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y r I I CERPnFICATE of (::)CCUPANCY f TOWN �OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK 4 I E1aCe January 9 19 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. $ - 707 i has been oDmpleted. jThis structure may be occupied a. a — 31� A TWO FAMILY r L CAtion 62 QUEEN MARY DRIVE Owlwr QUEEN VICTQRIA ' S GRANT- GUYER BUILDERS i t By Order Town Board TOWN [)F QUEENSBURY ,S ement Director of Bldg. & Code Enforc I - - • BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 89-707 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to Queen Victoria ' s rant-Guyer Builders ,%, rn OWNER of property located at 62 queen teary Driy tnnllt za Street. Road or Ave_ in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a 15 ICI Two Fami 1 y at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. t, OWNER'S Address is C 1 Hemphill Place- Suite 201 rri Ballston Spa , N . Y 12020 -- 2. CONTRACTOR or BUI LOER"S Name t� Self 3. CONTRACTOR or BUtLDER'S Address �. rSs Same -j 4. ARCHITECT'S Name 5, ARCHITECT'S Address ry rs 6. TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by X) M .f? XX) Wood Frame I f Masonry k 1 Steel k T K 7. PLANS and Specifications v No. 42 ' x 26 ' a two family as per plat plan , specifications , and a2plication , including septic and driveway S. Proposed Use z A Two Family $ 126 nO PERMIT FEE PAIR — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES _ April _ 19 (if a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) a c Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 71 Day of. SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning 1 Spector �... . . ��IV UF ;,�►UEE?VSl3URY APPi. ICATTON FOR BUII. . . . . . . . :4n ZONINC PERMIT Va r Lee gm � ----��a � � � �� �J �. �ea�.i.e+wed '�t��` R�C��esNs`�U&)- � � �. r �`S fP i�W E - ee Paid � 1 `'�G 796g9 - ,a te. 14.&ued OD PUCENS49URY, Nl3ir YC7 K 128o,1 F i.t IJLr . Tel * (518) 792-583,'. Exe -3C14 .. .w w t a w • • w i ■ w ■ ♦ s w r r w r a s # r w a ■ w ■ w a ■ r ■ w w It ■ A 11CIMIT HUST 114 OBTAINrU UEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION . NO INSPECTIONS - WILL 111r MADE uNorl L APPLICANT [ [AS RECEIVED A VALID UU- I LDINC PERMIT . All applicable spaces on tilis application must be cou►pleted and the * -� *Dat * re of * the * ti � plicunt * mustt ]lAh * car * C; * * k�* reverse side of itkhsx � * � 1sC * � 11 Tile Owner of this Property is : TI, 1 BUT-LDERS T=c P . O . Address 1 H.niWMLL PLPC;E-SUITE 201, Br" LLSTON_ SPA. NY 12020 TE L 4 518 ) 892=2161 X 7,1 lroperty location ..�iG2411rE+�.3 MA.QY "0RiU� _-- TAx HAP NO . 121 ilas there been any x:,plit or: this propQrty since October 1 , 19HB ? /. no yes lto it yes , Planning Hoard Review is necessary . SUBDIVISION NAME $ Tr APPLICABLE - C�UEEN VICTORIA' S GRANT LOT NO . The parson responsible for :; uparvision of work as regards Duilding Gorses its ; Richard H. aaMr III 1 Hemnhi.11 Place Suite 201 Ballston Spa NY ( 518 ) 8296 -9 NAMr: . O . ADDRESS TEL . No . - lu.mu of builderGuyer Suilders , IncAddress 1 Hemphill Place . Ballston Sea Tul �( 518) 899-9161 Tel — il:■aw of Pluw;k or —same— P,ddross -s "Ame of H"rwon -same- A�ldrns5� same—_ _ 'rul �-s.�ame— ame- 14ATuRi. or i'r.ovosco WOntr. : M0I3EL : --` "' - 2Oh ING 1N14OKf1.R1' 10N ( Of -flca use on1 +J ) L �ConstrUCLicu, of :s ,ta:w buil4incJ — 40HINC 012SICNATION OF PROPERTY ician La a buil.ling # PERMITTED PRINCIPAL PERMITTED 'ACCESSORY Altur"Cion to ca i.uildinq `EtLVI?