94-680(2)/1/ f — %eU-I'le-Lz d J,9.1/7E1' O 'CONS ae - - A/�S'3/=/D' wiaa �ZO/v SD � 79 v I N- I 14 b � 3 a ' 3 a 7:�CPE S I � LA,VD�S' Of � \\ oI GC Est/ .FiyTEASE 6/ 9 P. G It 'ma N. �o I V r�pj L �.iToyE _v1 C L 76 n re.•_ C. 1 V S 4 z ArCr 216\.52�� h� I CaJs��o P� Q L,9,VOJ of ce,41ra ,4 6V,9,2L Es SEEL Ey �pD Q' o, J / f / I 4 4 ZI- 'v 83 � 46 � .Sa �G✓ �q�q aq ` too lev 90 �E .S Cz"w %eAFFLf D� ' Ciliz:� J eEuJ T rro eil.146X , L . S �VIYJ. L/C. v/o . 3/739 /v�"�v 'ErZ ww ('IV .F, 5- ZONING INFORMATION "Ll - I A -Light Industry Min. Lot Area I Acre Min. Lot Width 200 Ft. Min. Lot Depth 200 Ft. Min,Front Yard 50 Ft. Min. Side Yard 30 Ft. Min. Rear Yard 30 Ft. (All land uses in LI Zones will be subject to Site Plan Review). To DEED REFERENCE CRA/G ,SEELEy, CAWez£J' J'EELEy John E. Wertime 4A1O GLEN 4g4rC4`_rE 8/2e,119941 9241/B9 to Margaret B. Baxter 4/24/1967 480/374 . - G[EN QATEA.fE T° TO C.2A/G SEEL Ey .SEELEY 7/ZB//99,54. 3130/ 96' MAP REFERENCES ( LOT O ///F J. CL IAA re iV SAiI/Th; -ze A,,- ,Po,Q,C2T 1S ,%oyfF EcC�,E•sTa/�/ 5 y COv1-rE,P dIVrCa,ef-1,4cC L /CENJED LA,VD JUP/�EJ/OPl 92 BAy sT,2EET (9 L -A4f F4L L.I , /1/zwi IO,e� 1e6V1S/O.1S: Map of Lands of J. Clinton Smith," dated 6/10/1955, made MAP oFA P,QoaOSED by Leslie W. Coulter, L.S. 5UA5D1V1s/o.1OF LANDS Map Showing Survey of Lands of C,PA/G .SEEGEy, A3Y of Margaret Baxter," dated 9/8/1975, CO!/LTE.2 �Z made by Schafer & Schafer, Land T>9TE4 ,41,ve 29, l99#. Surveyors. C'O/1/T296Ied aE2wED F,POM TOP06.PAPiS�/C /.✓ p� fSESS/o/v of C'OULTE2 MCCOPiJ7gC,� - By/ cS. aFA/y A_O.2 I �y�,2Lcey CE,eT/F,V TO C,PA/G SEELEY, CHA.PLES JEELEJ/ , kEY ,tiw,V,C of /VET✓ ya,e.�C ,QNO �Y/o,V,QoE TITLE i.V,!'t�.2A,VcE Co.e.00.2�4T/oN, THAT THis ,w4,o wwJ 4N ACTv,4L �f'U,eliEy oN 7' e G,eov,VO 4CCO2O/,V4 TO eeCo,20 .0ESC,2/nor/oNJ; 4A14 Tf/Ar /T J//OWX THE Co eeec7- Loc,97-/0N of 7,91E .BoU,vOAR/ES ,9N.2> /M, eo//ME,t/TJ O,t/ THE /'eEM/J'EJ'. /Wec// 24>99S zf�" " l oL� DATE f%VAORZ t/ T. /ycCo,e/W,9C,e,104S. ALAI . L/C, 41,0. .3/7.39 Me4*D A of /° POPO.SE,D J 6 A6AQ/ i/, f1OA1 O r L ,4AADY 0,4 C.2A/ G' J'£EL E)l AOVO Cf/A.2LEs J'EELE)OOO" 7-0 a),V Of 00/6.6/VfAV e /1 wa 4,e e.E,(/ O'WA17y , /VEl0 _/o e-t ,f?'wz / ,_ > Q®" 74_ 11,41.4,E .!'ECT/OA/ 1.35 , 6Z6C,t- 2, /'XleC.E� ,Z M,9,ec.11, 2d, 1995 F- 2 778 -/2 ;,2 - S -- - - ----- - ------ - _ - - --- - - --- - -- - - r- CA)J/110 OVA r—� �- � ✓8 - I p N 'v 01- PLY 77U i,s Or "S OdrTwrc, Cu. C% of 1 'o t: h s�, lr 6cr" .5gr ViU i L{ , NOTES & SPECIFICATIONS WALL BRACING a) Absent the structural diaphragm achieved by wall and roof sheathing, bracing of the walls and roof is crucial to the capacity of the building to withstand lateral forces due to winds and other causes. Diagonal bracing is required at each corner of the structure and at intermediate points along the walls. Temporary and permanent secondary bracing elements are required in the roof structure. b) At each corner of the building in both directions where possible, diagonal corner braces, 2"x 8", shall be installed from sill to plate at an angle of 45 degrees with the horizontal, and said braces shall be secured to every intersecting stud or other structural element. Where it is not possible to install corner diagonals, such as at overhead door openings, it will be necessary to apply sheathing to develop a plywood diaphragm to stiffen the wall openings. c) At intervals of 35 feet or less along building walls, double 2" x 8" diagonal braces, i.e., "X-Bracing," shall be installed over the full height of the wall such that bracing members intersect at an angle of 90 degrees. (Double diagonals are both stiffer and stronger than single diagonal