10 Cultivation Community Relations PlanCannabis Cultivation Community Relations Plan / Nuisance Abatement Cannabis Cultivation Community Relations Plan The purpose of the Community Relations procedure (CRP) is to foster good relationships with our business and residential neighbors by ensuring that personnel uphold policies and regulations that prevent nuisances and adverse impacts in the neighborhood. This CRP addresses policies and regulations that affect community relations. It includes our internal good neighbor policy, the company’s Security Plan, and the Odor Control procedure. The CRP also covers measures to comply with local regulations related to on-site consumption, diversion of cannabis, litter and waste removal, and graffiti abatement. It is the responsibility of all personnel to know and uphold this procedure. The Manager shall ensure that all staff are properly trained on this procedure, monitor compliance, and correct violations. The Manager shall act as or designate a Community Relat ions Manager (CRM) to facilitate communication with neighbors and the community at large. Policies: 1. Prime Arrow has adopted procedures and policies for protecting the neighborhood from negative impacts of cannabis cultivation, including: ● Fair and local employment ● Upholding community values ● Public safety precautions ● Strategies for protecting the local quality of life. 2. Good Neighbor Policy – It is the company’s policy to be a good neighbor in Queensbury NY. The policy requires that personnel: ● Refrain from consuming cannabis or cannabis products on the property ● Refrain from possessing or consuming alcohol on the property ● Park only in legal parking spaces on the property ● Refrain from nuisance activity, like litter or loitering ● Ensure unnecessary visitors are brought to the property ● Respect the privacy and property of our neighbors 3. Community Relations Manager – The Manager shall designate or serve as a Community Relations Manager (CRM). The company will make a good faith effort to encourage neighbors to contact the CRM with any concerns, before contacting the city. ● Prime Arrow will post a daytime telephone number for the CRM on the exterior of the building. ● Prime Arrow will provide the name, primary telephone number, and secondary telephone number of the CRM to the City Manager’s office. ● The CRM will be responsible for responding to community concerns regarding the facility, monitoring compliance with the policy prohibiting on-site consumption of cannabis, and ensuring that signage required is posted in the lobby of the facility. 4. Security Plan – Prime Arrow has adopted a Security Plan, which specifies physical and operational protocols for the property. All personnel are responsible for upholding the provisions of that plan. 5. Odor Control Plan – Prime Arrow has adopted an odor control plan to protect the neighborhood from any undesirable odors related to cannabis cultivation. The Manager shall ensure that all personnel implement the odor control plan. 6. Cannabis Consumption Prohibited – Notwithstanding any provision of local or state law, no personnel or visitor shall consume cannabis or cannabis products on-site or within twenty feet of the property boundaries. 7. No Diversion of Cannabis or Cannabis Products – The Security Plan contains procedures for preventing loss and diversion of cannabis and cannabis products. All personnel are responsible for upholding the provisions of the Security Plan. 8. Litter, Debris, and Trash Removal – The Manager shall ensure that the property is free of litter, debris, and trash on a daily basis. ● Staff shall police the property at least once each day to collect any litter or debris. ● All litter and debris shall be deposited into a city-approved trash receptacle for removal by the city or an authorized entity contracted for ongoing support. ● Personnel should notify the Manager immediately in the event that there is any debris that cannot be removed manually or fit into a city-approved trash receptacle. ● Staff shall not attempt to remove any dead animal or hazardous waste from the property. Instead, staff or the Manager should contact the appropriate civil authority or agency for lawful removal. 9. Waste Disposal – All waste materials at the facility shall be removed or recycled in accordance with local and state laws and regulations. ● No hazardous waste shall be discharged into the sewers, storm drains, or trash. ● Batteries and electronic waste shall be disposed of at authorized facilities. ● Graffiti Abatement – All graffiti shall be removed from the building and parking lot within seventy-two hours.