~W REQUIRE. moo PLANNING E30ARD ZONING: LiOArID [;►o aia:.a+gi: to axe6zrior Cliswn:; ion;a) dw Ocher work (Jascribktj � SITE PLAN REVIEW # APPROVED DATE mmm�C069oss AkL•' A Oi ' vRQLIOSCA. :+ TRUCTUUE * VARIANCE if APPROVED DATE lst Floor goo sq f t . ; Reaaarks : 2 nd Floor sq it . „ Cottl'1.1 Tk.. I,NI•'014*ATLQH 14i;i eIUL:D U1ZtA ri . ge sq a' c . * siti.r of Prol,.ajrty 100 ' ± lot lnc t x_120 fe . other Floors — ' Exi: ciuj� iauilJiaa+3 ( s: ) Si _u n a rc X n InoL collar or basatuunc ) 'tOs'AL FLOOR AREA 900 sq Et . ■ L:xistiasg OwiIJira;a 1a: I 1Jse n a ::ix■t of nQw ur ructurea 42 f t is 26 it Fuca■d:acion-pier -�1a& crawl1Parti"I/ full " !'salw;+uci building , diuct Ac" trout 1,rulaurty Lift"� � (eirclu anQ ) ; Front yard 30+ ft Raar yard 30+ ft Nia* of acoriea 0"b1cc•blQ &:PAcQ ) ,_1� * Front yards 15+ et :anal 15+ _ cc Ii�aighc "ALias to ricloff tau ft • a If an aarnar, uuti3:a•:k rro+a silo: scculglc0++ cc It rauial.antial, no. of f:uuili,e��L- - 2 Nil• of ra mm iaxcluding b"C'0 s ) '--� OCCUPANCY INFORMATICN 1/a• of U adroowu 1 ' PRIt'aARY raUILDING: mmg Ma• at iy:achraa+aaa 1 Ciao family dwelling 1■riaa�ary iau:aciaar� a:yL'i' .:+u c . sarr� F.l cant'r� C * 'l"u0 (:•wily dwells n+� TY&W of f ual etricitV _ Kul,tirala .lwulling / NuNbor of Unit" +„ MO6 of firQL1IaCQa La lau 31t: C:ali�: [I O * ICY :111[snC occup:altcy will :. ..uwl stave )5+�: iaaa � Nei a 'L•r;an::ia:rst aa:Culs.al4Qy +[:antral. Air ca;•r.titiun+�.•�.' N{� ---- ` WILDING STYLC, PRIMARY STRuCTUiIC � Industrial „ Ochcr la,µaci► CoraLauil:c.r,.ry LGa c:+bin It wddition , wluat will u:ca p s7 L�.aiti.sd ranaia rraansiui� Dad ,is:x ` upti.c luVol Old style UNAWJ.aLOW ' C404 Cad CoLz4q%u Otlwr ' xCCUSSORY I UILQIHCG Cal onic.l i:aai! '''owls douse ' u.:cactuzu y:4ragejan4 curl two czar/ car ( C IrLGLL DN1: PLFA.',ir ) r g;,r:aqujoaa carj two c:arj c:aa w a ■ a a s a s • • ■ a r s ■ a a a I>rivata acoc ag■3 'Ysaailai.ing ' CSTINATF0 HARK. ri'r VALUa. Cab` ' Oc h&j c a:osa94rhuc'rrun 4"PorWATTON ota OUILDINC SPCCTFTCATTONS , ON Re-VERse SIDE OF TiiTS .stein' 0140 Be COMPLeamh s farm UPA 10/88 vl %... BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CONTINUED WILDING SPECIFICATICNdS : Type of construction , wood frame , fire safe etc . wood frame Will any second-hand or ungraded lumber be used? If so , for what ? no Foundation wall material concrete block Thickness 8 " Depth of foundation below grade. ( to bottom of footing ) 48" minimLun Will there be a cellar? no Heated or unheated? Floor sq. footage sq ft Will there be a basement? _ILno Will any portion be used as living space? ( If so , what portion? sq . ft . - - Type of use? Type of roof - < ar flat/shed,/other Material of roof fiberglass shingles Size , wood studs ? "X "' spacing 24 4'o . e . length 8 ft , .joists ( floor beams ) 1st . floor nIa "X is spacing "some , span ft . Joists ( flour beams ) 2nd . floor nIa "X spacing "o . c . span ft . Overlays ( ceiling beams ) n/a "X '" spacing "o . c . span fc . Roof rafters See "xG I)lan " spacing 240' O . C . span f t , Hoof trusses (pre-engineered) spacing Z4 "' o . c , spany_vary ft . ( see plan) Exterior wall finish stained Of what material? 