1989-657 +CERZ"IkCATE OF +CC3MPLIAT "al TOWN OF QUEENSBUR'Y WARREN COUNM NEW YORK February 1. 3 l9 90 Date E � rn 89- 657 This is to certify that i3requested to be done as shown by Permit No. has been completed. This structure may be occupied as a One Car Garage - Location C7ovner Richard Die 1 Ely Order Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Director of Bldg. & Code Enforcement 9W BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBUR i a No. 89- 657 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK � f as PERMISSION is hereby granted to Richard Diehl ro OWNER of property located at Chestnut Lane Street, Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a One Car Garage at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. m s r— FOWNEROSAddressis 4 Forest View Drive KKKLon Valle N . J .RACTOR or BUI LDER'S Name s2 Self 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Address Same c-3 A_ ARCHITECT'S Name rs- r<- r- 5. ARCHITECT'S Address s" l0 s. TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by X) I ) Wood Frame I ) Masonry l ) steel I ? 7. PLANS and Specifications No. 16 ' x 26 ' One Car Garage as per plot plan , specifications , and to application . c-: a. Proposed Use One cAr Garage awl Qj -s ua $ _ 9c; nn PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES March 1 19 90 0f a larger period is required an appiication far an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration data.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury this Day of Aug St l9 09 SIGNED BY for the Town of Oueensbury Building and Zoning I ctor TOWN OF QUEENSBURY To IV R.EVTEWED BY FEE PAID $ b�- t�;,ti;7 p PERMIT NO. stz BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION '4(J L��r Se49k A 1 QQ 4 0a�, A PERMrr MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGUINMG CQNSTRUC'TION. NO IINSPECTIC � WILL BE MADE UNTO. APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED A VALID BUILDING PERMIT. All applicants spaces on this application MUST be completed and the signature of the applicant MUST appear on the reverse side of this application. The owner of this property is: 420 e7G - 71 7z P .O. Address f o)ej 55r iJije4✓ O JC_ 4. p .✓C-r iJ, r_c 4CIL N :s TeL Si to - Co�4v Property Location s✓ "¢tee- y ++5!SF M j3Ly Pr.,. Tax Map No. �/v Has there been any split of this property since October 1 , 1988 ? If yes Planning Board Review is necessary * yes no SUBDIVISION NAME, IF APPLICABLE LOT NO. THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPERVISION OF 'WORK AS REGARDS TO BUILDING CODES ISO IF NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK : ESr,MATED MARKET VALUE OF >e Construction of a new building CONSTRUCTION : S .gyp Addition to a building » COMPLETE INFORMATION REQUIRED BELOW: " Size of property 7 5r ft x eft. Alteration to a building * Existing Buildings( 3 ) Size ft* x ft. (no change to exterior dimensions) » Proposed building - distance from property lines Other work (Describe) » Front yard 7 ! ft. Rear yard ft. Side yards b' ft . and S / it. GROSS AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE If on corner, setback from side street ft. 1st Floor f Cv sq. ft. * OCCUPANCY INFORMATION Znd Floor sq, ft. * Primary Building Other Floors _ _ __. sq* ft. s One Family Dwelling (not cellar or basement * Two Family Dwelling TOTAL FLOOR AREA 'W6 sq. ft. » Multiple Dwelling/Number of units » Business Size of new structure..L&ft x ft. Industrial Foundatia *r