1989-676 x+l+�%56'"�'S+>'''s4? F!.�..'A..�'<r . � .. - .�9.!°�t.TwiP'�,•'wsx'v9r-: ., ;ems . .#k =F '.!�.k+s'� ' n n, CERTIFICATE C3F COMPLIANCE TOWN OF +QUEENSSURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Date June 26 lq 90 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. 89- 676 has been completed. This structure may be occupied as a Dock Location Bra�/ ,�p„�' � C � Owner Takundewide Homeowners ,Association By Order Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 4 r Director of Bldg. do Code Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to Noum rs AsSorieltion *- OWNER of property located at Rra ytom Road Street, Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a I]nr at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance_ --1 o+ t. OWNER'S Address is F P . O . Box 85 �. is 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name CD 0 Sunsoyal , Inc . 00 0 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address CD .s P . O . Box 86 y m 4. ARCHITECT'S Name 0 n J. cF 5. ARCHITECT'S Address 6. TYPE of Construction — {Please indicate by Xi o° m 11 Wood Frame I I Masonry f ? Steel �-r 0 7. PLANS and Specifications O No. Dock as per plot plan , specifications , and application . a. Proposed Use Flock c PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES March 1 x (If a longer period is required an application for an extensian must be made to t h a Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 29th _Day of August 19 89 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoni Inspector TOWN OF UEENSi3UI2Y APPLICATTION FOR BUTLDTMG AND ZONING PrRr•4IT peal ro.cved Sr- k- 7 �! TOWN r- Q fE VE(3SEURY RECRevZewed AUG 2 198Q Fee Paid j BLDG, & CODE DEPT. BUILDING AND CODES UITAR17'SF, N'T Date Tbaued 3A Y zond NAVSLAND ROADS RD I BOX 93 0UEENSaVRY, NL:'1i YORE 22804 'PeAnIII No . ` 7jj:� Tel . (5I8) 792-5832 Ext •204 - f t * • ,r fe ■ . m t 1 R ,t >t t ft •' 1, fe it YI 10 '!r • a • 0 A * w w ♦ r 1% s r M s r A 1'ElttiIT MUST Aft OBTAINEDBEFORE BE GINNING CONSTRUCTION . NO INSPECTIONS f WILL BE MADE UNTIL APPLICANT HAS RZCEIVED A VALID I3L' ILLIINC I' ERh(IT . All applicable spaces on this application must be coltlrleted and the 0 punture of the applicant must appear on the reverse si do of tI' iS � yhcct6' 's •I• he owner of this property ist Tak.undewide Homeowners Association_. r . o . Address P . 0 . Box 85 Cleverdale NY 12820 TEL . 656 95 3 ljroperty location Brayton Road — Cleverdale TAX MAP NO * � 11 lids there been any split of this property since October 1 , 1986 " yes/. no If yes , Planning Board Review is necessary . } LOT 'NO . SUBDIVISION NAME , IF APPLICABLE The person responsible for suP+ervisfon of work: as regards Building Codes is : John A . Mason Sun oval , In - NAtil: f' . O . ADDRESS TL L . NO . 'r „Address Glevor N3 Tel H f,ggK I#ame or buildwr Sunsaual T Tel resume of Plumber Address rta+ne of Mason Address 'rel t4.1TURC OF PROPOSL:D %NORK: „ ZONING INFORHATI +CN ( 0.eeiae use only ) [;pnatrucciorl f :S now w buildirrq . ZONING DESIGNATION OF PROPERTY A nd.iicion Co a f a n +r PERMITTED PRINCIPAL. PERMITTED ACCESSORY A1Gu La ratian to a uilding # ' * REVIEW REQUIRED PLANNING BOARD Zo�ZONING �130�AR�D i,lo cll ati u to excurior aimansions) X Ocher work (JdSCCib0 . ' SITE PLAN REVIEW #APPROVED CkOSS AREA OV PROPOSED. :: 'rStUl 'CU1t>v +r VARIANCE It APPROVED DATE sq f t . Remarks 1st ploor 2 rsd Floor sck f C . w COa•IT+LL`1'I , IFiS 4S:raA'i'IOtd 1;1:l�uiltl?D ulit.C161 . Sizo of isrollurty i t x f c . Other Floors sq ft ' I Lxistilug builkill*7 ( :; 9 ai : o iL ( not cellar or basement ) . 