5 /8"x 4 ' x 8 ' TEXTURE 1-11 Interior wall finish painted 1 /2" sheetrock If a garage is to be attached , describe materials to be used for FIRE SEPARATION : n a Is there to be an opening between garage and dwelling? n a If so will a Fire-rated door , enclosure , and self-closing device be provided? Will a flue - lined chimney be installed? no Height above roof ft . Depth of chimney foundation below grade ft , Depth of fireplace hearth ft , in . Water supply - Municipal or private well I"1LtT1] Ci al SEPTIC SYSTL:M _ Distance from ANY private well ( ineluding adjoining properties n a ft . (A separate application is necessary for any repair or new installation of septic system) D E C L A R A T 1 0 N To the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUILDING CODE, TIME ZONING ORDINANCE , and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with , whether specified or not, and that such work is authorized by the owner. Signature Ow er, owner's agent , a itect, contructor SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE: PERMIT : gy- ---------- ----- ----------- ----------- APPLICATION FOR SEPTIC DISPOSAL PERMIT Ref : S . P. E. D. S * DATZ _ ILII — New York - 0202525` Ck { MODEL __-- of , LOCATION OF PROPERTY FOR IN �' been Drive Guyer Builders * Inc . Telephoner ( 518) 899-9161 Owuer's Names Guy , Address: 119 Dunnip Street , Ballston Spa . New York 12020 IustaUer's Name: Guyer Builders , Inc Telephone: ( 518) 899-9161 2 A, G , E, I , .7 , K, L, 3 F, G , H Number of bedrooms (residential only) 2 _ Total daily flow (compute Q I50 gal per bedroom) 300 Thy: circle one: lat Rolling Steep Slope 9ti6 of slope Soil Nature: circle one: Saud LoamGlay Other / Depth: 8 ' feet + Ground Water: At what depth? un"nown 8 feet + jj0dreck or Impervious Material: At what depth? unknown feet Pex=alation test% circle one. riot requu•e required { rate min. inch. Domestic rwater ,supply: circle one: Municipal W ell Other IF domestic water supply is a 'Well= NIA feet Separations Watersupply from Septic absorption �. * PROPOSED SYSTEM: Septic Tank gal. (minimum size: 1,000 gal') TLLE FIELD: Each Trench NIA feet / Total system length NIA feet * SEEPAGE PITS?. Number of I Size each feet by feedt` * Size of stone to be used # I Depth or Thickness feet +� s * * s ac s s * * * � * a► * s * * * s s * * a � * s * * s. * s * # * * ac s * * r► IMPORTANT * See 5 * P* E*D* S* ...Please„.LIST NEW EQUIPMENT TO BE INSTALLED permit & attached * sus * s * * * sus * s * * r * * s * s * * �s * s * s� * * ara * arress * s * map . (over) P Section U Septic Snteux Inspections: A. All applications for septic system installation, alteration or repair. as _ required by the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Ordinance. shall be submitted to the Building Department at least 24 hours before start of constructions and shall include a plot plan showing: 1.) the propoped .location of the glystem 2.) location and distance to lot J$nes 3.) location and distance to struptures 4.) location and distance to any *tkter supply 5.) size and dimensions of all tanks. distribution boxes, the fields and/or drywells Be No system shall be covered before inspection and approval by the building Inspector. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the uncovering of the system by the installer and a fine of up to $250.00, C. An approved copy of the plot plan shall be available on the construction site. Failure to produce said plot plan at time of inspection may result in an immediate work stoppage. D. Should unforeseen problems during construction prevent proper installationg alteration or repair of an approved system, a new proposal must.