1989-582 CERTIFICATE OF (DICCUPANCY TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK I i This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permie Na. 89' S82 has been completed. I Thu structure may beoccupied as a Office & Stare Space Location Pi tr- htnr Road Comer CL & a Enterprises I By Order Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSSURY I r i Director of Bldg. 6c Code Enforcement I t x BUILDINGPERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK a4 PERMISSION is hereby granted to �a Street, Road or Ave. OWNER of property located at d in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a o filed and n ri or Al terati Gins at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information heret approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1 . OWNER'S Address is Same rr+ 2. CONTRACTOR or SUI LDER'S Name Jack SlopeY -o a CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address KU cn Box 67 Cleverdale N . Y . 12820 4, ARCHMCT'S Name c.a w S. ARCtAITECT'S Address r� C [D 6. TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by XI �a 4 1 ) Wood Frame l 1 Masonry [ I Steel ti 7. PLANS and Specifications No_ 1404 sq . . ft • Interior Alterations as per plot plan , specifications , and applciation . a. Proposed Use Interior Alterations ( Office & Store Space ) c February 1 19 90 PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES t ado to the f unding and Zoning inspector of the I I f a longer period is required an applicat➢on for an extension must be m i tmvn of ousensbury before tfie expiration date.! Elated at #fie Town of Queensbury this 26th Day pf Jul 19 89 for the Town of Queensbury SIGNED BY Building and Zoning knspector nq r rt ' " • � ^ Ti1 f �^ r . t. tiT .� ^ rir7ti7 r .r, OF OUEENSBURy 70A ,,i' RECEIVED f 7777 F a e F'a.i d '"� JUL ` Jr � � t'GoU I LD I NC ,1!`D CUDES uI 1 '1V2TY T' 11-7 Dace I.s a "ed BLDG. $ CODE EDEPT, Y -:1nd I1f1VXLANA ROADS RD y DOM 93 �V,� ! t� � nUEENSBURY , NDW' YORX" 22d04 N - Te1 . f518 ) E'xt 204 r r r r s • ■ ■ - ■ r ■ r ■ • ■ ■ r e • • . • ■ • r • n t� el ttlT rGjus'r LO OBTAlNEO uCrORE 2E {1I .NPjjNr. CONSTrtUC:TIOhf . NO INSPECTIONS VILL QL HADC UNTIL APPLICANT HAS 1",.L. CEIVED A VALID BUILDINC PERMIT . All � aaYC PLPuri lreYii ci ! lfi k k on t*jis R t application t * l t be r • dand the Of thc ;Ippicant must ppear ! on the revo , sicofthissheet , % . r a rose, * c x `�A !< G �-- "� RAJ T ,GRYe f S'�' T i• lie owner of this prOnerty i5 : l,r -� /���✓� l�l %G/�� Er fr�y ,r+'i IJTEL . L' . O . A d d r e s s .__ J-=-- �r A x rl A� N o . E , ropercy location '�)q� 1las there been any split or" cries property since October 1 . 1998 ? yaS / n��+---- If yes . planning Board Review is necessary . . LOT NO . � U ,301VI5ION (SAME . IF APPLTCAnLE he person responsible for siaYarvistan Of work as regards guiLding Codes ie : TEL . HO . NPM6 F . G . ht3DR £ S5 � + ec1 : � Address vac 6 C� Ttl /.� 5 _ ,acme Oi lsuilder v4 c t SLc� ,a Tel :."ms of plumber •• ' • r.3aress_ Q risen.- of Mason A"drags 13 plTcJ� �y. L �u� (•S—Tal ;,1y{J[�t Or f'ROi'0£L'Q wC]l.r'. . ? l] h1iN' G IN1 OftAlA"1` InM fcyttica usc3 only ) C0n:. tr+.,cciar6 of a iluw IDu3.lcair,,7 . ZONING; DESIGNATION OF PROPERTY rnrl,sit �on to :+ builling PERMITTED? PRINCIPAL PERMITTED ACCESSORY ■ A1twC"L Lan to .► 1,uilding r REVICW REQUIR.CO - PxANNING BOARD ?.ONING BOA _' X Oita to axc � r Lor r SITE PLAN REVIEW #! APPROVED DATE U[ I4ur wore: t.la�crku�! 1 _ . C'r � APPROVE /G /� VARIANCE M� V�OATE Fc +] 5 S A k L' .1 Q l' 1? Ct '[3LC+ 0�,.7 is D, : 'r rc U C `1' u K rrr ram^ - -- --� C_- �*r x � -� E..•�" ' g r t"/ 00 sq f t . /�yty*f r Remarks ..r r G7 yt Floor I .� ! nd Floor sq f t . . C4c-�C'1_L"1'�: ZNl'Oi ru�'i'SGN Ic�r�ullcLG uL: LI +.1 . tic DSO fc . SJwW.