4ront TOTAL FLOOR AREA sq f t . yig Auildin�a :.' ixa of new structuro ft >ti ft lrcrculd � CiOn-picrJ::ILJcr:aul/L�arcial/ toll )aua tsuilctincl . di:; eancu rroul i,rolSu cy lulu (airclu anrI yard +' ft near yard tFt NJe of curie, (It"liic:,.ksl N spaace ) Side yards ft and rt lluighc (tirade to ridcru ) � � If on corn#2r , sutbackc frAtn side: scr- uc c fc Lt r.:aiduntfal. nor I' 'ut iliea� _ I - , OCCUPANCY 1NFORh1P�T1Q 1 No . of rooms ( exc7 i :ach31 �i Noj of bedrooms # PT{,IMARY BUILDING me No . of btachroom:; * Ona family dwelling Primary 114aciiul %I � III family dwolliny ryl�:: caf fuel multil�lu dwelling / Number of units Noe of firaplaCu: to pax-Ift"Aant occup: xLey Will 4 ►woQJ :;LGV1.' LL: irl ; taliuck ?„ '1'r:lslt334nt OCCU11"91ICY CVALr"l Air ca�1c11tiGnirlg:' ksusinr:ss WILDING STYL.C, PRIMARY STRUCTURE ,. Industrial • t]chur 1r:.11ct1 Conc: l,�iwr:,ry LGg cabin . If "ddition , WhisC will l+.aisi d ranch Mansiwl Dul-I uplic lvv+-1 Old styli LIu11Ll.alow r_:a}�u Cod CntC lcje OCkser. ACCESSORY UUTL.DINC- '� urrcach4cl g:lruge/ane car/ two cur/ car Colonial k:.ow 'i'o1.rr1 House cos [ CInCi.L ONO PLEASE ) Y Actuch4Cl g araqu/olio car/ tuck czar/ • ■ a r s x r '_ • -A • i • W s s IN lirivi cu storage builclincl MARIKIRIP VALUI: OF '" r �Omhor r �:oNS•rlcuC'rTurl � '...Z999s9S?_ _ ! NF`oRrIRTTON GN [1UILL3TNG SI�1 CII�TCR`rIONS , ON REVERSE: Slot: OF T111S SFl[_L"r , TO BE COM,P"'I'Co : Form DPA lDf$8 VI BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CONTINUED - BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS : Type of construction , wood frame , fire safe, etc . will any second-hand or ungraded lumber be used? If so , for what? Foundation wall material ThickRess Depth of foundation below grade (to bottom of foMimed Will there be a cellar? Heat or unheated? " Floor sq. footage sq ft Will there be a basement? 1 any p rt ' as living space? ( If so, what portion? - e se? Type of roof - sloped/fla 'd /ath r Material• of roof Size , wood studs "X " S "o . c . length ft . Joists ( floor beams) 1st . floor "x is spacing "o . c . span ft . Joists (floor beams) 2nd , floor "x " spacing "o . c . span ft . Overlays ( ceiling beams ) "x " spacing "o . c . span ft . Roof rafters "x spacing o . c . span ft . Roof trusses (Pre-engineered) spacing "o . c . span ft . Exterior wall finish of what material? Interior wall finish If a garage is to be attached , describe materials to be used for FIRE SEPARATION : Is there to be an opening between garage and dwelling? If so will a Fire-rated floor , enclosure, and self-closing device be provided? Will a flue-lined chimney be installed? Height above roof ft . Depth of chimney foundation below grade ft . Depth of fireplace hearth fto in . . water supply - Municipal or private well SEPTIC SYSTEM _ Distance from ANY private well (including adjoining properties ft . { (A separate application is necessary for any repair . or new installation of septic system) DECLARA 'TI0N To the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions, ot. the BUILDING CODE, THE ZONING ORDINANCE, and all other laws pertaining to the ,proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or not, and that such work is authorized by