03 Special Use PermitSPECIAL USE PERMIT GUIDANCE-Article 10 Special Use Permits Certain land uses have been designated as requiring a special use permit (and thereby also requiring site plan review and approval). These uses have been so designated because they are considered to be inherently challenging and potentially incompatible with surrounding land uses due to the nature, intensity, size or type of operation of the proposed use or due to its proposed location The Planning Board may impose conditions such as limitations on the hours of use, the intensity of the use, the use of structures and land, and any other condition reasonably related to the project that it deems necessary. The Planning Board may require the posting of financial security in order to ensure that improvements and or activities are carried out as related to the Special-use permit. There are three types of permits which may be granted by the Planning Board, they are permanent, temporary, or renewable. Please provide a response to each of the following items as it relates to your project as part of your application for a special use permit general criteria 179-10-060. Special Permit Use –refer to zoning code section and use table: Please describe how the proposed activity is in harmony with the Comprehensive Plan. You may use excerpts from our Comprehensive Plan; note our Comprehensive Plan can be found on-line at http://www.queensbury.net. The proposed use shall be in harmony with and promote the general purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan, and Chapter 179 Zoning and the health, welfare and safety of the Town and its residents. Please explain how your proposed project is compatible to the area. The proposed use shall be compatible with the character of neighborhood, the area, the zoning district and the community surrounding the location of the proposed use and will not unduly prohibit or discourage future planned growth in the area. Please describe all activities relation to traffic including access, circulation and parking. The proposed use shall have safe and efficient access for pedestrians and vehicles, and shall provide for appropriate off-road parking and loading areas. The interior circulation system must be adequate to provide safe accessibility to all parking spaces and ensure that adequate and safe integration of pedestrian and vehicular movement is provided. 179-10-070(FF) Stone Quarry Road has a roundabout that allows access to the project site, allowing for the circulation of traffic. The proposed project will not create unsafe conditions for traffic, traffic congestion, or the parking of vehicles. All vehicles are to be parked within the site. All required distances for vehicle circulation and drive widths meet required standards and dimensions. The proposed project is in harmony with the Towns Comprehensive Plan. The project falls within a commercial industrial zone and complies with recommendation E.1, as the project is located near the airport, E.2 as the project will have a small retail area, E.4 as The proposed use is compatible with the surrounding area as it is located within a light commercial-industrial zone. The adjacent parcels are developed or are intended to be developed with similar light industrial businesses. The sucess of a business in this location would most likely encourage the development of the adjoining undeveloped parcels within the subdivision. extensive landscaping and buffering is proposed, and E.6 as the project connects to municipal utility servies. SPECIAL USE PERMIT SUPPLEMENAL APPLICATION (Contd) Please describe the infrastructure and services on site that are to be used for the project. There shall be sufficient infrastructure and services, including utilities, public facilities and services, available for the proposed use or the project shall extend or provide infrastructure and services for the area where the proposed use is located. There shall also be facilities and services implemented by the applicant to appropriately control any potential nuisances from the operation of the use, such as control of litter or trash, loitering and crime prevention, and any other features or aspects of the operation of the proposed use that may affect the public safety, health and general welfare. Describe your current and proposed site conditions as they relate to the Environment and natural features of the property. The proposed use shall be compatible with and appropriately protect environmental and natural resources, including the environmental and physical suitability of the site for development, and the general landscaping, screening and buffering shall be in character with the surrounding areas, and the risk of fire, flood or erosion and impacts such as emissions of electrical charges, dust, light, vibration or noise detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare shall be minimized to the maximum extent practicable. Describe all anticipated long-term effects associated with the project. The proposed use shall provide positive or beneficial effects on the long-term economic stability, environmental integrity and community character of the Town and surrounding properties, districts and uses. Please provide a response a special use permit specific standards 179-10-070. Describe how the project activities will address the specific standards. (NOTE- not all special use permits have specific criteria – if the project proposed does not require specific standards pleased indicate N/A) Please identify the term requested for the special use permit.  Permanent Y/N  Temporary Y/N – include specific date beginning_____ and end date_______  Renewable Y/N include specific date to renew________ (note applicant responsible for providing new application for renewable) FF.(4) See the attached Odor Control Plan FF.(1) The owner is the process of obtaining the licenses and permits required by the State of New York to operate a commercial cannibis nursery facility Municipal water and sewer service are available to the site through a connection to lines in Stone Quarry Road. See the attached Comprehensive Security Plan and Nuisance Abatement Plan for more details to how the project shall mitigate any negetive affect on the public saftey, health, and general welfare of the surronding community. community. Proposed stormwater practices have been designed in accordance with NYSDEC standards and will mitigate any negative effects caused by stormwater runoff generated by the proposed development.Extensive native planting material is proposed to increase the infiltrative capacity of permeable surfaces, encourage the return of pollinators, and provide buffering to the adjacent properties. The proposed use will take place indoors, so loud noise is notanticipated. anticipated. The proposed project has the potential to create 30 new jobs in the community and will bring a fast growing industry to the area. FF.(4) See the attached Odor Control Plan FF.(1) The owner is the process of obtaining the licenses and permits required by the State of New York to operate a commercial cannibis nursery facility Municipal water and sewer service are available to the site through a connection to lines in Stone Quarry Road. See the attached Comprehensive Security Plan and Nuisance Abatement Plan for more details to how the project shall mitigate any negetive affect on the public saftey, health, and general welfare of the surronding community. community. Proposed stormwater practices have been designed in accordance with NYSDEC standards and will mitigate any negative effects caused by stormwater runoff generated by the proposed development.Extensive native planting