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i lifl CERTIFICA IE OF COMPLIANCE ! TOWN 4F +QUEENSSURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK : Date February 13 1989-722 90 ! this is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. li has been completed, i This structure may be occupied as a _ Deck t ,o -ti 5 Robin Lane on { Owner George & Sandra Bandura ! By Order Town Board TOWN OF QUEENS BU RY Director of Bldg. do code Enforcement I 16 BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. Ro_729 Q WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK ti w r— PERMISSION is hereby granted to George & Sandra €3andura OWNER of property located at 5 Robin Lane Street, Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury. To Construct or place a Deck at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. t. OWNERS Address is � 72 Schroon River Road Warrensburg , N . Y . 12865 4 2. CONTRACTOR or BUI LDE R'S Name AJS Enterprises a 3_ CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Address [J'1 Glens 'Falls , N . Y . 4_ ARCHITECT'S Name 5. ARCHITECTS Address 6. TYPE of Construction — IPlease indicate by X) O rs ( wood Frame ( ) Masonry i ) Steel f } CD m 7. PLANS and Specifications No. 200 sq . ft . Deck as per plot plan , specifications , and aippiciation . 8. Proposed Use Deck C rn $ 16 at) PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES Apri 1 1 19 90 " (If a longer period is required an application for an axtension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date_) Dated at the Town of Queensbury this th Day of September lg 89 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zc I nspector 1 k,J vie i V V 1 '4-.,,r V L'..t_:. w ..� s.� r.... � ♦ a FEE PAID fl ML APPLICATION FC]RESTIIYiATE�R&�UNSBUAYPORCHES - DECKS OF CONSTRUC DOCKS 6t BOATHOUSES '+��— SEF 1989 A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION . ANSWER ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: BLDG. & CODE DEPT. The undersigned hereby applies for a Building Permit to do the following work which will be done in accordance with the description, plans and specifications submittedo and such special conditions as may be indicated on the permit . The Owner of this property is r�'c p"a � �f� J rI ! l3.vcl�L� t2i] P .D . , . 7y' A ddress: 't t Property Location: � h ,. L Street number or building lot number Subdivision name (if applicable) THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPERVISION OF WORK AS REGARDS TO BUILDING CODES: . -. 3 - 1 5.L ( r• `� Address; BUILDING SP ICATIONS: Type of work to be done: Porch eck Dock Boathouse ( circle one) Size of structure to be built (square �ootage)� 'aoo Lj �- Foundation Material Width Il.� x /,L.} Thickness 1,200 Depth of footing below grade 141 !f Size of posts or studs x x Long Size of floor joist l Z. x g' x 1d- -4jqSpan Decking or flooring material 4 " How will porch or deck be fasten tobuilding? IF ROOF WILL RE INSTALLED ANSWER QUESTIONS BELOW : Size of posts or studs x x Long Roof Rafters x Spacing Span r Roof Trusses Pre-Engineered spacing) Span Type of Roof - Sloped - Fiat Shed - other Material of Roof Type of siding (if any ZONING INFORMATION: TWO PLOT PLANS MUST BE PREPARED AND SUBMITTED, drawn reasonably to scale and attached hereto, showing clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed rand indicate all set back dimensions from property lines. Give street and number or lot number and indicate whether interior or corner lot. Show location of water supply and location and configuration of septic disposal area. COMPLETE INFORMATION REQUIRED BELOW : Size of property ft. x ft. Existing buildin s Size ft. x ft . Existing buildin s use Proposed building, distance from property line. Front yard ft. Rear yard ft • Side yards ft. and ft- If on corner setback from side street f t • DECLARATION To the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications sibrnitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUILDING CODE, THE ZONING ORDINANCE, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with , whether specified or not , and that such work is authorized by the owner. SIGNATURr caner, ners gen re i ec , n rac or TOWN OF QUEENSBURY CODES DEPARTMENT BUILDING AND DS BAY ccHAVILAND RNEW y�RK ] 2804% QUEE,NSBURY. 5 8 ) '792-5832 TELEPHONE t BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST INSPECTION RECEIVED_ NAME ! 