERMIT APPLICANTS ".,, ; '4 3 _ y _ NAME OF ADORERS I`" to -. r UTILITY .y f _ OFFIDE TO { !r mow'•. s._ .. r,,, Il p ray ii . ••r , i STATE . ZIP CODEIQ BE NOTIFIED l'1 i.. 1� G-V' -J ROUGH NARING AMP SERVICE W. SURFACE CKJTLETS EQUIPMENT UNIT SWITCHES AMP SERVICE, K.W- OVEN CONDUCTORS H.P.GARBAGE �W/r' M60=2zz_ RECEPTACLES H.P. PUMP DISPOSAL UNIT MEDIUM RASE - K.W. FIXTURES K.W. DRYER DISHWASHER MOGUL BASE. K.W.WATER FIXTURES HEATER K.W. RANGE FLUORESCENT H.P. AIR AMP. RECEPTACLES FIXTURES CONDITIONER MERCURY VAPOR OR WIRING a CONTROLS FOR BURNER SMOKE FRAC. H.A. QUARTZ FIXTURES I DETECTORS VENT FANS MOTORS. H.P. 1120 W12 Itt0 118 116 1/4 1 113 112 314 1% 2 3 5 7% 10. 16 20 25 30 40 50 75 10D MARK MMOVR OF EACH SIZE fiY,10 750 1000 1 1280 1160611750 2000 1 2250 2500 275O 1 3OW APPARATUS Elect Heat j MISC. INFO. Receiv 11repeCtI14 .5 ""+€- Z' " FEE PAID ❑ PROGRESS 7CJTAL S 5 , , �....•- ❑ O"acTmE 0 Rough Wiring Certificate check j T p Money Order FINAL C'ERTIflCATE Caeh p. Cori. Req. Charge ❑ MUNICIPAL Mum ADDRESS •'' .irt dig m+.+i etow -- ATTNk. Temp. Cut-in Card No. Final Cut-in i:; q Na Inspector AI-01 INFORMATION FOR BUILDING EpARTMENT LENDING AGENCY Atlantic-Inland, Inc. is in the process of issuing a certificate of occupancy/compliance for the electrical installation/filed with construction project as covered in an application our main office. Date Inspector NEW YOR'K ATLANTIC4NLAND, INC. YC?U ARE HERESY REQUESTED T'D INSPECT AND ISSUE CERTIFICATES FOR THE FOLLOWING MSTA ELECTRICAL BY EQUIP&4FNT TQ THE UNDER3lGNED TEMP # COUNTY { L TOWNSHIPNVMsect C1n OR VII I { r s a LICIT STREET AND NO. PDAD II SEG'CKJN eErwEEN wHAID CRI ArT1 `" rREnnlsE l r T ` i j, k i ^r BU14bING OCGUFV&Ii v [' �y-yME T1:LE1bTlE NUMBER' . OC:OUPAII NAME -.. �4' f^, . . i WORK pt.µ]_NE NUMBER � I OWYNER'S NAME AND ADORESS k �., C]FFIGE - �7r• �, V • '� E '; r 1 " -i FROM TIiE1R CURRENT SUPPLIEO BY AbOTT10NAL DEFECT'S REMOVED G MJLTRK � N� G RUILDING IS GLo G BRANCH OFFICE USE NEw Cl LIST 8EL©W ALL ECILI4PMENT WHICH Y�LI IT1$TALt' OT1LY MOTORS HiEATERS CIRCUITS No. a'I FiMures 8. A..w - NUMBER OF OUTLETS Lamp R9013 ROCIOS H.P. Watts No. Gauge INSPECTION LOCO- Type Each NM Each tlbrl Side +4ttaeN't Switch perdarlt 6TaV7[at Na Ceiling WO RecaPls OUT- SIDE SUB- aASF BASE- MENT Tat FL. 2nd FL- ard FL. ? :i REMARKS: L487 r7THER ELECT�fMCAL DEVICES $ C t7A` , 1rt ; r i F ER THE .... _LISTED EQUIPMENT TO BE INSPECTED, BUT IF AT TIME OF 1NSPECriO E -THERE IS THIS APPLICATION IS III NDED TO Cd++" 70TAL VAI FOUND ADDITIONAL EQUIPM_E�NOT �pE LIS BY TS AP LSCANT TH04�tZEU If��LT��YNSPECT40N AND ADJUST THE FEE TO COVER THE ADDIT50NAt- EOUfP'N1EN FEEDERS E vA SIZE OF MAINS GAS TUBE SIQNrTAAN 5FORMERS OF G E#PDSED CAPACITY CT{pRPI„^1'ER OF VI ALEO so: OF SIGN INUMRERI Di ECC,OMPLETED OXF wbFtK TO BE BTAR[tiD MA.NUDmGrURER OF SIGN V `1 3EFn'YGE ENTERS BUN-DING G UNDERC3RCUNP TS � G OVERHEAD I +; � F'{ IUN AECIUESTED ON top AS NEAR AS FOSSIBL@ IN OR APPLICA MAY 4yA'E.INSPE'DT M PISLL AND RATE AT - naTE A ucArTex+ U °F -�— PRINT NAME AND ADDRESS LEP -- NAM£OF AF'r'LI11,111 T WHEN APPUC"LE -. ST EEf - ZIP CODE t CITY roFFTCE { i-1( 0 202 Arterial Road ` FIOCHESTER, NY 146481 SYRACUSE. NY 13206 . . A5 State treat G 570 D�slaware Auenue ❑ 217 Lake Amenue Q as NEWhn Str NY 1Q03B ALBAN NY 12207 BUFFALO, I I4202 -BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS TH E NEW PARK f4FA lh 1 s r I UO � ,,`c�v tluHY rP112' ? Zoning Admen p