members.) ROOF TRUSS BRACING a) The owner shall obtain the recommendations of the truss manufacturer with regard to temporary shoring and bracing during erection, and permanent bracing to protect the integrity of the structure. b) Both horizontal and vertical cross -bracing are required in the roof structure. Endwalls must be reinforced to withstand lateral forces, either by shear walls or some other effective method. Provide diagonal bracing in both transverse and longivdinal directions in accord with the recommendations of the truss manufactuer. c) Trusses shall Je effectively secured to wall plates by anchors designed specifically for the Iurpose. "Hurricane anchors," e.g., by Simpson, shall be installed to prevent movement due to uplift or lateral forces. HEADERS a) Door headers shall be adequate to carry roof loads without excessive deflection. The most critical header is at the 16'- wide door situated under the eaves where loads are heaviest. A steel shape, say, W 12 x 27 will provide adequate streng!h irbending, with a maximum deflection of approximately 0.6" under full snow load Headers in endwalls can be fabricated of laminated wood structural elements such as "MicroLam." CONCRETE a) Concrete for footings and foundation walls shall have a 28-day compressive strength of 3,000 psi. b) Concrete for slabs -on -grade shall have a 28-day compressive strength of 4,500 psi. c) Provide control joints in the floor slab as shown on the plan. d) Compact subbase (dry loose sands) to maximum density at optimal moisture content before emplacement of concrete. e) Reinforcing steel shall have a minimum yield strength of 40 ksi. f) Slices in continuous rebars shall be lapped a minimum of 30 diameters. FRAMING LUMBER a) Framing lumber shall have a minimum fiber strength of 1,000 psi in bending. b) Wall sills shall be pressure treated and anchored as shown on the plans. Sill seals shall be installed between concrete and sill. 1. Roof trusses shall be designed and constructed to carry the following loads: SNOW LOAD: 50 psf CEAD LOAD: 15 psf WIND LOAD: 20 psf 2. Fire Stops shall be installed between ceilings and roof decks as follows: Machine Shopat the third points. Welding Shopat midpoint. Fire Stop construction shal consist of one continuous membrane of 1 /2" gypboard securely fastened to a roof,russ and sealed at the ceiling, underside of roof deck and at the eaves. Rock wool SOE "Thermofiber", shall be stuffed into the spaces between the ceiling and thesheetrock, and between the roof deck and the sheetrock to make a continuous tightseal. . U Q CC Woo Z�� V � Qom` � �o m W C.7 X J W m W C Cn Z W W D d WW w W U) z W cr C'.0 O >_ LL, Q Z U 06 O > >- Z) w J W J Ui Z Ix ((D w < U W 0 L0 r- U) v M M u3 a) Z Z J CL � o 00 cc: Y Cr O w W z LU OC v o z Q LU A cc: 0 W d W Z N 0 N Z LO `r Uj x ci a R s O • • • • F 0 Lo u JUco LIw ` cc E , °z ow = cn 01 ;OV-0 O 'L ✓A j 14 vM� -�06Kc1t�r e L�G.�-'✓ Sri l I �U � I '�'! '�-- i � n 1 #Zv ✓irad rL v�uV�arZ rr�rinrt�r�n.1 Ae- rm0 NOTES & SPECIFICATIONS WALL BRACING a) Absent the structural diaphragm achieved by wall and roof sheathing, bracing of the walls and roof is crucial to the capacity of the building to withstand lateral forces due to winds and other causes. Diagonal bracing is required at each corner of the structure and at intermediate points along the walls. Temporary and permanent secondary bracing elements are required in the roof structure. b) At each corner of the building in both directions where possible, diagonal corner braces, 2"x 8", shall be installed from sill to plate at an angle of 45 degrees with the horizontal, and said braces shall be