slab/crawl/partial/full le one) " �Other Now of stories (habitable space) AJ » Height (grader to ridge) / `{ tt. » If addition, what will us* be? If residentlal, no* of families ---- » Non of rooms(*xcluding baths) "— • Accessory Building Now of bedrooms Detached Gar ONE WO Car Noe of bathrooms » Primary heating system �_ ,. Attachod Garage ONE/TWO Car Type of Reel --- " Private storage building Nov of fireplaces to be installed ,�, Other Will ■ wood stove be installed Central Air conditioning Off" '8R BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CONTINUED - BUILDING 3PFCIFICATIONIS: T , pe of construction, wood frame, fire safe. etc . C, / 0 Fo-e Will any second-hand or upgraded ltimther be used? If so. for what ? A� o — Foundation wall material Cawc_ PC ,,E rif Thickness Depth of foundation below grade fto bottom of footing) L4 Will there be a cellar? L3 Heated or unheated ? Floor sqw footage sq ft . Will there be a basement ? 0 Will any porti01L be used as living space ? (If so, what portion? sq ft . Type of use? NOW Type of roof - sloped/ flat/shed/other SLoWO :Material of roof Size, wood studs "x " spacings" o. c. length $' ft. -- Joists (floor beams) 1st floor "x " spacing "o.co span ft. Joist ( floor beams) 2nd floor spacings"o. c. span �ft. Overlays (ceiling beams ) Q FT G " spacing / g " o. c. span Ib ft. Roof rafters "x��" spacing / & o. c. span ft. Roof trusses (pre-engineered) spacing " o. c, span ft. Exterior wall finish V/ Awl y [ _ �.::i / D / A' 6 of what material? Interior wall finish ,� r , _� it, If a garage Is to be attached, describe materials to be used for FIRE SEPARATION: Is there to br: an opening between garage and dwelling? If so will a Fire-rated door, enclosure, self-closing device be provided? Will a flue-Lined chimney be. installed? :. Height above roof ft. Depth of chimney foundation below grade Ao" ft. Depth of fireplace hearth ft. in. Water supply - Municipal or ,private well A,/ / A SEPTIC SYSTEM Distance from ANY private well (including adjoining properties ft, � (A separation application is necessary for any repair or new installation of septic system ) NAME OF BUILDER e ADDRESS ' L +�.+ TEL. NO. G -�_ yV67f NAME OF PLUMBER ADDRESS TEL. NO. NAME OF MASON_... ADDRESS TEL. NO. NAME OF ELECTRICIAN JC , 17 � ADDRESS TEL, NO. DECLARATION To the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be +done on the described premises and that ail PP^vvisions of the BUILDING CODE, THE PC7 poseING QRDINAbe do and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be compiled with, whether specified or not, and that such work is authorixsd by the owner. r? Signature 4C . Owner, owner's agent, architect, contractor SPECIAL CONDMONS OF THE PERMIT: BY TOW N OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT ,BAY & HAVILAND ROADS Ty� NEW Y 0� ELEPHONE (519) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT ��CT/I�N R eEIV �' -- REi)21EST -FOR I��G- T /C1� NAME LOaAT ION U PERMIT DATE APPROVED I f YES NO FOOTXNGG/PXERS MC?NOI,.rTHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATION/DAMP-PROOFING BACKFILL APP VAL UGH PLUMB.Ir RAMING .IN LkCTRICAL ROU INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL rNSPECTIONZ CHIMNEY HEIGHT ---�-�- t4; ROOFING ,SIDING EXTERNAL PORC �_� STAIRS-CLEARANCE it RAILS PLUMBING FIXTURE /RELIEF _ VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/PIVACY pOOR6 ' FINISHED FLOORf GARAGE FIREPR FING DOOR CLOSER ( ) SMOKE DETEC RS FINAL ELECTRI