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CEERT114CA E ':CIF C CUPA.NCY t TOWN OF +QUEENSSURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Date February 21 19 90 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. A 9-F 14 has been completed. This structure may be occupied as a Sinc'le Family Modular Location __ ""` Nathan Street owner A .D.Tellier i By Order Town Board s TOWN OF QUETSBURY LEI Director of Bldg. do Code forcement 4 I BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. s9-fil4 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK a N PERMISSION is hereby granted to A D Tellior c,In OWNER of property located at Nathan Strut Street, Road or Ave. in the Town of Oueensbury, To Construct or place a Single Family MOdulj4r at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. L'=71 1. OWNER'S Address is 2 Bronk Drive 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name Self Chelsea Modular Sterling Quality Homes a CONTRACTOR or SUILDER'S Address Same 4. ARCHITECT'S Name Z =r sv C!� 5. ARCHITECT'S Address n tTs tb 6_ TYPE of Construction -- (Please indicate by X) t {X NW od Frame { Masonry ( ) Steal { ) rrJ 7_ PLANS and Specifications ]' aq No. 24' x 48' Single Family Modular as per plot plan, specifications, and application ro including septic and driveway. S. Proposed Use Single Family Modular c N $ 144_AO PERMIT FEE PAID - THIS PERMIT EXPIRES March l (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 0=91th Day of Au t 19_ {� Ae SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning l Anzfmctor TOWN OF QTJEENSSUFtY APPI. TCATToN roR BUTLDrm • AND ZONING PERMIT F!C G%Cv eat Reviewed TOWN OF Cl+RECEWED �=;�SBURy Fee i'cc%d AUG a loon BUILDING ,AND CODES DEPARTMENT Date reaued DAY and IIAVXZAND ROADS RA I Box 98 13LDG. & CODE DEPT. OUEENSBURYiNEW YORK 12804 Pehm.i.t Na " _ Tel . (518) 792-5832 Ext •2D4 ' ■ • ,• a • w w • K * • * + : a a ■ +r * � * a w * • a a a � w a a a sr a : x A PER?.1IT MUS"C B4 OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION . NO INSPECTIONS 1+! ILL BE MADE UNTIL APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED A VALID DUPILDrNC PERMIT . All applicable spaces on this application must be completed and the signature of the applicant must appear on the reverse side of this sheet , The owner of this property is : [1 . O • Address )[3 Rg.? � �C' . -- TEL . Property location &2 F}7 !�(►� ICJ S7` A 7 ` P r.S 5 ?- tJ'Ir� TAX MAP Ilas there been any split of this property since October 1 , 1989 ?_ L-)C3 / na If yes , Planning Board Review is necessary & yes suuolVISION NA14EO IF APPLICABLE LOT NO . The person responsible for supervision of work as regards Building Codes is : ! e r - NXe cH €� Y1woL4W0 . ADDRESS TEL. NOW i4am+e of builder c.-reyo t4 a.5 , t. Na ddress 63 +'Lffgz2 K _ C' � - Tel -k. - I -.&-"� r& wame of Plumber t t Address ' Tel .ter.- Name of Mason WWWWWWW t { Address Cc Tel NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK : � 7REVVIn7WRCEQUIR=D INFORPIATION ( office use only ) �c:onsiructiora of a now building SIGNATION OF PROPERTY _Addition to a building r PRINCIPAL PERMITTED ACCESSORY _AlLwCation to a Luildin+g ` (sic c1%;4t%ga. to oxturior dimenalons) ar - PLANNING BOARD ZONING BOARD Other work (Jancribv. ) a" SITE PLAN REVIEW # APPROVED DATE • r CktOSS AREA OF PROPOSED. STaUCTU11E " VARIANCE # APPROVED DATE 1st Floor -L E 2L sq ft . „ Remarks : 2 n d Floor sq ft . w COMP!LS C I;jyObaMA'PIoN Ja:L1U X1cU'D UELA*i " Other Floors sq ft ' Sine of Prop *rty� I Ti k,40 lGkr> ft X { not cellar or basement ) k�uLl.li�i.] ( ::3 Sis:.: tc x rt . w TOTAL FLOOR AREA ;2� sq ft . • L:xiati�yg 17ui1+iiri+J (a ) ll�t C' Si4a of new structuro .2:tA ft x LW ft l• ss�sdatian-rsier/slat/crawl/Iaartisal " laro,po%;cd building, distuncu from pro;x:rty lino (circle one ) * Front yard � � ft Rear yard - ft No . of .taxies (kt:abit:abl4 apace ) Front Sido yards -2pf� ft ;and tl.:ighc turad4 to ridgLs ) f (p gAco ft • If on corner , .;usb:ack .from sick: str. 4c t ft reaiduntialo noo of families No . of rooms, (excluding b'aths ) A�; _� . r OCCUPANCY INFORMTICN uo, of bedrooms --- PRIMARY OUILDINC No , of baLltirooutis y ,� mono fancily dwelling ['+rim:ary Iu:atin;J ;:Ya��Hs 4GWV -14=- -h+� rV4C;o TWO gamily dw"Iliny •L•yll" of f uQ 1 f . C7 '1T w No * of fire: alzc+sr: ex b;s in::t:allud ca r Multiple awelling / dumber of units will :. woad 'Utova Lu inutallud? r� .L�erm:anont occupwicy Cuntrul Air coisdItiunirsg? cry . '1"run::iint ocauta:ar�cy Business BUILDING STYLE, PRIMARY STRUCTURE ,. Industrial .►ss wz Caneusalwr:ary Leon. Ochar ic -- ----- cabin If wddition , wl•�ut will uL;o boa? [e.als.ad ranclr--, Manziltias 00Aplex i31 � uvc old sty14 uuasy..alaw ' C-:*Vu Cod Cottages QGl46:r " ACCESSORY UUIL.DING- Coloninl laow '.loan House ' patachad y:ariago/ano czar/ two car/ car ( CIRCLE GNV PLEASE ) ' Attach+:+:l 9"ragu/osla car/ two crar/ CiA v • a a a a a v t Lariv" cQ storage building k 2 .1' I MA7' SiD MAR}CT '1` VALUE OF " �i0char impOrAmATTON ON auTLt ywc sPEcIFICATIONS . Old REVERSE SIDLE OF 'THIS SH0Lwr, •lYi BE +COKPLI.'LE01 Form BPA 10188 V2 3 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CONTINUED - BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS : Type Of construction , wood frame. , fire safe , etc . (rs o<5 T) Will any second- hand or ungraded lumber be used? If so , for what? Foundation wall materlal� p JaG ye7 3rapnl Thickness___'.' ' Depth of foundation below grade (to bottom f footing } L.,r( • �Will there be a cellar? t, e.5 Heated o unheate L4 Floor sq, footage // sq ft Will there be a basement (s W:LII any ortion be used as living space? ( If so , what portion.? sq, ft , - Ty a of use? Type of roof (`' s opda/,flat/shed/otherMaterial. of roof - - Size , wood st`ut�' "X " spacing 21::12lo . c . lengthft . ' .joists ( floor beams) 1st . floor ;>_X� "x E55 " spacing.�"o . c . spane /;? _ft . .joists ( floor beams) 2nd . floor "X spacing "o . c * span ft . Overlays (ceiling beams ) YLL_ e -" spacings"o . c . span ft . Roof rafters "X spac.ing o . c . span ft . Roof trusses (pre-engineered) spacing ff, "a . c , span ft , Exterior wall finish U + x y L' Of what material? S �' Interior wall finish , L „ t (, L- - - If a garage is to be attached , describe materials to be used for FIRE SEPARATION : Is there to be an opening between garage and dwelling? If , so will a Fire--rated door , enclosure , and self-closing device be provided? Will a flue_lined chimney be installed? tee, Height above roof ft * Depth of chimney foundation below grade 44a6 "ft . -r-a ci;-� rc%-p� �, Depth of fireplace hearth ft , in. Water supply IE:�:Municipa �r private well SEPTIC SYSTEM Distance from ANY private well ( including adjoining properties ft . (A separate application is necessary for any repair or new installation of septic system) DECLARATION To the best of my , knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUILDING CODE, THE ZONING ORDINANCE, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or not, and that such work is authorized by the owner. Signature 0 t' Owner, owneWANWept, architect, contractor IF * h x t Yr lr * * * * w SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT : ___._ ....... TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY , NEW YORK Application fpr : BUILDING PERMIT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE NEW YORK STATE ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE A permit must be obtained before beginning work , ANSWER ALL of the following : 1e Gross floor area --�- -f �C �=� Ss' 2 . Type of heat Ag! 3 . Is the building mechanically cooled ? 4 e Percentage of area of windows and doors l�y� ` �! I� / `✓�• A , Over 16 % Only 1 . Uo value of gross ar of walls , roof/ ing and floor exposed to ambien onditions A-e 2 . Floor over eated spaces ES NO a . Are oundation wall 2. nsulated ? 