secured to every intersecting stud or other structural element. Where it is not possible to install corner diagonals, such as at overhead door openings, it will be necessary to apply sheathing to develop a plywood diaphragm to stiffen the wall openings. c) At intervals of 35 feet or less along building walls, double 2" x 8" diagonal braces, i.e., "X-Bracing," shall be installed over the full height of the wall such that bracing members intersect at an angle of 90 degrees. (Double diagonals are both stiffer and stronger than single diagonal members.) ROOF TRUSS BRACING a) The owner shall obtain the recommendations of the truss manufacturer with regard to temporary shoring and bracing during erection, and permanent bracing to protect the integrity of the structure. b) Both horizontal and vertical cross -bracing are required in the roof structure. Endwalls must be reinforced to withstand lateral forces, either by shear walls or some other effective method. Provide diagonal bracing in both transverse and longitudinal directions in accord with the recommendations of the truss manufacturer. c) Trusses shall be effectively secured to wall plates by anchors designed specifically for the purpose. "Hurricane anchors," e.g., by Simpson, shall be installed to prevent rnovement due to uplift or lateral forces. HEADERS a) Door headers shall be adequate to carry roof loads without excessive deflection. The most critical header is at the 16'- wide door situated under the eaves where loads are heaviest. A steel shape, say, W12 x 27 will provide adequate strength in bending, with a maximum deflection of approximately 0.6" under full snow load. Headers in endwalls can be fabricated of laminated wood structural elements such as "MicroLam." CONCRETE a) Concrete for footings and foundation walls shall have a 28-day compressive strength of 3,000 psi. b) Concrete for slabs -on -grade shall have a 28-day compressive strength of 4,500 psi. c) Provide control joints in the floor slab as shown on the plan. d) Compact subbase (dry loose sands) to maximum density at optimal moisture content before emplacement of concrete. e) Reinforcing steel shall have a minimum yield strength of 40 ksi. f) Slices in continuous rebars shall be lapped a minimum of 30 diameters. FRAMING LUMBER a) Framing lumber shall have a minimum fiber strength of 1,000 psi in bending. b) Wall sills shall be pressure treated and anchored as shown on the plans. Sill seals shall be installed between concrete and sill. 1. Roof trusses shall be designed and constructed to carry the following loads: SNOW LOAD: 50 psf LEAD LOAD: 15 psf WIND LOAD: 20 psf 2. Fire Stops shall be instilled between ceilings and roof decks as follows: Machine Sho; at the third points. Welding Shopat midpoint. Fire Stop construction shal consist of one continuous membrane of 1/2" gypboard securely fastened to a rooftruss and sealed at the ceiling, underside of roof deck and at the eaves. Rock woo, SOE "Thermofiber", shall be stuffed into the spaces between the ceding and ttx sheetrock, and between the roof deck and the sheetrock to make a continuous tigh� sea Z-Z4r1rl4VI i 0 • sf c• UJ LLJ ir W LLl ir J 0 L1J LLI W > Q UJ Q ® Z U 0 co i � LiZ W W U) --I _J Z lz (D W < Lll U d Ln to � Cr_ w Z fi• Z J a s CZCN ova Y O w w z LU cc a D ° z Q w � 0 w a w N (D N z d w X o m 0 4 # V? F�] 2 h` Q = C m zU_ UJ Q v�Nc tows r! , UW'A1"I,'0i5 ) svr &-y/ L'1 t`st - SIQj f l a wcr- 510e, 'Pf� F ►� �► � � G�1�+ri � �%U(NZ+�►Li W% r1Q�! cowrp�i G�wl F'>ra�l s3l.E #✓ � u.�1� N[�'f' L, /" TN�L' M!� �� BIZ" Lj - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - -+ AWt,YW& (I ,' !,AAA 51e fIU 6AX C� 15J. 