INSPECTION WORKSHEET 05072024 INSPECTION WORKSHEET Town of Queensbury - Building and Codes - Fire Marshal 742 Bay Road - (518) 761-8256 Building (518) 761-8206 Fire Marshal Case Number: PT-0719-2023 Case Module: Permit Inspection Date: May 07, 2024 Inspection Status: Passed Inspector: Charles Dyer Inspection Type: Property Transfer Job Address: 113 BIRDSALL RD , Parcel Number: 289.17-1-40 Contact Type Company Name Name Primary Owner N/A MAUREEN VALENTI Checklist Item Status Building Inspector notes PASS Weather sunnny PASS Temperature (Fahrenheit) 65 PASS Test each fixture flow to septic tank PASS Whirlpool tub, add 250 gallons N/O Garbage grinder, add 250 gallons N/O Leaking water fixtures N/O Stormwater N/O Sump pumps N/O Foundation drains N/O Roof gutters don't discharge over leach field N/O Roof runoff N/O Other N/O Plumbing fixtures tested and confirmed PASS Septic tank; include number of tanks one PASS Concrete tank PASS Access riser; if yes, what is depth to cover N/O Depth below grade to top of tank 8” PASS Tank cover concrete PASS Septic outlet cover extension, required 12 inches or more below grade N/O Pump station extension, required 12 inches or more below grade N/O Septic inlet cover extension, required 12 inches or more below grade N/O Inlet baffle PASS Outlet baffle PASS Effluent filter N/O Liquid level at, above or below discharge invert at PASS Number of tank compartments N/O Visible scum layer PASS Main tank cleanout size and location 20 ” PASS Capacity in gallons 1250 PASS Water tight tank PASS Evidence of a pipe bypassing the tank N/O Is the tank being pumped more than 4x a year N/O Ejector or grinder pump sealed PASS Does the pumps appear to be operating properly PASS Is there a high water alarm PASS Are both switch and alarm operable PASS Is there evidence of surface water infiltrating N/O Are there any obvious electrical shortcomings N/O D-box material: concrete or plastic new concrete PASS Baffle and d-box or 45 degree angle PASS Cracked, corroded or deformed N/O Speed levers in d-box PASS Solids in d-box N/O Evidence of liquid above outlet inverts N/O Sump pump not connected to septic system N/O Water softener not connected to septic system N/O Surface discharge; if yes, to where N/O Absorption field PASS Absorption bed 5 lines @ 50 ft N/O Weather, lack of information, inaccessibility N/O System appears to have functioned adequately PASS System appears undersized or have undersized components N/O System or components are unacceptable N/O No treatment tank or other critical components N/O As built provided is accurate PASS On site as built required before inspection is complete PASS Evidence of prolonged high liquid level N/O System passes all function testing PASS Charles Dyer Code Enforcement Officer