-be submitted to the Queensbury Building Department before further construction. I Lave read the regulations above and agree to abide by these and aU requirements of the Town of Queensbury Sas itazy Sewage Disposal C*dinance. cs Signature of.responsible person: . � - Dates Town of Queensbury Building and Code Department Bay at Haviland Road Queensbury, New York 12901 (518) 792-5832 CFTTI Fn t7Ai M[. uF AF NATURAL RFAUTY A GOOD. PLACE TC. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES ,DEPARTMENT f DAY ,& HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 1280� TELEPHONE (518 ) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST F INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME _ LOCATIO PERMIT DATE �#� � APPROVED YES LNO FOOT.rNG/.VIERS MONOLITHIC PO U FORMS_ FOUNDATION/DAM PROOFING BACKFILL APPROV L ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUG IN INSULATIONr FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING ✓FINAL INSPECTION , CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING .SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHE STEPS -- STAIRS-CLEARAN & RAILS PLUMBING FIXT E RELIEF VALVE INTERIOR TRI /PRI ACY DOORS FINISHED F RS GARAGE FIR PROOFI DOaR cLc�s SMOKE DE ECTORS FINAL ELE TRICAL INSP CTION FINAL AP OVAL OF CON TRUCTION A .SIGN D CERTIFICATE O OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILD NG DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCU IED! REMARKS: I SPECTOR A MIDDLE DEPARTMENT ;INSPECTION AGENCY, INC. goo H ddnn Avanu ;,Colllnylswoodr N.J_ 96-we c . oat" December 21 , 1989 vC£ it i I �kYi that the electrical .equipment listed has been examined and is approved as being in accord with the Nat : onal Electrical Code., applicable 0overnmental, utility and Agency rules. S, Owner: Guyer. Builders' Inc O.cupancy: Dwelling Occupant: Singly Fam:LI r.r fY, ! . . ♦ C Location: 62 '=�ri Drive Q11eenSbu Yy 1WarrBn Co) Ws car4ficase covers it,e electrical equipment and insrallal,on Inspected into C date. if additional equipment should be introduced Or a,taranOnS made to existing system this certificate shalt be Ault and void ano appiiCer,on fdr 83 outlets ;is ; 40 Receptacles ; 23 Fixtures ; inspecnon should he submitted promptly to this Agency, � EqulpfTient: bolder or tni5 cartificate should present soma to his property insurenCti carrier 150 lap Service ; .9 Appliances (agent or campa ny) as evt Bence dr certtti c a t ion of e I ec trical so u i p meat a op roved as specified. -Guyer Builders Znc Applicant: 119 Dunning Street NO . 15 -030567 L" Ballston 'Spa , NY 12020 � Ferer His. Ida EL 11#3 _.locu►r n/ Queeraizury BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Hawitand Road, R-0. I Box 988 dueensbury. New York 12801 SEPTIC ffOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION NAME LOCAT I fJN DATE / PERMIT NO, SOIL TYPE - an - Loam - Clay Percolation Test Required? YES - NO Percolation rate - Min/Inch TYPE of SYSTEM: Absorption field , total length Length of each trench Depth of trenchks Size of gravel SEEPAGE P ITS-FNun er of) .Size- ft. X ft . Gravel size PIPING : Size Type Bldg . to tank �r�'6 f✓� t Tank to [list . boxE , Dist. bo): to fielpii5 ,�-,� Openings sealed? YES . NO Partial LOCATION/SE7tabsczptlo IONS : Foundation ank ft Foundation ' ftAbsorptionot line ��ft-�-Separationits ft: LOCATION OF SYSTEMS ON ROPER l Y (glrcle one) Front - Real'• - Left s!d ht side CCNMENTS : r� G. a� �' SYSTEM USE APPROVED YES Build ng Insp ctor 01/86 and vl r.