'W sit* e-f —__--- f4VIil' JAM, M A4 Atsi A ,'9� UN tx4 9 p;- wri � II 11 + - Lr] t Jf�SA ��Vl�' IOC F LJ Zx4- P4,1& aN - SPA Av U �. 5y Wf l�-G MA)Ji0' 4- `�� �--;--""" �-iZ-'.� � �+ M►Sut,. � p�V�i?� J�,r"' >3 Wit'+ \� Spy As �►, *Ar+� -- i I'X ►AEI, M }- AAM, r-Aave-le t 'V"9 -�PffiT - 1 �`ow` l.oA�i - � � 2� 8 • � 'La a. _ -- `' TYVEIcr" .Notes � � � _ CXaAD toAC3 ! r7 j2 - !� +n-. - —'LX �- 4! s� 5 pea'D — wiry t.4 tiv WL 90GYon ►',q�d� c I �/ Si►�M�a M�1N "64#16, G c,(� ' 4W K, j O*AZ- _T --,L40 t T4 Nt' .low- pt�ra''� ►ram AS �2' 1� M�1f � �>lt�� ��, fir' { 'iD dAwp04-i NC-4,i 4pM3' MAT 41, i✓ j,4L,L VET4 tiTt~L,sON 3/¢1 ` i; ; I + I I V 'ice-. FAT&jp -- f�ip� �C,QNi�►Jta As '+•� J _ v,, Z4 'r.�. S�E zip 'WAf.L ''D yippo'T 'ioA CorKb. I box i(D� GortG, f1'Gi, ;Nl �-- �Ir1oiS7��5ty so! � --1- 2 2 E v1Al.r; '2E,1'AI4U, ._ -;;.�=,�� TOWN OF QUEENSBURY TOWN OF EEN BURY FIRE MARSl AL'S OFFICE iu4�W OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT ?; ��, Based on our limited examination, ' I .v DEPT, REVIEWED BY — compliance with our comments shall DATE - � � - not be construed as indicating the UVt E V ED BY COMMENTS --- F '; pla*is comp and specifications are in full I L E CuP Y compliance with the code. DATE ?0'uVN OF QUEENSBURY FIRE MARSHAL NMCE NMICE Based on our limited examination, compliance with our comments shall FOAM INSULATION MUST BE COVERED not be construed as indicating the KUff "rER MSUEA110N MUST BE cplans omplindewithithecosareinfull COVERED BY NON-OOMOMBLE BARRIER BY A 15 MINUTE THERMAL BARRIER compliance with the code. F- Q W J W • •• LLJ i r i UJ • r� CO Cn Uj Uj LU w LL! LU z LU Q m O W < (p Z U co C �- Z) w LU CO Cn --t -J Z OC (D LL: Q U CT) w d U c w Z L0 d a) Ph Z' Q _J d u' d 00 O w m 0 w z 00 r Q U C cc � D m z z A () tY W W w LU a 0 CV �Zn V Z w v X 0 m 0 F0] ++ 0 LU c� Q m N U 0 U v rn o, '� LU 0 ch z 2 LL W ;- 0 W Lij o W o z � �t W1LD,-�G1 boa �P- v r Mil- PGY �)uIi,T Or s - S�lt�i. >� G�U�l7 � �A►;kr� � � j I<1 of-- 0 WF1L� GON�si•�1U(ia� 5H14�,(, rtv✓+t)E Z iI4P, )%iC5 WjS,f.4r+4 "I, . i uti4S tl,ar�s sr:rt. fs lF �rco '00 f 4* 6c�0pjioJ AlA5 r:4%0`0 1'ROVIM 5/o, r-Ice :Qry GVr� ay. C. k, czj D& M 6a a rowq W.A Gt j I L411YeI Pzovi rx 5'Ie f%i eE mr*-, ), o, Geluri%f, f'fgo_-V 4Ab,? 64A. 1,44mi 44Ar D Wta YD Mom, 1 , >a0w-* r 01 l� 7 ; ' L f6 i P�A1(>;�Y Pf�t• L Srat1 �77 � 1 ,t �I KAN O l44 I e. d ir7-'o" a_ . ,LIN NOTES & SPECIFICATIONS WALL BRACING a) Absent the structural diaphragm achieved by wall and roof sheathing, bracing of the walls and roof is crucial to the capacity of the building to withstand lateral forces due to winds and other causes. Diagonal bracing is required at each corner of the structure and at intermediate points along the walls. Temporary and permanent secondary bracing elements are required in the roof structure. b) At each corner of the building in both directions where possible, diagonal corner braces, 2"x 8", shall be installed from sill to plate at an angle of 45 degrees with the horizontal, and said braces shall be secured to every intersecting stud or other structural element. Where it is not possible to install corner diagonals, such as at overhead door openings, it will be necessary to apply sheathing to develop a plywood diaphragm to stiffen the wall openings. c) At intervals of 35 feet or less along building walls, double 2" x 8" diagonal braces, i.e., "X-Bracing," shall be installed over the full height of the wall such that bracing members intersect at an angle of 90 degrees. (Double diagonals are both stiffer and stronger than single diagonal members.) ROOF TRUSS BRACING a) The owner shall obtain the recommendations