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,.L y CERTIFICATE 6t ( CUPANCY TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW Y©RK i Date February 5 19 90 id I This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. 89- 7 3 { has been completed. 1 This structure may be occupied as a B ts—G� r�ge - Lcocati QueensbUry Ayenu � d Greater Glens Falls Transit Owner _ - By Order Town Board i TOWN OF QUEENSSURY i i Director of Bldg. & Code Enforcement i II _ BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 89-732 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to Greater Glens Falls Transit c OWNER of property located at ijppnr%hury Ave . & Service Road Street, Road or Ave_ in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a Bus Garage at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. 1. OWNER'S Address is G Warren ! Washinton I . D . A a n 2. CONTRACTOR or BUI LDE WS Name g r r 4 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILCIEWS Address � Machnicic Build . Richard Jones r P . D . Box 1530 119 Aviation Road XXXX Green Island N . Y . ueensburys N . Y . 1280 S 4. ARCHITECT'S Name L 5. ARCHITECT'S Address C C 6. TYPE of Construction -- (Please indicate by x) r r i ) Wood Frame I ) Masonry [ ) SteelKy Tune 2$ Noncombustible e C 7_ PLANS and Specifications No. Sol x 82 ' & 42 ' x 42 ' Bus garage as per plat plan , specifications , r X XXX and application . 8. Proposed Use r Bus Garage r $ Examp PERMIT FEE PAID — TFkls PERMIT EXPIRES April 1 19 90 (if a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the towen of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury this I 1t h Day of _ September _�19 89 t ram. c S SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury Suit ing and Zoning Inspector I i r TO BE COMPLETED BY BLDG . DEPT. Wo • Application No . �r3wn o� '�ueensfrur� TOWN OF C.�I.2EERiSBUFfY BUILDING and ZONING DEPARTMENT Permit Issued 19 RECEWED Permit Expires 19 Flay .arid Haysland Road, R. D. 1 Box 98 zoning Designation � j Uueensbury, New York 12801 Variance No . .�7G G 1989 Site Plan Review No . Approved by : BLDG. & CD� D APPLICATION FOR We N" PU I I_D I NG AND ZONING PERMIT A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION . ANSWER ALL OF THE FOLLOWING . The undersigned hereby applies for a Building Permit to do the following work which will ire done in accordance with the description , plans and specifications submitted , and such =, pedal conditions as may be indicated on the Permit . - -------------------_ ................... The owner of this property is : I . . a . Address QIX A" r 1. .. , / r, � ws f �i rr� ..� Tel . _ pe ,' l oc a'� i o n : i +i L1�"^""`IF�[`�1sft � t I s-aP E+ +�"Awin Tax Map No . ..'/ ' Street number or bu``il�lding lot number ;:i_ldivision name ( if applicable ) i' L:ftSON RESPONSIBLE FOR SU1='LRVYSIOIV OF WORK AS REGARDS BUILDING CODES IS : Rrc�r : . � �or�l rt� t1u ,}.►ra �'v�fil� riy' H1� + � - roj � Nauae P . O . ddress Tel . No . of builderb41j44. Address P&P ft#K � $l� ,p �,AIE' i H, ' rn „rlG of plumber WI� &W ,/� W� Address �e f ' 1 . of` mascara- Address �GIL CrS iUl^fN#lv1 Tel � 7 lre's 5 �d NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK : ZONING I NFOR.MAT I ON : Construction of a new building * A PLOT PLAN MUST BE PREPARED AND SUBMITTED , - Addition to a building " drawn reasonably to scale and attached hereto , --Alteration to a building showing clearly and distinctly all buildings , � (no change to exterior dimensions) whether existing or proposed and indicate all Tither work (describe ) * set-back dimensions from property lines . Give street and number or lot number and indicate * whether interior or corner lot . Show location POR DEMOLITION PERMIT , SPATE SIZE AND 1_0 - ^_ATION OF STRUC'.VURES AFFECTED . of water supply and location and configuration * of septic disposal area . COMPLETE INFORMATION REQU I RED BELOW . _ * Size of property �► - - - ft X isdolo ft . Existing building ( s) Size. ft X ft * ' X) POSED BUILDING AND USE :* � ,r - � ,� L # Existing building ( s ) Use +� _ u: new structure ft X Aft ft . 