- TOWN OF QUEENSBURY S BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVXLAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12804- TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST .FOR NSPECTXON RECEXVED NAME LOCATION DATE J/ ' /r.� PERMIT # APPROVED YES NO FOOTXNG/PIERS MONOLITHIC Poum FORMS FOUNDATION/DAMiA-PROOFXNG f ` BACYFXLL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING L ETRICAL ROUGH-xN SULATXON: FOUNDATION FLOORS i WALLS CEILING FINAL XNSPECTIO : v CHIMNEY HEIGHT f' ROOFING t SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES STEPS�'• --+� STAIRS-CLEARANC & RAX& PLUMBING FIXTU$ES/RELSEK �z� XNTERIOR TRIMIbRIVACY DOcRS'. FINISHED FLODS GARAGE FXREpljbOFxNG _ DOOR CLOSER (9) SMOKE DETEC2'TRS L FINAL ELECTRICAL .INSPECTION FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUXLDXNG DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS; -r INSPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUrLDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 12809- TELEPHONE (518} 792-5832 13UILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR SPED TION RECErVED NAME LOCATION + / 'f DATE /'7 f PERMIT —07 APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/PIER MONOLITHTC PO R FORMS F0UNDATION/DAM —PROOFING BKPXL.L APPROV �T �c]UGH PLUMBrNG it1 MrNG ELECTRICA Ti, ROUGH— xNsuLATroN: FOUNDA TroN FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL rNSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORC ESjSTEP� STAIRS-CLEA NCE & RA I tir PLUMB.ING FI TURESJ& X VAZVE INTERIOR T IMjPRIVACY FTNISHED F P'S RS GARAGE FT EPROOPXNG DOOR CLO ER (S) SMOKE D TECTORS FINAL ELE TRICAL TNSPECTTON FINAL AP ROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNS CERTrFICA TE OF OCCUPANCY OBTAIN BE FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTME ST BEFORE THESE PREMTSES ARE OCCUPIED! BEFORE REMARKS: �f JJ INSPECTOR MEMO �.JOWI2 O� �L[PP►33 Cs t11"E,r[ . SL1fLDfNG and ZONING DEPARTMENT Say and Haviland road. R. D. I Bvx 98 Ou eensbu ry, New York 12$O1 f/�"" SEPTIC I POSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION NAME LOCATICh\f DATE l�s�,�saazlr PERMIT No SOIL TYPE - Sand - Loam - Clay Percolation Test Required ? YES Percolation rate - MinflnCh TYPE of SYSTEM : ` Absorption field , total length Length of each trench Depth of trenches Size of i3raveT_ SEEPAGE ;�ITS{riumber of) -- Size- ft. Gravel size PIPING : Size T Bldg - to tank Ype Tank to (list . box Distv bos_ to field fpik Openings sealed? YES NO partial LOCATTON/'SEPARATI+DNS : Poundation to tank F absc rpti oundaticn to ft` £t . Absorption to lot li pits on ne Separation of ft . ft. LOCATION op SYSTEM ON pRopERTY (circle one) Front - Rear - Left side - Right side C S : SYSTEM USE APPROVED "YES r IL Bui ng Inspector 01/86 and vl TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUrLDING AND CODES D,&PARTMENT BAY & HAVrLAND ROADS i -7UE'ENSBURY, NEW YORK 12804 F 2ELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSP`ECTI REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTrON RECEIVED RAME XA0CATSON DA 21E PERMIT # �© APPROVED FOOTrNG/PIERS YES NO P'm'CNOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDA3 Z0lV/.DAMP-PROOF.rNG DACICFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMB-I