of the truss manufacturer with regard to temporary shoring and bracing during erection, and permanent bracing to protect the integrity of the structure. b) Both horizontal and vertical cross -bracing are required in the roof structure. Endwalls must be reinforced to withstand lateral forces, either by shear walls or sorne other effective method. Provide diagonal bracing in both transverse and longitudinal directions in accord with the recommendations of the truss manufacturer. c) Trusses shall be effectively secured to wall plates by anchors designed specifically for the purpose. "Hurricane anchors," e.g., by Simpson, shall be installed to prevent movement due to uplift or lateral forces. HEADERS a) Door hea,,,,.s shall be adequate to carry roof loads without excessive deflection. The most critical header is at the 16'- wide door situated under the eaves where loads are heaviest. A steel shape, say, W 12 x 27 will provide adequate strengths in bending, with a maximum deflection of approximately 0.6" under full snow load. Headers in endwalls can be fabricated of laminated wood structural elements such as "MicroLam." CONCRETE a► Concrete for footings and foundation walls shall have a 28-day compressive strength of 3,000 psi. b) Concrete for slabs -on -grade shall have a 28-day compressive strength of 4,500 psi. c) Provide control joints in the floor slab as shown on the plan. d) Compact subbase (dry loose sands) to maximum density at optimal moisture content before emplacement of concrete. e) Reinforcing steel shall have a minimum yield strength of 40 ksi. f) Slices in continuous rebars shall be lapped a minimum of 30 diameters. FRAMING LUMBER a) Framing lumber shall have a minimum fiber strength of 1,000 psi in bending. b) Wall sills shall be pressure treated and anchored as shown on the plans. Sill seals shall be installed between concrete and sill. 1 . Roof trusses shall be designed and constructed to carry the following loads: SNOW LOAD: 50 psf DEAD LOAD: 15 psf WIND LOAD: 20 psf 2. Fire Stops shall be installed between ceilings and roof decks as follows: Machine Shop at the third points. Welding Shop at midpoint. Fire Stop construction shall consist of one continuous membrane of 1 /2" gypboard securely fastened to a roof truss and sealed at the ceiling, underside of roof deck and at the eaves. Rock wool, SOE "Thermofiber", shall be stuffed into the spaces between the ceiling and the sheetrock, and between the roof deck and the sheetrock to make a continuous tight seal. z Q a 0 J LL 00 N C� W00 Z V Q W 20 m• Uj 00 W M W C Z W W D Cj W W W U (D W D z Q cr . 0 >- W Q oCC z U 0 0 0 S D U LL, z W o0 cn J tY CD W Q _ U M tt W D 0 L0 r M W Z " Z 0° J CL � 06 00 U oc O uj > Z m U Z v; Vj w AQT W: d w A Z N � p1 J N X Z w x m CL � o OV 4 4F-1 LO o Z LU J N U ° co O U FM o 0NWW 0 2" P64i,�2 � 0Xte,N2 x r,-, �- �2, �► Mir.. RYA Zx 4 ?4 19?l PA)4t, Mir es. `�- M fU ' PUIeV Zx Sia, MAx, t. ice` 0.;- �t 'R?6A-r&o Zy4 ,jAlLt� - Ari'r-40i✓ �o I - 2C� Grp-, M lit- - Z x 2> ?.Q- TI WAI.% 6LkV, '('/G► ram, 3rlo w &APO co\lEe �rloM ---------- for OXTt,,0 q AL,TEf.tjn'S j4 1�4�iL C 5"c� �0^ldl ;TtJr7i�di� Go 116 LIA4, Mwk veopillo ---- M r. r-A;ik j W4U, �ihJ 382.5 caper,, LAP 39 aAMKe95 d b ;JAB, . Z ,, # sl- P�Ali( _ rZ, •� �l APQt,�( Sr uM Nods �✓A'fb�' i,k� FA" Liz z _0 z 0 U. Wl M0 W N t® U z p �G Q CC . w p 0 z ^ W �pz w CC co uj W CC13 cn Z W W d W c� W zjQ cc o W Q � z U OwWw cn oJC (7 w < r U C3) ct W :D a LO (n C`) [r °' w z z Q C 0 00 0 U � 0 a } } W z cn w > >; cc cc co uj o uj � a az w • z Ln N V � z w 0 m jr� d 0 uj z s ¢ o cr 0 ,n o CN 6!J N -j Q U cc O� d' 0 w z U- m o � W LU Cl)LU 0 _ ICZ