'cnundat .ion-pier ab crawl/parti l/full Proposed building , distance from property linev ( circle one ) W Front yard 't7& ft Rear yard � ft No . of stories. (habitable space ) ��, -_ � Side yards �d ft and '�+^,�-- - ft lle.ight ( grade to ridge ) Z.I ft • If . on corner , setback from side street ft, t residential , no , of families r. No . of rooms ( excluding bath, ) - � OCCUPANCY INFORMATION No , of bedrooms now * PRIMARY BUILDING - iDrNo . of bathrooms *"' � One family dwelling Type of heating system �+ * Two family dwelling 1yfr� of fuel n" Multiple dwelling / Number of units raL7 , of fireplaces to be ins Called ,.. ,e,'ill a wood stove be installed? •Permanent occupancy r uc ratral Air conditioning a Transient occupancyBusiness 3'.' I LDI NG STYLE, PRIMARY STRUCTURF Industrial l a*3ch Contemporary Log cabin _�°ther _..dM14P .* .i��[GL1. f..tWsed ranch Mansion Duplex " if addition , what will use be? ::;slit level Old style Bungalow " -- Iac: Cod Cot tago OL ne r ACCESSORY BUILDING-- N/A nrni.al Row Town House � l:aetae'hed garage/one car/ t,:wca car/ car ( C'SRC"1: ()NL: PLI.ASE j Attached garage/one car/ two c:.ar/� c a I * * F * * x * * R * * * TPrivate storage building . . �J' T . MATE D MARKE.T VALUE OP Other 1! : P RUCT ION /y L "] "rOI-.tDIATION ON BUILDTNG SL' ECTF'ICATIONS , ON REVERSE SIDE OP THIS S11EETr TO 13L COMPLETED ! rorm 13PA :/t3ri and-vl BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CONTINUED BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS : 'Pype of construction , wood frame , fire safe , etc . _'" +ja7/+fG71�rL " j ►Gr Nill any second-hand or ungraded lumber be used? If so , for what ? oundation wall material � Thickness aepth of foundation below grade (to bottom of footing ) +w • tA t :till there be a cellar?Heated or unheated? Floor sq. footage sq ft ;rill there be a basement? k4g2will any portion be used as living, space ? ..... . , f se , what portion? sq . ft . - - Type of use? ✓pe of roof - sloped la shed/other Material . of roof q�y# Size , wood studs `ix ... " spacing r "•o .:c . �Iength = w. ft . M , i%!' lIl Joists ( floor : beams ) 1st . Floor "x span ft . Joists ( floor ; beams ) 2nd . floor sox „ ;spacing "o . c . span ft . verlays ( ceiling beams ) "Kisspacing "a . c . .span ft . 40�,, ,�� ,� 'j, � .Jof rafters "X spacing o . c . span ft . Roof trusses (pre~engineer�e1d) spacing "o . c . span ft . Xterior wall finish JlG &L. of what material? ...... AI = . : terior wall finish gj�{(� , , �y �" �", . ilt & a garage is to be attached , describe materiAls to be used far FIRE SEPARATION : ! s there to be an opening between garage and dwelling? If so will a Fire-rated :,,-or , enclosure , and self-closing device be provided? Gomm* vi.11 a flue -lined chimney be installed? Height above roof ft , lj�pth of chimney foundation below grade ft . Ot:�pth of fireplace hearth eft . " in . water supply - municipal or private well t'1IJ/' i G1 Mi , SEPTIC SYSTEM _ Distance from ANY private well ( ir : . Ong adjoining properties r ft . (A separate application is necessary for any 1 I r►epai . new installation of septic system) Own of Queensbury