FRAMrNG ELECTRrCAL R�3L7GH-rN 1-NSULATrON: } FOUNDATION .I FLOORS WALLS CE2LrNG FrNAL INSPEcTX0 CHIMNEY NEIGH ROOFING STD-I SKTEAL PORCHE STEPS STAIRS-CLEARANCE & RAI —`—` F'LUMBrNG Fr,YTURE II F VALVE INTER)-o.R TRIN/PR-r AC DOORS FrIVI FLOORS GARAGE F'rREPROUF.TN DOOR CLOSER (S) SMOKE DETECTORS FrNAL ELECTRrCAL SP TION FrNAL APPROVAL O CONS UCTION A SrGNED CERTIFrCATE OF OBTAINED FRoN THE BUILDING UPANCY MUST BE THESIS PREMrSES AR S EP.ARTMENT BEFORE OCCUPIED! °, rNSPECroR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEpAR30 NENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 1280k TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTC)R " S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECE-TVED NAME LOCA TXON erle DATE --� -. . PSRMrT # APPROVED FOOTING/PIERS YES NO MONOLITHIC UR FORMS FOUNDATION/ -PROOFING BACKFILL AP P VA (/ROUGH PLUMBI F'RANTNG ELECTRrCAL R H-IN II'SULATrON: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL IN.SpHCTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ti ROOFING SIDING E7CT ERNAL CH E /STE STAIRS^CT ,ARAN & PLUMBING FIA' ES/RELIL�E VA LVE INTERIOR TRI /P FIr7ISHED F RIVACY DOORS RS GARAGE FIRE R00FING DOOR CLOSE (S) - SMOKE DET CTO7RS FINAL ELEC ICAL INSPECTION FINAL APPR VAL OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED QBT'ArNED E'RTIFrCATE OF OCCUPANCY mj,ST BE FROM THE DUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ,ARE OCCUPI4'D1 .REMARKS INSu3eTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUrLD-TNG AND CODES DEPARTMENfi BAY & HAVrLAND ROADS ^ti QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK TELEPHONE � 32&a CS.IsJ 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR -TNSPECTrON RECErVED � } NAME DATE r S FERMTT APPROVED FOOTING/PIERS YES NO MONOLrTHrC POUR FORMS FOUNDATIONfDAMP- 'ROOFING 33ACKFrLL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBrNq FRAMrNG '' ELECTRICAL ROU {I.-TN +G� AVSULATTDN: FLOORS CZrLING FINAL rNSPECTIONr CHrMNEY HEIGHT ROOFrNG SrDING EXTERNAL PORCHE /STEPS .STAIRS-CLEARAN E & RArLS PLUMBING FIXT ESIRELrEF VALVE XXTERIOR TRr PRrVACY DOORS FINrSHED F RS GARAGE FrRE RtX7FING DOOR CLOSE rsJ - SMOKE DETE TORS FINAL EL£iCTR CAL rNSPECTION FrNAL APPRO L OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CER2*rFrCATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST DE ODTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREM-TSES ARE OCCUFrED, REMARKS: .tf Jar TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAV ILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORIC Z280g_ TELEPHONE (5I8) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR SNSrPECfiION RECEXVED NAME .y` LOCATION a DATE PERMIT # Zl APPROVED `^ rT- NG/PIERS YES NO MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOVjVDAT TONfDAMP-P'ROOFXIVG BACI(FILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL RC]U ! —IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION t FLOORSld WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING 44 SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHE /STEPS 't STAIRS-CLEARAN & AT21 9 PLUMBING FI XTU ES/R;ZTE VALVE INTERIOR TRIM PRIVACY FINTSHED F ,S GARAGE FIRE DOPING DOOR CLOSER S) SMOKE D.F FINAL RS - ELECTR CAL INSPECTION FINALL, APPRO L OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CER�rTPXCATE OF OCCUpANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM T ?k BUZ Y LDNG DEPAR'27MENT BEFORE THESE