+a of prol,urty+ ----- x f D ] ther Floors _ - -�-- s4 ft . ' L:xi .tir�cJ Lu � l"i+ «} t + l 7 } :s i Q rL x, ��- ( not cclllr ar bas%am■tntl TOTAL FLOOR ARCA� %Y fC • Lic.L..Q4.11U OW. 6LJL(k.1I 1 Ua.s ac ,alfl rG L 4 I i �a ur nCsw ::CruGctura „ cli� c.►ncu crour i, cQpQrcy ino x•'caar,dreion-pier/::1xL/cr.awlliss,tci.+1/ cull ■ # raiNo:.en tr..Lla �ngc fe Lcirelu ants ) * Front yurd f t [tear yard .rtorier; �tiC:►b14 :;I�aCel .• r t :on NJ . of es 1 t �. — r Sidu y +rd� fc • If on CQCh4r , cl� ight � cJrsdas to ricicl,al - �uciarl+fc t; rola Sidu acr.:c:t fC �_ It rarsiciountial, now of f:.milsrsa r OCCUP'AN',:Y INFW440ATI0N tio . - at, raolaxluyccrrsdinq %"ChsI ciao of badrooass► �- ` ~ ' I2ItZMA.ItY �►tiILt31Ne: r No . of b:►tllroow:: , Ono faaaLly dwailling i'ric�.ry iawacia►cJ t:yl:l:.:w Two f:. ially dw.►lliny 6rYj4 . Sat fwal rcultslal� alwullinq / % bOc of lanits un two of lirupl ,acua; to Liver anyC:•llrcal r Pesvwslullt accup:abcy wall r. wu.,► aleaw+► t■.i isl�lw■ll+sai?,,,r�„_• i,'r:.nzi+:+.c clr•cul+:•rlc:y Lanti,.a1 Air COS""t"J'A"'o"943' - * �t3usinu>ar+ WILDING STYLC, PRIP"Y STRUCTU" . �.Inrluscrial Or.?wr. a:.►arah CCM{Ltwlw��iC■rarry Levyc .bin _ `..d.liciun , wcc..t will wr..s Lw7 li.■iri.aal rasacla lC:anaal4ra Gaalal.sx r :iialst LraVrTl 'Old SCyL%a Uv+""J'•low r ACCi 3SOAY 1311ILDINGa Cod CoCt:►cy.s Or.I�.r. r c"r Cr+Loni+l 1Ww 'lows. House wwcachaa 44ri.go/aria cur/ two car/Imo � .aa CIIiCL.k: diL PLt:AEE 1 * Attach.:" tj"Ci►Q"/or►s car/ two Q4t/� a • s • ■ � r 7i • • • a r t ■ • 1' riv.. c" St4r4g@ builrl�.ng ': ^s 7' I M A T li [S HA rT V A S. U f. O�' +r Ochs r •------'�- ~--~v---. . saaar air LLLiii ir'a .wa + rr :.r IHPOtATTCW ON OUTLOINC 5MCIFICATIONS , ON REVERSE Stoc OF ry'i#IS CF#LE'l', 1`O 9E C4ML�LCTL:l71 �a Form BPA I0/88 V1 SPEC FICez '71or�,s " r� a u _ onstruct �on , wood frame , _ a as e , et [.a� oe> �iF'/7 / se .-c nd - hand Or ungrad a.d i _:.. .� ar ' e 'used � � 3C. , LOr '.w;';:aC -' G1+ Fot. n.dation wall material Thii. : kness Lepth of Eour.3aticr below grads , _ c hettora o £ foat �r,a ) Will there be a cellar ? asteo' or ur. Yeated ? Floor sq , footage Will there be a basement ? wail any cortion to used as living space ? t i : f so , what portion ? sq . ft . — oso :^.• ^ e of use ? sy of roof - sloped/ flatlshedjot - er i �iatzrial of rcpf 3l. ae , wood studs " x No sFac �q " o . c • ie .^.qth ft . Jclsts ( floor beams ) 1st . floor spacl ;o " o . c . span ft . .:o - sts ( floor beams ) 2nd . floor " X spac : rg "o . c . span £ t . Vverlays ( ceiling beams ) " X space ^g " o . c . span Ft . Roof rafters " X spacing c . eo 5r an ft . Roof trusses ( pre-engineered) sp:aclr,a Pqo . c . stan ft . Exterior wall finish Qf what material ? Interior wall finish If a garage is to be attached , descrLme materials to be used for FIRE SEPARATION : Is there to be an opening between garage and dwelling? If so will a Fire - rated door , enclosure , and self-closing device me provided? Will a Elue - lined chimney be installed? Height above roof ft , Depth of chimney foundation below grade ft . Depth of fireplace hearth ft * in , Water supply - Municipal or private well SEPTIC SYSTEM � Distance from ANY private well { including ad] oinLng properties > t . (A separate application is necessary for any repair or new installation of septic system ) D E C L A R A T I 0 N To the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted , are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUILDING CODE, Tr1G ZOINING ORDINANCE, And all other laws pertaining to the proposed wort; shall be complied with, whether specified or not, and that such work is authorized by the owner, Signature C;OgCt Owne owner's agent, ar ite contractor As Or SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT : 8y TOWN OF QUEENSSURY WARREN COUNTY , NEW YORK Application for : BUILDING PERMIT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE NEW YORK STATE ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE A. permit must be obtained before beginning work . ANSWER ALL of the following : _ 1 . Gross floor area r r 2 , Type of heat GL e-c 7200C 3 . Is the building mechanically cooled ? A, d 4 . Percentage of area of windows and doors A . Over 16 % Only 1 . Uo value of gross area of walls , roof / ceiling and floors 5 exposed to ambient conditions 2 . Floor over heated spaces YES NO � ,. a . Are foundation walls insulated ? YES NO 1 . If YES . what is the R value ? 