A F F � D A T STATE OF NEW YORK c)unty of warren I swear that to the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained -1: this application , together with the plans and specifications submitted , are a true and ::mplete statement of all proposed work to be done Lon the described premises and that all .ovis ions of the BUILDING CGDI_. , THE ZONING ORDINANCE , and all other laws pertaining to _tze proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or not , and that such work is = _at:norized by che , owner _ SWORN t1`0 BEFORE ME THIS Signature � 3c : + � + ��/ Aso arcnic�t , day of 19 � L"aryPublic , Warren County , N . Y . * * h * * * At * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Is * * * * * * ;P.ECIAL CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT : - FROM GGFTS TO 7447222 �, p . 02 /T - � 'T`OWl,V OF Q +UEENS B UR Y Say at HaO007d Road, Uuaensbury, NY 72801-9725 — 578-792-6$32 March 16 , 1989 w_ Bpozw&an Charles , Eag . GRHATjrp GLENS FALLS TRANS-TT 78 DIX AVenUe Glens Falls , New York 12801 RSa CftV ni" Glens pa31s - Bus Garage PCojeK't Dear Mr . Charles : r4n rurtherance of our telephone conversaViOn 0, March 2 , ) 9$9 . and your letter dated March 6 , 1989 , this will confirm that X have reviewed the pral <2209e3 construction of a new bus garage and office .facility by the city of Glans Falls and have determined that this is a govrrnmenta3 purpose . Theretcrre , as a matter of law , .it would appear that the city dcy&s not need to obtain a building permit and/or undargo site plan review in acc©rdance with the zoning Ordinance of the Town or Queeszsbury. The above-opinion is rendered in view of the fact that the City of Glens Faj2s owns and oparates the local transit syms.em through the Greater Glens palls Transit agstem and that ,it is the city at Glens polls which is taking title tU the property involved , a.s well as constructing the bullding. r will retain Wur letter as weli as this letter , in my fil&4F as documentation , and f trust- that the above will satist'u any needs you have concerning this matter . .If x may be of any further .assist- ancva please do not hesitate to contAct me . very truly yours . PAUL Rw DUSZK 2'C.7FVN R TTORIITEY PB D :pam cmol iC or NAri IRA L SEA UTY A GOOD PLACE iO LIVE„ SC- TILED 1763 r TOWN OF ¢ UE . NSBURi WARREN COUNTY , NEW YORK Application for : BUILDING PERMIT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE NEW YORK STATE ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE A permit must be obtained before beginning work . ANSWER ALL of the following : 1 . Gross floor area. 2 . Type of heat Q to, 3 . Is the building mechanically cooled ? �9Ji ��( iG� 2rjb`/ 4 . Percentage of area of windows and doors / I A . Over 16 % Only 00000 1 . Uo value of gross area of walls , roof / ceiling and floors exposed to ambient conditions � & 2 . Floor over heat - d spaces YES a . Are foundat on walls insulated ? YES NO 1 . If YES , what is the R value ? 3 , Slab on grade YE NO a . If YES , wh . t is the R value of insulation around perimeter of floor ?� 7�-- �_ 4 . Is basement heated ? YES !.] /A a . R value of insulation 1 _/ 7 5 . Type of insulation � �rra B . Under 16 % Only 1 . R value of roof and floors exposed to ambient conditions 2 , R value of exterior walls 3 . R value of glazed area 4 . R value of doors 5 . R value of floors over unheated spaces 6 . R value of slab edge insulation - unheated slab 7 , R value of slab insulation - heated slab $ . R value of heated basement/ cellar walls ( above grade ) 9 . R value of heated basement /cellar walls ( below grade ) 10 . Type of insulation Co Controls , - 1 . Thermostat maximum heat settinga r D . Duct Systems 000000 14 is duct system installed in unheated spaces ? YES NO a . if YES , R value of duct installation b . R value of duct in other areas E . Pilling Insulation 1 . Size of hot water or cooling carrying agent pipe 2 . R value of pipe insulation '- F . Service Water Heating n 1 . Performance efficiency. 