PREMI,SRS ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS: INSPECTOR ~'T ~-- .70"'On 40 �ueens6urrdf BLHLOiNG and ZONING DEPARTMENT Bay and Haviland Road, R. D. 1 Box 98 Oueensbury, New York 12801 SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION NAME LOCAT ION : C7 - Gam' DATE % PERMIT No, SOIL TYPE - Sand - Loam - Clay - Percolatiorl,, Test Required? YES - NO Percolations ate - Min/Inch TYPE of SYST Absorption fie , total len � - = Length of each ench " 7 Depth of trenche y y Size of gravel_ SEEPAGE PITS4Numbe of) -- Size- ft. X +, ft . Gravel size -4r PIPING : 4y S 1 e Type Rldg , to tank Tank to disc , box r � � Disto box to field/ x " Openings sealed? Y S NO artial LOCATION/SEPARATI , Foundation to tan ft, Foundation to ab rption ft . Absorption to 1 ',Line ft, Separation of is t, LOCATION. � TEM ON PROPERTY ircle one ) Front - Rea / Left side - Righ side - ctxwrMENms le 951AE f j f /70 7 'SYSTEM USE APPROVED YES NO Building Inspector 01/86 and vl MIDDLE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION AGENCY, INC. National Headquarters 900 Haddon Ave., Collingswood, N.J. 08108 Date: l Town or '� � County_ State Location/Address 7 (If Located in Rural Area Please Attach Directions) Pole # Owne r Occupied As + / G Permit 4 r f_ s Occupant ` - Building: ' Ned w&1 Old Work Area in Building Floor #, etc. ) : App. for: Wiring Service or: Ready for Inspection: Fee Remitted - $ PCash F1 Check Q M.O. Make Payable To: M1A.D.I.A. Number of Rough Wiring Outlets Elect. Heat S00 750 1000 1250 1500 1150 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 Switches Lighting Amp. 'Service Surface Unit Dishwasher Range Receptacles Water Heater Air Conditioner _�.._�Dryer Pump, Number of Fixture Oven Garbage Disposal Wiring and Controls for Burner Amp, Receptacles Fractional H.P. Vent Fans Other Equipment: MOT, Nuret r _- 172 1l12 1710 1/8 1/6 1/4 1/3 1/2 3/4 1 llfz 2 3 5 7+h 14 15 24 25 3e 44 50 75 104 Mark. Alurri(aer :,:;'; :,. of Each Six . _ Applicaot's S'9F?attur�l.- License # Permit # T/A ILK. Utility- legd;� 45 f nl�.i79�flii Duy_dtat OAPplicant's:Address N (City) (State)-. — (Zip)-_ 79t -+ Phone # Service Request # Electrician: r / DATE RECEIVED. DATE INSPECTED: Correct Location : Same as Above Q or: Red Notice Label Q Rough Wiring Outlets Surface Unit Oven Switches Range Garbage Disposal Receptacles 11 Water Heater Dishwasher Fixtures Air Conditioner Dryer Amp. Service Equipment Burner, Wiring & Controls for Amp, Receptacle Arnp. Service Conductors Pump Vent Fans MOTORS H.P, 1/20 1{12 1f10 1/8 1/6 1/4 1/3 1/2 3/4 1 1Vx 2 3 5 7M2 td 15 20 25 30 40 50 144 Mark Number of Each Sire Elect. Heat Sp0 751, 1000 1250 I500 1750 2000 2250 500 2780 3o0p 3 .;a 0 Rw Progress: Inc. E3 " LKD F1 Contractor CFT Violation : Work Comp. 0 Inc. [] . 0 L/A Owner CASH Q Q d. L/A Fee CH K # IPA Municipal due MQ IN11 # _ Date: Other Side © Utility C 3 Applicant [] Owner Q Cut in Card Q Temp # Date Date //'- -. {","r llvcb Rs IGM r&4E a-� APPLICfkTIC7N FG RNF NO. 250 EL 11/$6 _. . . - .,_._. . .. .. -- _ - .. ....; . . ... . . QMN VICTORIA'S GRANT molow, MY (C.O.T.G.) 2000 gal 8'-0 DIAMETER W -0 DEPTH REFERENCE DRAWINGS: 5 SITE UTILITIES SEPTIC & WATER VanDUSEN & STEVES SURVEY PLAN Q-MODEL ROOF PLAN WILL VARY ACCORDING TO SALE, DRAWING SHOWS ONE STYLE ONLY CLEAHOUT TO GRADE. (C.O.T.G.) 58,%62,64,66,68 QUEEN MARY DRIVE POT PLAN is SEPTIC SY, M ow Full i b e. dram: W 7/5/8f e .20-e