1 LOCA TION ! _ 44 `�+ or — �? PERMIT # DATE APPROVER YES NO r FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR WORMS FOUNDATION/ DAMP^ROOFING BACKFILL APPROVA ROUGH PLUMBING %.FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH—IN INSULATION : FOUNDATION FLOORS WALES CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING E]CfiERNAL PORCHES/STEPS STAIRS—CLEARANCE & RArLSr`---- PLUMBING FIXTURE131RELT 'VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/PRIVACY kOORS FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIREPROOFrNG — DOOR CLOSER (S) �__�,�----- ----- SMOKE DETECTORS �---- FINAL ELECTRICAL IN 'FINAL APPROVAL OF NSTRUCfiION NCy BE UPA A SIGNED CERTIFI&�ATF E BUILi7IOF NGCDEPARTMEN'T BEFORE OBTAIN] THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS : J f y� INSPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT ,BAY & HAVSLAND ROADS 228C� QUEENSBURY, EW YORKTELEPHONE 5 $) 792-5832 BUILDING INS,PECIOR' S REPORT REQiJEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED - 72 C NAME LOCATION C _ r PERMIT #i ~- DATE APPROVED YES I NO / �OpTINGIPXERS +r MONOLITHIC PO�1R FORMS FOUNDATIONIDAMP-PROOFING BACKFII+L APPROVAL ROUGH PLU14BSNGti° FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN -INSULATION: ''ti FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSFECTIOI CHIMNEY NETGHT ,ROOFING SIDING RESIST PS�� EXTERNAL pOi4C STASRS-CLEARANCE RAIL PLUMBING FIXTURES RELIEF VA',VE INTERIOR TRIMIP ACY DOORS '` FINISHED FLOORS - GA,RAGE FIREPR ING DOOR CLOSERS) SMOKE DINTECTC? SITTSPECTION FINAL ELECTRIC FINAL APPROVA OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CER IFICAfiE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FRO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMI ES ARE OCCUPIED! IIIII REMARKS : INSPECTOR iew A Zoning Ad }}}; js Ntra ICAVISUS Zoning ra r + ' 1 • t , D8 l ice . 140J ' � I �+4 Rv tic, c ! . 10 T ► �� r � f f 1 ?� � ff,Q-'C� of T415 � r 1h4JU Jrq . i R r - r ORO 3 00 owe ON \6 4111 RRf 01 Rip / �Tli 'tsi, Styr w 0.F / I •�M � �'t IS f � tt or IA tot 1p IR on■■soon■■■■■OEM■■/#noon■ N■■■/!■■! ■!!/wool■■■■None wool None somonmof■m■!Eggs■■#■■■!■■ sasm■■■■■__ ■ !■ onmonl■■■■■maE■sas ■ms m■s■■E o■ ■ 11 onsoonnnE■■faN s■! ■l■OO■■mrmi E■■m m■an■■■MEMBER■sons■ �=■■■ rii� ■E ■omO■on/w■m ■■s/ ona■n■f■ ma■■■■Eom■m■mm■■nmon■now a■■■■■■!n■■ NEim no■m■■s■em■s ONE m■ONN s■E11 was on 11 IR■fll�mww■■ss�■asmmm i n�n�r1FIF&s, mpji+ Fe '� ■`;;'Tao so■mom■mmNsommommo■ssalllliMEfm■o on son" ■■ ■nn nmm■fam■■e■an■■me on■on■■simoo■■■N■■ss ■oolle ago■■■■H■smillion PON IN■1 !■ss■o■■ssosmoses mo■so■men■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■ Mtt.i►js ■sm■■11■■maN■m■■!son sm■solos■■■■OMEN■■■tmnalis■msE ■sE■! ■! ■ 1 !i�` ■ponsom■l■sonfn■s■■■ n■■■nmsn■■■■■■s■m■■11■■MII >ISOE� !■ lit Ils■nse■■n■monsoon ■ana■mmonnson■men■#smq isalmn smo■mE■ mono■EN■/snaa■/a■ moos■■mos■■E■/ f�� rm■Eol■lmm ' i#■ n� lo■ss■■■ sfm■■/ml■o son fEmmons ol.nlllo■■sN■E - mgleeo Ns/ -monsonm■ Ilson■NONE oeEs■l/ r aNso�mantm nm ■nsoalONs■■enEonaJ Known r■nl1■sNs■smm■Is�Vil ssfElm■mom■,Imo■■■Em���1N��Ei'�l_N�■��ian��i���i�`' Oasom■oorl/saos■mmm■ss■mll tons■■■■i- " i■I �"_""__ tongs a!■fms■■loommemommoll col!>s■m■■ss■■it!/IA1soOo■■■NNe■■ meM, Eil���:��tffck. iilEms so smosonmodsomsE loans s ■►` 01011N■m■■aN■EllilmosomOlson 2211111JENEW11111 SENSE m■n■Oslllllls ssl'ssmf asonsommullown ovals Wall foolonsnommons iones' tonl■ngAkall ►ISENm aNN■■11 ►lam■a■■m■N■■ 11 Bgoes ONNamNliOEall�IsalOmlllam onownsum ialswlaEs '�Nis1E6111 Thong@ ■■■NEI'#■aa■>ms■o■■a#■OH■■m■aE■Emam#ismallm' I IO leln anywasfll<#1 asat..�'�I liu 401I lh l; ;;nllllnsNoaaEa�lm>mnw#E■o■m■ mon>INaEEa/#�Oonasommsman +ione mats■■nNsommasilosiongal.allmmno asset■moo■ ■E/nE ■■ E■!■m■mmsElNassworsssAvg lsamOs/seOsfaasNa//i s ►stl oaa■n■sa■Ensns:� ■■sn ■ ■iw j ii�0r ng ���� ,l■ssa lsl as ; ■; r dw all. all; .jnmmamossemooilmo■■#/fnE#■n E■�lINS ■iiiilaliia®� � , rR sa lsNnO t■sa11OOOlmmollrlst ollasa■amass■!■n■aesnnEEla■ "sooN>IlamanilrmaNmsasoon tlilnlillEE■■■■Eq■EaE n!E Em��so mongoose sommal esasNaMENO■■NE■m■■■!r■■Il ISBN a■HEEIEEmE■■� ■Nnp■oE■esommosseens■■ aOaaf■■O■■On■massomsa a■ml 'll■ms�nlafn■ENm/■oW ■sa'sas5slis2aONEmm■n1s!■s1� dmasU611ftlaR�7sl~'��" l■■sEsss■■E■■amal[amaslmNs on aln#ason!1 5faEslmmalon■II11aml1r.w w����+�s�i���w� E■1: ::IPA! :` w'rr '..' moans mmmEEsemoom MEMO moll INEEaaLR©a'is!�■!1i^■ � Ns■yn�l�lo �aep��1/!s moons somm■ssommoll 11090LAN 4 •w..izww2.��w J NslM�,;�:,- . - ► �,�_t t �s iFwwww.ww�r tir.�.rrwr ■aamsl�mi��1■■annE■m■■■s !�s� aarl■lmsElmE■■■■m!a EIOE■■Em■E■/■/MEIN pow - - 1■aHEa■ s■■sa�■�s � InonN!■mom■Monson ` .Mrcw�w wrrrr�wwf swwwww� � r � /■sn■son■NEE/■■s■mHa/1 I1� m►H■C �i„ ! r ? 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