1410 1 If YES , what the R value '? 3 . S ab on grade S NO a , If YES , w t is the R val of insulation aro perime of floor ? 4 . Is bas ent heated S NO a . value of i u ion 5 , Type of insulat on B , Under 16 % Only , Ifq & Y. R value of roof and floors exposed to ambient conditions_ 2 , R value of exterior walls / �i; 4 r • 3 , R value of glazed area d I� _J _ c`�'q%e —! 3'a(E{ 4 , R value of doors _ R ,. ..7J 5 . R value of floors over unheated spaces X e 61 R value of slab edge insulation - unheated slab Vo 7 , R value of slab insulation - heated slab s , R value of heated basement / cellar walls ( above +grade ) '�Z 9 . R value of heated basement/ cellar walls ( below grade ) '"7'YS`"` r 10 , Type of insulation C . Controls z �' 1 . Thermostat maximum heat setting_ D . Duct Systems 1 . Is duct system installed in unheated spaces ? YES NO a . If YES , R value of duct installation be R value of duct in other areas E , Piping Insulation ,/r 1 , Size of hot water or cooling carrying agent ,pipe 1/Vr JW ?/ 2 , R value of pipe insulation F , Service Water Heating 1 , Performance efficiency �A..C� 2 . Temperature control setting maximum o o G . For Swimming Pool Only 1 . Maximum heating Telephone No . `2S ( applicant ' s signature ) TOWN DF QUEENSDURY APPLICATION FOR SEPTIC DISPOSAL PERMIT .DATE fJfe o"lF LOCATION OF PROPERTY FOR INSTALLATION Owner's Name: 77 , 7p / Zjr, e Telephone. Address: Q p K.) tc_� 1 Installer's Name: eiephone: Number of bedrooms (residential only) Total daily flow (compute (d 150 gal per bedroom ) C] Topography: Circle on lat Rolling Steep Slope % of Slope Soil Nature: Circle on : San Loam Clay Other /Depth: Feet Ground water: At what depth ? r -s _ c.i-c) Feet Bedrock or Impervious Material: At what depth? Feet Percolation test: Circle one: not require required rate _min. inch. Domestic water supply: circle on al Munieipa well Other If domestic water supply is a we Separation: water supply from septic absorption feet PROPOSED SYSTEM: Septic Tank /pQC> gal. (minimum size: 1 ,000 gal.) TILE FIELD: Each Trench 5C> feet/Total system length feet SEEPAGE PIT(S): Number of / Size each feet by feet Size of stone to be used #, 3 /Depth or Thickness feet I have read the regulation on the reverse side of this sheet and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance, SIGNATURE OF RESPONSIBLE PERSON: / DATE: "-"7—+ice, ,.- -- OVER 7 Septic System Inspections : A , All applications for septic system installation , alteration or repair , as required by the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Ordinance , shall be submir'ted to the Building Department at least 24 hours before start of construction and shall include a plat plan showing : 1 . ) the proposed location of the system '_ . ) location and distance to lot lines 3 . ) location and distance to structures 4 . ) location and distance to any water supply 5 . ) sixe and dimensions of all tanks , distribution boxes , tile fields and /or drywalls B . No system shall be covered before .inspection and approval by the Building iixspuctor . Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the uncovering of the system by the Installer and a fine of up to $ 250 . 00 . C . An approved copy of the plot plan shall be available on the construction site . Failure to produce said plot plan at time of inspection may result in an immudiate work. stoppage . D . Should unforeseen problems during construction prevent proper Installa- tion , alteration or repair of an approved system , a new proposal must be submitted to the Quuensbury Building, Department before further c: oiisrruction . Town of 4ueensbury BUILDING and CODES DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Roads Queensbury , New York 12804 �I -w--- National Headquarters 900 Haddon Ave;, Collingswood, N.J. 08108 - Date: City, Town or Towrnshi County State Location/Addns ` ( If LAmmalad ir6gUril Area - Please Attach DiTrtions) Pole :- rJwnor 1'Parrl•I!t 5' 3 Oocupi+> ., 8uil�dino:: - _ New . Old O rZo Occupant `• WbYk Area in Buildi Floor #; etc.:: for: Wiring Service or: . Reidy for in emlort`. Fee Remitted' Cash Check. - :'iQ: Make Pa ablef6 .D. 1.A. Nl�rr;ber Of , LA`C7uleY$ �leGt, Heat ° asa xaao x x xsso z000 sseu ssao x7so aaoo I� , . - 9e Amp, Seru►c .