AL INSPECTION FINAL APPI OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE E BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE OBTAINED FROM TH THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED!' REMARKS : I SPECTOR MAIN OFFICE ATLANTIC-INLAND, INC. 997 McLean Rd. NEW YORK Cortland, New York 13045 MENDER OF N.F.P.A AND I A.E_I Phone' {607) 753-7116 FIRE UNDERWRITERS(607) 753 Tana (Electrical and Fire Inspection- and Consulting Service C 60649 f607) 753-1396 9 $ ) (Incorporated In The Slate of New York) Desiring Certiticate of Approval. application is made for inspection of electrical installation in the premises described below. On demand applicant agrees 10 pay for inspection service in accord with schedule of charges, �,Q[�' APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION — PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Pe Irl'n r f 16 S THIS SECTION TO �BE` Q'� COMPLETED BY APPLICANT DATE OF APPLICATION pay CITY. TOWN, VILLAGE �+a� -S ABC, Ip COUNTY I..✓,,4 Ar IL L Aj STATE +A"'f il STREET �+. l I ADDRESS 6.-•�5 T-JCrf L.?1 � l� S'S �' /H BW- f �.1 B.U,Ii�i,31C.. NO. RUL DIRECTIONS A4554EA4 oSL YI0I oCZ o 5 jr -rwt) 14doje r, S " le44 to OWNER' S NAME OCCUPIED AS ���rr OCCUPANT . BUILDING — NewM Old O WORD( — New ❑ Additional ❑ OWNER'S P.O ,/� ,ram ,r y ADDRESS 7 Fmc Jej'S-' Li il E [w/ � /'r. Lr t7 K"A i L' � f"' V Q z f" 3 A PP. FOR — ROUGH WIRING ❑ FIXTURES ❑ OR READY FOR INSPECTION 19 FEE REMITTED — $ RY CHECK O CASH E] MONEY ORDER C MAKE PAYABLE To ATLANTIC-INLAND, INC -- NEW YORiK Number of Rough Wiring Outlets Fixlbu Add Inaiallation Swtch Li tn9 Recep. KW Be d- �gul Fluor. 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 200D 2250 2500 2750 3000 Elect most Amp. Service too Water Htt Durner Air Cond. Surface Unit Owen Range Gr. Diep, Dish W. Oryer H.P. Pump Ex. Pan Hood OTHER EQUIPMENT (Specify Type S Capacibei TYPE OF WE OF SUB.- WIRII4G OPEN MAW C CONCEALED ❑ OTHER MAIN t D C7 BRANCHES CIRCUITS j 6+. APPLICANTS ,f�� SIGNATURE �+(',�„/ LICENSE a PERMIT s ADDRESS !-'L" T+. �'T NAME OF I 1► T� IL...1 UTILITY OFFICE TO crTy La IJ(f UAc+w XYSTATE /r� 1 % VP CODE c7 -ret 3 BE NOTIFIED BELOWSPACE O OF • ONLY ROUGH WIRING AMP 5ERYICE K.W. SURFACE OUTLETS EQUIPMENT UNIT SWITCHES AMP SERVICE KW. OVEN CONDUCTORS RECEPTACLES H.P. PUMP H.P.GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNIT MEDIUM BASE FIXTURES KW, DRYER DISHWASHER MOGUL BASE KW. WATER FIXTURES a HEATER K.W. RANGE FLUORESCENT H.P. AIR AMP. RECEPTACLES FIXTURES CONDITIONER MERCURY VAPOR OR WIRINGS CONTROLS FOR BURNER SMOKE FRAC_ HP. QUARTZ FIXTURES I DETECTORS VENT FANS MOTORS. H.P_ 1120 w12 1F1B 1!B tiB 1l6 1/3 112 314 1 11h 2 3 5 Tyr 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 75 1p0 MARK NUMBER OF EACH S2E 500 750 1 1000 1 1250 1wo 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 00 80 APPARATUS Fact Host MISC, INFO, ReeeFved Inspected FEE PAID e?..,,!r - / ,�,�/' �,fr ❑ PROGRESS TOTALS c�Araof ey Mai ezk [ ❑ DEFECTIVE Al z. # �2. Ao�z 6i r 0 Rough Winn9 Cere�,�n�fe Check No. V ❑ Temporary ` Money order t,{'�IUEeresricli, .M. y: f21JF�3�t _.. . Mon.-Fri, 6-74 ?r' 518-692 518-6" •w ,k r IlJd+s GO"u FOR'hfpt .i py. D6;Q'51AAY f r d7 zz 10 zoning Administrat-ec, - � H7 � f 4, �T , RruL wA SIT L- A .v FolE' WA K {� i Z e.. �- ' f Fo�PEsr VIEW IE' C F! k" ST !UL) .7 10Ig7 fy ■ Y y fv �Y A pp "Ter if ,r„ R. �IiEOL CHESzu,� LN} �g t Z. ASU MbLI PT 61 b 6x x R � tXtl pi,x� R � Alt" SAS 00 x �6 b(L