the owner. Signature - Owner, ,owner's agent, architect, contractor SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT : ' a i I ' i I ___ ............. I L3 iviswiRY ' ' f TOlilI OV Q ,CODES DEPARTMENT BUILDING ,AND ND ROADS 129016 BAY S HAVILA NEW yORK QVVENSBURyr 518 ) 742- 5832 TELEPHONE C3Kf +R' s �' • � rcEr INSPECTIONL? R OVEST FOR NAME LOCATION PERM T # a PPROVED DATE YE,r DiO FOOTINGI PX7"sR R FORMSFIN ZO THX MONO I FOUNDATNITUX D �PaOO --��-'-�--� - -- BAcxr-T 'L APPR AL�� ROUGH PLUMBXN FRAMING OU IN ELECTRXCAr' R H� INSULATION : FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING T1ON + FINAL GHT INSPEC CHIMNEY HEX ROOFING SIDINGS STEPS - --�~'�� ��-- �-- - EXTERNAL POR VA r -- STAIRS-CI.EARANCE r-- PLUMBING rXXTUR S RELIEF CX DOORS INTERIOR TRIMF X FINISHED F.xpO GE FIRES FIN R O S CLOSE CTO SMOKE DETECT rNSP TrON�--"� ELEGTRXc CON IZuGTION� � ---��_� FINAL APPROVAL OF FINAL OR C/c OK Tp IS,}SiTE C OCCUPANCY MUST BE is �-~� OF BEFORE FIGATE G DE,PARTpsENT A SIGNED CER ARE FRO THE u ED ! OSTAIN PREMI THESE �,MARICS C INSoNCTOR �R'PA S-1UNS A +.. . .s._. L 31.0. BOX $6, CLEWRI)AI.E., NY 12820 (518) 656#9986 +656,9956 PERMIT AUTHORIZATION John A . Mason is authorized to act as my agent in Obtaining permits from the following agencies : Town of Tort Ann X Town of Queensbury down of Lake George Town of Bolton X Warren County Washington County 7L X make George Park Commission X N . Y . S . Dept . of Environmental Conservation X U , S . Army Corps of t En ineers ,; ZI A DATED * SI6E�EI� : ,t' r ADJ�ACEI3T LANDOWNERS NORTH : Mrs . Lucile Lucas 176 Nelson Avenu enue NY12866 Saratoga SP SOUTH - Mrs . Jane Mason FM0 . Box 85 NY 12820 Cleverdale , LOCATION SKETCH 0 ❑ CLEVERDALE ❑ RD . ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ OFFICE OF ❑❑ TAKUNDEWIDE 0 orl HOMEOWNERS ASSOC . HARRIS ❑ ❑ BRAYTON RD . BAY LAKE GEORGE RT . 9L TO : All Interested Agencies RE : Typical Cross Section & Materials For A Rock- Filled Crib scale : 1 / 2 " OVERVIEW 3 / 4 " cold roll o steel rods 611x8 " native +J pine side timbers by .°i clean stone ra U a-s 4 "x6 " native pine cross ties flwoo�Ail typical width SIDEVIEW _ . top surface of �—' - dock ( same :Wean I w water � � construction materials as crib - may be pressure �+ treated ) .,a 4 " x6 " native 44 pine cross ties 0 open area ar 'CS 6 " x8 " native -# � pine side timbers U AO typical length � � PROFILE VIEW IDOATION SKETCH 4wJ Proposed 2 ' `x24 -' . sectL0n LAKE GEORGE CLEVER.DA.L R3l . .� I I HARRIS BAY . * t 14 ' B proposed 2 '_x2fl '_. section RD . O m . h . w . � TAKUNIM 1-133E y m . � . w .! HOMEOWNERS Ass c . + + Q© RT . 9L s 10 ' i - 8 ' 12 UNHAM ' FAMILY ISv crib location i Ay 10 2000 1000 2004 scale in feet Takers .from'st +.Power attxadvon 1971 80 O 40 80. PIAN VIEW-, (] + scale in fEE;t CODE : ( eee blowup at right) „ -�� ; - ❑ pre-existing stake docks ( A.3 ' x24 ' ) (8-3 ' x20 •1 � proposed docks with rack- filled criba (A-2 'x24 ' ) ( 8�2 ' x2O ' ) ' - crib location - depth soundings LAKE GEOEGE (D DOCKS '- DOCKS � k 5 IT-F] t 105 +1. MPI mean high {!' water 32 ( ��^y mean low �14 - `�' water 317 . 74) {^� PURPOSE : docking facility 440 ' along shore DATUM IN Lake George ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS : AT Harris B a Y +C0 Mrs . Jane Mason COUNTY of Warren STATE NY a Mrs . Lucile Lucas APPLICATION By John A . Mason SHEET OF ]. DATE Ef1271891 3 r REV'II-WOV i:u Uy DATE