[ = SCirface Unit Dishwasher 6 Ran dd II Water Heater Air Conditioner Dryer c Pump kvn.. v '+C�rb. Po$8! . -:1"Nirin and Controls for Burner ALs. 9 tlrlrta�le6 "FrtictionalF:P:. Vent Fans Other Equipment: r; --------------------------- }y MOTrJRS W.P• - if ;+1 1f 1f$ lf6 1/4 1f3 1 f2 3f4 1 1+h 2 3� .5 ' 7W 10 1$ 20 25 30 4¢ So 75 100 Marie'Number of Each Si Appfkcmt s Sxpnatura License # ak . :TlA Utility: Applicant's Address *3 '" ! +-in Zli% AM (City Martel s.y fzio JAj I met Service. Request 1R Pho>9 lec;rjcian j c DATE mspr=cY Co Some as-Above � or - Red tics07 l abe! Rough Wiring Outlets 'Surface Unit Switches RanW r ; - cles Water Heater L - "'.,- F'ixtu►'es Amp. Service Equipment - urner, ri 8r Amp. Service Conductors Pum Vent oft MOTORS H.P, x/^+� 1/12 1/!p 1/$ 1=73 1f2 l jr" Tis 10 15ir201 25 5 Mark Number T#c of Each Size Elect. Heat suo rso xooa xzso xsoo x7ao Zaoo xxeo - . :moo i RW Progress: Inc. o- . Lkb El Contractor CFT Violation: Work Comp. Inc. � . . /A Owner WA _.- Fee CH K # dd Dave MO # A. i N Vrd #x 7r _ Other Sid* Ualil3gi +�ppli�t t ' y r Vu " rt Data r pF . . Firrai: Date - r T APPLICATION FaMA .rM4>, 2se 'EI_ 11 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK I2801- TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FQR�kNSPECTION RE EIIVED NAME LOCATION DATE _ /Si 7Q PERMIT # - APPROVED YES INO FOOTING/P Rs MONOLITHIC UR FORMS FOUNDATION/ P-PROOFING BACKFXLL AP VAL ROUGH PLUMBS FRAMING ELECTRICAL R H-IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEXLXNG FINAL INSPECTION. CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHE ST S STAIRS-CLEARANCE & ILS `- PLUMBING FIXTURE ELIEF VALVE INTER-TOR TRIM/PRI CY DOORS FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIREPROOF DOOR CLOSERS) SMOKE DETECTORS FINAL ELECTRICAL NSP TION FINAL APPROVAL OF� CON RUCTION ) A SIGNED CERTIFXPATE OF CCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM Tff' BUILD G DEPARTMENT BEFORE TIJESE PREMISES ARE OCCUP D! S REMARKS, ? �I r t I PECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY P/1 BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBUR Y, NEW YORK I2804- TELEPHONE (5I8) 792-5832 131JILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT" REQUEST FOR I SPECITX RECEIVED it _191V NAME LOCATION DATE Q PERMI # r f APPROVED YES NO GtDOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC PO ORALS FOUNDATION/DAM —IROOFIN BACKFILL APPRO L ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUG IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION CHIMNEY HEIGH ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PO HESJST S STAIRS—CLE NCE & LS PLUMBING F XTURES/REL EF VALVE INTERIOR IdM PRIVACY RS FINISHED LOORS GARAGE F EPROOFING DOOR CLO F.'R f S) SMOKE D TECTORS FINAL ELE TRICAL XNSPECTX FINAL AP ROVAL OF CONSTRUC ION A SXGNE CERTIFICATE OF OCC ANCY MUST BE OBTAIN FROM THE BUILDING PARTMENT BEFORE THESE REMISES ARE OCCUPIED! REMAR The Cori ra r is responsible or providing protects from freezing for hours following the placement of the concrete _ Materials for this purpose on site AYE _ 4 2= IN ECTOR _l©ter " a/ Quekn .39ury BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road, R. D. 1 Box 98 Py Queensbury, New York 12801 SEPT SPOSAL. 5YSTEM INSPECTION NAME LOCATION W �/ DATE �� / } PERMIT NO4 614 SOIL TYP E Sandy - Loam ; - Clay Percolation s Requirriad? YES - NO Percolation rate - Min/ Inch TYPE of SYSTEM : Absorption field , ttt+EAl length �d� � Length of each trench y ,00 7 ! - -2� dF Depth of trenches Size of +Travel SEEPAGE i�ITS-(Num};fer of) Size- ft. X ft. Gravel size PIPING : S ' ze Type Bldg . to tank Tank to dist _ boxt . 7izl/ „f Dist_ bo): to field/rMt , 14 Openings sealed? ES NO Partial LOCATION/SEPARATIONS : F"oundaticin to tank ft. Foundation to abscrption : ' ft . Absorption too lot line '9 Separation f pits t. LOCATION YSTEM ON PR�circle one ) Front Rea Left side - Right side - COMMEN i i SYSTEM uSi APPROVED 8 NO Build ' g I spector 01/86 and vl TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT ~� ' BAY & HAVILAND ROAMS y � QVEENSBURY, NEW YORK 1280+I TELEPHONE (518 ) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECON ECEIV D NAME LOCATX0 ,/_f / ( t y DATE i jam/ 2 6 PEPJ41T # - r APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/PIERS M NOLITHIC POUR FORMS t1POUNDATION/DAMP-PROOF G z- BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING jy _ SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/STE S STAIRS-CLEARANCE & I PLUMBING FIXTURES/ ELIEF VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/PR ACY DO S FINISHED FLOORS _ GARAGE FIREPR ING DOOR CLOSERS SMOKE DETEC RS _ FINAL ELECTRI AL INSPECTION FINAL APPROV L OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAN MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPAR MENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS: f VU INSPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CORES DEPARTMENT ' f BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 1280!& TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT fry 1� ry REQIr ES' OR FfVSFECTIO RE r NAME LUX I.c7CATION DATE /� 1� �c'r PERMIT # bf _- ?_ APPROVED YES NO yFOOTING,"•IC...�' +� ,F'Cs MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATIONIDAMP-PRObFING BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN ' INSULA TION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTSpN: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTER ................... NAL PORCHES ST S STAIRS-CLEARANCE & ILS PLUMBING FXXTUR IRE EF VALVE INTERIOR TRIMfP IVACY DOORS - FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIREPROO ING DOOR CLOSER (S) SMOKE DETECTOR FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTIO FINAL APPROVAL O CONSTRUCT "1N A SIGNET? CERTIFI ATE OF OCCUPA Y MUST BE OBTAINED FROM TH BUILDING DEPA MENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES A E OCCUPIEDI REMARKS: The Contractor is responsible to ,pro " de protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete . Materials for this purpose on site YE5 MO INSFEC OR SELECT BUSINESS FORMS (609) 220-7775 P$ APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION PLEASE BEAR DOWN YOU ARE MAKING (4) COPIES MIDDLE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION AGENCY, INC. National Headquarters ' 900 Haddon Ave., Collingswood, N-J. 08108 • • Date : City, Town or Township CountydVt .� State Location/Address ^n ( If Located in Rural Area - Please Attach Directions) Pole # Owner At i �.•� y i'� f Permit # Occupied As Building : NewEl Old Q Occupant Work Area in Building Floor #, etc. ) : App. for: Wiring 0 Service C4 or: Ready for Inspection : O Fee Remitted - $ Cash 0 Check " M.O. Q Make Payable To. M_D. I.A_ 500 Tao 100 i25o 1500 1750 2000 22so 2000 2750 soon Number of Plough Wiring Outlets Elect. Heat Switches 3 Lighting �^ Amp. Service Surface Unit �''�Dishwasher Range Receptacles ri — Water Heater Air Conditioner t Dryer Pump Number of Fixtures Oven Garbage Disposal Wiring and Controls for Burner Amp. Receptacles Fractional H.P. Vent Fans Other Equipment: MOTORS H.P, 1/2 1/12 1/10 1/8 1/6 1/4 1/3 1/2 314 1 lux 2 3 5 7vx 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 1W Mark Number of Each Size Signature -- (�,� f� fr � � __- -_ ___________ License Or Permit * T/A Utility Applicant's Address : Zh INAME iOFFFCE LOCATION (City) rv,a (State) I�-.