INSPECTION WORKSHEET 05032024 INSPECTION WORKSHEET Town of Queensbury - Building and Codes - Fire Marshal 742 Bay Road - (518) 761-8256 Building (518) 761-8206 Fire Marshal Case Number: 2024-0192 Case Module: Permit Inspection Date: May 03, 2024 Inspection Status: Passed Inspector: Mark Smith Inspection Type: Septic Job Address: 22 Easy St Queensbury,NY 12804 Parcel Number: 295.13-1-33 Contact Type Company Name Name Contractor IBS Septic & Drain Owner N/A MARK COX Checklist Item Status Building Inspector notes 5/3/24 septic system approved. - existing 1000 gallon septic tank with New absorption field and D box. 3 laterals at 50’ each of pipe and stone. PASS Roof gutters don't discharge over leach field PASS Soil type: loam PASS Type of water: municipal or well water municipal water supply PASS Waterline separation distance PASS Total length of absorption fields 3 laterals at 50’ each PASS Septic system field above field plain PASS Sump pump not connected to septic system N/O Water softener not hooked to septic system N/O Length of each trench 3 laterals at 50’ each PASS Depth of trenches 12/16” PASS System use status system approved for use PASS Opening sealed PASS End cap PASS Inlet outlet pipes and baffles, provide extension collar if yes PASS Locations and separations PASS Distance from foundation to tank 10’ PASS Distance from foundation to absorption field 22’ PASS Stone size #2 PASS Size of tank 1000 gallon septic tank PASS Conforms as per plot plan PASS Engineer report and as-built PASS Location of system on property back yard PASS Mark Smith Code Enforcement Officer