3 , Slab on grade YES NO f � h` a . If YES , what is the R value of insulation around t j / "mmI perimeter of floor ? 4 . Is basement heated ? YES NO a . R value of insulation UI ry {l l "' ri 51 Type of insulation B . Under 16 % Only 1 . R value of roof and floors exposed to ambient conditions. 2 . R value of exterior walls 3 . R value of glazed area 4w R value of doors 5 . R value of floors over unheated spaces 6 . R value of slab edge insulation - unheated slab 7 . R value of slab insulation - heated slab 8 , R value of heated basement/ cellar walls ( above grade ) 9 . R value of heated basement /cellar walls ( below grade ) 10 . Type of insulation C , Controls 1 . Thermostat maximum heat setting D , Duct Systems 1 . Is duct system installed in unheated spaces ? YES NO a . If YES , R value of duct installation b . R value of duct in other areas E . Pipin Insulation 1 . Size of hot water or cooling carrying agent pipe 2 . R value of pipe insulation F . Service Water Heating 1 . Performance efficiency 2 . Temperature control setting maximum G . For Swimming Pool Only 1 . Maximum h/ecaatIng Telephone No . ( ap licant ' SK signature ) L low OF QUEENSBURY 531 BAY ROAD g15EENS8llRY : NEW YORK 12804 TELEPHONE { 51B) � 45- 44+57 SUILDIN& INSPECTOR' S REPORT FINAL INSPECTION REQUEST FOR IiISP//ECTION RECEI/JVED NAME CG vi^ LOCATION -jj�Z DATE 'TYPE OF STRUCTURE RECHECK pCICFILL FRAMING FIRE MARSHOUNDATOI�NL {C MMERCIAL SR15 SEPTIC '`FOOTING FI NAL ELECTRICAL ROUGH PLUMBINGWODSTOVE FIREPLACE '- INSULATION REMARKS APPROVAL NO NIA YE CHIMNEY HEIGHT/LOCATION O ON PLUMBING VENT ROOFING SIDING pS/RAILI S OECKI PORCH/ RELIEF VALVES FURNACE/HOT WA ER OF R WORK_�_..�-- BASEMENT INSULATION/DU ORS INTERIOR TRIMIpRIVACY FINISH FLOORS - T SATIVKI-TCHEN WATER OTHER FLOORS SWEEP BLFLOORS ED STAIRECLEARANCEIRAF ING HANDICAPPED ACCESS SMOKE DETECTORS H USE NS BATHROOM FANS/WH ES bPE IN .� ALL PLUM R SING FIX I ES GARAGE FIRE PRO �- DOOR CLOSERS A I N OTHER FIRE SEP LS FIRE/DEm1SE W 7UMPSTER NCE RE UIREI4ENT SITE PLAN/VA FINAL ELECTRICAL OK TO ISSUE C !0 0 /C�- 00M S : zoov l ARRIVES i DEPARTINS TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 1280& TELEPHONE (52.8) 792--5832 BUII.IIING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME LOCATIONS Y y DATE PERMIT # ...... , �- APPROVED ` C ) YES NO FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS_ _ FOUNDATION/DAMP-PROOFING BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FZ400RS WALLS CEILING FINAL SNSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES TEPS STAIRS-CLEARANC & RAI „- PLUMBING FIX S/BELIE VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/ RIVACY RS FINISHED F S GARAGE FIRE OOFING DOOR CLOSE (S) SMOKE DETECTORS FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECT FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTR ION _ OK TO ISSUE C/O OR C/C A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED!• REMARKS_ f JMV7 ARRIVE c;A- DEP'AR'�' -- I SPECTOR -rowtAo UPI RIEVIEWED By 3 VATS ro . `04lie, T ,1 PP "o WlWoW tl)V rTS NEW Doo)6 U�TS 0 uFW PW7771—e(4 5 NIS—CJ /'EST ,Loo1"l5' A6ty DooP iPoEor c%il�lC-7 ,eccF$ 6 NEW &-"7"2i4htcE VbecH C /VFw wtR1A'G ARnego — ,aZnLfimct= OF W t !e.) /V C� pt2�1/l o uS Toe E WiLL- 8c us«r� 1�R����►T SEPfc 5y5TcrNI, 0 c� JUL 2 4 198i