� (Zipif �p Service Request # Phone # Electrician : DATE RECEIVED: DATE INSPECTED: Correct Location : Same as Above E:�] or : Red Notice Label 0 Rough Wiring Outlets Surface Unit Oven Switches Range Garbage Disposal Receptacles Water Heater Dishwasher Fixtures Air Conditioner Dryer Amp. Service Equipment Burner, Wiring & Controls for Amp. Receptacle Amp. Service Conductors Pump IVent Fans MOTORS H.P. 1/20 1/12 1/10 1/8 1/6 1/4 1/3 1/2 3/`l 1 1 1Vx 1. 2 1 3 5 7u: 10 1 15 1 20 1 25 1 30 40 1 54 1 75 1100 Mark Number of Each Size Elect, Heat 500 1 75o 1000 l2so r5oo rr5o 2000 22so 2500 x750 3000 RE 118E FOR irA11TlRL VL11T11R�- ` '�s Mi' dF11D aA'TE caF +c.T ,,p PAID FAS F1 RW Progress: Inc. Q LKD Contractor 0 CFT Violation . Work Comp. 0 Inc. CASH 0 L/A Owner Fee CHIC # [] L/A Due I] MO IPA Municipal # INV #t Applicant Date: Other Side © Utility Owner [Cut in Card Temp # Date GEORGE KUF2L] SAKA .JR. , P. E . Rcve sED s Sf Z I 9 13 BUILDING SYSTEMS RIVE TAl4{T .^ 13 ARBUTUS DRIVE (-,.(J 4UEENSSURY, N.Y. 12804 (51 g ) 793- 7190 REseoErvces 13 ARBUTUS PRIVF pUEENSBURY, P!. Y. 1 28o4 PHONE 5tF7 792 ^1522 ,BUILDING 1NSPECT+OR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY re : Factory Manufactured Horne Tawny HALL. _ BAY Rowa Installation Certification, QU E E N C B U R Y , NY 12904 .w,rr�!�' �. Attention: DA V E p HAT ! N Dear sir , This is to certify that I have observed and inspected the installation of a ,"Factory Manufactured Home" ; as defined by the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code , Chapter D - MANUFACTURED HOUSING , Article 2 - FACTORY MANUFACTURED HOMES , as applicable to your local building regulations ; there appeared to be no apparent structural damage to the units , due to or attributable to the transportation or loading/unloading of the units , herein- after described as followss Date of Installation : '"'' �'''y Site Locations S e:r. 40f' ►�-r' s3 ,c� LAL." r" Community: TOWN OF QUEENSSURY County: *ARREN Manutacturer/Supplier : &w:v 6+ s f -eh t"%- W-4rmw f a-ON Address s V,C31 $ m 9 T-i-- l dq —1►. Wrwy 4z +r;n—v=— TnsIgn.ia Serial No. '5 VPqe+ Plant Approval No. J rl y C7 Manufacturer ' s Model/Component No. : /v"e- Date of Manufacture : ,/ Installer/Supplier ; I have also examined the approved Plans &. Specifications far ttxe �ementioned "Factory Manufactured Home" , and to the best of MY knowledge and belief , this t"Homet" has been installed in accordance with these approved Plans & Specifications , and all other applicable laws codes , ordinances , standarrds &/or regulations . a f- RESP£CTFUL.LY SUSMi TTEL), KUAO� Wk cc 4P GEORCE KUROSAKA JFz , . . t . L- MEMMMMUNIM TOWN OF Q UEENSB UR Y Bay at Haviland Road, Quaensbwry. NY 12804-9725-518.792-5832 Jan . 9 , 7990 Bu.itd,i. ng PeAMit # 89 - 614 Th.ia peAm.it waa .id Sued On the baa is of the ptan.e submitted . On 1 / 5 / 90 , new ptana wene aubm.i.tted . Canveh. zat-ianz wilth applicant on 1 / 9 / 90 & eveated that ,the -s t- cuc tune undue cOn.6 tr%Uc.t-f on waA not ..the one shown on .the p.+2ana zubm. tied , The apPZtcant waz .inz .t.+xucted to ohtatn bu.itd.ing p.Panb ,ahoming .the actual buttding t0 be bu.itt . Fo tow.Zng .the tn4pect.i. an aK .the 4oundatiOn waCf' a ban back6,Ze on 7 / 9 / 90 , thee. can be no 6 unth en .inns p ect.0 na unt.it pr`LO pen plans have been sLece.ived and apprLaved in tkia 044tae . The app.( ica. nt waz at-6o natal ced that atZ pa �ttiana Og .the atkuctu& e that congo,+tm to & equ-iAementz gofc habttabf- e .apace maz t be 41in Ezhed to a.Qt codes be6oAe a Ce&ti6,icate 06 Occupancy t4 issued , V,Zetarc ,L ebv& e C . F . O Bu,itd.ing f Cod" Vept. cc . PeAmi.t 6,.rte AppZi cant V. Hatin. iJz%ectan 04+ B8C . "NOA4E OF NATURAL BEAUTY . . , A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" SETTLED 1763