2 . Temperature control setting ma2lfiMUMr, o G . For Swimming Pool only 1 .7oo Maximum heating dqF°t Telephone No . '/7q-xo7 � ( applicant ' s gnature ) TOWN OF QUEEWSBURY (- BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUE'ENSBURY, NEW YORK 12804. TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIV NAME LOCATION DATE G7 PERMS # 6__. APPROVED YES INO FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR RMS FOUNDATIONIDAMP-P PING BACKF_ILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS + CEILING /X XNAL INSPECTION: � \ CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/ EPS STAIRS-CLEARANCE RAI _ PLUMBING F7X!2TI RES RELZ VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/PR ACY D R5 FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIREPROO NG DOOR CLOSER (S) SMOKE DETECTORS FINAL ELECTRICAL NSPECTIO FINAL APPROVAL O CONSTRUCT N A .SIGNED CERTIFI TE OF OCCU NCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM TH BUILDING DE RTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES A E OCCUPIED! REMARKS: k INSPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT 1 ■ ] DAY & HAVILAND ROADS J{/ (7UEENSBURY, NEW YORK 3280!& TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR NSPECTION RAqEXVED 1 NAME LOCATION DATE '�� PERMIT ## . +G7 APPROVED FOOTING/FIER,S YES NO MONOLITHIC FOUR ORMS FOUNDA TION/DAMP ROOFING BACKFZLL AFPROV _ ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUG IN .INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILzNG FINAL INSPECTION CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCH /STEPS STAIRS-CLEARA & RAILS PLUMBING FIXT R /RELIEF VALVE INTERIOR TRI P VACY DOORS FINISHED F RS GARAGE FIRE OO NG DOOR CLOSER S) SMOKE DETE RS FINAL ELECTR AL z PECTION FINAL APPRO L OF NSTRUCTION A SIGNED C TIFICAT OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED F OM THE BU zNG DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PRE SES ARE UPZED! REMARKS: 7 INSPECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDrNG AND CODES DEPARTMENT FAY S HAVrLAND ROADS (7UEENSBURY, NEW YORK 1280g TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTORS REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME I V /A JfS e T LOCAT.TON Vll = DATE / 7(� PERMIT # �_ APPROVED FOOTING/PIERS YES NO MONOLXTHIC I'OtJR FORMS FOUNDATION/DP—pROOFING BACKFILL APPRdVAL ROUGH PLUMBING, FRAM17NG ELECTRICAL ROUGA—IN INSULA TrON: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/S Ep STAIRS—CLEARANCE' RAT PLUMBING FIXTURE /RELIE VALVE rNTERrOR TRIM/P VACY FINISHED FLOORS GARAGE FIREPR FING DOOR CLOSER (s) SMOKE DETECTO S FINAL ELECTRIC L rNSPECTION FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERT ICATE OF OCCUPANCY B ST BE [7BTAINED FROM THE UILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIEDI REMARKS: W 464 T1A2v fcl, + rraz c, 2 rNSP TOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY I BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS F QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 1280¢- TELEPHONE (518) 792-58.32 BUILDING INSPECTOR " S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPEC .ION RECEI`V'ED_,4a1 NAME G LOCATI N DATE 99 � APPROVED YES NO FOOTING/,PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS ,y FOUNDATION/DAMP—PROOFING CKFILL APPROVAL OUGH Pium13 ING-02z FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH—IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION * ,, FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL .INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES/y EPS' STAIRS—CLEARANCE . RAILS PLUMBING FIXTUR /RELIEF VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/ RIVACY DOORS —FINISHED F S GARAGE FIRE OOF,TNG DOOR CLOS (S) SMOKE DE CTORS ;' FINAL EL TRICAL SPECTION FINAL 4 KOVAL OF tCONSTRUCTION a A SIGNED C&RTIFIC TE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PRRNfSES AR OCCUPIED! REMARKS: 6 w INSP TOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILD.YNG AND CODE �1,. DAY & HAVILAND R DEPARTMENT Ds /�"' r 'Yo QUEENSBURY, NEW Y RK 1280g TELEPHONE (528) 92-5832 BU I LDIN4,v INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSP-egTION RECZX v&D LOCATION y DATE F.d -� APPROVED FOOTING/PIERS YES NO MONOLITHIC POUR FO FOUNDATION/DAMP-PR p�J ,ING RACKFILL APPROVAL + 15<OOUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING F-rNAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHEy9fSTEPS STAIRS-CLEARANC.8! & ,AIL PLUMBING FXXTU ES/RELIEF VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/ FINISHED �s+.� p0 .SRIVACY DOO ^� GARAGE FIRED IN. DOOR CLOSER (S) SMOKE DETEC ORS FINAL ELECTR CAL, INSPECTION �- FIN,AL APPRO AL OF CONSTRUCTION i A SIGNED ERTIFICATE OF OBTAINED FROM THE RUI OCCUPANCY MUST BE TEIESE PREMISES ARE LD2NG +!7EPART MENT BEFORE OCCUPIED! REMARKS: INSP y- -�`-'ECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK I2804t TELEPHONE (518) 792- 5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUEST R INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME � LOCATION C � -� DATE PERMIT # _— APPROVED 11111 YES t7OTINGfPIER m w7c POUR FORMS FOUNDATIONfDAMP--PROOFING BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUNBING FRAMING Ir ELECTRICAL R UGH-IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION F'.LOORS WALLS; FINAL INSPECfiION: `. CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORC ES/STEPS STAIRS-CLEA NCE & RAILS — PLUMBING FI TURESIRELIEr VALVE INTERIOR T N/PRIVACY DOORS FXNISHED F RS GARAGE FI EPROOFING DOOR CLOS R (S) SMOKE DE EC MRS FINAL ELEC ICAL INSPECTIO FINAL APP VA OF CONSTRUCTIf�]N F11 A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE ORTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS: INSP TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 1280k TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST , 40R INSPECTION ECEIVED ] NAME - ZoOCATSON yy DATE ` 1 -T PERMIT # APPROVED YES I NO t, eOOTSNG/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATION/DAMP-PROOFING DACKFTLL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN INSULATION: FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: CHTNNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCH)AVSTEPS STAIRS-CLEARANCE & RAILS PLUMBING FIXTlJRES/RELIEF VALVE INTERIOR TRJRIPRIVACY DOORS FINISHED FL40ORS j GARAGE FIR&TROOFING DOOR CLOSERS) SMOKE DETECTORS FINAL ELECTRICAL INSPECTION FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIEDI REMARKS: I t INS TOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING .AND CODES DEPARTMENT J�Y� BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 1280k TELEPHONE (518) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR' S REPORT REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME r- LOCATION, y DATE 'T - /°r PERMIT # APPROVED YES NO &4lr00TING1PIERS MONOLITHIC PO R FORMS FOUNDATION/D -PROOFING BACKFILL AP P L ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN INSULATION_ FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING - EXTERNAL PORCH /STEPS STAIRS-CLEARA E & RAILS PLUMBING FIX /RES/RELIEF VA VE INTERIOR TRI PRIVACY DOORS SHED F RS GARAGE FIRE ROOFING DOOR CLOSE CS) -- SMOKE DETE TORS FINAL ELECTR CAL INSPECTION " FINAL APPROV L OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED! REMARKS: IN ECTOR r �L I •r r + r TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING AND CODES DEPARTMENT BAY & HAVILAND ROADS QUEENSBURYr NEW YORK 3280k TELEPHONE (5I8) 792-5832 BUILDING INSPECTOR ' S REPORT REQUES.�FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED NAME q r ■ 1[�AJV SI '�-y , LOCATION or— - GoyA .,r`4 LtiJic 1C4�'1A-a::3 DATE J 177 PERMIT # APPROV D YES NO k FOOTING/PIERS MONOLITHIC POUR FORMS FOUNDATION/DAMP--PROOFING BACKFILL APPROVAL ROUGH PLUMBING FRAMING ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN INSULATION . FOUNDATION FLOORS WALLS CEILING r FINAL INSPECTION: CHIMNEY HEIGHT ROOFING SIDING EXTERNAL PORCHES TEPS STAIRS-CLEARANC RAILS PLUMBING FIX TU SIRELIEF VALVE INTERIOR TRIM/ RIVACY DOORS FINISHED F S GARAGE FIRED OOFING - DOOR CLOSER SJ SMOKE DE TE S FINAL ELECTR CAL INSPECTION FINAL APPRO L OF CONSTRUCTION A SIGNED CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT BEFORE THESE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED.► REMARKS: '2 yC FaT,,vL� 1� YAM S ,ram � � �.c,J � +�.�► � S .- INSP TOR j YOU ARE HEREBY REQUESTED TO INSPECT AND ISSUE CERTIFICATES FOR THE FOLLOWING ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT TO BE INSTALLED BY THE UNDERSIGNED TEMP r pgTE CITY CR VIL TOWNSHIP Z_ COUNTY Al,C.e'I VLG /J�y�c,►v� CA.31�L1'z '-NT BE EN WHAr TYy1D CS I$ PR ISES LOG4rED BLOCK LOT CR --'"' AVL 70S r� t/ -AAV2. YL -r+ Z.o rION VETF . OCCUPANI"5 NAME BUILDING OCCUPANCY 0b N 'S N AND ADDRESS HOME TELEPHONE NUMaER '11 CU ENT SUPP<jg Err � FROM TMElR � F NA`]fi TELE-P�#(:MIE MBEB, BUILDING IS � VY NEw OLD ❑ WORK IS NEW ADDI'nONAL ❑ DEFECTS REMOVED LIST 13ELOW ALL EQUIPMENT WHICH YOU INSTALLED Loca_ NUMBER OF OUTLETS Nd. of Fixtures & M(7f+JRS HEATERS BRANCH OFFICE USE tion Lamp Receptacles CIRCUITS ONLY Side ,M1ttach't H. AWG. Cedirg Wall R rech't Switch Pendant Bracket Nip. Type Each Na Each No. GaI� INSPECTION OVT- SIDE suB BASE EASE- MENT Ist FL. 2nd FL. and FL. REMARKS: LIST OTHER EL ECTRl CAL DEVICES NOT SET FORTH ABOVE. THIS APPLICATION IS INTENDED TO COVER THE ABOVE-LISTED EQUIPMENT TO BE INSPECTED, BUT IF AT TIME OF INSPECTION, THERE IS FOUND ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT NOT ABOVE LISTED, YOU ARE AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THE WSPECf10N AND ADJUST THE FEE TO COVER THE ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT, AS PROVIDED BY THE APPLICANT, e 2ff2ELL NS� +i' + �""' F E�Ep .7Q ELL�.:fR1C 31GN£JI.AMPS TOfAL''fd�i-ice..,LI R'JOF iJ t CnNC ED r;'A.+TUBE SIGhl?RAhiSFORMERS OF�jcpNCEUEC 7D BE AQA PLQ UL SIZE OF SYGN SNUMBERI CAPACITY -4d .r,"TERS BUILDING MANUFACTUFI OF SOON❑ OVENNEAD NDERGF6d INDCTION REpUEIi}'ED ON fON AS NEM AE POSSIBLE) awrM � IKMMFWATNM D .BY L RATE 710N. AUL MUST A Y BE RET RNLI PRINT NAME AND ADDRESS y� E AP IOANT G s F ppP oD Ss _ U I/� s �G'L AI0 TIE .N 3 : C i CE C_ y, r,rt "A1LBSAtaNteYSNjY1 - .. _. . ._ .. 1',�:ODE� LICENSE N4 WHEN APPLICABLE ❑ 8R`V455 John Street / f ❑ et ❑ 570 Delaware Avenue ❑ 217 Lake Av[e,Inue ❑ 202 Arterial Road NEW 1C3RIf, NY 10038 12207 BUFFALO, NY 14202 1 ROCHESTER0 NY 14646 SYRACUSE, IVY 13206 THE NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS